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Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. tuggernaug - Today at 11:12 PM
  2. the main reason that the exception part pissed me off was because i wasn't told that there was an exception for me to be in there
  3. and even if there wasn't an exception, we've had the rabbit done before with me in there and made plans for me to mute my mic if i get too loud with typing or anything
  4. it felt inconsistent and unstable when all of a sudden i am 100% not allowed if i'm not going to watch
  5. Kel'Block - Today at 11:14 PM
  6. Yeah, I could see that being allowing
  7. annoying* wtf
  8. lol
  9. Anyways, I've dealt with shit like that before and yeah it can be a real stinger
  10. Sorry about that
  11. tuggernaug - Today at 11:15 PM
  12. it's alright, i would highly prefer consistency with rules like that
  13. but do keep what i said in mind about giving me exceptions
  14. i feel like when i'm given an exception for rules or anything, it just feels like i'm being babied
  15. unless i genuinely need the exception
  16. Kel'Block - Today at 11:17 PM
  17. yeee, i getcha
  18. tuggernaug - Today at 11:17 PM
  19. if i ask for an exception, consider it, but don't just give me one based off me being annoyed
  20. if i'm annoyed by my brother being an absolute chode, i'm most likely not going to take it out on you guys
  21. Kel'Block - Today at 11:18 PM
  22. Yeah, I can see that
  23. Tbh, I based it off the assumption of the computer being infected
  24. And frankly, I feel like most people would feel the same if that was the case
  25. But I didn't explore it further y'know
  26. So yeah, you're right
  27. tuggernaug - Today at 11:19 PM
  28. my brother is really annoying and i get pretty angry about it but there's no sense in me being angry with you guys
  29. Kel'Block - Today at 11:20 PM
  30. true true
  31. tuggernaug - Today at 11:20 PM
  32. you guys didn't do anything to make my brother the worst person in my life so there's no real reason to take any of it out on anyone that had nothing to do with it
  33. Kel'Block - Today at 11:20 PM
  34. yeeee
  35. good point good point
  36. Noted
  37. With that said, you can definitely re-join the DM if you'd like
  38. I'll be more lenient with anybody within the DM joining the VC, even if they're not talking
  39. I think you proved yourself yesterday, so yeah
  40. watching*
  41. not talking BLAH
  42. tuggernaug - Today at 11:23 PM
  43. i'll only rejoin the dm if you give me a lifetime supply of pizza
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