

Sep 4th, 2021
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  1. Jerry
  2. If I am the government, I will first protect our citizen’s political and economic rights because they are the foundation of the whole country. Without them, it is hard to keep the order of country.
  3. Then, I am going to propagate socialism and try to strengthen it. Not because socialism is superior to capitalism, but it can help me maintain our passion to the country. Whatever catastrophe takes place, we can always deal with it in the highest efficiency and all our powers. In this way, there is no need to have any superhero to save the whole country.
  4. After that, our science technology must catch up with the western countries. To achieve that, education is very important. The college entrance examination now is squeezing student's potential to make a good score and train them to be a machine of exams. I will change this to help students to form their own creativity and enthusiasm in science so that new findings and products can be made in their future.
  5. In addition, the public health should be improved a lot. In the past two years, the pandemic is rampant in the country. Our medical and health work has a long way to go. I will perfect the health care system and public-sanitation measures.
  6. As a government, there is still a lot to do with the country, but I will keep on it.
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