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Feb 18th, 2018
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  2. Public Class frmSki
  3. Dim ItemNames(3), ItemCosts(3) As String ' Declaring Arrays
  4. Dim Total, TotalIndex As Integer ' Necessary global variables
  5. Dim Discount As Decimal
  7. Private Sub frmSki_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
  8. Dim Count As Integer
  9. Dim ColsFormat As String = "{0, -12}{1, -15}{2, -15}{3, -15}" ' Spacings for list box
  10. LoadItems(True) ' Runs LoadItems, Creating/writing to file if not found.
  11. For Count = 0 To 3 ' Loop, adding read items to the combo box
  12. cboItems.Items.Add(ItemNames(Count))
  13. Next
  14. cboItems.SelectedIndex = 0 ' Select the first index (prevents blank combo box at startup)
  15. lstItems.Items.Add(String.Format(ColsFormat, "Quantity", "Item Name", "Cost per unit", "Total Cost")) ' Adds headers to list box
  16. TotalIndex = 0 ' Sets global variable TotalIndex.
  17. nudWeeks.Value = 1
  18. nudWeeks.Minimum = 1 ' already set on form, just to prove there's no need for negative validation.
  19. End Sub
  21. Private Sub LoadItems(ByVal Create As Boolean) ' Create as in Create/Write file.
  22. Dim Count As Integer
  24. Dim FilePathN As String = Application.StartupPath + "\ItemNames.ben" ' file path (app.path + filename)
  25. Dim FilePathC As String = Application.StartupPath + "\ItemCosts.ben"
  27. If System.IO.File.Exists(FilePathN) And System.IO.File.Exists(FilePathC) Then ' Validation, if both files exist.
  28. Dim ItemCostR As New System.IO.StreamReader(FilePathC, True) ' Loading StreamReaders
  29. Dim ItemListR As New System.IO.StreamReader(FilePathN, True)
  30. For Count = 0 To 3 ' loops to fill array
  31. ItemNames(Count) = ItemListR.ReadLine ' Reads appropriate line of text file, filling array.
  32. ItemCosts(Count) = ItemCostR.ReadLine
  33. Next Count
  34. ItemCostR.Close() ' Closes StreamReaders, allowing files to be used by other programs.
  35. ItemListR.Close()
  36. ElseIf Create = True Then ' If files aren't found
  37. ItemNames(0) = "Jacket" 'Fills arrays
  38. ItemNames(1) = "Helmet"
  39. ItemNames(2) = "Salopettes"
  40. ItemNames(3) = "Goggles"
  42. ItemCosts(0) = "14.0"
  43. ItemCosts(1) = "14.0"
  44. ItemCosts(2) = "12.0"
  45. ItemCosts(3) = "8.0"
  47. System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(FilePathN, ItemNames) ' Creates both files, writing arrays to them.
  48. System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(FilePathC, ItemCosts)
  49. End If
  50. End Sub
  52. Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
  53. Dim ColsFormat As String = "{0, -15}{1, -20}{2, -17}{3, -15}" ' Listbox spacing
  54. Dim ItemName As String ' Necessary local variables
  55. Dim UnitPrice, Quantity, TotalItemPrice, Count As Integer
  56. ItemName = cboItems.Text ' Setting variables to appropriate data
  57. Quantity = nudItemNo.Value
  58. If Quantity > 0 Then ' Validation, preventing "0" or negative values (despite the nud minimum being 0.)
  59. For Count = 0 To 3 ' Loops a case, checking the array and setting the unit price.
  60. Select Case ItemName
  61. Case ItemNames(Count)
  62. UnitPrice = ItemCosts(Count) ' Unit price for a length of time.
  63. End Select
  64. Next
  65. TotalItemPrice = UnitPrice * Quantity ' Sets the price for current addition
  66. Total = Total + TotalItemPrice ' Updates Total
  67. lstItems.Items.Add(String.Format(ColsFormat, Quantity, ItemName, FormatCurrency(UnitPrice), FormatCurrency(TotalItemPrice))) ' Adds data to listbox
  68. UpdateTotal() ' Runs UpdateTotal.
  69. TotalIndex = TotalIndex + 1 ' Updates TotalIndex global variable.
  70. Else
  71. Console.Beep()
  72. MsgBox("Please enter a quantity.")
  73. End If
  74. End Sub
  76. Private Sub UpdateTotal()
  77. Dim Weeks As Integer
  78. Dim TotalW As Decimal
  79. Weeks = nudWeeks.Value
  80. Discount = 1 ' Sets base discount value.
  81. lblDiscount.Visible = True ' Sets both labels visible on first run (invisible prior for aesthetics).
  82. lblTotal.Visible = True
  83. If chkTrip.Checked Then ' Sets discount if necessary.
  84. Discount = 0.9
  85. End If
  86. TotalW = Total * Weeks
  87. lblTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(TotalW * Discount) ' Works out the total cost (inc. Discount)
  88. lblDiscount.Text = FormatCurrency(TotalW - (TotalW * Discount)) ' Works Out Discount.
  89. End Sub
  91. Private Sub chkTrip_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkTrip.CheckedChanged
  92. UpdateTotal() ' If the discount checkbox is changed, runs UpdateTotal.
  93. End Sub
  95. Private Sub btnOutput_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOutput.Click
  96. Dim Count As Integer
  97. Dim List(TotalIndex), DiscountT, TotalT, File As String ' Declares string variables (inc. array)
  98. Dim FilePathO As String = Application.StartupPath + "\Output.ben" ' Sets the file path.
  99. If Not lblDiscount.Text = "" Then
  100. File = "Notepad " + FilePathO ' Sets a string for use in Shell()
  101. TotalT = lblTotal.Text ' Sets necessary variables.
  102. DiscountT = lblDiscount.Text
  103. For Count = 0 To TotalIndex ' Fills out the array with the necessary number of items.
  104. List(Count) = lstItems.Items(Count) ' Uses the listboxes data.
  105. Next
  106. System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(FilePathO, List) ' Writes to text file, overwriting previous data
  107. Dim TotalsO As New System.IO.StreamWriter(FilePathO, True) ' Opens StreamWriter
  108. TotalsO.WriteLine("Discount " + DiscountT, True) ' Writes Discount to file
  109. TotalsO.WriteLine("Total " + TotalT, True) ' Writes Total to file
  110. TotalsO.Close() ' Closes StreamWriter so file can be opened by other programs.
  111. Shell(File) ' Runs File in shell, opening Notepad, along with Output.ben
  112. Else
  113. MsgBox("Please add some items before output.")
  114. End If
  115. End Sub
  116. End Class
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