
Log of Forest

Apr 26th, 2011
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  1. Tom90deg: Zoe comes out from the stacks as she usualy does, and takes a seat at the big table.
  2. Sadler: Sadler's sitting a bit away from, but still with, Iriel.
  3. : crackles is now known as Iriel
  4. ~DrMann: She's quiet a moment. Then, "Step softly, child. Be polite, but do not blink. Do not look away. Never run unless you are sure you must. Things that run are hunted."
  5. : Zoe Nickname is already in use.
  6. Nioki: Azi shuts another atlas. This one only had streets named Despair or Pineapple, depending on which direction one faced.
  7. Dusty: "Yes ma'am." Dusty nods blinking. He bows politely.
  8. : Tom90deg is now known as Zoe_Chantili
  9. : Salmander is now known as CYBIL
  10. : Imants has quit IRC: Client exited
  11. ~DrMann: "Take care of yourself, child. The spirits are not evil, but they can be dangerous."
  12. : Todd_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  13. Dusty: "I will Ma'am. To be honest, I'm most worried for my daughter."
  14. : Heiden has joined #WanderersLibrary
  15. : ChanServ sets mode +o Heiden
  16. Todd_: Todd sets his book aside.
  17. Iriel: "Perhaps I should not go."
  18. Todd_: "Why not?"
  19. Sadler: "Eh, why not?"
  20. Dusty: Dusty scans the library. "Where is Billy..."
  21. Iriel: She shrugs. "She said they could be dangerous."
  22. Zoe_Chantili: "You'll be with us though."
  23. Todd_: "..."
  24. Todd_: "There are very many things here that are dangerous."
  25. ~DrMann: "Ah, that reminds me. Billy gave me something to give to you. It had nearly slipped my mind." She shakes out her bag onto the table, and the contents of Billy's safe tumble out.
  26. Iriel: "Yes, but in the Library they are forbidden from hurting me." She chews on the tip of the white feather.
  27. Todd_: "We will be fine."
  28. Dusty: "Ah...thank you."
  29. Dusty: Dusty picks up the vial of quintessence, and...a picture.
  30. Todd_: "Iriel. I am dangerous. Azi is dangerous. We are both going. It will be safe."
  31. Dusty: He stows the picture quickly, but carefully in his wallet.
  32. Todd_: "Although, I understand if you do not wish to go."
  33. Nioki: "Ye can hold me hand if it'd make ye feel better."
  34. Todd_: He seems to realize what exactly he is advocating.
  35. Iriel: snickers.
  36. Dusty: "Thank you very much Ma'am."
  37. Dusty: bows again.
  38. Dusty: "And pass my thanks to Billy as well?"
  39. : Doctor_Light has joined #WanderersLibrary
  40. ~DrMann: "Of course."
  41. Dusty: "Thank you so much."
  42. ~DrMann: "And... Do not be afraid to look for help while you are there. It may come from unexpected places."
  43. Dusty: "I'll remember, Ma'am."
  44. Dusty: "I have to go now. Thank you for your time."
  45. : Nioki is now known as Azi
  46. ~DrMann: "Of course." She goes back to her reading.
  47. &MisterFlames: "Are you ready, Dusty?"
  48. Dusty: "Yes. Todd, Sadler, could you help me move Andra on to her cart?"
  49. Todd_: "Sure."
  50. Dusty: Dusty moves to where Andra is."
  51. Todd_: Todd goes over to assist.
  52. Azi: Azi stands and walks over to Dusty.
  53. CYBIL: "Are we leaving to this forest place?"
  54. Dusty: "I'm going. I...I didn't think anyone wanted to come."
  55. Todd_: Todd shrugs.
  56. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe goes over do watch and stay out of the way
  57. Sadler: Sadler walks over to Dusty.
  58. Dusty: Together they lift the pot and deposit it gently on the trolley Dusty got?
  59. Zoe_Chantili: "I'd like to come, if that'd be alright?"
  60. Dusty: "I don't mind anyone coming..."
  61. &MisterFlames: "I wish I could come with you, but I'll be too affected by it." Midnight says. "Humans should be all right, but I'll be too distracted."
  62. Todd_: "Uh.."
  63. Todd_: "What about me?"
  64. Sadler: "... and the bugs?"
  65. Azi: "I dunno what'll happen t' me, but I'm goin!"
  66. &MisterFlames: "The bugs... well, they might become more idealized. Not sure. You'll have to let me know." Midnight's tail flicks. "All right, then, follow me, I'll get you to the Forty Acre Wood."
  67. Dusty: "...what."
  68. Dusty: "Did mean...really?"
  69. &MisterFlames: Midnight starts to walk along, heading to a particular door.
  70. Dusty: follows, pushing andra along.
  71. Dusty: He's got the bag of womens clothing, and the towel on the trolley as well.
  72. : Heiden_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  73. Azi: Azi follows.
  74. Sadler: follows. the rodents following him had scattered away from Midnight.
  75. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe follows Midnight
  76. Iriel: drifts behind the gaggle a ways.
  77. Todd_: Todd follows! He sticks with iriel if possible.
  78. CYBIL: CYBIL follows behind the group, observing their actions
  79. : Heiden has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  80. &MisterFlames: Midnight regards the door a moment, then does a complicated shimmer with her whole body before clicking her teeth and head butting the Door. The door opens obligingly to an old growth forest.
  81. Todd_: "..."
  82. : Heiden_ has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  83. Dusty: follows some more
  84. Azi: Azi peeks through the door.
  85. Sadler: "..." Sadler looks through.
  86. &MisterFlames: "All right, we're nearly there." Midnight walks through the forest, and she looks around for the appropriate signs. "Careful of the rings."
  87. Todd_: Todd steps through. He tugs iriel after him.
  88. Dusty: "...rings?"
  89. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe follows, looking around carefully
  90. Dusty: follows, keeping both eyes peeled..
  91. Todd_: "Fairy rings, I think."
  92. Sadler: takes up the rear. "I've heard of those..."
  93. Azi: Azi follows just behind Midnight, looking around the forest with interest.
  94. &MisterFlames: "Faerie rings, yes. You get odd resonances here and there, in the more primal locations."
  95. Iriel: Whee.
  96. Azi: "What d' they do?"
  97. Dusty: "Ah."
  98. Iriel: looks right at home surrounded by trees, once she's ascertained there aren't any wolves around.
  99. Dusty: "Oh, everyone, when we get in the True Forest. Please, don't run, don't blink, be quiet, and don't look away."
  100. CYBIL: CYBIL regards the portal, calculating its dimensions, then steps through behind the group
  101. Zoe_Chantili: "Don't blink?"
  102. Zoe_Chantili: "For the whole time we're there?"
  103. ~DrMann: There's a chittering sound in the trees above them.
  104. Dusty: "I don't know. It's what Miss Efi told me."
  105. Sadler: "..." Sadler looks up.
  106. Todd_: Todd glances upward.
  107. &MisterFlames: "Don't make yourself prey," Midnight says.
  108. Grapewhistle: Iriel: AAAH WHAT IS IT (perception): 6 (5+4df=-, 0, +, +)
  109. Iriel: 5+4df AAAH WHAT IS IT (perception)
  110. Zoe_Chantili: "I'll do my best..."
  111. ~DrMann: There's a monkey in the tree lookind down at them.
  112. Todd_: "Don't break your gaze, zoe."
  113. Dusty: "Let's just keep going calmly."
  114. Iriel: "...What on Earth is that?"
  115. Todd_: "Or they'll take out your throat."
  116. Todd_: "It's a monkey."
  117. Azi: "S' a monkey."
  118. Zoe_Chantili: "Right...opposite of gorillas."
  119. Todd_: "Sure."
  120. ~DrMann: This is somewhat unexpected in English old growth forest.
  121. Azi: "Huh? Nah. S' more like a really small an' screechy gorilla."
  122. Zoe_Chantili: "I mean....never mind, explain later...."
  123. Azi: "I've only seen 'em in a zoo before..."
  124. &MisterFlames: Or a small and screechy human, thinks the little cat to herself. She doesn't worry about the monkey, she seeks out the signs of the Way.
  125. ~DrMann: Midnight doesn't see anything in particular. However, the monkey is gesturing to the group.
  126. ~DrMann: It jumps to another tree just a little ways away.
  127. Dusty: "...?" Dusty observes the monkey's gestures. "Midnight...a friend of yours?"
  128. &MisterFlames: "Ah?" Midnight shifts. "We may have a guide. Be cautious." She moves to follow.
  129. Sadler: chuckles
  130. Dusty: Dusty frowns, not sure about this, but follows, pushing the trolley.
  131. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe follows, looking around the forest, a city girl at heart.
  132. Iriel: trails after Todd. Yyyyyep. Looks pretty foresty.
  133. Azi: "Huh? How d'we know t' trust it?"
  134. Todd_: Todd literally has no idea what any of this is. Where are all the cars?
  135. &MisterFlames: "Instinct," Midnight replies.
  136. CYBIL: Cybil wonders what instinct feels like and moves along
  137. ~DrMann: The monkey leads them down a path, which soon becomes only a trail.
  138. Dusty: "...midnight?"
  139. Dusty: is nervous.
  140. &MisterFlames: "Yes, Dusty?"
  141. Sadler: "Ugh..." Sadler notices all the bugs after him. This is why he avoids the forest, oh yeah.
  142. Dusty: "Are we sure this is a guide?"
  143. Todd_: Todd shrugs.
  144. &MisterFlames: "Not entirely, but I'm watching for other signs, too."
  145. Dusty: "Ok then..."
  146. Azi: Azi trusts Midnight, and takes her word for it.
  147. ~DrMann: The trees are closer together.
  148. &MisterFlames: "Keep your eyes open and your wits about you," Midnight murmurs.
  149. Dusty: Dusty is highly alert.
  150. Todd_: Todd glances at iriel again.
  151. CYBIL: Cybil increases it photosensitivity
  152. ~DrMann: There are more sounds in the trees around them. The cries of birds, the chattering of little beasts, the hum of insects.
