
Wave Crest Cup

Mar 9th, 2018
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  1. Wave Crest Cup
  3. Tonight was the night of the Wave Crest Cup in Rome. The city is getting packed to the brim iwth many people...the seats being sold out a week before the actual event.
  5. Why are their so many people here in this ordinary Rank D Cup? There are some reasons.
  7. 1st and forthmost...Prince Diego Brando will be competing . As the heir to the Brando family, he have amassed a very impressive 100% winning rate in both the fights and the amount of tourneys won. His beloved charismatic attitude(All a lie ofc) and his powerful dragon, Shirogon(Dragon/Gali), along with his wealth makes him a very prominent figure among his age group.
  8. 2nd off, This is Rome. Majority of the people who come here to watch are part of the elites. The food here is so pricey that some of the non-elites work together and bring in outside food to eat during the matches. Therefore, the more people that come, the more amount of tickets that was sold, and also means that more money was made for the IMA.
  10. Lastly, because this is one of those Rank D Match esbefore the Elimination Cup(Besides the December Official Rank Cups) held in January to decide the rep between Togle and Vizley...King Xander will be attending to watch the WCC(Wave Crest Cup)
  11. With the amount of people in attendance....we see the 3 Branwens(Raven, Qrow, and now established in the family, Jalen) standing near the lobby door with a lot of people in the main hall. Jalen is looking at the doors to the Breeder's waiting room as Ieyasu is looking pumped for action. Qrow is chugging some Apple Juice(He'll tell you it's alcohol tho) and Raven is busy looking over the 3 other breeders on her iPhone on the Monster MatchUp site.
  13. "So, besides Shirogon, There's no other competition you need to worry about..." Raven smirks as she put her phone up. "Ieyasu got this shit in the bag..." "Hopefully, I've been looking at Shirogon's matches with Qrow here and I'll begrudgingly admit that Dio here trained his monster well..." Jalen sighs as he get off the wall he was leaning on and turn towards Raven with a serious look
  15. "Nevertheless..I'm confident in me and Ieyasu's skills here." Raven nods along with Qrow who speaks up. "Yeah, these last 2 weeks been a great training session for Ieyasu and Makoto...been making progress on those 2 Kamehamehas we learned of.."
  16. Just as Jalen and Raven nods...The bell rings out for the breeders to walk to the breeder room...Jalen however look around for Dio.
  18. "Where's the prince? He gonna be late." Raven scoffs and rolls her eyes, clearly she's used to this. "You never been to a tourney with Diego before, but he always like to wait until every other breeder is out there before HE make his appearance..." Jalen looks somewhat annoyed by this display of nepotism. "And the refs let him slide?" "Of course they do.." Qrow leans in towards Jalen after looking around for inquiring ears. "You wouldn't wanna get fired for actually doing your job against the prince, right?"
  20. "That's...." Jalen shakes his head. "That's actually bullshit...But I got not time for this..Let's go, Ieyasu!" Ieyasu nods and before the 2 of them get going...Raven grabs Jalen's hand to stop him. "Jalen, wait..." He turn to her with a confused look "What's wro-" Before he get a soft lip lock from her as she hugs him close. She breaks the kiss and smiles at him as she cup his face with one hand.
  22. "Kick some asses, K?" He leans to her hand and smiles back. "Got it." Qrow smiles and shake his head. "I'm not gonna kiss nor hug ya, but....Good luck Jalen." "Heh...thanks Qrow." Jalen and Ieyasu waves at them as they soon run off to the lobby.
  23. Raven sighs blissfully as she watches Jalen run off. "..To think...I'm the one who grab his ass as he plow into me...~" "EW! I'm RIGHT here, sister!!" Qrow playfully gags behind her before she punches him in the ribs softly before smirking. "Shut it, Now...let's go get some seats."
  25. The twins run off and come to the packed and roaring arena. With the 2 Jumbotrons showcasing data on the 4 entrants. Shirogon, Ieyasu, Biscuit(Suezo/Golem) and Sutherl(Monol/Zuum). Raven and Qrow get to their seats(While Raven practically threatens those who wouldn't get out of their way with her taped up knuckles...ever since she punched Soleil, she's been using those knuckles of hers as battle scars and scare people off..) "Hurry up, Qrow...I see some seats available!!!" Raven runs ahead and eventually get to the seats and sit down in one of them.....
