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bootloader & io.asm

a guest
Aug 25th, 2019
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  1. ;;;; bootloader.asm
  2. ;;;; Bootloader for the OS
  3. org 0x7c00
  4. bits 16
  6. ;;; Start/main function
  7. start:
  8. jmp boot
  10. ;;; Includes
  11. %include "io.asm"
  13. ;;; Boot function
  14. boot:
  15. cli ; no interrupts
  16. cld ; only thing needed to init
  17. mov dh, 5 ; move decimal 5 into dh (row)
  18. mov dl, 5 ; move decimal 5 into dl (column)
  19. call movCursor ; call movCursor
  20. call print ; call putChar
  21. hlt ; halt the OS
  23. ;;; 512 available bytes, clear the rest with 0
  24. times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
  25. dw 0xAA55 ; Boot signature
  28. ;;;; io.asm
  29. ;;;; IO subroutines/functions for the OS
  30. movCursor:
  31. ; dh = Y coord, dl = X coord, bh = page #
  32. ; void return
  33. mov ah, 02h ; move 0x02 into ah
  34. mov bh, 0 ; move decimal 0 into bh (page number)
  35. or dh, 5 ; if dh != 5
  36. jnz incCursorPosH ; jump to incCursorPosH
  37. int 0x10 ; call
  38. add dh, 1 ; increase register dh by 1
  39. ret
  41. incCursorPosH:
  42. ; dh = row #
  43. ; void return
  44. add dh, 1 ; increase register dh by one
  45. int 0x10 ; call
  46. ret
  48. incCursorPosV:
  49. ; not needed right now
  50. ; dl = column #
  51. ; void return
  52. add dl, 1 ; increase register dl by one
  53. int 0x10 ; call
  54. ret
  56. putChar:
  57. ; al = char, bl = text color, cx = # of times printed
  58. ; bh = page number
  59. ; void return
  60. lodsb ; load a byte from si
  61. or al, al ; OR to check al
  62. jz done ; if 0, there's nothingo left for the string, so end
  63. mov ah, 0eh ; move 0x0a into ah
  64. mov bh, 0 ; move decimal to page number of register bh
  65. mov bl, 4 ; move decimal 4 to text color of register bl
  66. mov cx, 1 ; move decimal 1 into cx (print character once)
  67. int 10h ; call
  68. call movCursor ; call movCursor and go the next position
  69. jmp putChar ; loop back & restart putChar
  71. done:
  72. ret
  74. print:
  75. ; ds:si = null-terminated string
  76. ; void return
  77. mov ax, 0x07c0 ; move 0x07c0 into ax
  78. mov ds, ax ; move that segment into ds (segment)
  79. mov si, message ; move the message into si (offset)
  80. call putChar ; call putChar
  81. call movCursor ; call movCursor
  83. ;;; Variables
  84. message db 'Hello World', 0
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