
Genesis Grimr

Dec 15th, 2020
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  1. [12:11] The butler was wondering through the forest. Following behind Y, going to his tavern. Two casks of alcohol floating in toe. As he sees someone... he isn't fully sure who it was, but he felt tied to them. An sense of distain billowed inside of him as he set the casks behind him. --Kirk straighten his suit and walked up. Squinting at the man.
  3. "Who... are you?"
  5. His tone was uncharacteristically hostile. As he peered at the man. His brother that he wished he didn't have... even if he didn't rightfully know that fact yet. --The question was simple, and how he reacted meant everything.
  7. He almost zoned Y out.. but he still makes note.
  9. "Apologies for this hold up, Y..."
  10. (Kirk Simmons)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [12:17] Yaji was walking along when he notices Kirk freeze before he sat down the cask "What's wrong Kirk?" He asked before Kirk seemed to turn and then take off walking towards a man in the distance.
  15. As they got closer Yaji saw someone killing boars, that very guy was clearly the person who caught Kirk's interest. Hearing the question laced with hostility Yaji slowly backed up wanting to get some space between him and the two. Getting caught in the crossfire would be a terrible thing to do.
  17. "No worries Kirk do what you have to do I will give you the space you need so if you have to fight don't worry about me I will get out of the way. So fight to your full potential do not hold back. Also I am here if you need me."
  19. With that Yaji jumped backwards into the air landing into the tree branches. Using the trees he got even more distance between him and Kirk, once he felt like he was at a safe distance he turned back around. Using his great vision he continued to watch the scene wanting to make sure Kirk was ok and to also get a nice view of the show that was about to start.
  21. Now he was going to get his wish he as going to be able to see Kirk fight.
  22. (Yajirushi Reigns)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [12:42] Genesis had been doing quite literally nothing besides killing boars for their meat, out of boredom, and fun. Scorching each one to a crisp. The meat was almost useless for most of them, but he didn't seem to care.
  27. As he did so he was approached by a random set of strangers, one of which looked vaguely familiar. Especially in his suit. The other a man hidden behind a mask. Upon initial interaction the man in the suit was rather hostile. Something that Gen was used to at this point.
  29. Suddenly the masked man jumped into the trees and disappeared. Surely expecting the two men to get into a fight. Though Gen was tired from taking a sleeping potion rather recently, and didn't feel like dealing with anything. He knew it was a bad idea to take the pot while he moved about. He would have to take it out on his Chela later.
  31. Taking a deep breathe. Which turned into more of a yawn, as he gave a faint smile, "I'm just a guy killing boar to pass the time. Don't mind me."
  34. (Genesis Grimr)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [12:50] The butler looked over his brother. Too much has changed for him to really tell. So he couldn't make too many assumptions. However one thing crossed his mind as a way to try and trigger him. If it were his brother, as at this point any and all fear he had for his brother. Has completely faded. A jaded emotion.
  39. "Hmmm, just a guy killing boars to pass the time huh?"
  41. He paused deciding to introduce himself, having his anger lightly waft off. As to gain back his formal composure. --Since Y knows his real name he gave a hint to the man.
  43. "A pleasure to meet you, I'm Kirk 'Alastair' Simmons. --Who might you be boar killer?"
  45. Kirk gave a bow, to him. Not breaking eye contact with him at all. Since that link he felt with him. Wasn't that of trust. It was hatred... remorse... despair. He felt that same feeling he did during the nightmare. The same as that night when his life fell apart, and he rose to greaterheights.
  46. (Kirk Simmons)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [13:19] Gen paused at the mention of the name for a moment. He was tired but the name still rung out to him. Snapping his finger in the direction of a boar, and in an instant it exploded from the force of his magics.
  51. Gen knew why recalled the face so well, it was the face of his long forgotten brother. For so long Gen had carried a hatred for his brother, and still to this day wished to see him fall into depravity. Just as he had. Though in the recent years the thoughts had diminished compared to what Gen had been dealing with.
  53. Had it been mere coincidence that they once again crossed each others path, he thought to himself. Gen hated thinking something like destiny or fate drove his life. Still it was obvious that Alistair did not know fully who he was. Though a connection resided between them.