  27. "Aha! I got one!"
  28. "Aha! I got one!"
  30. ....And hears someone else sit down next to her. Raven turns her head and had to do a double take as she sees someone who..look just like her! Only with blonde hair that..looks like to be dyed judging by her black roots. She's looking quite shocked and even more scared than she should be towards Raven.
  31. "(Oh, of all the seats I had to find..)"
  34. Qrow come by and catches up to his sister. "Goddamnit, really need to....." And upon seeing Yang...Rubs his eyes and come to the only conclusion that makes sense. "Raven, did you actually use demonic magic to conjure a clone of you?"
  35. "HELL NO!!!"
  37. "Wh-Wh-what?" Yang stammers while Raven scowls at her brother while Yang's friends catches up with them on Yang's side as Ruby leads them. "Yang, you have GOT to slow down!! You can't lea-" And then she sees who Yang is sitting next to.. "O-O-O-O-Oh fu-fu-fu-fu-fu" And then she look at Qrow...her father... "HOOOOOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!"
  39. "Uh....."Qrow looks nervous as he points at a frozen Ruby who's face is stuck in a silent scream as Blake waves her hand in front of her to wake her up to no avail. "Is..Is she gonna be ok?_ "Meh, she'll live." Blake shrugs as she adjust Ruby's frozen body to sit in a chair next to Yang as she sit herself in one as Weiss sighs and sit down next to Blake "(How the hell did we end up next to Ruby and Yang's parents...?)" All the while, Raven is scanning Yang's face and come to the conclusion.. "(This must be the girl who Jalen told me about...)" Yang's facial features are a dead ringer for Raven despite having them at a softer level than Raven's. "So...You must be that girl Jalen told me about." Yang's face along with all of her friends pales to a considerable level except for Ruby's who is still frozen "I-I-I...I guess..." :C'mon girl, there's not that many Branwens around here, add on the traits he told me about you and it's clear you're her..." Raven leans towards Yang which makes her sweat even more in fear.
  41. "...Sooo..What's all this about the Lunar Kamehameha that you're teaching your Garu and how can we improve it?" "Im-Improve it!?" Yang leans back in her chair away from Raven who quirk an eyebrow and leans forward with a confused look. "Yes, improve it. Surely my Garu doing it quite well means there is more to the attack, yes?" but before Yang could speak up, she is interrupted by the sight of the 3 breeders entering the arena with their monsters. Jalen is in the back with a calm expression as is Ieyasu. The 3 breeders head to their separated dugouts
  43. "(Dad....)"
  45. Jalen sit down on his bench with Ieyasu down next to him. He looks around to spot Raven and Qrow, which eventually, he finds to the girls he saw at the mall weeks ago. "Oh shit, the sheer odds of that..." He don't have time to dwell on that as the gates open up and a lot of showgirls parade inside the arena as Prince Diego, adon in his White Tuxedo with golden cuffs and white immaculate shoes on. His dark blonde hair neatly brushed into a...mullet and ponytail combo. Behind him walking is a White dragon who's underbelly is bright golden like a Gali's mask. his nails on his claws and talons are black. and on his back are the designs of which are seen on a Gali's Cape. Shirogon, the Gariel(Dragon/Gali) roars and expands his wings as his breeder stand before him with his arms crossed looking well-assured of his victory today. The crowd chants his name as waves at them with a bright smile, the crowd's noise only increasing as King Xander arrives in the Noble Box to watch his son compete.
  47. "...You think Jalen can beat him?" Raven turn her head to Qrow who have a wondering look on his face as he look at the bracket coming up on the jumbotrons...The matches have been decided and the 1st round will be Shirogon vs Biscuit...and then Ieyasu vs Sutherl. She hmphs and crosses her arms as she lean back in her chair amid the loud crowd. "I have all the confidence in the world that he can win this."
  49. "Hell yeah, me too!!!"
