
Smfh trolling.

Jul 7th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: (OH Ben you dont even know. Thats only HALF the OCH drama.)
  2. Alexithymiaa: (Wait until Kiki gets back. There's also a hilarious love triangle in which I enjoy making Jade bitter af.)
  3. iKamal: She nodded her head."thanks for the invite." she sighed as he walked off. se heard Ben call out through the house calling Thad a rapist again and her his girlfriend. she frowned some. she tried not to let Ben get to her. she tucked some of her hair behind her ear and poured herself some more orange juice.
  4. Artificer: "Welp. Im going to step outside for a cig." He said, kinda to himself. "Nice meeting you Jade." He called down the hall before stepping outside. He took a seat on the porch and took a cigarette out of his pack, lighting it and puffing on it slowly.
  5. Tsaaq: Thad pulled in to the driveway and brought his car to a stop. He sighed as he saw Ben standing outside on the porch smoking. "Damn it." He whispered. He couldn't just sit in the car so he got out reluctantly and went towards the porch. "Uh... Hey." He greeted the other male as he stuck his keys into the door.
  6. iKamal: Dori lookedu p and saw ben come back"Okay." she looked down at her organe juice and sipped it."Have fun with that Ben" she shrugged some and finished her drink rinsing out her cu pand cleaning putting it away. she walked out to the livingroom and sat down taking a pillow and hugging it to her chest. she was enjoying the silence for a moment till she heardsomeone at the door.
  7. Artificer: "Sup Rapey." Ben said, giving Thad a nod. "First day as your new house mate, isnt it exciting?" He asked sarcastically before taking a long drag of his cigarette. "I see your girlfriend has moved in too, I was just telling her fun this will be. All of us under the same roof." He paused and looked over at the garage. "Well technically I am under a different roof, but still. So. Much. Fun!" He said waving his hand in the air in excitement, the sarcasm was oozing out of every word.
  8. Alexithymiaa: (Im going to bed. I cant even watch this right now. Ill read this tomorrow)
  9. Tsaaq: His fingers met the doorknob and he lowered his head as Ben spoke. He sighed and slumped his shoulders. "You leave her alone, okay? She didn't do anything wrong." He said quietly as he turned to look him. "And she's not my girlfriend. Don't say stuff like that. She's new. She doesn't deserve to be blacklisted." He spoke calmly. "I'm not gonna get in anybody's way. I'm good at staying out of sight and out of mind. I know you're not stoked to be around me."
  10. Tsaaq: ((Kay.))
  11. iKamal: Dori had heard ben talking to someone outside. She moved to the end of the couch listening to who it was. She heard Thad speaking and she frowned some. she looked down wiping her eyes to keep herself from crying. She felt her chest tighten up and her heart drop down. She wasn't upset about his words. She was sad because he was standing up for her and people treated him like a dirty dog that no one wanted. The ones you see runing the streets. IT made her sad because she jsut couldn't believe that the Thad she met and new right now was what people were saying about him. she didn't want to believe it. Only because he had been so kind ot her and everyone else aside from Brad and Adam were so rude and taken back by her kindness. It was like people just didn't know how to react to a nice person.
  12. Artificer: "Oh, I have no problem at all with Dori. She seems sweet, just figured she should know what she is getting into." He took a pull from his cig and put it out on the bottom of his shoe. "You are real good at staying out of sight, like when the cops were looking for you after you did it. Real good at that." He smirked a bit and looked up at Thad. "Definitely won't ever be out of my mind though. Neither will the sight of her when I first saw her after what you did."
  13. Tsaaq: Thad went quiet and chewed his lip ring. "I wouldn't hurt her." He interjected softly. He cringed while Ben spoke. Thaddeus adjusted his beanie on his head and turned to Ben. "I know..." He trailed off. "I know!" Thaddeus shouted at Ben. "Listen. That's just the tip of a whole iceberg of shit." He waved his tatted hand. He sighed, giving up as he turned to put his hand on the doorknob again.