  153. Iriel: She is straight-faced, looking up at the patches of sky visible through the overgrowth.
  154. Zoe_Chantili: "You feeling alright Iriel? Still nervous?"
  155. Iriel: "I am never nervous."
  156. ~DrMann: The trees have changed. There were mostly beech trees before, but now there are oaks, pines, larches, eucalyptus...
  157. Dusty: totally brought shovel.
  158. Sadler: The bugs LOVE Sadler.
  159. Dusty: *shovels
  160. Todd_: "It will be okay." He squeezes her hand.
  161. ~DrMann: The trees tower above you, and the area seems huge and close together all at once.
  162. Zoe_Chantili: "Must be nice...I'm nervous...never been in the woods like this before."
  163. &MisterFlames: "Yes..." Midnight purrs softly.
  164. ~DrMann: Everyone roll mental defense.
  165. Todd_: "Same."
  166. Dusty: "...getting there..."
  167. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Come on: 2 (4df+2=+, -, 0, 0)
  168. Dusty: 4df+2 Come on
  169. Grapewhistle: Todd_: whoa: 5 (4df+2=0, +, +, +)
  170. Todd_: 4df+2 whoa
  171. &MisterFlames: 4df+3 Mental
  172. Grapewhistle: MisterFlames: Mental: 3 (4df+3=-, 0, 0, +)
  173. Grapewhistle: Sadler: Bugman: 1 (4df+2=-, 0, 0, 0)
  174. Sadler: 4df+2 Bugman
  175. Grapewhistle: Azi: 3 (4df+1=0, +, 0, +)
  176. Azi: 4df+1
  177. Grapewhistle: CYBIL: 1 (4df+2=0, +, -, -)
  178. CYBIL: 4df+2
  179. Grapewhistle: Iriel: mdef: 4 (4df+3=-, +, +, 0)
  180. Iriel: 4df+3 mdef
  181. Zoe_Chantili: 4df
  182. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 1 (4df=+, 0, -, +)
  183. Todd_: Mann, I was wrong, that should be a 3 not a 5
  184. Todd_: Apologies.
  185. ~DrMann: Azi, Midnight, Iriel and Todd are able to shake off the effects. Everyone else has now gained the temporary Aspect In the Old Wood's Shadow.
  186. Todd_: Todd hums quietly. The vast nature of the wood is lost on him.
  187. Dusty: "..." Dusty rubs his temple for a moment.
  188. Dusty: He continues pushing though.
  189. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe looks back up at the forest canopy nervously, her eyes darting from patch of sky to patch of sky.
  190. Sadler: Sadler takes a deep breath.
  191. CYBIL: Cybil is momentarily overloaded by the species of trees apparent but continues on
  192. &MisterFlames: Midnight shifts her walk a bit. She's no longer walking proudly along, tail in the air. At the moment now, she's stalking.
  193. Iriel: iiiis not bothered at all, for some reason. She revolves slowly on the spot, taking in her surroundings
  194. Sadler: "... So... yeah. Where are we giong again?" he brushes off a... oh fuck it's a cicada.
  195. Todd_: grabs her hand. "C'mon, silly."
  196. Iriel: "Where are we going?"
  197. Dusty: Dusty notes this change, and grimaces. "The True Forest. All other forests are it's reflection."
  198. Azi: Azi shakes his head, but shows no other reaction. He notices Midnight's change.
  199. Dusty: "Diluted versions of it."
  200. ~DrMann: The Monkey is up above them. It seems larger now. Smarter. It grins.
  201. Todd_: Todd looks at it.
  202. Todd_: "Hmmm."
  203. Iriel: "I don't know what that means."
  204. Zoe_Chantili: "Is...I think the trees are getting a bit closer together..." Zoe takes a deep breath and lets it out nervously.
  205. ~DrMann: "Three favors. Three! One to bring you. Next two, quickly! Haven't got all day, I don't!"
  206. Todd_: "I feel like we are getting close."
  207. Dusty: "....what?"
  208. Azi: Azi's eyes snap to the monkey.
  209. Iriel: "We have two favors left."
  210. Todd_: "We h-yeh."
  211. ~DrMann: "Three favors! Done one. Do the other two, go home, eat the fruit and termites."
  212. Dusty: looks at the monkey curiously.
  213. Iriel: "Will you show us where we can plant this creature?" She gestures to Andra.
  214. Dusty: "We are in the True Forest?"
  215. ~DrMann: "I know good spot, great spot! Meadow, not too far. You like it, you'll see!"
  216. Sadler: brushes off a stick insect.
  217. ~DrMann: The Monkey swings to the next branch, and then the next, until it's almost out of sight, before stopping and looking back impatiently.
  218. Iriel: follows it.
  219. : Heiden has joined #WanderersLibrary
  220. Dusty: hesitates.
  221. Todd_: Todd goes with her! Goddamnit iriel.
  222. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe follows after Iriel
  223. Dusty: He followa but says catching up. "Are we in the true forest?"
  224. Sadler: follows.
  225. Dusty: *follows
  226. Iriel: "I do not think the monkey would be speaking if this was not a mystical place..."
  227. : Bright_ is now known as Bright
  228. ~DrMann: "Of course! First favor to bring you here! Two left, let's go!"
  229. Todd_: "Perhaps."
  230. Dusty: "There are many mystical places, Iriel."
  231. Todd_: "Midnight?"
  232. &MisterFlames: Midnight follows as well. In for a penny. "Follow."
  233. Dusty: "Midnight, I weren't coming?"
  234. Todd_: "..."
  235. Dusty: follows.
  236. Todd_: Todd follows after it.
  237. Sadler: Funny, the bugs aren't crawling on Sadler's skin, but on the outside of his coat. He follows behind.
  238. : Heiden_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  239. CYBIL: Cybil follows, looking at the foliage
  240. &MisterFlames: "Apparently I am already here." Midnight acknowledges. "Keep a look out on me a little. My instincts might get the better of me."
  241. Dusty: "I will."
  242. Zoe_Chantili: "Right..."
  243. Azi: Azi scans the forest, looking for dangers.
  244. Todd_: "Would you like me to carry you, just in case?"
  245. : Heiden has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  246. &MisterFlames: "Can't hurt, Todd."
  247. Dusty: keeps scanning their surroundings every so often.
  248. Todd_: Todd nods, and picks her up gently.
  249. ~DrMann: The Monkey leads them through the trail. Azi and Midnight can smell traces of many animals, from rodents to great cats to elephants.
  250. Azi: 4df+5
  251. ~DrMann: Everyone roll Perception. Those with In the Old Wood's Shadow get +1 to the roll.
  252. Todd_: "Huh."
  253. Azi: "Lotta scents 'ere. S' like a zoo inna forest."
  254. Grapewhistle: CYBIL: 3 (4df+3=+, -, -, +)
  255. CYBIL: 4df+3
  256. Grapewhistle: Sadler: 1 (4df+2=-, 0, 0, 0)
  257. Sadler: 4df+2
  258. Grapewhistle: MisterFlames: Perception: 0 (4df+3=-, -, 0, -)
  259. &MisterFlames: 4df+3 Perception
  260. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Per: 4 (4df+4=0, +, -, 0)
  261. Dusty: 4df+4 Per
  262. Grapewhistle: Iriel: what: 5 (5+4df=+, -, -, +)
  263. Iriel: 5+4df what
  264. Grapewhistle: Todd_: nose like a fish: 2 (4df=0, +, 0, +)
  265. Todd_: 4df nose like a fish
  266. Grapewhistle: Azi: 3 (4df+5=+, -, -, -)
  267. : Heiden__ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  268. : Heiden_ has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  269. Sadler: "you're telling me..." Sadler shakes off a bunch of quite lovely but still rather clingy bugs form his coat.
  270. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+2
  271. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 0 (4df+2=-, 0, 0, -)
  272. ~DrMann: Iriel and Dusty see it. It's tough to make out in the bushes there, with the sun-dappled foliage there producing its own stripes of black and yellow, but you gradually make out the long, muscular body, the green eyes, and the flicking tail.
  273. Zoe_Chantili: ((sorry, that should be 1)
  274. Dusty: "...." Dusty continues moving calmly. "Stay calm iriel...don't be scared..."
  275. Iriel: is juuuuust about to run off in the other direction. She doesn't. Instead she bows.
  276. Todd_: "What?"
  277. Zoe_Chantili: "Do you see something?"
  278. Dusty: "Shhhh...just keep walking like normal..."
  279. Dusty: proceeds at a even pace.
  280. ~DrMann: The Tiger slowly makes its way into the open. The Monkey screeches and vanishes into the canopy.
  281. Todd_: Todd is irreverant. He tugs her along with one hand. "Listen to dusty please"
  282. Todd_: "Ulp."
  283. Dusty: "Relax..."
  284. ~DrMann: "Such manners."
  285. Sadler: Sadler works to stay at an even pace. Just ignore oh god damn another stickbug
  286. Azi: Azi stares at its eyes, unmoving.
  287. ~DrMann: The Tiger steps in front of Iriel, and returns her bow.
  288. &MisterFlames: "They are new to the ways here, Rajah," Midnight replies.
  289. Todd_: "..."
  290. Iriel: She tries very hard not to blink.
  291. Dusty: steps around from the trolley and bows to the tiger.
  292. Todd_: Todd steps back and bows as well.
  293. CYBIL: Cybil snaps back from the foliage as it notices something amiss
  294. Todd_: It is an awkward bow.
  295. : Heiden__ has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  296. Azi: Azi bows, never looking away from the tiger's eyes.
  297. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe bows down, and meets the Tiger's eyes. "Apologies if we have been rude."
  298. Todd_: Todd stares at it intently.
  299. CYBIL: Cybil notices the others and bows in accordance
  300. ~DrMann: "What is your business here in my forest?"
  301. Sadler: Sadler bows, deep breath.
  302. Iriel: "We are looking for a place to plant this creature." She points to Andra.
  303. Iriel: "After this task is complete, we will leave."
  304. Dusty: "She is my daughter."
  305. : Bright is now known as O5-6
  306. : Heiden has joined #WanderersLibrary
  307. ~DrMann: "A plant," the tiger says with distaste. "Not terribly appetizing. Not for myself, anyway. Perhaps I will let you go." Its tail thrashes behind it.