  51. Raven turn her head to the girl besides her with a questioning look.
  53. "You a fan of Jalen or something?" She quirk an eyebrow at Yang who looks nervous undr her glare. "Uh-Uh...Ye-yeah! He's pretty cool "Raven's glare only intensifies as Yang soon whimpers. "No-Not that I like him or anything!I I just saw some of his matches and thought he was pretty good is all, I don't wanna steal him, I promise!!" Raven continues to stare at her before scoffing and turning back to the arena. Yang breaths a sigh of relief as she does the same. "(Man, I forgot how pressuring Mom can be...But I know that we can be just as tight as we was in my timeline!)" She nods with a determined face on as next to her, Ruby is mentally freaking out over being so close to the man she have the same genes with, but never met in her life "(DADDY IS THIS CLOSE TO ME AND I CAN'T EVEN FUNCTION PROPERLY NEXT TO HIM!!!)"
  55. Before the tourney begins, King Xander request everyone to stand up and sing to the anthem of Togle as the flag rises up. The whole stadium stands up and rest a hand on their chest(Although some seems reluctant to do so since they never do this in any other tourney such as the twins, Jalen, and the 4 girls). Once THAT'S over with...
  56. The Wave Crest Cup begins!
  58. The 1st round with Shirogon and Biscuit will begin...Diego come out to the standing ovation from the crowd(except from you know whoms...) as Shirogon roars loudly...And the match begins with Biscuit shooting a Suezo Beam at Shirogon who blocks the sphere of fire with his white wings and stalks his way towards the Rocky Suezo. Biscuit continues to fire more SBs like a turret as Shirogon shrugs them off. Soon Biscuit had to dodge roll as the Gariel flies towards him with a claw extend to grab him. Shirogon flies back around and locks Biscuit into his sight and soars towards him. He have to barrel roll and dodge the Suezo Beams from Biscuit. Shirogon soon land with a loud thud and make Biscuit go up in the air from the impact...leaving him open for Shirogon to swerve around and wallop him with his tail!!! Sending him flying through rocks layered on the field and to a wall K.Oed.
  60. With only 15 seconds taken off the clock, Shirogon roars and spread his wings as he is announced the winner..Diego bows to the crowd and head to his dugout as his name is chanted while Shirogon flies to his master...out there, he looks very polite and humbled...but in his dugout as he turn from the crowd....
  62. "(Excellent, Shirogon shall make quick work of these fools!! Now I just have to wait and see which bastard will be unlucky enough to fight me!)" He snickers to himself before he composes himself to put up his nice and friendly facade and turn back to the 2 breeders entering the ring. He extend a hand out to them, knowing that the cameras will catch his face.
  64. "Hey guys, I look forward to witnessing a great match! May the best man win and don't forget to have fun!!" The cameras flashes as they catch his sparkling smile....None of which impress Jalen and his friends(Including the 4 girls), but it certainly adore him to everyone else. "(Who does he thinks he's fooling?)" Raven rolls her eyes, as next to her Yang does the same thing in the same manner no less "What a fucking douchebag...I can smell the shit off of him." "Same..." Raven nods in agreement with her. "Guys like him like to use their looks, money, and place in society to get what they want...and considering he got all 3..." Qrow facepalms... "No wonder Inigo looks up to him.." "Bleh." "Bleh!" Both Raven and Yang makes the same disgusted noise.
  66. "That's a Monol?" Blake quirk an eyebrow, never seeing any specimen from the Monol Breed as the scaled Monolith comes towards Ieyasu and morph an angry face on itself before it disappears...Ieyasu looks unimpressed by this and get into his stance. Weiss sits up, never seeing Ieyasu in combat before and speaks up. "Can we be sure that this Garu have the POW to hurt Sutherl? Monols have among the best DEFs of all monsters, to see something like a Garu to even hurt it seems..." She shakes her head with doubt in her mind "I just can't see it..." Raven scowls and look at Weiss and was about to say something when Yang beats her to it. "You just watch and see, Weiss!!!"Weiss flinches from Yang's ferocious stare as she turn back to the arena as the match will soon starts with a wide smile.
  68. "That Garu's gonna do amazing things.."Raven leans in her chair looking at Yang with a judging look. "Yeah.." "(Why is she so adamant in her support with Jalen? He's not even that popular...So how would she even know him???)" "I-I'm curious on how strong Ieyasu is..." Ruby FINALLY finds her voice and speaks up...