  14. iKamal: Dori couldn't take it anymore. she couldn't just let him take that verbal beating. she got up from the couch and she went to the door. she opened the door and looked up at Thad.She moved infront of him and looked at Ben. "That is enough. He knows what he did was wrong. Everything he did in the past is wrong but he is forgiven for his sins. God can forgive him why can't you. Forgiveness is not about letting someone get away with their behavior because yes his behavior was unexcusble but Forgiveness is about preventing them from destroying you as a person. All of this hate and negativiy is getting you no where. LEave him alone and he will leave you alone. He has to live with what he did everyday playing over and over again in the back of his mind he surely doesn't need you doggign him and kicking him around like he is nothing. It's not right. I am sure you have done some pretty messed up things in your life. I saw how angry Hayley was with you the first day I met you. she was screaming at you for what I don't know but you have to live with that everyday too. so stop it. And i'm not his girlfriend. We are just friends.I don't care if you hate me after this..everyone else around here seems to not like me already might as well add to it." she looked away from ben and up to Thad"come on.." she took Thad's hand into her own to bring him inside the house and away from the hostile situtation.
  15. Artificer: Ben looked up at Dori, confused. "Uh, no sweetie that is not how it works. You cant just be forgiven and all is right in the world." He said as he threw his arms up. "Just because he feels bad you think that everyone should just forget about it? You know who can't forget about it? Hayley. What about her? She has to see the face of the person who drugged, and raped her, and then let a bunch of other guys rape her every single day." Ben stood up at this point, and followed them inside. "If he really felt bad about what he did. If he really regretted it, why the fuck is he just living it up at the same house?" He turned toward Thad and pointed at him. "The very least you could fucking do is move out so she doesnt have to fucking see you all the time. Do you just take some sick satisfaction out of it? Being in the same house as her." He looked back at Dori and chuckled. "I left because my mother died. He raaaaaaped someone. Does that not register in your brain? He has broken that poor girl, and he gets to continue on, going on dates and acting like nothing ever happened." He kicked the door shut behind him, getting frustrated that Dori kept defending him. "And who the fuck says your god has forgiven him? You are sweet Dori, but if god forgives people like him then your god is shit."
  16. Tsaaq: He took a few steps back with his eyes wide. "Dori..." He trailed off. Thaddeus crossed his arms over his chest. "Hey well-" He began to say but was interrupted by her trying to pull him into the house. He stopped and listened to Ben. Thaddeus let a look of shame wash over his face. "I uh..." He trailed off. He did consider moving into his own place in the past but it seemed more convenient to just hide out in OCH. "I don't act like nothing ever happened." Thaddeus said sternly to the other male. "Stop! Okay! I know what I did! I don't think I've been forgiven at all, for the record. And I definitely don't deserve it." He said. "I can never take back what I did. And you're right, I did all of that. And I've done worse. And I've ruined lives and hurt a lot of people... But I'm not hanging around just to see her mope and look like she hates being alive. Trust me." He sighed. "Or not. There's really no reason for you to do me any favors..."
  17. iKamal: Dori turned and looked at Ben. She was fueled with fire and she went off on Ben."HOW DARE YOU!" Dori proceeded to shove Ben even though she was so tiny compared to him only standing at 5'4."My god is forgiving! HOw dare you insult my god!"she took her reglion very serious and did not like it when people spoke of god in a bad manner like Ben had. she kept shoving him and throwing her danity fist at him."Toma eso de vuelta. No te atrevas a hablar de mi dios. Cómo te atreves."Dori always mixed her spanish and english when she was angry."You don't dare speak of him like that! You don't know him!" she put her finger in Ben's face."You better ask for forgiveness for spitting your poision on his name or you are going straight to hell! burning in the firey pits of hell with satan himself!"
  18. iKamal: *at. She kept shoving at him
  19. Artificer: Ben took a step back but couldnt help but chuckle a bit as she swore at him in spanish. "Sooo he is cool for rape and all that bad stuff." He said pointing to Thad. "But im going to burn in hell for saying your magic man in the sky is fake? So pretty much, I go to heaven no matter what awful things I do as long as I believe in god? He sounds pretty self absorbed if you ask me." He moved passed them walking towards the kitchen. "You know, you are pretty hot when you are cursing in spanish like that." Ben called out from the kitchen as he searched for a cup.