  308. ~DrMann: "Then again, I am hungry. Or... Hmm. You have clever hands. Small hands." It tilts its head and looks at Iriel contemplatively.
  309. ~DrMann: "I need a service."
  310. Todd_: Todd stiffens.
  311. Sadler: ...
  312. Dusty: watches, impassively.
  313. Iriel: "What do you ask of me?"
  314. Iriel: "I shall try." She approaches the big kitty.
  315. ~DrMann: "I asked the Monkey, but he, ah, declined to leave his tree."
  316. Todd_: "...."
  317. ~DrMann: "I ate a little bird today, and now my mouth is bothering me. Something is stuck in my teeth. Will you pull it out?"
  318. Azi: Azi stares, waiting to see if it attacks.
  319. : Heiden has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  320. Todd_: Todd places a hand over his mouth for a moment.
  321. Zoe_Chantili: "Be...careful Iriel...."
  322. ~DrMann: The tiger opens its mouth wide. Its mouth is wide and cavernous. The teeth go back much farther than it seems they should.
  323. Iriel: She looks for stray tiny bones...bits of beak...talons...shredded feathers...
  324. Sadler: tries to look away, but can't really.
  325. : Disconnected.
  326. : Topic set by pooryoric (11/12/2010 at 3:35 AM)
  327. : Topic on #WanderersLibrary is: The Serpent's Hand RP. <a href=""></a> Refer all OOC comments to #libraryOOC | <Ragazzo:>Too bad he isn't on the moose express to flower town!
  328. : Tom90deg has joined #WanderersLibrary
  329. ~DrMann: "Much," the tiger says. "My thanks. You may go on your way. I am not so hungry now."
  330. Todd_: Todd relaxes.
  331. ~DrMann: The tiger vanishes back into the underbrush.
  332. Dusty: nods.
  333. Todd_: And... a sigh of relief.
  334. Dusty: "Thank you iriel."
  335. Iriel: She digs a small hole in the ground, buries the broken bone, and covers it up with dirt.
  336. Iriel: "Shall we go on?"
  337. Azi: Azi keeps watching the forest, especially where the tiger departed.
  338. Dusty: "Mmm."
  339. Todd_: He gives her a quick hug after he is done. "Are you okay?"
  340. ~DrMann: "Is he gone?" asked the Monkey, hanging by his tail from a branch.
  341. Todd_: She is done*
  342. Sadler: "Yes." He glares at Monkey.
  343. Dusty: "Yes. Will you lead us again?"
  344. : Tom90deg is now known as Zoe_Chantili
  345. &MisterFlames: "He's gone, thank you."
  346. Zoe_Chantili: "That was very brave of you Iriel."
  347. Iriel: She nods at Todd and touches his arm for a moment. "It was not so bad."
  348. ~DrMann: "Yes, quick, quick-as-quick! Let's go!" The Monkey swings forward, leading them onward again.
  349. Dusty: follows at an even pace.
  350. Todd_: "I was terrified. You must be very brave." He smiles,and then picks up midnight again and moves on.
  351. Sadler: follows
  352. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe follows
  353. &MisterFlames: "It was, yes." Midnight says nothing more, although she considers matters. This is an Ideal, after all, and Stories can have power here.
  354. Azi: Azi follows quickly.
  355. Iriel: trots along.
  356. Zoe_Chantili: "Don't suppose we'll have a lion with a thorn in it's paw?"
  357. ~DrMann: They soon come to a clearing. The Monkey looks nervously around, and then gingerly sets down on the ground. He walks on all fours to the center, and then pats the ground. "Here! Fine dirt, all fine for plants! Plenty sun. Everything you need. Two favors! Two done!"
  358. &MisterFlames: "This is an English forest, not a Greek one. Besides, Lions are of the savannah."
  359. Dusty: "Thank you, Monkey."
  360. Sadler: "..."
  361. Dusty: Dusty takes a shovel, and begins digging sedately where the Monkey directed.
  362. : Heiden has joined #WanderersLibrary
  363. Zoe_Chantili: "Heh I don't think there's tigers in an english forrest either, I'm sure someone would've mentioned."
  364. Azi: Azi sniffs the ground.
  365. Todd_: Todd looks around.
  366. Todd_: "Midnight, shall I put you down?"
  367. Zoe_Chantili: "Need any help digging Dusty?"
  368. Iriel: "I've certainly never seen a tiger in England." She clasps her hands behind her back and stares up at the sky.
  369. &MisterFlames: "True, but the Tiger is the symbol of India." Midnight hops down. "Thank you."
  370. Dusty: "Please."
  371. Todd_: "Me neither."
  372. Dusty: "Thank you Zoe."
  373. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe picks up a shovel and starts to dig as well.
  374. ~DrMann: "Dig quick, double quick. Too open. To open." Now that the Monkey's arrived in the clearing, it looks very nervous.
  375. Zoe_Chantili: "But India's not been part of England for a long time, unless you count Cricket."
  376. Sadler: as well. Fuck off mantis i'm trying to dig.
  377. &MisterFlames: Midnight runs to a tree and climbs it, finding a perch to watch.
  378. Dusty: They finish digging after a few minutes?
  379. Azi: Azi looks up at the monkey.
  380. Iriel: glances around for anything weeeeeird
  381. ~DrMann: As they dig, they hear something howling...
  382. Sadler: "... shit."
  383. Todd_: "Iriel tell me if you see some- oh dear."
  384. Sadler: rarely swears
  385. Zoe_Chantili: "I think we need to dig fast."
  386. Todd_: He grabs her hand.
  387. &MisterFlames: "Do not think like prey!" Midnight says.
  388. : Heiden_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  389. Dusty: "...that was a Tiger...we haven't met the Wolf...stay calm everyone. Speed is for prey."
  390. Sadler: "Wasy for YOU to say."
  391. Todd_: "We will be okay."
  392. ~DrMann: Everyone with In the Shadow of the Old Wood, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise, as the sound sends chills down your spines. It touches something deep inside of you. Something primal.
  393. Iriel: She gloms onto Todd's arm like one of those fish with suckhole mouths.
  394. Sadler: Lamprey
  395. Azi: Azi tries to pinpoint the distance and direction of the howl.
  396. Todd_: Todd keeps a an arm around midnight with the other.
  397. Dusty: Dusty feels afraid, but tries to push it down, and finish digging.
  398. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe's breath starts to come faster as she digs, trying to keep down rising panic from the howl.
  399. Sadler: Sadler is not good. Nope.
  400. ~DrMann: You are not the top of the food chain. You do not belong here. The forest can take you at any time, and deep down, you know it. Everything is watching you.
  401. Sadler: he shovels awkwardly, not really paying much attention.
  402. : Heiden has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  403. Dusty: "I will plant Andra here, and I will feed her quintessence, and I will take her home, and we will all be *fine*." He tries to reassure himself.
  404. Azi: "I wonder how wolf tastes."
  405. Iriel: "Tough and gamy."
  406. Todd_: Todd bears his fangs. Where he comes from, he -is- the top of the food chain."
  407. &MisterFlames: "Gamey."
  408. : Heiden has joined #WanderersLibrary
  409. Iriel: She shrugs.
  410. Todd_: "It is probably not good."
  411. Dusty: Is the hole finished?
  412. Zoe_Chantili: "Ever had south korean?" Zoe lets out a high laugh as she breathes fast, digging messily.
  413. Azi: "I dunno. Dogs taste pretty good. Though I guess I ent had many."
  414. Dusty: "Please...stay calm." Dusty tries to say this steadily.
  415. ~DrMann: The hole is not quite done when the grey and black shapes burst from the treeline.
  416. &MisterFlames: "Turn toward them, do not let them circle!"
  417. Todd_: Todd positions himself between Iriel, and the nearest,and drops midnight.
  418. Dusty: Dusty looks up. He fights the urge to bolt.
  419. Todd_: His fangs are all the way out now.
  420. &MisterFlames: Midnight's already up a tree.
  421. : Heiden_ has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  422. Dusty: "Please remain calm, everyone."
  423. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe spins around, holding the shovel up and stares at the nearest figure, her heart pounding and breath going rapidly.
  424. Azi: Azi's back hunches, and his fingers become claws. He stares at the wolves.
  425. Sadler: Sadler wheels around.
  426. Todd_: "Azi, you will eat well tonight, friend."
  427. Dusty: "We are not here to fight."
  428. ~DrMann: Everyone with In the Shadow of the Old Woods, you take -1 to your defense, but get +1 to attacks for the remainder of this scene. You're keyed up. You're fast, but you're making mistakes, and it's you almost want to break and run.
  429. Dusty: observes the gathered shapes intensely.
  430. Dusty: moves back a little positioning himself in front of Andra.
  431. ~DrMann: The wolves are circling the group. They're huge beasts, bigger than mastiffs. One the size of a horse is watching from just beyond the circle of teeth and glowing eyes.
  432. ~DrMann: When did it become night? Wasn't it daylight just a minute ago?
  433. Sadler: "..." Sadler is not happy.
  434. ~DrMann: At least the moon is bright.
  435. Azi: Azi lets out a harsh hissing scream, and his teeth turn to angular fangs.
  436. Iriel: She taps Todd on the shoulder. "Should I run?"
  437. Todd_: "NoA"
  438. Todd_: "No!"J
  439. Dusty: "No."
  440. : Heiden_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  441. &MisterFlames: "Don't run. They'll attack."
  442. Sadler: "Stay, Iriel. They chase if you run."
  443. Dusty: "We stand our ground."
  444. Todd_: "Do not run, ever."
  445. Sadler: rummages for a pointy thing. Knife, good.
  446. Todd_: Todd grins at the wolves.
  447. ~DrMann: "Yes, run," the large wolf says.
  448. Zoe_Chantili: "Maybe we can challange them...."
  449. Dusty: "No."
  450. ~DrMann: "Run through the trails. We will chase for hours. We never tire. We never stop."