  70. The match begins....and Ieyasu silences the whole entire arena as he jumps with a foot on fire and kick Sutherl so hard that the whole monolith breaks down into 2 pieces....the fact that Monols die when their body turn to thousands of pieces is assuring that Ieyasu didn't killed the Jura Wall(Monol/Zuum)...But the fact that a SECOND went passed....Is truly astounding.
  72. Jalen looks unconcerned, this is all par for the course for him and to see Ieyasu perform well is well-assuring of how far he and him has come as breeder and monster. He hears nothing through the crowd as Ieyasu backflips towards him and land before him with a serious gaze at the broken Sutherl before breathing out and bowing before his opponent. inside, he is truly thankful to his girlfriend, Raven, for practically moving him in with her and training with her...effectively doubling the amount of gains Ieyasu is making. He and Ieyasu walk back to their dugout and wait for their match in the finals.
  74. Qrow had to stop himself from spitting out his drink..He always knew Ieyasu was strong from the 1st match he saw him in back in Rank E, but for him to casually OHKO a monster-A Monol for fuck's sake!!!- in front of so many people...He couldn't shake his head fast enough if he wanted to as he look down at the arena.
  76. Raven was feeling a mixed bag of emotions...Anger at Jalen and his Monster for being so up ahead of her and Makoto, Pride at how she was able to help him ascend to new levels of powers, Disappointment that Ieyasu stopped at jut kicking Sutherl(She would had ordered Makoto to Kamehameha the Jura Wall AFTER Fire Kick.), but most of all..she felt...Love. Love that her boyfriend is doing so well, Love that she and him train day and night, each one pushing each other to new heights. She look at Jalen's face to see him(As far as she can tell) looking contented and happy. She chuckles and rest her head on her hand as she slouches and enjoy the heavy silence that comes from this battle
  78. Yang honestly didn't know what to expect, her mom in her timeline often spoke highly of Ieyasu back before and during his prime...And to see only TEN MONTHS OF AGE!!! see him fighting so well when back in her timeline, Ieyasu was old and while still powerful, Age did a heavy toil on his body from all the fighting he did in his life and couldn't fight 100% like he usually could....And eventually, 2 months after Jalen's murder...Ieyasu passed away with a heavy heart..Yang shakes her head of those heavy thoughts and turn her angry face towards an non-impressed Diego. Her fathe's murderer. Seeing the bastard makes her blood boil red-hot as she grips the armrests of her chairs tightly..She calm herself down and look at the floor of the arena with a growing smile, Proud of her father and happy to see him in his elements.
  80. Ruby had to rub her eyes 4 times to make sure she wasn't seeing things....Of course, her father, Qrow and mother, Summer Rose, often spoke of how good Raven and Jalen were(Back before the war kicked off, there was only a small handful of breeders who could had competed with Ieyasu and Makoto with their monsters...The princess of Vizley, Rhiannon Faraday, being the most prominent one. as well as one of their closest friends), but she wasn't expecting Jalen and Ieyasu to be THIS FUCKING GOOD!!! Maybe they have a chance...a chance to stop the horrible future that destroyed their world...but before they could do any of that..she glances a look at Qrow, thankful that her father isn't looking at her lest she freezes up again..she scowls as she know where her mother is the hands of that abusive bastard, Berkut, as his assistant..She vows to rescue her mother and have her father come along as soon as possible.
  82. Blake has never look shocked, nor worried..or look so wrought with emotion...until today that the moment, she's feeling emotions of...WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WITNESS!??! She always felt that Yang was maaaaybe over exaggerating her father's monster and it's strength, But she never called her out on it since she knew everyone like to brag about a family member of theirs...but still to bear witness to such a powerful Rank D no less!!! She begins to think that maybe they can do this..they ALL can stop the future of hell from appearing...
  84. Weiss almost fainted, and would had done it right there has she not been a Schnee and remembered that Schnees never look scared...and yet even so, she had to use every inch of her soul to not yell loudly in fear and run off as she can't comprehend just how strong one monster can be...She hopes that Makoto was just as powerful however..they gonna need all the firepower they can get if they wanna stop the future of hell...
