

May 15th, 2018
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  1. 22:48:42 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord shifts into her stronger form as she growls, taking hold of the front branches and making sure to hold it at the same height as Seyja.
  2. 22:48:55 Taylu gasps at Loranor.
  3. 22:49:12 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Healing sir?
  4. 22:49:43 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Alcohol fine?)
  5. 22:49:56 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (or Herbal remedies?)
  6. 22:50:01 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Alcohol is a blood thinner.)
  7. 22:50:16 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Herbal is fine if you can manage it.)
  8. 22:50:18 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (Also if her stomach is impaled, probably drinking isn't going to help lol)
  9. 22:52:10 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord pulls a small vial of gold root from his satchel and pours it around both entries of the wound. "This should numb the exterior, unfortunately we're going to have to wait until we get to the clinic for anything more potent."
  10. 22:52:36 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Are you ready to move, Healing sir?
  11. 22:52:43 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord is waiting for you.
  12. 22:52:57 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Healing Sir?
  13. 22:53:01 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: Yes.
  14. 22:53:06 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord grinds his teeth
  15. 22:53:08 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: By your lead.
  16. 22:53:09 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord is on the streatcher and has already given permission to be moved.
  17. 22:53:16 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord nods and begins moving forward. "Step 1."
  18. 22:53:40 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: Val.. Val stay with me.
  19. 22:53:51 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Of course Eli
  20. 22:54:12 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I gotta make sure these people know what they are doing.
  21. 22:54:14 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: You are good friend
  22. 22:54:25 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I am her bodyguard, it is my job
  23. 22:54:29 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: We'll need your weaponry when we get there, sir.
  24. 22:54:43 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I have no weapons on me, my fists are my weapon
  25. 22:54:51 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: My name is Taylu
  26. 22:55:00 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: She cannot understand Draenei Val
  27. 22:55:19 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I have no weapons on me, my fists are my weapons.
  28. 22:55:38 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I am Valumaar
  29. 22:55:57 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: You do have rather large blades attached to them.
  30. 22:56:04 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: Nice to meet you
  31. 22:56:14 Tillymunn stands at attention and salutes.
  32. 22:56:28 Notkary salutes Bucklerino with respect.
  33. 22:56:28 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: You are refering to the tree cut?
  34. 22:56:38 Celtigarr blinks at Valumaar.
  35. 22:56:44 Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord would hold the woman's staff respectfully before walking out the doorway to store it.
  36. 22:56:46 Bucklerino salutes Notkary with respect.
  37. 22:56:46 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Pardon me, move aside please.
  38. 22:57:04 [Darlington-WyrmrestAccord]: Oh dear, my apologies.
  39. 22:57:05 Notkary nods at Merdyth.
  40. 22:57:05 [Bucklerino-WyrmrestAccord]: "You have your orders Faroe"
  41. 22:57:10 [Bucklerino-WyrmrestAccord]: "Will report about this immediately I will"
  42. 22:57:15 Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord locks the stave up in the cabinet.
  43. 22:57:23 [Bucklerino-WyrmrestAccord]: "GAH!"
  44. 22:57:26 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: Ah'll get Beth 'ere ta' transcribe a note for me.
  45. 22:57:27 You lie down.
  46. 22:57:32 Darlington-WyrmrestAccord pokes her head in tentatively.
  47. 22:57:35 [Merdyth-WyrmrestAccord]: Guess that's my queue to leave.
  48. 22:57:37 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: Oy, shortstack. Take a seat.
  49. 22:57:38 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: You may come in no.
  50. 22:57:40 Bethradiah-WyrmrestAccord bows his head respectfully, intent on benig of service as he can.
  51. 22:57:42 [Bucklerino-WyrmrestAccord]: "....Ask I do that weapons be taken off please, those who are not ERU!"
  52. 22:57:45 [Darlington-WyrmrestAccord]: Ah. This didn't just become 'a bad time', did it?
  53. 22:57:47 Bethradiah-WyrmrestAccord nods and sits obediantly.
  54. 22:57:49 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: (god damn it!)
  55. 22:57:51 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord lowers down Elirrara gracefully before taking a few staggering steps and landing onto her knees, shifting back into her human form, exhausted.
  56. 22:57:53 Shellene says: Now children stop that! I mean it!
  57. 22:57:56 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: (wrong button!)
  58. 22:58:00 Merdyth bows down graciously.
  59. 22:58:06 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: I have no weapons small one, my hands are my weapon
  60. 22:58:07 [Darlington-WyrmrestAccord]: (( Happens to the best of us ))
  61. 22:58:20 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: YOu may come in now.
  62. 22:58:23 Diannestone bows before Darlington.
  63. 22:58:24 [Bucklerino-WyrmrestAccord]: "Perhaps sheathe them or bring down their intensity you -can-"
  64. 22:58:30 [Bucklerino-WyrmrestAccord]: "Gratitude I bid you"
  65. 22:58:30 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: Alright. So, transcribe what ye' 'eard an' t'en let me...
  66. 22:58:30 Bucklerino nods at Valumaar.
  67. 22:58:33 Diannestone looks at Arminîa.
  68. 22:58:42 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: What did you need help with miss?
  69. 22:58:56 Bethradiah-WyrmrestAccord frowns a bit at Kary and takes out a notepad and his gnomish pen, he pauses.
  70. 22:58:58 Notkary-WyrmrestAccord roots around in his plate for a moment, before withdrawing a stamp, setting it down. It bore the symbol of the Empire upon it.
  71. 22:58:59 [Arminîa-WyrmrestAccord]: I was looking for the High General madam.
  72. 22:59:07 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord grunts painfully as she's laid on the bed, breathing becoming a tad more shallow as she begins to set into shock from the injury to her stomach.
  73. 22:59:16 Darlington-WyrmrestAccord creeps in slowly, staying sure to keep on the periphery, unsure if she was interrupting something important. Or private.
  74. 22:59:20 [Diannestone-WyrmrestAccord]: Name please of this person?
  75. 22:59:22 Taylu looks at Loranor.
  76. 22:59:24 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord eyes widen
  77. 22:59:37 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: What did I tell you small elf.
  78. 22:59:38 [Notkary-WyrmrestAccord]: To th' Empire. Ah'll be sure ta' tell all of 'em, not jus' th' Leadership.
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