  451. &MisterFlames: "Remember what Efi said. Watch them, don't turn away."
  452. Sadler: "We won't feed you all, you know."
  453. Iriel: "So, Mr. Cole, you should finish the hole."
  454. Azi: "I'm hungry. Can I kill 'em?"
  455. Todd_: "We're not here to be eaten, sadler,N
  456. Zoe_Chantili: "I do not think you could catch me." Zoe tries to keep her voice steady, but her fear is audible.
  457. : Heiden has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  458. Dusty: "You are the True Wolf, yes?" Dusty speaks up.
  459. Todd_: "Se are here to eat."
  460. Dusty: "Do not run, and don't fight, yet."
  461. Iriel: "Finish the hole," Iriel says flatly.
  462. Azi: Azi keeps his senses tuned for the first wolf to make a move.
  463. ~DrMann: "The True Wolf?" The Wolf laughs. "Who ever heard of a single Wolf? We are the true Pack, and I am the Alpha."
  464. Sadler: "... Oh."
  465. : Heiden has joined #WanderersLibrary
  466. &MisterFlames: Midnight growls from her tree. "Just remember the old sayings Alpha Wolf."
  467. Dusty: "I thank you all for your hospitality then." Dusty is still watching them intently. "Iriel. Please finish the hole."
  468. Iriel: "..."
  469. : Heiden_ has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  470. Iriel: snatches the shovel and commences digging.
  471. Dusty: "Thank you, Iriel. I owe you a lot."
  472. : Heiden_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  473. ~DrMann: The first wolf rushes in at Zoe.
  474. Grapewhistle: DrMann: -1 (4dF+2=-, -, -, 0)
  475. ~DrMann: 4dF+2
  476. @pooryoric: it's a pretty ragged old wolf, eager to eat.
  477. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 3 (4df+3=+, +, -, -)
  478. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+3
  479. Dusty: moves up a little, to protect iriel.
  480. : pooryoric kicked Heiden_ from the channel: pooryoric
  481. Azi: Azi's hunch becomes more pronounced, and his claws lengthen.
  482. Todd_: Todd is already there. He looks at dusty. It is not a nice look.
  483. Dusty: "...I'm sorry."
  484. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe spins to the side, teleporting out of the hole, giveing a laugh.
  485. ~DrMann: As the first clumsy wolf misses its attack on Zoe, another attacks Todd.
  486. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Todd!: 2 (4dF+2=0, -, +, 0)
  487. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Todd!
  488. Iriel: Dig a hole dig a hole dig a hole...
  489. ~DrMann: Others attack as well.
  490. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Sadler
  491. Dusty: "Stay together..."
  492. Grapewhistle: Todd_: defens: 2 (4df+2=-, 0, +, 0)
  493. Todd_: 4df+2 defens
  494. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Sadler: 1 (4dF+2=0, -, 0, 0)
  495. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Dusty
  496. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Dusty: 1 (4dF+2=-, 0, +, -)
  497. Grapewhistle: Sadler: Oh shit: -2 (4df+1=0, -, -, -)
  498. Sadler: 4df+1 Oh shit
  499. Dusty: 4df+2 Defense
  500. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Defense: 0 (4df+2=+, -, -, -)
  501. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe swings her shovel down on the old wolf as it charges past
  502. Grapewhistle: Azi: Azi slashes at the one attacking Dusty.: 5 (4df+4=0, 0, +, 0)
  503. Azi: 4df+4 Azi slashes at the one attacking Dusty.
  504. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+2
  505. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 2 (4df+2=+, -, -, +)
  506. Grapewhistle: Todd_: and attack!: 6 (4df+3=+, 0, +, +)
  507. Todd_: 4df+3 and attack!
  508. : Heiden has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  509. Sadler: stumbles backwards, shit
  510. ~DrMann: Todd manages to avoid the wolf's teeth, but Sadler and Dusty both find themselves with wounds where the wolves have torn into them.
  511. Todd_: Todd goes for the throat! (That's a first)
  512. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Zoe
  513. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Zoe: 2 (4dF+2=0, 0, +, -)
  514. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Todd
  515. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Todd: 1 (4dF+2=+, 0, -, -)
  516. Sadler: "Ruughghhh" He grits his teeth. Go away.
  517. Dusty: Dusty gasps pressing a hand to his wound. "S-sadler, you ok?"
  518. ~DrMann: Zoe misses barely, but Todd knocks his back, dealing damage.
  519. Sadler: 4df+3 Sadler slashes bask, blindly wheeling at the wolf which attacked him.
  520. Grapewhistle: Sadler: Sadler slashes bask, blindly wheeling at the wolf which attacked him.: 3 (4df+3=+, 0, 0, -)
  521. Todd_: Human blood! Todd's face splits in a grin!
  522. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Azi
  523. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Azi: 5 (4dF+2=+, +, +, 0)
  524. ~DrMann: Azi's attack barely misses the wolf.
  525. Dusty: Dusty rifles in his coat, and tries to dump a vial of acid on the wolf that attacked him.
  526. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe croutches back, shovel held out in a ready stance, and screams out, "SIT! BAD DOG!"
  527. ~DrMann: Roll for the attack, Dusty.
  528. Todd_: He slowly backs up again.
  529. Dusty: What do you want me to roll?
  530. Azi: Azi lets out another hissing scream as his claws brush the wolf's fur.
  531. ~DrMann: Melee if you're pouring, ranged if you're throwing.
  532. Dusty: 4df+1 Melee
  533. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Melee: 2 (4df+1=0, 0, 0, +)
  534. : O5-6 is now known as O5-1
  535. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Dusty: 5 (4dF+2=+, +, +, 0)
  536. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Dusty
  537. &MisterFlames: Midnight gets to work in the tree, using her claws to make marks.
  538. ~DrMann: Dusty's vial goes wide. The wolves regroup and attack again.
  539. Grapewhistle: Iriel: >throw shovel at wolf :V: -1 (4df+2=-, 0, -, -)
  540. Iriel: 4df+2 >throw shovel at wolf :V
  541. Iriel: Iriel hits herself in the face. NEVER MIND.
  542. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Shovel
  543. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Shovel: 1 (4dF+2=-, -, 0, +)
  544. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Attack Zoe: 1 (4dF+2=-, +, -, 0)
  545. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Attack Zoe
  546. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Attack Azi
  547. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Attack Azi: 1 (4dF+2=-, 0, +, -)
  548. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Attack Todd
  549. Iriel: If she knew how to cuss, she probably would. She hops out of the hole to retrieve the shovel.
  550. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Attack Todd: 3 (4dF+2=-, +, +, 0)
  551. Grapewhistle: Azi: Easy dodge.: 2 (4df+4=-, 0, -, 0)
  552. Azi: 4df+4 Easy dodge.
  553. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Attack Sadler
  554. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Attack Sadler: 4 (4dF+2=+, +, -, +)
  555. Todd_: "Iriel, back!"
  556. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+5
  557. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 4 (4df+5=-, 0, -, +)
  558. Sadler: 4df+1 Shitshitshitshits
  559. Grapewhistle: Todd_: defense: 3 (4df+2=0, +, +, -)
  560. Todd_: 4df+2 defense
  561. Grapewhistle: Sadler: Shitshitshitshits: 1 (4df+1=+, -, 0, 0)
  562. Iriel: continues digging. It's murder on her feet.
  563. ~DrMann: Sadler is hit again. The others all manage to evade the wolves.
  564. Sadler: "Rhhhghh..." He rolls over to his front. No.
  565. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+2 Bad Wolf
  566. Dusty: Dusty tries to tinker up a tear gas bomb.
  567. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: Bad Wolf: 4 (4df+2=0, 0, +, +)
  568. Grapewhistle: Todd_: Blood!: 0 (4df+3=-, -, -, 0)
  569. Todd_: 4df+3 Blood!
  570. Azi: 4df+4 Azi slashes open the passing wolf's side.
  571. Grapewhistle: Azi: Azi slashes open the passing wolf's side.: 1 (4df+4=0, -, -, -)
  572. Todd_: Todd lunges again
  573. Dusty: Chemistry?
  574. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Zoe
  575. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Zoe: -1 (4dF+2=0, -, -, -)
  576. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Todd
  577. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Todd: 4 (4dF+2=+, +, 0, 0)
  578. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Azi: 3 (4dF+2=-, +, 0, +)
  579. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Azi
  580. ~DrMann: Zoe slams her shovel into the wolf's nose, causing it to whine.
  581. Grapewhistle: Sadler: Fate Point; Summon insects to become additional attacks at the summon's roll's power.: 0 (4df+2=-, 0, -, 0)
  582. Zoe_Chantili: "SIT!"
  583. Sadler: 4df+2 Fate Point; Summon insects to become additional attacks at the summon's roll's power.
  584. ~DrMann: Three are injured now.
  585. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Bugs
  586. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Dusty just swings a shovel at one: -1 (4df+1=0, 0, -, -)
  587. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Bugs: 0 (4dF+2=-, -, 0, 0)
  588. Dusty: 4df+1 Dusty just swings a shovel at one
  589. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Dusty
  590. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Dusty: 3 (4dF+2=+, -, 0, +)
  591. ~DrMann: Midges swarm at one of the wolves, but don't seem to be doing any damage.
  592. Sadler: Not at all. DAMMIT. He turns to the wolves. Why...
  593. ~DrMann: The Monkey flings something at the uninjured wolf.
  594. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Poo: 4 (4df+3=+, -, +, 0)
  595. ~DrMann: 4df+3 Poo
  596. Iriel: "Mr. Sadler, down here," she calls out from down in the hole.
  597. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Against Poo
  598. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Against Poo: 4 (4df+2=0, +, +, 0)
  599. Sadler: He drags himself back into the hole. He's taken 2 damage, guys, with two Body.
  600. ~DrMann: The wolf manages to avoid the uncouth projectile. Now the wolf seems fixated on the smaller primate.