  86. Diego's face is a still expression. He knew for a fact that Sutherl's DEF is pretty good, from his own experiences in fighting that Monol, even was rather...shocking in seeing an other monster doing well in this circuit. Nevertheless, he is confident in beating this monster with Shirogon. Another one to throw in the pile of defeated monsters, he thought...
  88. Oh, how wrong he is...
  90. Eventually after the medical staff get Sutherl's remains off the arena to fix him back up and declare Biscuit the 3rd place winner...the finals are here with Shirogon vs Ieyasu. Shirogon growls at Ieyasu who stand there with his arms crossed before he get into his stance. Behind their own respective monsters....Diego and Jalen each are ready for the match to begin. Jalen with a serious expression with his arms crossed before his chest, and Diego with his behind his back. "So...You're Jalen?" "....." Diego don't lose his cool over Jalen's silence as he chuckles. "Not much of a talker, huh?" "...."
  92. "I'm ready when you are.." Jalen finally speaks up as Ieyasu nods, Diego's eyebrow's twitches a bit, a crack in his cool facade, but he hides it as soon as it came as the bell rings out and the 2 monsters's fight begins..
  94. "Shirogon, go and use Claw!"
  95. "Dodge and use Fire Upper!"
  97. Shirogon roars and take off towards Ieyasu, claw extended to slash down on the Garu, but Ieyasu leaps to the side and as he land, jumps towards the Gariel with a fist aflamed.However, Shirogon grabs Ieyasu with his claw wrapped around his body and chuck him towards a rock! However, Ieyasu adjust himself in the air so that his feet lands on the rock and use that to stop his momentum. He then jump back on the ground and glare at Shirogon with a scowl to the Gariel's smug expression.
  99. "Flutter!"
  101. Shirogon flaps his wings with one giant flap and send Ieyasu crashing through the same rock and then some...the shattered pieces crumbling down on the Garu. Majority of the crowd cheers as they, along with Diego who smiles condescendingly along with his father who is surrounded by many of his friends in the Noble Box cheering as they drink wine.
  103. "That's not good.." Blake speaks up with a concerned look as Weiss shakes her head "No, it's not..I don't think Ieyasu is gonna win, despite what we saw earlier from him.." "Pfft..." Yang scoffs and leans back in her chair crossing her arms with a confident smirk.
  105. "No way Ieyasu going down to a simple Flutter, I don't see why everyone else is getting excited for this.." Raven finds herself agreeing with the psuedo-blonde once more and nods. "Me and Jalen trained too long and hard for this to be over so soon.."
  107. "(But why do this girl..)" Raven look over at Yang again. "(Reminds me of myself so much?)" "Who are you?" "!" Yang widens her eyes and point at herself with a nervous manner. "Wh-who, me??" "No." Raven rolls her eyes "The girl next to you.." Ruby looks over scared for a bit. "I-I'm Yang!"
  109. "....Yang....?" She drawls out for her last name which Yang turn back to the match with a nervous look. "N-No last name!" "...Odd." Raven keep her eyes on Yang for a moment and look back down at the match.
  111. "Ah, your Garu is well-trained,"Diego shakes his head with a smile "But it was no match for Shirogon!" Shirogon roars...but then his eyes pop out as a red sphere of fire shoots out from underneath the rocks and crash into his belly. He skids with his feet on the floor for some distance as the red sphere move off of him of him and bounce on the floor with the fire coming off to revea Ieyasu who smirks at Shirogon. Diego gawks as Jalen speaks up, an sharp tone on his voice. "Never count the match over until it's clear one of the monsters are down for the count."
  113. "(...So this isn't your average weak as fuck matter.)" Diego scowls, a bit of his hidden personality coming out "(Shirogon will crush him!!)" "Shirogon, let's get serious!" Shirogon roars and stomps the ground to scare Ieyasu...which doesn't work at all since Ieyasu doesn't react what-so-ever to it, still in his stance for combat. "Now go for a Tail Attack!" Shirogon spin around and swings his tail towards the Garu, who jumps over it and counters back with a Wild Slash on Shirogon's face. He shouts with pain before grabbing Ieyasu and slamming him to the ground and was about to punch him in the face until Ieyasu bites down harshly on one of his fingers and make him reel back and letting go of the Garu as he screams in pain.