  55. Luckily another yawn came and Gen played it off smoothly. Covering his mouth for a moment as he turned his head away. Looking for a spot under a tree to rest and cover himself inthe shade. Replying as he did so,
  57. "Kirk 'Alistair' Simmons huh? Quite the name."
  59. Gen then found a spot, sat down and rested his back against the tree. The shadows from the tree only darkening the shadows underneath his eyes. As he grew more tired.
  61. "As for me, just boar killer works. I don't have a name anymore." Gen finished.
  63. Wondering how he was going to handle such a situation as his eyes grew heavier.
  64. (Genesis Grimr)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [13:35] Kirk's eyes darkened a bit, as the man doesn't aim to give his name. With the feelings he felt... it wasn't sitting well with him. That 'Calamity of Ruin' kicking in a bit. --His hand roughly pressed against his face. Inhaling deeply as the air around the three of them got quite light. Almost like there was little oxygen around them at all. Making it extremely hard to breath.
  69. "I have a feeling I know... who you are. --You either tell me now... and hope for me to buy your farce. Or you die here... screaming like our parents..."
  71. He said taking a long aggravated pause. With his amber hues coming down staring intently to his brother.
  73. "Genesis... Grimr."
  75. It seemed he was going with his gut. Not matter how well he played his cards. Just having that feeling swell inside him. It make him aggravated, suffer...
  77. His fingers wiggle as he reaches for his blade. Lendis, his arcanium blade. With a dense gale forming around the blade. A breeze shifting past them. As the aeromagi, was getting serious. --A light cracking sound came from his person. A smog of Phosgene seemed from him, a light green fog. With a sickening sense of Mold.
  79. This time Kirk is the antagonist of this. Payback for tormenting him.
  81. The butler's tone seemed extremely sinister, evil even. As he gave one last chance.
  83. "Tell me your name... and I MIGHT let you leave... you have twenty seconds before I kill you."
  84. (Kirk Simmons)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [13:33] Gen felt the difference in pressure. Not just from the wind but emitting from his brother. It was different then the pressure he had once felt before. Something more sinister behind it, and Gen could tell that Alistair meant what he said. A smile appearing on his face underneath the shadows of the tree.
  89. Gen was happy to hear that his brother had never forgotten. That it seemed like he was still haunted by the fires of that fateful night, and the nightmares that led because of the flames. The nightmare that Gen had inspired.
  91. A chuckle from Gen as he sat forth and looked his brother in the eyes with pitch black irises. A face no longer full of disdain, but masked by fake emotion and a fake smile, "Oh please Alistair...You make it seem like you stayed long enough to hear their screams.."
  93. Outing himself and no longer caring was a freeing feeling to Gen. He was glad to let his brother know of his existence. If only to further drive him into despair. To give him a taste of the life he had to live.
  95. "Now tell me.. What business does my long lost brother have with me today?.. Here to put an end to me and finally realize your true purpose...You are a calamity just as I am.. Whether one of us dies or not.. The other will simply continue to destroy and free the weak willed from their shackles.. It is in our blood Alistair..."
  97. Gen finished his hand upon his resting rifle now. He would not take any chances. If he was to be attacked he would defend himself. Rather than seek to kill his brother like before. He instead wished to see him fall from even greater heights. It would make it all the more satisfactory, whether Gen lived or died.
  98. (Genesis Grimr)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [13:53] Kirk's expression steeled. As he's brothers words seeped from his lips. No further emotion triggered as he teased him. Tried to torment him. Nothing but anger swelled within. His persona breaking... his very façade shifting back to Alastair. The kid who killed constantly, just to survive. --No matter how much he wanted to just be Kirk, it was nearly impossible.
  103. "I... need to.... will.... Kill you."
  105. His words shifting as bloodlust started to take over. Perhaps the calamity of ruin thing wasn't as far off as he thought. His look started to look more animalistic. Like he was going to rip and tear his brother to shreds. However it faded slowly... relaxing, regaining his steadfast composure. Taking another deep breath. It was like he was fighting himself. --His next words stabilized.
  107. "I'm not you... we may be kin. However your the failure of us. The mistake. Your not wanted on this world. Unlike me who have people who need me. Allyou do is cause pain and suffering. 'Calamity of Ruin' or not, I control my power. --I aim to remove my past, become Kirk Simmons... starting and ending with your death."