  601. Iriel: 4df+2 throw shovel AGAIN
  602. Grapewhistle: Iriel: throw shovel AGAIN: 5 (4df+2=+, +, +, 0)
  603. Azi: Azi is now angry.
  604. Zoe_Chantili: "Come on Doggie! I'll teach you what happened to the pack after you met us!"
  605. Iriel: did it hit
  606. Iriel: did it
  607. Sadler: is bleeding pretty bad.
  608. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Shovel: 2 (4df+3=-, 0, 0, 0)
  609. ~DrMann: 4df+3 Defense Shovel
  610. Dusty: kneels down and begins carefully constructing a bomb. A powerful one.
  611. Grapewhistle: Azi: Azi leaps for the throat of the nearest wolf, his jaw widening and teeth lengthening.: 5 (4df+6=+, -, 0, -)
  612. Azi: 4df+6 Azi leaps for the throat of the nearest wolf, his jaw widening and teeth lengthening.
  613. ~DrMann: The shovel slams into the same wolf Zoe hit. It staggers over unconscious.
  614. Dusty: 4d+4 Bomb making
  615. Sadler: grits his teeth. This is a new one.
  616. ~DrMann: The wolves get their attack first.
  617. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Bomb making: 6 (4df+4=0, 0, +, +)
  618. Dusty: 4df+4 Bomb making
  619. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Azi
  620. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Azi: 4 (4df+2=+, +, -, +)
  621. Iriel: leaps out of the hole and retrieves the shovel. Don't notice me, don't notice me
  622. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Todd
  623. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Todd: 3 (4df+2=+, 0, 0, 0)
  624. Grapewhistle: Azi: You owe me, Grape!: 4 (4df+4=+, -, 0, 0)
  625. Azi: 4df+4 You owe me, Grape!
  626. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Zoe: 1 (4df+2=0, -, 0, 0)
  627. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Zoe
  628. Grapewhistle: Todd_: ohno: 4 (4df+2=0, 0, +, +)
  629. Todd_: 4df+2 ohno
  630. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 3 (4df+3=0, 0, 0, 0)
  631. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+3
  632. Todd_: dances out of the way.
  633. ~DrMann: They miss.
  634. Grapewhistle: Todd_: lung!: 3 (4df+3=+, +, -, -)
  635. Todd_: 4df+3 lung!
  636. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Azi: 5 (4df+2=0, +, +, +)
  637. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Azi
  638. Iriel: dives right the fuck back into the hole and continues the diggan
  639. Todd_: Lunge*
  640. ~DrMann: Azi's attack barely misses.
  641. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Todd: 1 (4df+2=-, +, 0, -)
  642. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Todd
  643. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+2 Shovel-fu
  644. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: Shovel-fu: 3 (4df+2=0, 0, +, 0)
  645. Sadler: is bleeding into the hole.
  646. ~DrMann: Todd, however, lunges straight into one of the wolves, taking its throat out.
  647. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Zoe
  648. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Zoe: 2 (4df+2=0, -, +, 0)
  649. ~DrMann: Zoe takes down another with her shovel.
  650. Todd_: "Hahahah!"
  651. Dusty: And dusty's bomb?
  652. ~DrMann: Is a very good bomb! Roll ranged to throw it!
  653. Sadler: He rips a piece off his coat and binds his bleeding leg. Ok, maybe that will help.
  654. Zoe_Chantili: "HA! Who's next wolfie?"
  655. Dusty: Can I hand it off to iriel?
  656. ~DrMann: Dusty could, yes.
  657. Todd_: todd rises, blood dripping from his mouth. He kicks the corpse, and the steps back.
  658. Dusty: "Iriel, throw this, far away please, at the wolves."
  659. Dusty: hands her the bomb.
  660. Iriel: 2+4df what am i throwing here, it smells like rotting eggs
  661. Grapewhistle: Iriel: what am i throwing here, it smells like rotting eggs: 3 (2+4df=+, 0, -, +)
  662. ~DrMann: Iriel throws it near the Alpha and one of the smaller wolves.
  663. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Wolf: 3 (4df+2=-, +, 0, +)
  664. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Wolf
  665. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Alpha: 5 (4df+4=-, +, +, 0)
  666. ~DrMann: 4df+4 Defense Alpha
  667. Iriel: oh boners
  668. : Maddy has joined #WanderersLibrary
  669. ~DrMann: The smaller wolf is blasted head-over-tail, falling in a lump. The Alpha, by contrast hardly seems to notice.
  670. Dusty: sets about making a better bomb immediately.
  671. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Let's try this one more time...: 2 (4df+4=-, -, -, +)
  672. Dusty: 4df+4 Let's try this one more time...
  673. Dusty: Pinging it must work for a re-roll.
  674. ~DrMann: Go ahead, Dusty.
  675. : pooryoric sets mode +b heiden!*
  676. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Come on grape: 3 (4df+4=-, 0, -, +)
  677. Dusty: 4df+4 Come on grape
  678. Iriel: DIGS
  679. Dusty: Is the hole done?
  680. ~DrMann: Of the original group of four attackers, two are dead, one's injured, and one's doing fine. There are three other wolves, not counting the Alpha or the one that just got blown away.
  681. ~DrMann: The hole is just about done. It's a bit busy for planting, though.
  682. ~DrMann: The other three wolves move in. As does the alpha.
  683. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Azi
  684. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Azi: 3 (4dF+2=+, +, -, 0)
  685. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Todd: 1 (4dF+2=0, -, +, -)
  686. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Todd
  687. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Zoe: 1 (4dF+2=0, -, 0, 0)
  688. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Zoe
  689. Grapewhistle: Azi: Dodge.: 4 (4df+4=-, -, +, +)
  690. Azi: 4df+4 Dodge.
  691. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Dusty
  692. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Dusty: 2 (4dF+2=+, +, -, -)
  693. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+3
  694. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 2 (4df+3=-, -, 0, +)
  695. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Todd Again: 0 (4dF+2=0, -, 0, -)
  696. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Todd Again
  697. Todd_: 4df+2 23!-3
  698. Dusty: 4df+2 Shiiiiiiiit
  699. Grapewhistle: Todd_: 23!-3: 2 (4df+2=-, +, 0, 0)
  700. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Shiiiiiiiit: 1 (4df+2=-, +, -, 0)
  701. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Alpha vs. Azi
  702. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Alpha vs. Azi: 3 (4dF+2=-, +, +, 0)
  703. Azi: Azi stares at the Alpha. He's feeling angry and hungry. And that's one big dog.
  704. Grapewhistle: Azi: Dodge!: 3 (4df+4=-, +, -, 0)
  705. Azi: 4df+4 Dodge!
  706. ~DrMann: That's 5, not 3, against Azi.
  707. Grapewhistle: Todd_: again: 0 (4df+2=-, -, +, -)
  708. Todd_: 4df+2 again
  709. Todd_: ducks under the first, and then barely slides to the right of the second.
  710. ~DrMann: Most of the attacks miss. However, the alpha grabs Azi by the arm and shakes him, knocking him to the ground.
  711. Iriel: 2+4df shovel attack!
  712. Grapewhistle: Iriel: shovel attack!: 1 (2+4df=+, -, -, 0)
  713. Dusty: Dusty is up still?
  714. Grapewhistle: Azi: As the wolf grabs Azi's arm, he tears at it with the other.: 3 (4df+6=-, -, -, 0)
  715. Azi: 4df+6 As the wolf grabs Azi's arm, he tears at it with the other.
  716. Todd_: 4df+3 attack a weaker one
  717. Zoe_Chantili: f4+2 Shovel+Face!
  718. Grapewhistle: Todd_: attack a weaker one: 2 (4df+3=0, -, +, -)
  719. Zoe_Chantili: 4Df+2 Shovel+Face!
  720. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Iriel: 3 (4df+2=+, +, -, 0)
  721. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Iriel
  722. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Todd: 2 (4df+2=-, +, -, +)
  723. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Todd
  724. ~DrMann: 4df+2 Defense Zoe
  725. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Zoe: 1 (4df+2=-, -, 0, +)
  726. Iriel: "Oh."
  727. Iriel: She digs with her hands instead. :|
  728. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+2
  729. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 0 (4df+2=-, -, -, +)
  730. Todd_: "Iriel! GET. BACK."
  731. ~DrMann: 4df+4 Defense Azi
  732. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Azi: 5 (4df+4=+, -, 0, +)
  733. Dusty: tosses his bomb at the farthest bunch of wolves if he's not unconscious.
  734. Dusty: 4df+1 Am I awake?
  735. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Am I awake?: 0 (4df+1=-, 0, +, -)
  736. Sadler: struggles back. Vision's getting blurry.
  737. &MisterFlames: Midnight yowls as she works her will, summoning the True Cats to her plea. She cheats just a bit though, by caterwauling.
  738. Iriel: "Stay awake, Mr. Sadler," she says in her best soothing voice as she throws dirt out of the hole.
  739. ~DrMann: Roll an appropriate Magic skill, Flames.
  740. Sadler: "Right, righ..."
  741. &MisterFlames: 4df+5 Mental magic, plus tapping "Here Kitty Kitty" for two fate points.
  742. Grapewhistle: MisterFlames: Mental magic, plus tapping "Here Kitty Kitty" for two fate points.: 6 (4df+5=+, +, -, 0)
  743. ~DrMann: The wolves manage to avoid the attacks, because fate (Grapewhistle) clearly hates you all.
  744. Iriel: clambers out of the hole and retrieves the shovel.
  745. Iriel: 2+4df EAT SHOVEL, DOGGY
  746. Grapewhistle: Iriel: EAT SHOVEL, DOGGY: 4 (2+4df=0, +, 0, +)
  747. : Maddy has left #WanderersLibrary
  748. Zoe_Chantili: "Come on big bad wolf..."
  749. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Desperate shovel swing: 2 (4df+1=+, -, 0, +)
  750. Dusty: 4df+1 Desperate shovel swing
  751. ~DrMann: A streak of brown and black appears from the underbrush as a Wildcat races through. Several of the wolves take notice, and give chase.