  20. Tsaaq: "Hey, hey, hey." Thaddeus attempted to intervene, stepping between the two of them. "Okay. Three things people shouldn't talk about: Religion, politics, and money." He said. Thaddeus put his hands on her shoulders and went to turn her away. "Don't listen to him okay? He's just mad at me. Don't worry about me. I can handle it." Thad shook his head as he looked at Ben then tried to steer Dori down the hallway. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay." He repeated.
  21. iKamal: Dori said something she had never said to anyone before. Ben had her so pissed."FUCK YOU PUTA! don't twist my words!"she felt Thad touch her and turn her away from Ben. She blocked off now in the hall way by Thad and Ben was out of her sight. she growled and wit hfrusration and paced abit."Cómo se atreve. Es tan grosero e irrespetuoso. Lo odio"she slowly started to calm down took deep breaths. she was trying hard not to push past Thad take her shoe off and hit Ben up side the head like he deserved. she had seen her grandmother throw her shoes at her cousins plenty of times. And she had never missed. in return Dori wanted to do the same to Ben. dori runs her fingers through her hair taking deep breaths in through her nose and releasing them out of her mouth slowly."i'm fine..i'm fine. i'm fine."
  22. Artificer: Ben filled his glass with water and chugged it down, filling it once more before walking out of the kitchen. "Well this has been a splendid first day." He said raising his glass a bit. He had a pill in his hand and tossed it into his mouth before drinking the water to wash it down. "What I never understood, is even the most devout christians still cry when their loved ones died. If he is real, heaven is real, why are you sad? They are supposedly going to heaven which is like the goal right?" Ben drank some more of his water. "Unless, deep down they know it really all is bullshit, and their loved ones are nothing but fertilizer." He plopped down onto the couch putting his feet up.
  23. Tsaaq: He jumped amidst the choas. That included her throwing her shoe at the other male. Thad looked over his shoulder at Ben. He shook his head slowly. "Not cool." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around Dori. "Don't listen to him. He's saying it on purpose to upset you. I used to do it all the time. Just don't even answer him." He told her softly. "Come on, you can hang out in my room for a little bit before bed if you want?" He offered, just really wanting the whole argument to be over.
  24. iKamal: Dori heard Ben and she took her shoes off ready to take Ben on. Thad wrapped his arms around and just as he did Dori chucked both shoes at Ben aiming straight for the back of his head. She didn't say anything to him she took deep breaths."fine." she let Thad take her into his bedroom to cool down and get away from Ben who she now jsut couldn't stand.
  25. Artificer: Ben felt the shoes hit the back of his head and he leaned forward scoffing a bit. "Damn, where's your forgivness now Dori? It's a little different when you are the one who has been hurt huh?" He asked as he stood and headed for the front door to go the garage. "You'd think your god would want you showing that kinda fire for his creation rather then himself." He called out before sauntering over to the garage to go get more high.
  26. Tsaaq: He went to sit on his bed and pat the spot beside him on the bed. "Come on." He sighed, looking at how upset she'd been. "Are you okay?"
  27. iKamal: Dori ignored ben and just sat beside Thad. she nodded her head and she kept toying with her long hair."I'm i promise i'm fine. i'm just a little flustered but i will be ok."
  28. Tsaaq: Thaddeus inhaled deeply and put his hand on her back. "I'm gonna get ready for bed. Stay in here as long as you like." He said, kissing her temple as he stood and went towards the bathroom
  29. Artificer: ((Im outt, time for sleep))
  30. Tsaaq: ((Yeah me tooo x.x))
  31. iKamal: She forced a smile on her face and nodded her head."okay..." she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. she saw Erik and charles and patted there head."I think i'm going to bed too thad...I'll umm just text you in the morning." she went to the bathroom door."I'm sorry for all of this i jsut couldnt take seeing oyu get treated like that..." she sighed and made her way out of his room and headed to bed
  32. iKamal: [i dont even feel tired o.o i took a long ass nap ]
  33. Tsaaq: ((Well I've been running on fumes all day. I need sleep unfortunately lol.))
  34. iKamal: [i know you go to bed tomorrow is another day lol ]
  35. Tsaaq: ((Okay!))
  36. Tsaaq: (night night!))
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