  109. The butler speak bluntly. Taking another huge deep breath before a whirlwind surrounded him. Blocking his sight. A small opening from his side opened as he rushed in aiming to strike him. Starting a battle between the two brothers.
  111. "Your just a stepping stone...."
  113. He ushered as his blade clashed with his brother's gun.
  114. (Kirk Simmons)
  115. [14:22] Gun clashed with blade. A true beginning to a good show, Gen thought. A blazing grin on his face now. Not worried for his brother's bloodlust, but more so relishing in it. He had been living a life of boredom recently. Ever since the attack on Osrona he had been laying low. No longer did he plan to.
  117. His brother giving him the perfect reason to relieve himself of his boredom, "Oh, me a stepping stone? No no Alistair! I will always be here. Always in your mind, living there rent free. You will never be rid of me!"
  119. Suddenly the fire raged inside of him, and obsidian flames burst forth. Shrouding him in darkness, and removing any quality of him that might have seemed human. It was as if he was being possessed by an entirely different entity.
  121. "You will burn today Alistair.. These flames are not mean to be controlled! They are only meant to devour!"
  123. (Genesis Grimr)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [14:37] Kirk had wind from the current around them pour onto his blade. With a flick of his wrist a huge shockwave threw him back. Pressing Genesis against the wall of the raging torrent. Shredding his back.
  128. A small smile crosses his lips, as the smog around grew meeting the hurricane. It Erupted into a foul smelling wall. Ceasing him from leaving, The dark flames from Gen being pushed back.
  130. As Genesis starting to relocate with a barrage of bullets being slung his way. Kirk flew up into the air having the wind easily hold his form. Dashing up to him, with explosions ringing out around them. With one right before him. The aura around Kirk exploded as did the wall around them. Having it be a wall of black flames instead. --Even still Lendis connected with his target. With blood pouring out from the side of the man. As he slid past his abdomen.
  132. He dropped his blade and grabbed his brother by the throat. Throwing him violently through the flames.
  134. "Your magick is weak... you've fallen from the brother I once knew. Perhaps this Darklord you love is nothing but a mistake. Clearly my own power is greater than his."
  136. He called out, behind the flames.
  137. (Kirk Simmons)
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. [14:51] Gen could be heard cackling maniacally through the flames once more. His brother seemingly with the advantage but it did not matter to Gen. This was the most boredom relief he had had in quite some time. It was growing on him.
  142. Even as blood leaked from his wound. He simply cauterized it quickly with his flame and continued on. Once again becoming enshrouded by the black flames, and appearing before his brother. Using the flames to control and propel himself, and appearing from behind the wall of flames.
  144. "You will cease these foolish thoughts brother. To think you are stronger than me is one thing. However I will have you know, I am the weakest among my comrades. The Dark Lord's power is even further beyond your grasp. You would do well to not seek the gaze of the true Lord. He would wipe you from Esshar.. and the brother you knew never existed. It was simply an image placed upon me by those who would see my power squandered, hidden, and destroyed!" The surrounding area grew colder as the heat began to gather around Gen.
  146. As he gathered dark energies of fire and chaos alike. Storing them into his mana rifle and taking aim.
  147. (Genesis Grimr)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [15:05] He stepped towards the wall, with a huge burst of wind. Opening a gap in the flames somberly stepping towards his brother. With a content smile on his face. Clearly mocking him.
  152. "I could careless what the Dark Lord is capable of. If your the weakest then you shall die like the rest of our family then. --Perhaps I'll kill all of the witches too. Wiping scum from Esshar wouldn't be so bad."
  154. The butler spoke before recalling Lendis from the flames. Sliding back into his hand. Having the bullets shot towards him get nudged aside. Missing his form only barely. As his wind magick corrected it. Like a shield.
  156. He adjusted his grip on the hilt, before swinging harshly toward his brother. With a wave of wind rushing towards him. Kirk following up behind it. Once it landed he stabbed directly into his stomach. Pushing halfway into his body. Piercing right above his actual stomach. With poison running up the blade and unto the wound. Genesis would startto feel extremely nauseous, and lesions riddled his internal flesh.
  158. The blade pushed deeper before he pressed his hand against Genesis chest. Throwing him back once more, slamming him into the rock wall behind him. The power difference was quite great.
