
Template Doi GuocMoc

Mar 29th, 2016
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  63. URL: DoiGuocMoc.Com
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  239. TOP 5 POST NEW
  240. --------------------------------------*/
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  316. Sidebar
  317. -------------------------------- */
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  337. FOOTER
  338. -----------------------------------------*/
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  358. COMMENT
  359. ---------------------------------*/
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  523. Author Box
  524. ---------------------------------*/
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  541. co-the-ban-thich
  542. ----------------------------*/
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  949. <>
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  977. <data:blog.pageName/>
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  995. <>
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  999. &#187;
  1000. <span>
  1001. <data:post.title/>
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  1006. <span>
  1007. <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='tag'>
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  1009. </a>
  1010. </span>
  1011. &#187;
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  1013. Unlabelled
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  1026. <span>
  1027. <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>
  1028. Home
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  1034. <data:blog.pageName/>
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  1043. Home
  1044. </a>
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  1048. All posts
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  1052. <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>
  1053. Home
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  1058. Bài viết cho &quot;
  1059. <data:blog.pageName/>
  1060. &quot;
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  1133. :
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  1173. (
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  1175. )
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  1332. <span itemprop='name'>
  1333. <>
  1334. </span>
  1335. </a>
  1336. </span>
  1337. <b:else/>
  1338. <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''>
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  1340. <>
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  1433. <span itemprop='name'>
  1434. <>
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  1436. </span>
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  1451. <>
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  1453. <b:if cond='not data:label.isLast'>
  1454. ,
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  1469. <p class='post-excerpt'>
  1470. <data:post.snippet/>
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  1488. <!-- Then use the post body as the description, for good G+/FB snippeting. -->
  1489. <div class='post-body entry-content' expr:id='&quot;post-body-&quot; +' expr:itemprop='(data:blog.metaDescription ? &quot;&quot; : &quot;description &quot;) + &quot;articleBody&quot;'>
  1490. <span expr:id=''>
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  1500. summary(&quot;<>&quot;)</script>
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  1504. summary(&quot;<>&quot;)</script>
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  1584. <div class='author-bio'>
  1585. <div class='author-avatar'>
  1586. <img class='tie-appear' src=''/>
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  1588. <!-- #author-avatar -->
  1589. <div class='author-description'>
  1590. Hỗn tạp blog, blog lưu giữ tất cả các bài viết hay trên mạng internet, từ tin tức công nghệ, cho đến sức khỏe, làm đẹp. Từ thủ thuật blogger cho đến Facebook
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  1636. <div>
  1637. <a class='g-profile' expr:href='data:post.authorProfileUrl' itemprop='url' rel='author' title='author profile'>
  1638. <span itemprop='name'>
  1639. <>
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  1641. </a>
  1642. </div>
  1643. <span itemprop='description'>
  1644. <data:post.authorAboutMe/>
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  1704. nhận xét
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  1726. &#160;
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  1739. &lt;div class=&#39;comment_inner&#39;&gt;
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  1741. <div class='comment_avatar'>
  1742. <img alt='avatar' expr:src='data:comment.authorAvatarSrc' expr:title=''/>
  1743. </div>
  1744. <div class='comment_cincong'>
  1745. <div class='comment_header'>
  1746. <div class='comment_name'>
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  1748. <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
  1749. <>
  1750. </a>
  1751. <b:else/>
  1752. <>
  1753. </b:if>
  1754. </div>
  1755. <div class='comment_service'>
  1756. <a expr:href='data:comment.url' rel='nofollow' title='permalink'>
  1757. <span class='comment_date'>
  1758. <data:comment.timestamp/>
  1759. </span>
  1760. </a>
  1761. </div>
  1762. <div class='clear'/>
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  1764. <div class='comment_body'>
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  1766. <span class='deleted-comment'>
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  1770. <p>
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  1775. <span class='iconicstroke-curved-arrow'/>
  1776. Trả lời
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  1778. <a class='comment-delete' expr:href='&quot;; + data:blog.blogId + &quot;&amp;amp;postID=&quot; +' expr:title='data:top.deleteCommentMsg'>
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  1780. Xóa
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