
My End to AiE

Feb 5th, 2013
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  1. Well, this is it for me. I have called it quits for my AiE writing. I know most of you don't care, or consider this a troll, but I won't be returning to post anything. Not under Anonymous and not under my trip.
  3. I had fun, made many friends, and pissed most of you off with my Mary Sue OC bullshit. I'm not going to use this space to pull any crap on other writers, and I'm not going to nuke my bin. All of this will remain untouched because I still get use of of Pastebin.
  5. I will, on the other hand, apologise. I'm not going to ask that you forgive me, because I doubt you will. I'm sorry that I fucked up my first "major" story. Yes, I do realise how fucking Mary Sue-ish it was, and I did try to write better ones but to no avail. I'm sorry that people bring up my name in the threads just to justify them shit posting. I don't post under Anonymous because if I have something to say, I'll say it. That being said, I want to show one last thing and make one final major apology.
  7. I want to apologise to Betty Spaghetti for how I treated him over the past 10 months. I was a complete faggot for doing that to him, and my reasoning was just as shit as the crap people pull in my name. I have apologised to Betty in full (transcript of our entire conversation found here:, but I wanted to prove it here not for attention whoring, but to show I at least made amends for one fucked up thing I did.
  9. For those who did enjoy my storylines, or followed the most recent ones, here was how I wanted to end them:
  11. Hoon Anon: Anon would have lived in Ponyville for a while, trying to fix up the broken parts of his engine that became damaged after Twilight "examined" it at her house. It would have been discovered that his blood contained high levels of iron that caused magic to not effect him, and Celestia saw this as a weapon. She recruits Anon as a knight in the army, but for Luna's side. It was going to be a journey of Anon's struggle to be a knight where every wound he faced would take time to heal. This would have ended in Anon and Luna falling in love, but it being a tsundere relationship as Luna still thinks herself higher than Anon.
  13. Tempus Temptartes Traditio- Young Anon would have grown to know how to use his time abilities, but become diagnosed with arrhythmia. It would worsen every time he used his abilities, causing him to never want to use them again. He would fall in love with Minuette after trying to save her life and inadvertently removed somepony from the stream of time. More crap would have happened around town, though it forged greater bonds with Anon and Whooves. As an adult, Anon's hate for Celestia bubbles over and he frees Discord to help him destroy the tyrant. This back fires and Anon is discorded, sent back in his own timeline to ruin his past, which were the causes of him forming the friendships he had.
  15. Psychotic Anon- Yes, I did have a planned ending for this, but I couldn't write it. Anon would have gone back to Ponyville, only to find Shining Armour there. Armour is pissed off that some monkey tried to rape his sister, and seeked revenge. Anon runs but returns to face his punishment. Twilight sees Anon acting so noble with her brother, and forms a crush. She tries to destroy the love that Anon and Octavia have, before it ending with Alice and Mark dealing with her.
  17. I'm going for good. I don't feel I need to be here anymore. AiE was great at the beginning, and it is still great now.
  19. I meant what I said here, and I won't be returning to post. I will continue to read people's works, though. I do ask that you stop bringing up my name to start a fight. It just ruins the threads, and I don't want to see that happen. I'm sorry, AiE, truly I am. I hope you reach 1000 threads, for the original writefags that started it.
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