

May 24th, 2015
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  1. Throughout my high school career I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life. I was so confused, going from becoming a psychiatrist to a designer, to a nurse. As I would do research for these careers, I would realize that none of them interested me. Towards the end of senior I realized that graphic design is my passion. I love photoshop, I love making things animated, I love it all and it's no longer a hobby for me; it's a career and I feel like Art Institute can help me with this career.
  2. I see things online and I think to myself "This could easily be edited, maybe add a few java scripts in there and it's perfect." Graphic designing has become something completely puts me at ease. It calms me down and centers me, bringing me to a happier place. When I'm editing things it's just me, my music and my computer. There's something calming about being able to create something beautiful with just a few clicks and keys.
  4. In all honesty, I see myself becoming an amazing web/graphic designer, being truly happy and I feel as if this college could help make that dream a reality.
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