  160. "Unless you have something, you've not shown me yet... your dying today."
  161. (Kirk Simmons)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [15:20] Gen thought of the beauty of death. It was such a thing. To finally be released from the miserable world and life he led. No longer burdened with worries that were not truly his own. As he sat, thinking and coughing blood, in the divot he had made by being hurled into the rock wall behind him.
  166. For once, a peaceful smile truly rested upon his face as he rested for a moment more. Thinking of the end, and if it was truly near. Suddenly the whispers emerged. Shattering his peace. Reminding him of the misdeeds that had been done to him. Of all the pain he had suffered and endured. Finally of the duty he still needed to fulfil to his Lord.
  168. His eyes opened, and waves of occult energies emerged from him. Holding the pain at bay as the chaotic energies spread throughout his body as he was once again engulfed in black flames. Robbing him of any feeling. This would be his last ditch effort. He did not intend to die today. No, he would return grander than ever before, and light a fire that would never cease to burn the world.
  170. "Sadly brother I can not die here today. The Lord wishes more of me, and what he desires. So it shall be! Though I am sure you will one day get the opportunity again!"
  171. (Genesis Grimr)
  172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. [15:23] {Won Dangerous RPB against Genesis Grimr}
  175. [15:23] ** Kirk Simmons has inflicted an injury upon Genesis Grimr. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)") **
  176. [15:47] As the occultic powers swelled in his brother. It meant nothing to him, nothing but absolute rage was left. Luckily he still was in control of himself as he battled. This isn't the first time he had battled an occultist. Or will this be the last.
  178. After a large number of traded blows between the two. Kirk still remained out on top. Not slowing down whatsoever, perhaps even fighting harder. His wind started to shift, poison poured into it. Becoming it, controlling it. Almost like his mana was assuming the elemental affinity of poison. Instead of the normal wind mana he bared to this point.
  180. A huge shockwave rung out, throwing Genesis back. Leaving acid across his form, burning past his clothing. Singeing his skin. --Not letting him gather his barings proper he gathered a huge amount of wind. Lining the edge of Lendis. Slamming into his face, and encasing his left side of his skull. Burning off his hair, and leaving a mangled mess.
  182. Kirk ran up, and firmly gripped his face. A iron grasp. His amber hues staring directly into his brothers pained eyes.
  184. "'The calamity of ruin' is stronger that your Dark Lord... and you will be my demonstration to the world, what happens when you fuck with a butler. --You best hope Duniya is nice to you... since your about to be dragon feed."
  186. He lips curled sinisterly, before slinging him over his shoulder. Getting ready to walk him all the way to the temple.
  188. He will pay for making Alastair Grimr suffer...
  189. (Kirk Simmons)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [15:48] Catherine says, "Gotcha"
  193. [15:51] As a beast-kin her sense of small was much stronger then any normal humans, so the moment she was just a quick sprint away from Kirk she decided to see what they were up to out here in the desert.
  195. Getting closer and closer the scent of pain, suffering and hatred began to come to her as her fangs began to show with a devious smile. Her days of attacking nobles coming back to her as she happened upon the scene, this would actually be the first time she got to witness Kirk actually trying to harm someone.
  197. "Me oh my~ Someone has been up to quiet a few naughty things now haven't they." She asked with a tilt of her head as she started to pace in small circles around them. As those purple hues of hers gazed down trying to figure out who there other was she would speak out. "It seems that I caught the end of it what is your plan now?"
  198. (Catherine)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [15:59] The butler shifted his attention to Cat. His cold expression lingering still. Almost like he was planning to kill her too. However he wasn't in his rage state.
  203. "I plan to sacrifice this witch... My brother... He will finally pay for what he did to me all those years ago."
  205. Kirk briefly said, as she knew he had a brother. Now she will see him die.
  206. (Kirk Simmons)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [16:00] Catherine asks, "Ehhhhh?"
  210. [16:00] Kirk Simmons asks, "What?"
  211. [16:00] Gen could make no response. Not even able to hear currently. It all sounded muffled as all he could feel was searing pain from acid.
  212. (Genesis Grimr)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [16:01] Catherine says, "Well then, this sure did take a dark for the day, but wouldn't be the first time someone killed their brother infront of me."