  115. "(Goddamnit, this piece of shit breeder and his inbred fuzzball shall not make a mockery out of me!)" Diego's eyebrow twitches as he hides his anger behind his cool facade "Shirogon, compose yourself! Use Flying Combo!!!" The Gariel shouts as he flies towards Ieyasu with his claws out and begin to slash him up with a murderous fury. Ieyasu dodges the 1st 2, but get cut up by the last 5, the last one being able to slam him through some rocks once again...However this time, Diego won't let up.
  117. "Shirogon, let's end this now!!!" Xander nods with approval as he know his son will use his monster's iconic attack...Shirogon knows this as well as he begins to plant his feet and roars before breathing in sharply... "Shit, here it comes!!" Qrow speaks up with fear in his voice. "Jalen better know what he's doing!!! Hearing this from her brother, Raven sits up with a worried face and glances towards Jalen down there on the arena floor. She can see him gritting his teeth in frustration. "He got this.....He has to..." As much as she tries to convince herself, Raven have some seeds of doubt for him...However Yang have no such thing in her mind as she stand up and cheer Jalen on.... "C'MON JALEN!!! YOU'RE NOT GONNA LOSE TO THIS FAKE-ASS BLONDE BASTARD, RIGHT!?!?" A lot of people near them are appalled by the terms Yang is using for their prince and boo her, but she press on. "YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS CUCK!!! SO PROVE IT!!" Raven watches this girl, who she still feel some kind of familiarity to, but can't place it...But she does know one thing. She scowls fiercely and stands up next to Yang and shout at Jalen as well.
  121. By now, both girls are on the jumbotron unaware of how they look so mad on there and so alike as they cheer on Jalen, who look up and see them while Shirogon is charging up his attack...making a loud noise from his mouth as a bright white light shines from inside of it.
  123. "WIN!!!"
  124. "WIN!!!"
  126. "(Man, they are really similar...But they're right..I gotta pull through in this one.)" Jalen turn his head towards the pile of rocks where Ieyasu lay underneath in...and then he remembers...although Ieyasu isn't a Mogi(Monster with a drill on its head, allowing it to dig), he still have his claws to get out of this...but how can he tell Ieyasu to..
  128. "(Wait, I got it!!!)"
  129. "IEYASU!!! THE GROUND!!"
  131. Rocks rumble as it seems Ieyasu got what Jalen is saying...however it may be too late as Shirogon is done charging...the crowd is on its feet as Diego smirks, letting a bit of his malicious personality seep out.
  133. "You put up a good match..but I'm afraid it's over!...SHIROGON!!!" Diego extend his hand out with a great flourish of authority for the iconic attack of the duo.
  135. "WHITE LIGHTNING!!!!"
  137. Shirogon let lose a while beam covered with black sparks towards where Ieyasu is at...and then a big explosion occurs as that place is laid to waste...a blinding light shines that makes everyone covers their eyes from the blast along with a loud sound from the explosion..
  139. Soon, the light shine down and the dusts/rocks that was kicked up from the explosion fall down or is blown away by Shirogon flapping his wings to assess the view...there's no traces of Ieyasu in the vicinity. The dragon roars with a triumphant vibe as the crowd cheers at what seems to be a well fought win for the Gariel. However, Yang,Blake,Ruby,and Weiss look very worried and in Yang's case...devastated.
  141. "'s impossible..." She sit down in her chair, her voice shaking from not trying to cry..."I-I-It can't be..." Ruby hugs her tightly while Blake and Weiss share looks of worry and even fear... "(I fear we may had been too late...)" Weiss even thought of in her state of sadness for her friend.
  143. "Oh, calm down..." Raven smirks as she see something on the field amiss the dust..something that Jalen sees too with a look of smugness. This confused the girls as Yang stands up with tears in her eyes. "Ca-Calm down!?!? We just witnessed a monster getting straight-up VAPORIZED and you're telling us to CALM DOWN!?!?" By now, Yang is all in Raven's face who looks down at the field..although she's highly annoyed, she keep her voice down to an still tone as she reprimand her. "Keep your voice down, and watch the ending to this battle." Yang blinks and rubs her eyes as she does so...