  752. ~DrMann: It's the wolves' turn, unfortunately.
  753. Dusty: Damn.
  754. ~DrMann: However, there are fewer of them now. Two and the Alpha.
  755. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Azi: 2 (4dF+2=+, +, -, -)
  756. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Azi
  757. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Todd: 4 (4dF+2=+, -, +, +)
  758. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Todd
  759. Azi: 4df+4 Dodge.
  760. Grapewhistle: Azi: Dodge.: 4 (4df+4=0, +, 0, -)
  761. ~DrMann: 4dF+4Zoe
  762. Grapewhistle: DrMann: oe: 4 (4dF+4=+, 0, -, 0)
  763. ~DrMann: 4dF+4 oe
  764. Todd_: 4df+4 ohno
  765. Grapewhistle: Todd_: ohno: 4 (4df+4=0, +, -, 0)
  766. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+3
  767. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 4 (4df+3=+, -, 0, +)
  768. ~DrMann: They manage to avoid the attacks, but Zoe and Todd both have close calls.
  769. Dusty: is making a bomb now
  770. Azi: 4df+6 Azi slashes at the Alpha wolf's legs.
  771. Grapewhistle: Azi: Azi slashes at the Alpha wolf's legs.: 5 (4df+6=0, 0, -, 0)
  772. Grapewhistle: Iriel: NOW eat shovel, doggy: 3 (2+4df=-, +, 0, +)
  773. Iriel: 2+4df NOW eat shovel, doggy
  774. Todd_: 4df+6 fate point at alpha
  775. Grapewhistle: Todd_: fate point at alpha: 5 (4df+6=+, -, 0, -)
  776. ~DrMann: 4dF+4 Defense Azi
  777. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Azi: 4 (4dF+4=+, -, +, -)
  778. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Does this count as an attack? If not, minus one: 2 (4df+5=0, -, -, -)
  779. Dusty: 4df+5 Does this count as an attack? If not, minus one
  780. Todd_: As azi flanks, todd charges,
  781. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Todd: 5 (4dF+4=+, +, -, 0)
  782. ~DrMann: 4dF+4 Defense Todd
  783. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe swings with the shovel, and prepars to teleport around him after.
  784. Zoe_Chantili: 4df+2
  785. Grapewhistle: Zoe_Chantili: 3 (4df+2=+, -, +, 0)
  786. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Iriel: 3 (4dF+2=+, 0, 0, 0)
  787. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Iriel
  788. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Zoe: 2 (4dF+2=-, -, +, +)
  789. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Zoe
  790. Dusty: Dropping a point for a re-roll.
  791. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Defense Dusty
  792. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Defense Dusty: 1 (4dF+2=+, 0, -, -)
  793. Dusty: Or not.
  794. ~DrMann: Dusty and Zoe both manage to connect. Zoe drops the already-injured wolf. Azi manages to hurt the Alpha, but Todd's unable to quite make it through its fur.
  795. : Todd_ has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
  796. : Todd_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  797. ~DrMann: The Alpha howls. More glaring yellow eyes appear in the underbrush.
  798. Azi: "I ent lettin' ye escape. Ye are my food, now."
  799. Dusty: "...take him down!"
  800. Todd_: Todd grins.
  801. Zoe_Chantili: "Calling in reinforcements? Coward!"
  802. Sadler: *groans*
  803. Azi: Azi's voice has become harsh, interspersed with clicks.
  804. ~DrMann: "Kill as many of us as you like. There are always more of us. We will bury you."
  805. Zoe_Chantili: "And we will make you our PETS. You will beg and fawn and love us!"
  806. Iriel: "Out," Iriel says rather breathlessly to Sadler. "Climb out."
  807. ~DrMann: The Wolf snarls and lunges at... Iriel.
  808. Todd_: "Then we will kill forever!"
  809. Grapewhistle: Todd_: interception: 2 (4df+4=-, -, +, -)
  810. Todd_: 4df+4 interception
  811. Grapewhistle: Iriel: fate point! athletics in place of defense to dodge: 3 (4+4df=0, -, +, -)
  812. Iriel: 4+4df fate point! athletics in place of defense to dodge
  813. Sadler: "Fff." he struggles to climb. This is not easy.
  814. Azi: "Then I guess I'll never go hungry."
  815. Todd_: Todd tries to knock her aside.
  816. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Lunge for Lunch: 5 (4dF+6=-, 0, 0, 0)
  817. ~DrMann: 4dF+6 Lunge for Lunch
  818. ~DrMann: The wolf is knocked out of the air in mid-attack by a huge orange and black shape.
  819. Dusty: "...."
  820. Todd_: Todd sprints over to Iriel.
  821. Sadler: glances around.
  822. ~DrMann: It gives out a brief whine before the Tiger's jaws close around its throat.
  823. Todd_: "Are you okay?"
  824. Sadler: "...Oh." He sighs.
  825. Dusty: checks on Sadler.
  826. Dusty: "You ok, man?"
  827. Iriel: "Yes."
  828. Azi: Azi looks... disappointed.
  829. ~DrMann: The Wolves in the bushes turn tail and run. The night melts away. The clearing is dappled by sunlight again.
  830. Sadler: Bleeding, half dead, of course.
  831. Sadler: "... Dunno."
  832. Azi: "I was gonna eat that."
  833. Todd_: "Good. Thank god." He pulls her up and hugs her.
  834. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe lets out a long sigh and lets she shovel tip drop.
  835. Sadler: He tries to pull himself to his feet. Nope.
  836. ~DrMann: "You couldn't stomach it," the Tiger says around a mouthful of Wolf.
  837. Dusty: "Can someone try and heal Sadler?" Dusty looks around.
  838. Iriel: She's kinda shaking, total pokerface.
  839. Iriel: totters over to the mandrake and attempts to shove it into the hole.
  840. Azi: "Huh? It's a plant?"
  841. &MisterFlames: "I can try," Midnight says from her perch.
  842. Azi: "Nah. Smells like meat."
  843. Sadler: He collapses.
  844. Dusty: "Iriel. Not yet..."
  845. Todd_: "Hold on iriel." He pulls her away.
  846. Todd_: And then starts edging away from Sadler.
  847. Azi: Azi looks at the fallen wolves for any that still live.
  848. Todd_: "..."
  849. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe runs over to Sadler, "Midnight! We need some help here...."
  850. Dusty: "Please midnight..."
  851. ~DrMann: "You do not belong here, little reptile. You would burn yourself out to eat the ones who live here."
  852. Iriel: "Well, Mr. Tiger...thank you for scaring them off."
  853. Azi: "Aww..."
  854. Iriel: She bows deeply.
  855. Todd_: "Rajah." He also bows. "I owe you greatly."
  856. Azi: "Well, thanks for tellin' me, I guess. Can I eat th' small ones?""
  857. Dusty: nods respectfully to the tiger before returning to worrying about the dying man.
  858. &MisterFlames: Midnight hops down, and goes over to look at Sadler, "I'll do what I can." Midnight goes over to Sadler, and leans down to lap at his blood, letting her nature and her magic combine as a nurturer, since she is a Mama Cat.
  859. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe climbs out, still feeling the high of the fight.
  860. Sadler: "... ugh, you too?"
  861. &MisterFlames: 4df+2 Healing magic, plus whatever mods you feel like.
  862. Grapewhistle: MisterFlames: Healing magic, plus whatever mods you feel like.: 1 (4df+2=+, -, -, 0)
  863. Grapewhistle: DrMann: Wounds: 4 (4dF+2=-, +, +, +)
  864. ~DrMann: 4dF+2 Wounds
  865. ~DrMann: Sadler's injuries are resisting the healing magic.
  866. Dusty: " you want a circle, midnight?"
  867. : Rights has joined #WanderersLibrary
  868. Azi: Azi kicks at one of the corpses, and the claws sprouting from his feet lodge in it. He yanks them out, spilling the dead wolf's innards.
  869. &MisterFlames: "Yes, Dusty, and some help, please."
  870. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe examines the wolfs, seeing if any are still alive.
  871. Azi: "Want me t' draw one?"
  872. Dusty: Dusty leans down, and tries to sketch out a circle on well, any avaiable patch of cloth.
  873. Grapewhistle: Dusty: Circlan: 4 (4df+5=+, -, 0, -)
  874. Dusty: 4df+5 Circlan
  875. ~DrMann: There are one or two still alive. The one hit by the shovels is merely unconscious. Another is badly battered, but still breathing.
  876. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe looks for that old one who first attacked her, if it's still around.
  877. ~DrMann: It was one of the ones that went chasing after the Cat.
  878. &MisterFlames: 4df+3 Charged Circle.
  879. Grapewhistle: MisterFlames: Charged Circle.: 0 (4df+3=-, 0, -, -)
  880. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe heads over to one of the unconsious ones and looks at it. "HEy guys, some of these are still alive..."
  881. ~DrMann: Dusty, it's about time to plant Andra.
  882. Dusty: removes sadler as gently as possible, and tries to plant andra.
  883. Azi: "Oh. Can I kill 'em?"
  884. Sadler: He is gently moved
  885. ~DrMann: Thankfully, this involves no dice rolling, or you would probably end up burying yourself alive.
  886. Zoe_Chantili: "No...They're unconsious."
  887. Dusty: "I'm sorry, Sadler...we'l lfix you in abit..."
  888. Azi: "Yeah, so?"
  889. Todd_: "Everyone... shhh."
  890. @pooryoric: andra's pot comes off with a bit of effort, and her exposed roots writhe gently, probing for soil.
  891. Zoe_Chantili: "No need to be cruel. How we treat our enemies is just as important as how we treat our friends."
  892. Todd_: He grabs Iriel's hand.
  893. Sadler: Groan. He grips his side.
  894. Dusty: gently sinks Andra into the earth.
  895. @pooryoric: as soon as they touch the loam at the bottom of the hole, they delve deep, pulling andra's pod into place.
  896. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe turns around and watches Iriel's pod planting.