  216. [16:01] Kirk Simmons says, "Dun."
  217. [16:01] Kirk Simmons says, "I have your witch"
  218. [16:01] Duniya Vartuul asks, "Mmh?"
  219. [16:01] Duniya Vartuul asks, "Really...?"
  220. [16:04] The man walks up with a man on his shoulder. Throwing him off and landing him at the floor before Duniya. He seemed to have been put through absolute hell. --He just have her a soft smile.
  222. "Indeed... I just caught him. --Also If you don't mind, since this is quite personal... I would like to be the one to offer him up. Slaying him with my own hand. If that is fine with you."
  224. He said with his magick fading around him finally. Having Lendis rest on his back once more.
  225. (Kirk Simmons)
  226. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  228. [16:06] Catherine was just sorta here, not exactly involved but watching as a observer as they followed behind Kirk. The feeling of hatred not radiating off them as they idly watched with a curious gaze trying to slowly piece all of this together before her very own eyes
  229. (Catherine)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. [16:07] Has a hand firmly gripped on the girls shoulder, distaste on his face as he approaches the small crowd.
  234. "Dragonlord Duniya, she returned, and is willingly turning herself in. Do your orders still stand?"
  235. (Éadmod Hilyard)
  236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  238. [16:07] Emilia Stone whispers: What even were your orders?
  239. [16:07] Duniya turned her head to face Kirk, eyeing him curiously. The one he'd caught must not have been Catherine - that wouldn't be right... if it was her, then she'd been a master of deceit. No, it must have been the stranger behind him.
  241. "Very well, and you're absolutely certain that this is a witch?
  243. How do you know?"
  245. She held her hand out to Eadmod. A signal to stay his hand and wait. A much more important and pressing matter was at hand than the fate of a foolish child.
  246. (Duniya Vartuul)
  247. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  249. [16:08] Éadmod will not answer her question, setting his face more
  250. (Éadmod Hilyard)
  251. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. [16:08] Emilia Stone says, "I'm going to go sit down, my legs hurt from the climbing.."
  254. [16:12] The man sighed having to inform her a tad of his past. Regardless he deemed it best to explain it to her. Just keeping it rather short.
  256. "He is my brother... he killed our whole family, when his powers fully awoken. --Tormenting me all these years once he found out I was still alive, not dead like the rest...."
  258. He paused for a moment, glancing to his brother.
  260. "I found him, finally... and I plan to rid this world of the scum. Giving you him is the best outcome, since I get to get rid of the epicenter of my hatred, and granting us the dragon to get revenge for Orodyn."
  261. (Kirk Simmons)
  262. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. [16:19] Duniya nodded to Kirk.
  266. That seemed like firm enough evidence. She wasn't one to question it. If this was a witch, it was a witch. Their quest to find and sacrifice a servant of the Dark Lord of Helheim was one that did not discriminate. This was a witch, their blood would be spilled upon the slumbering dragon's egg.
  268. "All right. Then we shall do it on the precipice of the new year."
  270. She left for her home and returned with an anti-magic restraint, freshly forged.
  272. "Until then, we will allow Vesper and his crew to do their job."
  274. At that, she went to clasp the collar around Genesis' neck. She'd pocket a small remote for herself, and say finally,
  276. "See if we can find anything useful out."
  277. (Duniya Vartuul)
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. [16:20] Catherine asks, "S-So uhh...what happens?"
  281. [16:21] Duniya Vartuul says, "I'll draft an official announcement of the sacrifice ritual."
  282. [16:23] The butler nodded lightly. Understanding her thought process. Which he was completely fine with.
  284. "Hopefully I get to have a sit in while Vesper and his crew toys with him. I would like to know what all he knows too."
  286. He spoke grabbing his brother by the collar and dragging him back up to his feet.
  288. "Also where shall I store him?"
  289. (Kirk Simmons)
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. [16:24] Duniya Vartuul says, "He can stay on the mountain, and walk about to become familiar with his final resting place. There's no need for a cell. Wherever he walks, I'll know where he is... and if he strays too far, we'll simply move the execution date up."
  293. [16:24] Kirk Simmons says, "Very well."
  294. [16:24] Kirk Simmons says, "Have fun staying up here, Gen."
