

Sep 18th, 2024
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  1. Yes, there are several ways to test your water supply for PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), often referred to as "forever chemicals." Here are some options:
  3. 1. Home Testing Kits: You can purchase DIY water testing kits specifically designed for PFAS. These kits usually involve collecting a water sample and sending it to a certified lab for analysis. For example, Cyclopure offers a Water Test Kit Pro that guides you through the process and provides results within about 10 business days.
  5. 2. Certified Laboratories: You can contact a state-certified laboratory to test your water. The EPA has developed several testing methods, such as EPA Method 537, 537.1, and 533, which are used to detect multiple PFAS compounds. Your state environmental or health agency can provide a list of certified labs and detailed advice on testing.
  7. 3. Professional Testing Services: Some companies offer professional water testing services where they handle the entire process, from sample collection to analysis. This can be a convenient option if you prefer not to handle the sampling yourself.
  9. 4. Local Resources: Check with your local or state environmental agencies for guidance and resources. They may offer testing services or recommend certified labs in your area.
  11. Testing your water is the only way to confirm the presence of PFAS and ensure your water is safe to drink. If you find PFAS in your water, there are also filtration systems available that can help reduce these contaminants.
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