

Apr 28th, 2018
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  1. command /ze [<text>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  2. permission: skript.admin
  3. permission message: &2》 &7権限が足りません。
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg-1 is not set:
  6. message "&f》 &a/ze create <マップ名> - マップを作成します。"
  7. message "&f》 &a/ze setspawn <マップ名> - マップのスタート地点を設定します。"
  8. message "&f》 &a/ze settime <マップ名> <秒> - マップの制限時間を設定します。(秒)"
  9. if arg-1 is set:
  10. if arg-1 is "create":
  11. if arg-2 is set:
  12. if {map.1.%arg-2%} is true:
  13. message "&f》 &aすでに存在します。"
  14. stop
  15. else:
  16. set {map.1.%arg-2%} to true
  17. message "&f》 &2&l%arg-2%&aを作成しました。"
  18. if arg-2 is not set:
  19. message "&f》 &a/ze create <マップ名> - マップを作成します。"
  20. if arg-1 is "setspawn":
  21. if arg-2 is set:
  22. if {map.1.%arg-2%} is true:
  23. message "&f》 &2&l%arg-2%&aのスタート地点を設定しました。"
  24. set {map.spawn.%arg-2%} to location of player
  25. else:
  26. message "&f》 &aそのマップは存在しません。"
  27. if arg-2 is not set:
  28. message "&f》 &a/ze setspawn <マップ名> - マップのスタート地点を設定します。"
  29. if arg-1 is "settime":
  30. if arg-2 is set:
  31. if arg-3 is set:
  32. if {map.1.%arg-2%} is true:
  33. message "&f》 &2&l%arg-2%&aの制限時間を&6%arg-3%&a秒にしました。"
  34. set {map.time.%arg-2%} to arg-3
  35. else:
  36. message "&f》 &aそのマップは存在しません。"
  37. if arg-3 is not set:
  38. message "&f》 &a/ze settime <マップ名> <秒> - マップの制限時間を設定します。(秒)"
  39. if arg-2 is not set:
  40. message "&f》 &a/ze settime <マップ名> <秒> - マップの制限時間を設定します。(秒)"
  41. if arg-1 is not "create" or "setspawn" or "settime":
  42. message "&f》 &a/ze create <マップ名> - マップを作成します。"
  43. message "&f》 &a/ze setspawn <マップ名> - マップのスタート地点を設定します。"
  44. message "&f》 &a/ze settime <マップ名> <秒> - マップの制限時間を設定します。(秒)"
  46. every 1 second:
  47. if {list.player} is greater than or equal to 2:
  48. if {game.wait} is true:
  49. stop
  50. else:
  51. set {game.wait} to true
  52. broadcast "&e間も無くゲームが開始します。"
  53. broadcast "&e参加する方は、ロビーのシーランタンをクリックしてください。"
  54. wait 10 seconds
  55. chance of 50%:
  56. chance of 50%:
  57. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  58. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  59. send "&f抽選の結果" to {join.1::*}
  60. send "&6 Test Map" to {join.1::*}
  61. send "&f に決定しました。" to {join.1::*}
  62. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  63. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  64. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  65. wait 3 seconds
  66. teleport {join.1::*} to {map.spawn.%arg-2%}
  67. execute console command "/effect @a minecraft:invisibility 5"
  68. execute console command "/effect @a minecraft:slowness 5"
  69. wait 1 second
  70. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.wood_button.click_on player @a ~ ~ ~ 999999999 2"
  71. wait 1 second
  72. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.wood_button.click_on player @a ~ ~ ~ 999999999 2"
  73. wait 1 second
  74. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.wood_button.click_on player @a ~ ~ ~ 999999999 2"
  75. wait 1 second
  76. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.wood_button.click_on player @a ~ ~ ~ 999999999 2"
  77. wait 1 second
  78. execute console command "/playsound minecraft:block.wood_button.click_on player @a ~ ~ ~ 999999999 2"
  79. execute console command "/playsound entity.lightning.impact player @a"
  80. send {join.1::*} title "&2ゾンビから逃げ切れ" with subtitle "&610&7秒後に最大&63名が感染。" for 3 seconds
  81. wait 10 seconds
  82. execute console command "/execute @r ~ ~ ~ /iam 12ub9b491s"
  83. execute console command "/execute @r ~ ~ ~ /iam 12ub9b491s"
  84. execute console command "/execute @r ~ ~ ~ /iam 12ub9b491s"
  85. send "&aInfect》 %{zombie::*}%" to {join.1::*}
  86. teleport {zombie::*} to {map.spawn.a}
  87. clear {map.spawn.%arg-2%}'s inventory
  88. execute {map.spawn.%arg-2%}
  90. command /iam [<text>]:
  91. trigger:
  92. if arg-1 is "12ub9b491s":
  93. set {zombie::%uuid of player%} to player
  96. else:
  97. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  98. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  99. send "&f抽選の結果" to {join.1::*}
  100. send "&6 Test Map" to {join.1::*}
  101. send "&f に決定しました。" to {join.1::*}
  102. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  103. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  104. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  105. else:
  106. chance of 50%:
  107. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  108. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  109. send "&f抽選の結果" to {join.1::*}
  110. send "&6 Test Map" to {join.1::*}
  111. send "&f に決定しました。" to {join.1::*}
  112. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  113. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  114. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  115. else:
  116. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  117. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  118. send "&f抽選の結果" to {join.1::*}
  119. send "&6 Test Map" to {join.1::*}
  120. send "&f に決定しました。" to {join.1::*}
  121. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  122. send "&6" to {join.1::*}
  123. send "&6===============================" to {join.1::*}
  125. on click:
  126. if {click.%location of clicked block%} is set:
  127. if {join::%uuid of player%} is true:
  128. message "&9》 &7すでに参加しています。"
  129. else:
  130. message "&9》 &7参加しました。"
  131. set {join::%uuid of player%} to true
  132. set {join.1::%uuid of player%} to player
  133. add 1 to {list.player}
  135. command /leave:
  136. trigger:
  137. if {join::%uuid of player%} is true:
  138. message "&c退出"
  139. remove 1 from {list.player}
  140. set {join::%uuid of player%} to false
  142. command /adminclick:
  143. permission: skript.admin
  144. permission message: &2》 &7権限が足りません。
  145. trigger:
  146. if {click::%uuid of player%} is true:
  147. message "&6OFF"
  148. set {click::%uuid of player%} to false
  149. stop
  150. else:
  151. message "&6ON"
  152. set {click::%uuid of player%} to true
  153. stop
  155. on rightclick:
  156. if {click::%uuid of player%} is true:
  157. set {click.%location of clicked block%} to true
  158. message "&6%location of clicked block%&aを追加"
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