  295. [16:25] Genesis Grimr says, "ugh it was now i realized i f'ed up Kirk"
  296. [16:25] Keeper says, "..."
  297. [16:26] Kirk Simmons asks, "Shall I message Vesper then?"
  298. [16:29] Duniya shook her head.
  300. "I will write a series of copies, to be sent to the homes of all of our brothers. Thank you, though."
  301. (Duniya Vartuul)
  302. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. [16:30] Kirk bows.
  305. (Kirk Simmons)
  306. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  308. [16:30] Kirk Simmons says, "Hopefully his blood with do. --If not I'll find more later."
  309. [16:31] Catherine absolutely had no idea what was going on anymore at all, she was completely clueless to the going ons of this world when it extended byond the forest
  310. (Catherine)
  311. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. [16:31] Emilia Stone says, "Of course she's gone.."
  314. [16:32] Kirk Simmons says, "Oh sorry, Cat if you've got no idea about whats going on."
  315. [16:33] Catherine says, "I chose to come along and see this through, its bound to happen"
  316. [16:33] Kirk Simmons says, "Hello, Vesper... I got you a toy/"
  317. [16:34] A brief glance is made up towards Vesper. A frown showing on the child's features.
  318. (Keeper)
  319. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  321. [16:35] Duniya Vartuul says, "Vesper, the man in the collar is a confirmed witch."
  322. [16:35] Vesper asks, "...?"
  323. [16:35] Kirk Gestures to Genesis Grimr.
  324. (Kirk Simmons)
  325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. [16:35] Vesper asks, "Is that so?"
  328. [16:35] Duniya Vartuul says, "He's awaiting his final day in our care."
  329. [16:35] Duniya Vartuul says, "I'm trusting you to do what you must to obtain any useful information from him until the day of his bloodletting."
  330. [16:35] Kirk Simmons says, "He can speak for himself, but I know for a fact he is."
  331. [16:36] Duniya Vartuul says, "He's not to be allowed to die until his neck rests above our Dragon's Egg."
  332. [16:36] Duniya Vartuul says, "And it's to be by Kirk's hand."
  333. [16:36] Kirk Simmons says, "Thank you for allowing me to end him."
  334. [16:40] That was all that he needed to hear.
  336. As Vesper pulled through, his right hand was covered in bandages and bleeding, a simple limp in his step as he lets his gaze focus down on the Grimir, the confirmed witch.
  338. There was nothing more than malice in his words as his right hand extended over to grip them by their very neck, letting his hand ever so slowly start to squeeze to gather and garner their attention right there on the dot.
  340. Did he care if he broke an artery with his bare hands, or even dare go forth to cause physical harm for a witch?
  342. Of course not.
  344. However, he wanted information, and he wanted that information right now. So as the Grimir was grabbed, Vesper's own eyes started to darken as it radiated with that awful, distorted energy of spectral as it started to flourish in and around him without question.
  346. The world was screaming and distorting as reality wasn't as it always seemed, but was always changing in their own special, distorted, twisted way.
  348. "You have an entire year to talk, and I rather you get this done now and answer all of my questions -- find peace in this little moment before you go to Helheim a failure."
  350. "The book, boy. Tell me where the book is. Tell me what Jianyu Xi is planning. Tell me everything…"
  352. The squeeze was lightning, but his voice that was full of malice was rising beyond a point as those very ripples, in reality, were starting to change and tear apart, forming rifts with his own eyes and turning it and twisting it to his very whims.
  354. He knew that he was using dangerous magic -- but it was more than enough to show that he means more than business when it came down to these sorts of things.
  356. "Or do you want me to start taking things off?"
  357. (Vesper)
  358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. [16:45] Gen could barely even comprehend what was going on right now. Half his face had been horribly burnt by acid, and the pain would be unbearable even for someone with control over the occult. All he could do was barely see out of half of his face. Unable to even speak due to the other half practically being burnt off.
  362. Muffled voices which barely allowed any information to flow through besides key things. Such as his sacrifice for a dragon egg, or dealings with Vesper.
  364. It was then that Gen drifted off into a deep sleep. Unable to reply to Vesper in any form.
  365. (Genesis Grimr)
  366. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  368. [16:47] Duniya Vartuul says, "Mm... seen this before... with Orodyn."