  145. "So, you have truly put up a great match!..but I win!!" Diego attempts to get Jalen to respond...But he don't as he closes his eyes and smirks with his arms crossed."(What the hell are you doing?)" "I understand..losing one's monster can be very....hurtful..But there's no need to lo-"
  146. "Didn't I just said that the match isn't over...until one of our monsters is down for the count?"
  148. Hearing this, Diego scowls as he is losing patience with this breeder.. "Your monster isn't in sight, what more do you need to be convinced that you lost???"_ "Shhhh..." Jalen places a hand to his ear as if he's listening for something.. "You hear that?"
  150. Soon, in the silent arena...the sounds of something digging through the ground is heard...and then suddenly, Shirogon is uppercutted by Ieyasu with a Fire Upper...and not done with just that, Ieyasu begins to rain 3 powerful blows with Jalen beginning to chant... all while still airborne...1st being the uppercut itself "KA......", followed by a spinning kick,"ME...." then another one following that one with momentum,"HA...." and finally a overhead kick knocking Shirogon to the ground "ME...."and all the while...a similar blue light is shining between his hands..and after the 4th kick with him being above Shirogon...he send his hands forward for...
  152. "HA!!!!!!!!!"
  154. And with that, Ieyasu shouts loudly as he let loose a Kamehameha on a downed Shirogon and blast him further to the ground....Ieyasu staying where he's at while blasting the Gariel. Sounds of pain echoes from the dragon as the light dies down show a KO'ED Shirogon on the floor...Ieyasu backflips towards his breeder and crosses his arms..body covered in scars from the battle as the whole arena is shocked beyond reason..the end of Diego's winning streak...was ended by a nobody???
  155. the only sounds that are heard are...(edited)
  159. The boasts of one Raven and Yang as they cheers loudly for Jalen...who waves at them nervously.
  161. "(They are fucking similar as fuck...)" Ieyasu waves back as best as he can, hurt from the battle...Diego meanwhile looks so alarmed and shocked that a ref had to inform him that Shirogon have to go to the medical room for injuries...he shakes out of it and with a cool facade..heads towards Jalen. "You....Jalen, right?" He smiles as he extend his hand out for a handshake.. "You've done very well to beat me! But I must promise you that next time will be a different story!" Jalen look at him and then his hand.. "(There's just something fake about his kindness here..but to not shake his hand here will make me look even worse besides beating Togle's 'golden boy')" Reluctantly, He shakes his hand and nods, with a calm and stoic look of course..
  163. "Sure...we'l see about that." And Jalen let go of his hand and walk off to collect his money from the refs with Ieyasu following him...Diego scowls harshly as he stares at the back of Jalen. "(Filthy matter..this is a minor time, I'll make sure to 'accidentally' injure that Garu of his..)' Diego walks off after taking his 2nd place prize money where his father look down with slight anger at Jalen and worried for his own son and the Elimination Cup... "(That boy could be a thorn...I'll need to take care and watch over him..)"
  165. Eventually, Jalen meet up with Raven and Qrow who congrats both him and Ieyasu for winning. Yang and her friends left as soon as the match was over..not before Raven and Qrow said bye to them(Ruby and Yang in particular look very happy by that...Yang even hugs a surprised Raven.)
  167. They head home and relax where Ieyasu brags to Makoto about his win in their hut much to her slight envy and joy of beating Shirogon, someone she never been able to beat....The night goes on and everyone except for Raven and Jalen are sleeping...Raven turns towards Jalen with a look that say she wanna talk..
  169. "So, I met that girl you said that could be a relative of mines..." "Oh?" He turns around and look at her with a curious look "And how did that go? She scowls in thought...and hug him as she prepare to go to sleep. "I...I don't feels like I should know her..but for the life of me, I can't place it....I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow, ok?" She kiss him on the lips and snuggle to him. "Let;s just get some sleep, ok?" "Yeah.." And the 2 of them fall asleep.
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