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a guest
Dec 21st, 2014
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  2. Narrator:Once upon a time...
  3. Guy1:Hey that is already used
  4. Narrator:Oh you shut up
  5. Guy1:Sorry...
  6. Narrator:Where was I?Oh yes.Once upon a time there was a village where a ordinary guy worked
  7. Guy1:Yeah i heard that al-
  8. Narrator:SHADAP
  9. Narrator:So he worked as a Farmer.he had a Hoe,Blue hat and Red Pants.
  10. Guy2:Explaining the story in very close details?
  11. Narrator:For a reason...
  12. Farmer appears out of nowhere
  13. Farmer:Ah another day another farming day!Ill plant some carrots here and potatoes here
  14. Guy1:Phew.I ran all the way to here
  15. Farmer:Why is that?
  16. Guy1(idea) came to give you a message
  17. Farmer:Which one?
  18. Guy1:Theres a strange ghost flying over town.Unusual and paranormal things are happening.BEWARE
  19. Farmer:Huh...
  20. Night time
  21. Farmer:Aaah time to go to sleep yawns
  22. Farmer suddenly doesnt ware pants and they are suddenly flying above him
  23. Farmer:Wha...
  24. Pants go outside his house
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