
Spike < Guard

Sep 18th, 2016
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  1. The guard ran. The crystalline walls of the castle of the Crystal Kingdom echoed with the rapid beats of armored hooves of one of its guards and the rukus of what chased him. Rushing by other guards and servants all of whom immidiately stopped what they were doing and hide themselves in nearby rooms, or if that wasn't an option stepped as close to the wall and try to not attract unwanted attention to themselves.
  3. The threat had made its presence known to the guard while at his station in the courtyard. A beast that now chased him, intent on doing him harm. With no hope in fighting him, the guard ran as quickly as he could.
  5. The throne room of his gracious Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor would offer the sanctuary he needed from the threat. It was unfortunate that the beast chasing the guard showed no signs of slowing despite running after the guard up flights of stairs and down long corridors. All the running was starting to wear on him. His legs started to sting with each powerful thrust forward, his lungs struggled to keep up with his bodies demands for oxygen, but the adrenaline coursing through his body and the iron will training as a proud member of the royal guard staved off fatigue, for the moment.
  7. Opportunity presented itself as he turned the corner leading to his goal. A grand hall decorated with suits of armor, each suit a metal shell standing at faux attention next to crystal busts, chiseled into the likeness of the rulers of Equestria all beneath hoof woven tapestries bearing the symbol of the Crystal Empire. In the eyes of the guard, however, he saw obstacles. With a tired smirk the guards horn lit up with his magic, the force gripping each piece of decor and tearing it down, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake as he charged by. Leaving the grand hall him the guard did not stop he forced his tired muscles to carry him farther, the promise of sanctuary in mind.
  9. The guards blood ran cold. There was a draft of wind and a loud thud behind him, followed by a bone rattling roar. As soon as the guard hit the royal red carpet leading to those glorious double doors, other members of the guard watched as he tried to make a mad dash across the space, Spike the dragon close behind him in pursuit.
  11. The guard was on the edge of a blin panic, had Spike beend toying with him this entire chase? The answer quickly came when Spike brought both front claws down on the guard and he immidiately went from running to buckling under the new weight. Momentum carried the dragon and pony as the guard hit the ground cheek first and skidded to a stop on the carpet; less than 20 feet to his goal.
  13. A crowd had gathered around the dragon, royal guards and servants watching as Spike lifted the defeated guard up, plates of his armor falling off. Face to rug burnt face with the dragon the guard did the next best thing.
  15. "Ah ha...good job, Spike the brave and glorious...Your chase really got me into shape!" The guard said with a meek smile.
  17. Spike returned the smile and he opened his jaw, nice and wide. Fear shot through the guard making him forget about his pain for a brief moment as he what Spike intended. The long tongue, forked at the end, rows of sharp teeth at the front with flat ones at the back. Saliva hanging and connecting his parted jaws. The entrance to his throat a dark pit slick with wetness.
  19. "No, nono no! Please Mr. Spike! Whatever I did to anger you I'm sorry" The guard pleaded, fear in full bloom as he thrashed around in Spikes grip.
  21. Spike growled softly as he stuffed his jaws with the guards flailing hind end. The guard place his hooves firmly on Spikes snout, desperate to stop this.
  23. "Please, I beg of you, please! I have a husband at home, please don't-" The guard said before being cut short
  25. With little effort Spike pushed the rest of his prey into his mouth, the crowd around groaning as a collective. Spike paid no mind as he was already hard at work tasting his food. His cheeks wriggled and bulged visibly as the guard pony thrashed inside. Spikes tongue, despite its size, was quick and mobile. Slipping under the guards armor to taste the sweat and fear before wrapping around the guard, and holding him in place while Spike swallowed the built up saliva around his meal before going back to tasting.
  27. The guard flailed helplessly, the tongue tossed him around like a rag doll. Under the strong muscle, on top, sometimes he was deposited into Spikes cheek, and constricted with a suckling motion. His senses were either awashed with darkness or spit as anger shot through the guard and he screamed and thrashed, bruising his hindlegs and cutting his forelegs on Spikes teeth.
  29. Spike paid no mind to the tantrum, simply spitting out the guards helmet. Tilting his head backwards, Spike gave a single thick swallow, sending the helpless guard on his way. Spikes neck bulged, the scales flexing as his throat passed the food down. In the crowd, some turned to look away, othere had left already, few watched still holding their necks with a grimace of empathy. The lump that was a pony fell out of sight briefly at the end of Spikes strong throat only to reappear as a nice sized bulge in his belly.
  31. "Delicious," Spike mumbled, rubbing his claw over the gently swell of his meal.
  37. *** Afterwords***
  38. "Spike!"
  40. A familiar voice shouted snapping Spike out of his post eating revelry. Twilight stormed up to Spike, Cadence, Shining Armor and the baby Flurry Heart in tow. Spikes ear fins drooped, glancing briefly at his plump gut before looking back to Twilight.
  42. "You ate another guard! Spike you should know better than that, the Crystal ponies love you and admire you. Why do you eat one every time we come to visit?"
  44. The crowd had mostly dispersed, but the few that stayed watched as Twilight scolded a dragon almost twice her size. Spike laid down trying to make himself seem smaller to Twilight.
  46. In a flash of magic the victim guard found himself sitting outside. Rug burnt, bruised, cut up and covered in a combination of spit and gastric juices, he looked to Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Flurryheart. Orders and S.O.P dictate that he salute and/or bow to the royal congregation.
  48. The guard cried, latching onto Princess Cadence and sliming her in the process.
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