  897. Dusty: fills the hole with earth.
  898. Iriel: "We should find Mr. Shank or Mr. Finn when we return..."
  899. Dusty: He unstops the vial of quintessence, and stands, waiting.
  900. Todd_: "Shhh..."
  901. Sadler: Sadler is... kinda aware. Anyone who's almost blacked out but not quite should know how it feels.
  902. Dusty: is trembling somewhat.
  903. @pooryoric: the moon high overhead lends an eerie light to the scene as andra's pod softly quivvers under dusty's touch. something pops, softly.
  904. &MisterFlames: "I'm not able to get anything done here."
  905. Azi: Azi sits back to watch, quieting down.
  906. @pooryoric: with a series of soft pops, a tendril near the top of the pod tears itself loose and jerks all the way down the side of the pod, splitting the smooth flesh as it goes.
  907. Dusty: "...." Dusty inhales sharply.
  908. Iriel: hides her eyes. The noises are grossing her out just a touch.
  909. Todd_: "...."
  910. @pooryoric: the air is filled with an odd scent, crisp and clean, like a cross between celery and wildflowers.
  911. Zoe_Chantili: "Wow..."
  912. Azi: Azi resists the urge to cough.
  913. @pooryoric: pollen erupts from the top of the podd and drifts out into the night.
  914. Dusty: breathes deep.
  915. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe covers her mouth and nose
  916. Dusty: He doesn't care about allergies or asthma right now.
  917. Azi: He covers his nose and mouth with his shirt.
  918. Iriel: sneezes!
  919. Todd_: Todd stands stock still.
  920. Sadler: coughs. ach
  921. @pooryoric: slowly, the crack down the side of the pod begins to split. an odd fluid, like sap the color of fine white wine, begins to spill out. fingertips emerge from the crack and begin to pull hard on both sides.
  922. Dusty: "Ah...."
  923. @pooryoric: with a tremendous crack, the pod splits, and a girl, completely naked and soaked in fragrant sap bursts gasping out into the air, falling nearly into dusty's lap. "ah!"
  924. Dusty: Dusty is ready for this and gently hugs the girl in his arms, stumbling a bit all the same.
  925. Dusty: "Andra? Listen, it's me, Dusty, you need to drink this..."
  926. Sadler: Sadler opens an eyelid. Eh. He closes it.
  927. Iriel: makes an intensely disgusted noise and jumps back a few steps.
  928. : Todd_ has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
  929. : Todd_ has joined #WanderersLibrary
  930. @pooryoric: her fingertips press gently against his shoulders and she gently exhales into his ear. "will you take me, my love?"
  931. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe walks over to the pile of clothes, and picks up some, ready to give Dusty when he needs it.
  932. Todd_: Todd shifts, -awkwardly-
  933. Iriel: "Ew."
  934. Azi: Azi might be embarrassed. The shirt covering his face makes it hard to tell.
  935. Todd_: "Sh."
  936. @pooryoric: her eyes open for the first time- they're entirely green, with no iris or pupil. just green spheres in an unusually thin face.
  937. Dusty: nods, after checking the moon to sees it's in the right spot, gently turns her head so he can look at her. "Drink..." He touches the vial to Andra's lips, and attempts to feed it to her.
  938. @pooryoric: she sips it, totally obedient.
  939. @pooryoric: her eyes widen.
  940. @pooryoric: "ah...?"
  941. Dusty: smiles. "Zoe, the blanket, please..."
  942. Dusty: "Hello Andra."
  943. @pooryoric: and then, with all the force her newly emerged frame can muster, andra slaps dusty hard across the face.
  944. Zoe_Chantili: Zoe picks up the blanket and hands it over, still watching in awe.
  945. Dusty: "Ow..."
  946. Azi: Azi starts, but doesn't get up.
  947. Iriel: "Oh."
  948. Zoe_Chantili: "Um....Miss? Blanket for you...."
  949. @pooryoric: she stands. "what have you -done-?"
  950. Iriel: "Todd, is this how...?"
  951. Todd_: "Shhh. Later. I promise."
  952. Todd_: Todd why would you promise that D:
  953. Dusty: stands, and just wraps the blanket around Andra. "I gave you your own will. I'm sorry, for everything."
  954. Dusty: He steps back.
  955. @pooryoric: she pulls away, throwing the blanket aside.
  956. @pooryoric: "I had a -purpose-!"
  957. Dusty: "...A-andra..."
  958. Dusty: "I...I..."
  959. : Zoe_Chantili is now known as Tom90deg
  960. @pooryoric: "you monster. you sick, adulterous fiend. I was created to serve you, to belong to you completely, and now you cast me aside?"
  961. Dusty: Dusty looks like he's about to crumple, but on the inside. "No! I just wanted you to live your own life! to not be bound to me!"
  962. @pooryoric: "get away from me."
  963. Dusty: "Andra...please...I love you, you're my daughter..."
  964. @pooryoric: "daughter!" she spits, a viscous green liquid that sizzles and burns through the leaves it lands on. "what fool thinks to take a mandrake for a daughter? if you knew the lore as I do, with the memories of all the mandrake ever to come before me, to live alongside me as kin, you would destroy yourself for such an insult."
  965. @pooryoric: "were I not -cursed- to love you with every fiber of my being, dustin cole, I would seek to kill you myself. now go. leave me. I would be alone."
  966. Dusty: "...I...will you come back with me? Later? I'm sorry...I do love you Andra..."
  967. @pooryoric: she steps back into her pod and curls up in the foetal position. "go -away-!"
  968. @pooryoric: "mandrakes are not -supposed- to have free will you -moron-."
  969. Dusty: takes the clothes, and blanket. He sets them in front of Andra. "Andra...I wanted...I want you to have everything. Please, I don't want you to go away. I want you to stay with me. I'm sorry I hurt you."
  970. Sadler: bleeds a bit.
  971. @pooryoric: "I had only one reason to live. I had a glorious purpose. I knew what I was, why I was. you stole it. I can feel it now in every mandrake that lives, the pulse of service and reason and purpose and unity, and you took it -away-."
  972. Sadler: oh good the bugs are staubing the wound.
  973. @pooryoric: gross sadler
  974. Sadler: yep.
  975. Todd_: "Perhaps..." he murmers to iriel. "Perhaps we should go."
  976. Iriel: "The lady said to remain here for long is bad."
  977. Todd_: He nods.
  978. Dusty: "I...I'll never know what I've taken from you. I can only promise that I'll give you as much as I can. Andra, you saved my life the day we met. I'm the one that ought to serve you...please, let me take you back?"
  979. @pooryoric: "yes. you should." andra says, bitterly. "leave me here to root and rot, and perhaps the Forest can profit by this fool's actions."
  980. Azi: "I ent leavin'."
  981. Todd_: "..."
  982. Dusty: "A-andra..."
  983. @pooryoric: "go -away-."
  984. @pooryoric: she steps down from her pod.
  985. Azi: *loves
  986. Azi: "Ye know e' love ye, right? I'm gettin' bloody sick o' all this."
  987. @pooryoric: "go away."
  988. @pooryoric: andra turns to look balefully at azi.
  989. Sadler: //noooooooo//
  990. Azi: "No. I named ye. I ent leavin' ye t' rot. Ye are a person."
  991. Sadler: He groans.
  992. @pooryoric: "look down, you fool."
  993. @pooryoric: she points at her feet. they've begun to take root.
  994. Todd_: Todd gently tugs on iriel and creeps away.
  995. Iriel: "No, we must wait. We have injured."
  996. Todd_: "Give them space" he says in a hushed tone.
  997. Dusty: "A-andra..." Dusty stands looking at her feet. "W-what's...why..."
  998. : Rights is now known as Esme
  999. @pooryoric: "he gave me free will. allow me to excersize it. I have choice? then I choose to remain, and to serve this Forest as I -should- have served -him-."
  1000. Dusty: "No!"
  1001. Iriel: She goes over to Sadler and attempts to hoist him up by the armpits. Sadler y u so fat.
  1002. Azi: "Why don't ye serve 'im anyway?"
  1003. @pooryoric: "mandrake is nothing without a purpose. I have chosen mine."
  1004. Azi: "Y'know, choose to?"
  1005. @pooryoric: she blinks.
  1006. @pooryoric: "because he's a moron."
  1007. Azi: "S" a purpose, innit?"
  1008. Todd_: Todd sighs, and helps her out. He grows pale as he approaches. Sadler y u so delicious
  1009. &MisterFlames: "Yes, Dusty." Midnight replies. "She chooses this. You gave her the gift of choice, now *live* with it!"
  1010. Azi: "Yeah, an' ye don't seem much better. Ye both 're gonna die if this keeps up."
  1011. @pooryoric: from the roots at her feet, bark begins to climb, crawling up her legs and knitting them together, rushing up her belly.
  1012. Sadler: Sadler leans more on iriel than Todd. Why u so hungry todd
  1013. : Esme has left #WanderersLibrary
  1014. Dusty: "Andra, oh god, please..."
  1015. ~DrMann: "Need t'go?" The Monkey is looking out of the leaves of the trees nearby.
  1016. Iriel: "Mr. Cole, it seems there is nothing you can do, and Mr. Sadler will die if we do not return quickly."
  1017. @pooryoric: "this Forest needs a keeper. I need a purpose." the bark rushes up past her shoulders, and just before it reaches her lips she spits again at dusty. "and -you- need to -leave-."
  1018. ~DrMann: "Gotta go soon. Not safe."
  1019. ~DrMann: "Smell the blood. Everyone smells the blood, and be here, quick and quick!"
  1020. &MisterFlames: "Right, sir. We have to *leave*."
  1021. Iriel: She staggers towards the beaten path. "Our final favor," she says to the Monkey. "Lead us back."
  1022. Dusty: "..."
  1023. Azi: Azi looks up at Andra.
  1024. @pooryoric: within moments, the bark has covered her, and branches burst from her arms and throat and head. she is a tree, and growing -fast-.
  1025. Todd_: "Let's go, Dusty. It is over."
  1026. Sadler: heavy sigh. annoyed grunt.
  1027. Todd_: Todd sounds actually regretful.
  1028. @pooryoric: the ground begins to split as roots whip up around the tree, nearly throwing dusty to the ground./
  1029. &MisterFlames: Midnight starts to move and quickly.
