Jan 9th, 2018
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  1. Hi, Speed Boop here, that one lucio main who probably requires extreme amounts of therapy, and yet is getting no outside intervention and is feeling awfully alone and scared. Sorry, that was a weird tangent. I do have to reiterate, as with all of my reviews, I highly suggest you read my three main guides, as those are sort of a base for all of my information and are also really good guides. Now, since I've already seen the gameplay, I will give a prerequisite- Wall riding will not really be focused on in this review. Moca, you are really good with wall riding. Although not advanced, it is above average and your utilization of it is impressive. There are some faults in it, but those are common and something that you shouldn't blame yourself for. Okay, I'll stop teasing and start on the actual gameplay.
  3. At the start, there are very few issues, as you play your role of maintaining the team like an avid single mother and trying to gain information. At 1:10, you do get a little greedy, pushing in farther than you should alone, especially with your main tank down.Even if your wall riding ability is stellar, you are far from invincible. You can definitely act like it, but thats definitely not what is occurring here. I do really like you grouping up with your Mei, which is something that most would discourage. Mei, like most characters, become extremely scary when given speed. You do stay in a bit longer than preferred, but you survive. In your situation, I would have dived INTO the genji. It sounds insane, but doing this puts him at a massive disadvantage. If your movement outpaces his, he cannot kill you. Up until the two minute mark, all of your problems could be placed on your team and their (hilarious) incompetence. It's important to keep yourself from taking blame in areas where you aren't responsible. At 2:10, you run away from your team when a D.va bomb comes out. Usually, if you are close enough, help them escape with some of that speed. You drop the beat around 30 seconds later, and this wasn't a good use. Knowing that you had a teammate down, there is only one good reason why you would use it, and that would be mitigating losses. If you saved it for the next battle, your team would have much stronger pushing power. The ultimate is a great tool for intimidation and backing up enemies. After that fiasco, you back up while your team is pushing in, which is a good way to leave your team... at a loss. Don't worry, I hate myself too. You could have been healing your Celtic David Bowie, but you ran away from her. Your main heal target should always be your other support, no matter what. I do respect your attempts to peel, which is also a big priority. You start pushing forward, which does win your team the point. Although you aren't playing aggressive, which is it's play style, you seem to be holding back a lot on this point.
  5. Point B is where a lot of stuff starts to improve. You start to have more of an active role in the team fights, really getting in the enemy's face and spitting in it. Your main tactic is diving in, doing damage or helping a flanker, then pulling out like my dad wishes he had. You seem really adamant on the whole annoyance and intimidation part of your gameplay, although you do go overboard on some occasions. I don't have anything to directly comment on, so let's get to the second round.
  7. Defense lucio, is in some ways, harder than attack. He has to manage more and can't really go hyper-aggressive until an opportunity to counter dive appears. Since you have a more defensive play style, you do this well. from 7-7:25, you almost avoid your Reindhart, which is bad. You should make sure that your burly german is able to hold up his team and is able to safely charge his ultimate. You don't really focus on helping him, which indirectly leads to your demise. I will give you a compliment on your rollout ability, as it looks fairly practiced. You do go to point at a pretty bad time, which you should have entirely backed out of and simply saved yourself for the next fight. Your position on point B is fine, but you don't do much on the ground. I see your gripe about aim, but that isn't an issue. Yeah, I don't really care about aim. You do your best damage when you are shoved up in the enemy, so aim, isn't an issue as long as you have mediocre tracking. Once you climb up to Master/GM levels, it does matter, but you shouldn't mind it until then. I do really like you running to help your rein, but you lose focus of the rest of your team. 9:30 is when I see a very common mistake. You don't need to go up on that platform to charge ult or to spam. The High ground in-between the two moving platforms is a much better spot to spam down the enemy. I do admire your attempts to plan things out. You check what ultimates your team has available, which is a good habit. And I will finally talk about wall riding. While your rollouts and speed control are on point, you seem to struggle with more nuanced( Oh wow speed boop said nuance how uncommon.)movement, especially the more twitchy wall riding of combat. You try to avoid direct confrontation and simply stay at a range, which also plays into your sub-par aim. Your ultimate usage was pretty good here, and helped your team stay afloat. When reentering the point, you can see a mercy on high ground. You could have A. Booped her off high ground for some annoyance and easier time dealing with her. B.Booped her into the room and attempt to kill her. Instead, you ignore her and get dispatched almost instantly. Yet, I don't blame the loss of the point on you. There were issues, yes. But the team you had has their flaws.
  9. I'm honestly happy with how you have played so far. Although flawed, you could climb playing like this. Of course, you would eventually hit a brick wall if you didn't grow. This time, there seems to be stronger coordination with your team. You stick together with them and make sure to heal them when you can. And although my guide said to avoid pharah, I'm starting to disagree with that. You should generally avoid her, but still try and damage her if she isn't being healed consistently. With the two comps, you aren't able to counter that pharah very well, and this leads to chaos within the team. I do like you following your rein, but his charge was a total suicide play, and overall was a waste of time and effort. At this point, I would use your ultimate as an opener for a team push. If that didn't work, then I would swap to mercy. And I just threw up all over my keyboard. Although me telling you to swap is extremely hypocritical, as I refuse to play any other support, its an honest statement. You focus a few weird enemies, and have a weird moment with the soldier and mercy, but this isn't big. You peel really well on the Dva, but still die. Your rollout to the point in overtime is honestly beautiful, but you can't get much done. Most people would accept this as a lost about now. I have tied games like these, but it is a strenuous task.
  11. The sad thing is, I know how this ends. You title the video "Lucio Loss". Dude, at least hold some suspense! But, I'm judging you. What happens this round is more of the same. You play well, but you aren't able to utilize your team, and vice versa. Then, gg.
  13. If there is one thing I want you to take away from this review, it's focus. You need to focus more on your team and their conditions. You should still scout, but your awareness of your team was lacking. Lucio is a booster for the rest of his team, and can't really win games on his own. As a rule of thumb, watch your own team more than the enemy. Speed Boop out.
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