
Political Crap

Jun 6th, 2012
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  1. Why Liberals Hate Scott Walker
  3. The reason many liberals hate Walker is because he decided to fix the state's budget deficit and economy by going after the crux of the problem: unions and their pensions plans. Many jobs required that you join a union or at least pay union dues, regardless of whether you were in these unions or not, and the union pensions were bleeding the state dry because union members didn't have to pay as much into their pension plans than those in the private sector, and these pensions plans were covered with state taxpayer money. What Walker did was make it so that you don't have to join unions to get certain jobs and unions couldn't force non-union members to pay union dues. He also made union members pay more money into their pension plans and limited their collective bargaining rights in the state, turning WI into a right-to-work state.
  5. In other words, Scott Walker decided to stand up to the unions and the unions wanted to make an example out of him. And since unions donate heavily to the democrats during elections, the democratic party went after Scott Walker as well. Obama even sent his election team to WI to try and get Walker replaced.
  7. It wasn't just about politics, it was also about trying to send a message to anyone else thinking they could stand up to the unions. Now that Walker has beaten the unions, though, many other state governors may begin following his lead and stand up to the unions in their states.
  9. This is why people care so much about Scott Walker.
  11. Obama's Excuses
  14. Homosexuality Response:
  16. That argument is a double edged sword. If religion is not an important factor then why would you want a religious marriage to begin with. As far as I know political same-sex marriage is legal so that is the way to go if making the relationship official is what you are after. I will not write a fucking essay but as someone who believes in truthful equal rights I say that it is not about being illegal or unatural but it is something that a majority of a group is not ok with and so their wish must remain respectable and gay marriage should not be implemented in religion. I'll put it to you this way. Stop fucking with other people's core beliefs and they will not fuck with your choices. They are not imposing something on you,their are the majority so their will in a democracy is the de facto rule,YOU are trying to impose something on THEM against THEIR will.
  18. Womyn Privilege
  21. Obamacare
  22. Bob: Hi, insurance company. I'd like to buy some health insurance.
  24. Insurance company: No. You had cancer when you were 3 years old, and the cancer could come back. We're not selling you health insurance.
  26. Bob: It's not my fault I got cancer when I was three! Besides, that was years ago!
  28. Insurance company: If we sell insurance to you, we'll probably lose money, and we're not doing it.
  30. Bob: But I need insurance more than anyone! My cancer might come back!
  32. Insurance company: We don't care. We're not selling you insurance.
  34. Obama: Hey, that's totally not fair. Bob is right, he does need insurance! Sell Bob some insurance.
  36. Insurance company: If we have to, I guess.
  38. Mary: This is cool. Obama said the insurance company has to sell insurance to anyone who needs it.
  40. Sam: Hey, I have an idea. I'm going to stop paying for health insurance. If I get sick, I can always go buy some insurance then. The insurance company won't be able to say no, because Obama's told them they have to sell it to anyone who needs it!
  42. Dave: that's a great idea! I'm not paying for health insurance either, at least not until I get sick.
  44. Insurance company: Hey! If everyone stops paying for insurance, we'll go bankrupt!
  46. Obama: Oh come on Sam and Dave, that's not fair either.
  48. Dave: I don't care. It saves me money.
  50. Obama: Oh for god's sake. Sam, Dave, you have to keep paying for health insurance, and not wait until you're sick. You too, Mary and Bob.
  52. Mary: But I'm broke! I can't buy insurance! I just don't have any money.
  54. Obama: Mary, show me your piggy bank. Oh, wow, you really are broke. Ok, tell you what. You still have to buy insurance, but I'll help you pay 95% of the cost.
  56. Mary: thank you.
  58. Obama: I need an aspirin.
  60. Insurance company: We're not paying for that aspirin.
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