

Mar 20th, 2017
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  1. Powers: Gravitikinesis - possesses the ability to mentally manipulate gravitons (that carry the attractive, gravitational force between atomic nuclei), enabling him to control gravity. He can surround any object or person including himself with gravitons and anti-gravitons (particles similar to gravitons but with opposite charge and spin), thus increasing or decreasing the Earth's pull of gravity upon it.
  3. Sub-powers: Intangibility - he can make himself and other persons intangible by reducing his or the person's body's specific gravity. (Novice)
  5. Flight - by decreasing the pull of gravity beneath him, he can fly at any speed or height at which he can still breathe. However by using his force field generation he can also breathe in space. (Apprentice)
  7. Movement Impairment - by increasing the pull of gravity beneath his opponents, he can pin them to the ground, having made them too heavy to move, or cause sufficient gravitational stress to impair the normal functioning of the human cardiovascular system. (Practitioner)
  9. Graviton Attraction - he can also cause an inanimate object (such as a 1-foot diameter rock) to radiate enough gravitons to give it its own gravitational field, able to attract nearby matter and energy. (Novice)
  11. Graviton Blast - by rapidly projecting gravitons in a cohesive beam, he can generate a force blast with a maximum concussive force equivalent to the primary shock wave of an explosion of 20,000 pounds of TNT. If concentrated enough he can exert is power to level a whole city. (Apprentice)
  13. Force Field Generation - he can also create a gravitational force field around him capable of protecting him from any concussive force up to and including a small nuclear weapon. (Practitioner)
  15. Black Hole Creation - power to create black holes that can devour matter and energy. Through Gravitational Singularity, the victim will be ripped to shreds when they enter a black hole. Their body would be stretched apart to a point of compression, causing a lot of pain and suffering. When they enter into a Gravitational Singularity, they would be erased to nothingness as body molecule, matter and energy will be absorbed, causing instant death. (Unknown/Not Yet Acquired)
  17. Simulate extreme strength and agility by making things easier to lift and carry. (Expert)
  19. Your power's bare minimum: Pull/push items a few inches.
  21. Weaknesses: Madoka Oda. Mental exhaustion and/or muscle strain. Also feasible for full deep water submersion to be disorienting. Unless paying attention, still can be harmed by bullets, electricity, etc.
  23. Limitations: May be unable to create gravity, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources. May be useless in areas with no gravity (not much of an issue though since technically anywhere even space has gravity). Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits. Gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces, so this power may lose out against manipulations of the other forces. As gravity is the result of warped space-time, users of Spatial-Temporal Lock or Space-Time Manipulation may affect/be unaffected. Users of Gravity Negation or Physical Force Immunity can ignore gravity.
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