  369. [16:47] Kirk Simmons says, "Hmmm...."
  370. [16:47] Duniya Vartuul says, "He's fallen beneath a witch's spell... probably dreaming something weird right now."
  371. [16:48] Vesper says, "D'noxa spoke of meeting a witch in her dreams..."
  372. [16:48] Vesper says, "This is similar in all regards."
  373. [16:48] Duniya Vartuul whispers: If this is what is happening, he's likely going to tell them what we plan to do... which will draw more of them to us.
  374. [16:48] Catherine says, "This is all very....strange"
  375. [16:48] Kirk Simmons says, "Genesis... the man I captured... did that to me once."
  376. [16:48] Vesper whispers something.
  377. [16:48] Duniya Vartuul whispers: ...Which can be nothing but a good thing.
  378. [16:49] Duniya Vartuul whispers: We will crush them all.
  379. [16:49] Vesper whispers something.
  380. [16:49] Vesper whispers: If he wants to send information, then allow such.
  381. [16:49] Vesper whispers: We kill them all at one spot.
  382. [16:49] Catherine says, "I feel like I am watching something that is far out of my spectrum."
  383. [16:50] Kirk Simmons whispers: I'm not scared of them knowing about the capture at all.
  384. [16:50] Duniya Vartuul whispers: Keep an eye on him, both of you, and be sure Varceal doesn't do anything rash with the prisoner.
  385. [16:50] Kirk Simmons whispers: More blood for the dragon I say.
  386. [16:50] Duniya Vartuul whispers: He's on a war path lately...
  387. [16:50] Kirk Simmons whispers: Understood.
  388. [16:50] Vesper whispers: They may aim to get him back.
  389. [16:50] Vesper whispers: So repare, all of you.
  390. [16:50] Duniya Vartuul whispers: Indeed. Farewell for now.
  391. [16:50] Vesper whispers: Nothing but training and harshness.
  392. [16:50] Kirk Simmons whispers: Will do.
  393. [16:50] Vesper asks, "Did you collar this man?"
  394. [16:51] Kirk Simmons says, "Duniya did."
  395. [16:51] Kirk Simmons says, "So she still has the remote."
  396. [16:51] Vesper says, "Good, keep him alive."
  397. [16:51] Vesper says, "Do not let him sleep until he gives that information."
  398. [16:52] Kirk Simmons asks, "Shall I get him a doctor for the wounds I've inflicted upon him?"
  399. [16:52] Vesper says, "That is up to you."
  400. [16:52] Vesper says, "I don't want him comfortable. I want him to suffer."
  401. [16:52] Kirk Simmons says, "And that will be easy keeping him away... however I don't have whatever you just did."
  402. [16:52] Vesper says, "But you cpatured him."
  403. [16:52] Kirk Simmons says, "I want him to suffer too."
  404. [16:53] Kirk Simmons says, "So this is fine."
  405. [16:53] Vesper says, "Mort, if he even thinks about sleeping? Punch him square in the face."
  406. [16:53] Vesper says, "Wake him up."
  407. [16:54] Vesper says, "Get our strongest in preparation for the incoming raid."
  408. [16:54] Vesper says, "Varceal must be noticed."
  409. [16:54] Mort Graves asks, "Huh?"
  410. [16:54] Kirk Simmons says, "Will do."
  411. [16:55] Vesper says, "We're killing witches, Mort."
  412. [16:55] Vesper says, "All of them."
  413. [16:55] Kirk Simmons says, "Indeed."
  414. [16:55] Catherine says, "Whew..."
  415. [16:55] Kirk Simmons asks, "Whats up Cat?"
  416. [16:56] Catherine says, "I feel like a whole bunch of things just happened in front of me and I won't understand any of it unless someone writes a entire book."
  417. [16:57] Keeper glances up at the sky before slowly departing the area without a word.
  418. (Keeper)
  419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. [16:57] Kirk Simmons says, "A day in the life of Kirk... that would be the book Title. --I tend to do quite a lot of things. More than one would expect for a butler."
  422. [16:58] Catherine says, "Well then now that whatever that was is done I guess I can finally try to do the thing I was coming to you for. If you are at least in the correct mind set."
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