
"sorry if i sounded too ranty"

Mar 8th, 2018
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  1. billy_baylessI've had enough of your constant anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment, anti-freedom tweets. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. YOU NEVER MAKE EVEN A SINGLE ARGUMENT TO BACK UP YOUR POSITION DURING YOUR MINDLESS PAROXYSMS. WILL YOU GET THE FUCK OFF THIS CONSTANT ANTI-GUN CRUSADE? MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIED FOR THAT RIGHT, AND YOU SO THOUGHTLESSLY WANT IT PISSED AWAY. Let me start by saying that NOTHING symbolizes American freedom like the AR-15. That rifle is as American as apple pie. The 1st and 2nd Amendments are what make America SPECIAL. You want to take MY freedom away. That directly affects me. And I take that personally. How the fuck is the NRA an evil organization for supporting a constitutional right? A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT THAT IS THE 2ND AMENDMENT. ONLY ONE AMENDMENT AFTER THE FIRST.
  2. billy_baylessTHE CONSTITUTION IS THE LAW! THE LEADERS OF THE NRA ARE GOOD PEOPLE. FUCK. YOU. THEY ARE GOOD PEOPLE. The NRA has millions of members who support them whom they represent. What about the MILLIONS of Americans who own and love the AR-15 and AK rifles? Do not THEY support the right to own these guns, too? "DERR, IT'S JUST THE GUN MANUFACTURERS THAT WANT THESE GUNS TO STAY LEGAL." There are millions of people who have defended their lives and their families lives with their guns. The AR-15 is the most popular and best-selling rifle in America, So how can you say that banning the most popular rifle in America is not an infringement on the 2nd Amendment?
  3. Emma Gonzales is a stupid Leftist bitch that needs to be deported. At least David Hogg said he supports the 2nd Amendment but wants some restrictions (and I disagree. Gun laws need to be made LESS strict.) That Gonzales bitch says she "hates guns". Then she's not an American. Just because she was in the same building, supposedly, as the shooter does not mean that she is a victim. SHE WAS NOT SHOT. Just because those kids were in the vicinity of the shooting, that doesn't give them unique insight into sensible gun policies with an understanding of the Constitution and the entire historical narrative of the United States.
  4. billy_baylessDid survivors on the Titanic have better information on ship design to find out the best way to build ships so they won't crash into an iceberg? What about the fact that that one kid WHO WAS ACTUALLY SHOT during the shooting, but who was still pro-2nd Amendment, was censored by the controlled media? Why weren't the survivors at Mandalay Bay interviewed for their opinions on the 2nd Amendment? Because they were a bunch of redneck hicks from a country music concert so their opinions didn't matter? Fuck your limey libtarded, ill-informed opinions. Why don't you ask the millions of Americans who have defended their lives with guns (and I know a lot of those households had children in them.
  5. More children are SAVED by guns. So if you support more gun control, you support MORE DEAD CHILDREN. TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME.) for their stories? IF YOU SUPPORT GUN CONTROL, YOU SUPPORT MORE DEAD CHILDREN BECAUSE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE PROTECT THEIR LIVES AND THE LIVES OF LOVED ONES EVERY YEAR. 99% of the time, not one shot is fired. The mere presence of a gun protects the lives of the people because the bad guy runs for it when he sees it. More people are killed with bare fists each year, and with baseball bats, than with AR-15s. All rifles (including bolt actions any other non-semis) kill less than 300 per year. These so-called assault rifles kill almost no one! "People in other countries live safely with less guns".
  6. billy_baylessHahahahahahaha! IN EUROPE? Are you fucking kidding me? Sure, there is less gun violence, but 100 people can get killed by a truck. Dozens of people can be killed by nail guns at concerts. Guns in America save FAR MORE than they kill according to countless studies. If 2.5 million people use a gun in a defensive manner annually, that OVERWHELMS the 10,000 people (over 9,000 of whom are gang members) who are killed in gun homicides per annum. You have no defense against that argument, I know. So you'll just ignore it.
  7. billy_baylessBecause that's what you do. Can you tell me why a Ruger Mini-14 would not be banned under a proposed assault weapons ban, even though it takes detachable magazines and fires the same cartridge as the AR-15? How would the Ruger Mini-14 be any less effective at a mass shooting than an AR15 or AK-47 variant? JUST BECAUSE IT LOOKS LESS SCARY? It fires the same round and has the same rate of fire. You want certain guns banned just because of what they look like! You've fired an AR-15! You know it shoots smooth and recoils little. Fantastic defensive weapon. What the fuck is wrong with you?
  8. billy_baylessYou know that the situation is different in the United States? That guns are part of our culture, heritage, and traditions? People who live in rural areas have to wait 20 minutes minimum for the cops to get there, they would be completely defenseless. But I guess you never have given much thought to that. WHY THE FUCK WON'T YOU EVEN LISTEN TO WHAT THE OTHER SIDE HAS TO SAY INSTEAD OF JUST BEING SMUG, PATRONIZING AND DISMISSIVE? YOU ALWAYS FUCKING DO THIS, AND IT IS ABOUT FUCKING TIME SOMEONE CALLED YOU OUT ON IT. CAN'T YOU AT LEAST FUCKING LISTEN??? WHY DON'T YOU JUST TALK ABOUT VIDEO GAMES? NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR YOUR LIBTARDED BS! YOU ONLY BELIEVE THE ANTI-GUN NARRATIVE BECAUSE A LEFTIST AUTHORITATIVE FIGURE ON THE BBC TOLD YOU TO THINK THAT WAY, AND MOST OF YOUR FRIENDS FEEL THAT WAY. Because if an authority figure on the TV said it, IT MUST BE TRUE. You literally wouldn't know how to think or feel about anything, really, outside of what the herd is thinking. From now on, every time you tweet some anti-gun bullshit, I will donate five dollars to the NRA. Every. Fucking. Time.
  9. billy_bayless*and I meant to say nail bombs at concerts, not nail guns. Lol. I've just got guns on the brain because you won't shut up about it. Brits have also been killed by time bombs lately on busses. Cool clock, Ahmed. The point I was trying to make was that evil people will always find a way.
  10. billy_baylessSorry if I sounded too ranty in that long comment, but sometimes you can't let political correctness get in the way of saying things that need to be said.
  11. billy_baylessYou can't simultaneously claim to love America and not love the things about America. Because then it is not *America* that you love, but rather just the pop culture from America.
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