  1030. Sadler: is dragged by iriel and Todd. he's slightly taller than both, so, yeah
  1031. Azi: "Y'know what? I'm tired o' this. I'm really gettin' sick o' people."
  1032. Dusty: Dusty backs up hurriedly. "Andra! God damn it! St-stop being a tree!"
  1033. Azi: Azi follows, waving to the rapidly growing Andra as he runs.
  1034. ~DrMann: "Got it, got it!" The monkey suddenly gives out a terrifyingly loud screech. It hurts your eardrums. It's answered by other chittering voices. Other Monkeys appear, and Lemurs, and even some gibbons and tarsiers.
  1035. Todd_: "Dusty! Come on!"
  1036. Iriel: "Ow." She covers one ear with her free hand.
  1037. @pooryoric: the tree is growing dangerously fast. you need to move.
  1038. Dusty: backs away as slowly as he can afford to.
  1039. ~DrMann: The Monkey starts giving orders in chitters and screeches. Vines are woven together in an instant, and Sadler is loaded into it.
  1040. Todd_: "..."
  1041. @pooryoric: enormous thorns cover its branches and the roots that whip at your feet.
  1042. Todd_: "Thank you."
  1043. Todd_: Todd returns to a normal color.
  1044. Iriel: bounds over to Dusty.
  1045. ~DrMann: Dozens of hands grab Dusty by the arms and shoulders and pull him up into the branches of the trees.
  1046. Iriel: "Bzuh?"
  1047. Todd_: Todd grabs iriel and holds her back.
  1048. Todd_: "It's too late."
  1049. ~DrMann: "C'mon! C'mon! Quick, double-quick! Last favor! Then fruits and termites! Fruits and termites!"
  1050. Todd_: Oh whoops
  1051. Iriel: She turns sharply and darts down the trail.
  1052. Todd_: Todd runs after her!
  1053. Sadler: a small swarm of flying insects of all shapes follow Sadler.
  1054. ~DrMann: Dusty finds himself being thrown from branch to branch in a procession led by the Monkey.
  1055. ~DrMann: Sadler is handled somewhat more gently.
  1056. &MisterFlames: Midnight left all of you monkeys far behind. She's a cat, and forests are her ground.
  1057. Dusty: "..." Dusty just sobs as he's carried away.
  1058. Todd_: Todd grew up in the city! This is not his ground! He trips several times.
  1059. Iriel: Iriel is just fast. Whatevs.
  1060. ~DrMann: Very soon, the trail grows to a path again. The sounds start to die away. The procression becomes smaller, until Dusty and Sadler are lowered to the ground, and then there is only the Monkey.
  1061. Iriel: She skids to a stop and bows quickly to the Monkey. "Thank you," she says breathlessly.
  1062. ~DrMann: The group is back in England. The monkey looks like just an animal again. It looks solemnly at the group for a moment, then vanishes intot he trees.
  1063. Sadler: the bugs land on Sadler. Oh cool moths and butterflies. And a mantis.
  1064. Todd_: Todd bumbles into iriel.
  1065. Todd_: "Whoops! Sorry.N
  1066. Todd_: "*
  1067. Dusty: follows, stifling his sobs.
  1068. Iriel: trails after Midnight, trying reeeeeally hard not to fall over under Sadler's fat ass
  1069. &MisterFlames: Midnight heads to the Way back.
  1070. &MisterFlames: "Follow me... we need to get Sadler treated."
  1071. Todd_: Todd follows.
  1072. Iriel: "Come," she says, looking around for the way back to the Library.
  1073. Azi: Azi is actually crying a little. He keeps walking.
  1074. Azi: Azi walks off to the side. He looks like a little boy again.
  1075. Todd_: Todd helps out!
  1076. @pooryoric: eventually, they return to the Library
  1077. Dusty: returns to his place immediately.
  1078. Iriel: Iriel dumps Sadler atop a table and scurries off to look for a healer-type.
  1079. Sadler: Sadler is dumped. :(
  1080. Azi: Azi walks straight to Desiderata's table.
  1081. @pooryoric: story of sadler's life
  1082. Sadler: :(
  1083. @pooryoric: always the bridesmaid, yadda yadda
  1084. Sadler: Well, if he had friends while vagranting
  1085. Sadler: but alas
  1086. Iriel: She returns with Finn. Quite a lot of blood is oozing out of his mouth and he's enveloped in white flames.
  1087. Todd_: "...."
  1088. @pooryoric: ...wut
  1089. Todd_: "Finn you don't look so hot."
  1090. Iriel: "Yo."
  1091. Iriel: "No, I'm cool."
  1092. Todd_: He sniffs the air.
  1093. Iriel: "/You/, my man," he says to Sadler, "look like complete shit."
  1094. Sadler: Unconscious, now.
  1095. Sadler: Bugs are clotting his sounds, though
  1096. Sadler: wounds too
  1097. Todd_: Blood smell?
  1098. Sadler: I assume so.
  1099. Todd_: From finn
  1100. Iriel: Why yes, he smells of blood. His voice sounds weird.
  1101. Iriel: 4+4df MEDICALNESS
  1102. Grapewhistle: Iriel: MEDICALNESS: 2 (4+4df=-, 0, -, 0)
  1103. Iriel: 2+4df two, right :|
  1104. Sadler: 4df+2 i'm bleeding here.
  1105. Grapewhistle: Iriel: two, right :|: 0 (2+4df=-, -, 0, 0)
  1106. Grapewhistle: Sadler: i'm bleeding here.: 1 (4df+2=+, -, -, 0)
  1107. : Iriel is now known as crackles
  1108. crackles: yoric do i win
  1109. : Azi is now known as Nioki
  1110. Todd_: Todd is a bit to tired to care about finn. He wanders off to somewhere solitary, but where iriel can still see him.
  1111. crackles: okay fine, i win
  1112. crackles: since he won't answer
  1113. crackles: Sadler is now TOTALLY FINE
  1114. ~DrMann: Sure.
  1115. Sadler: coughs. "... Took you fucking long enough..."
  1116. crackles: "I literally /just/ got here."
  1117. crackles: "But fine, if you wanna be an ingrate."
  1118. Sadler: He shakes his head. "Sorry... Thanks, Finn..."
  1119. Sadler: brushes the bugs out of the now closing wounds. "I'm going to need a new coat..."
  1120. Todd_: Todd lays back on the bookshelf, and yawns.
  1121. crackles: "Oh, er."
  1122. crackles: Finn takes off his coat and drops it on Sadler's head.
  1123. crackles: "I'm not cold anyway."
  1124. Todd_: waves at iriel.
  1125. Sadler: "...Thanks. I'm okay right now..."
  1126. crackles: Finn oozes mouthblood on his way towards his usual corner and vanishes.
  1127. crackles: Iriel climbs up to Todd's spot.
  1128. crackles: "...Hello."
  1129. Todd_: "Hi."
  1130. Todd_: He yawns again.
  1131. Todd_: "I am tired."
  1132. Sadler: "..." he sighs. his Mouse hops out of his old coat and climbs into his hair.
  1133. Todd_: "Oh! Didn't you have a question?"
  1134. &MisterFlames: "We can get you another coat," Midnight says.
  1135. : O5-1 is now known as Bright
  1136. : Sadler is now known as Dexa
  1137. crackles: "Yes. But I've forgotten it." She gives Todd a hug. Her hands and feet are covered in dirt from digging.
  1138. : Dusty has left #WanderersLibrary
  1139. Dexa: "... yeah, of course." He sighs.
  1140. Todd_: "Are you feeling okay?"
  1141. Nioki: Azi sits at Desiderata's table, and waits.
  1142. Todd_: He hugs her back, but decides he'd rather not let go and ends up with an arm around her. Crafty.
  1143. &MisterFlames: "I've got things like that at my house."
  1144. crackles: "I suppose." She kinda looks like she doesn't know how to react.
  1145. Todd_: "That's good. I was worried about you, back there."
  1146. Dexa: Sadler sits on the edge of the table. Great. Pretty much dead weight. Well, at least others weren't killed.
  1147. crackles: "You were the one who got hurt."
  1148. Todd_: "I did not get hurt, but you almost died."
  1149. Todd_: He has an edge to his voice now, but it's not directed at her.
  1150. Dexa: "It's alright, Midnight. Last house I went in is full of cockroaches still."
  1151. crackles: "No. I helped the tiger. He helped me." She picks dirt out from under her fingernails.
  1152. crackles: "But now Mr. Cole will be sad forever."
  1153. Dexa: RE: Roachwave
  1154. Todd_: "I owe him."
  1155. Todd_: "Dusty will be okay, eventually. But we should take extra care to be nice to him."
  1156. crackles: "He is quite mad. He cannot help what he does."
  1157. Todd_: "I know."
  1158. Todd_: He yawns.
  1159. : Doctor_Light has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.8/20100723084720]
  1160. Todd_: "I think it is time for bed."
  1161. : Dr_Jameson is now known as Salmander
  1162. crackles: "So it would seem."
  1163. crackles: She waves to Sadler and hops off the shelf.
  1164. &MisterFlames: "I understand that." Midnight replies.
  1165. Todd_: Todd follows, yawning.
  1166. Dexa: He waves back, and slides into a chair.
  1167. crackles: And goes through the Door to Tom's place.
  1168. Todd_: He follows :V
  1169. : Salmander has left #WanderersLibrary
  1170. crackles: Footsteps approach Azi.
  1171. : Todd_ has quit IRC: Quit: Bye
  1172. Nioki: He looks up.
  1173. crackles: It's...Titania.
  1174. Nioki: "...Oh. Hi."
  1175. crackles: She looks quite miserable.
  1176. crackles: "Hey." She sits down. "Something's come up."
  1177. Nioki: "What... Desi?!"
  1178. Nioki: "What happened?"
  1179. crackles: Titania rests her chin in her hand and stares up at the bookshelves just past his head. "It seems whatever he was going to do to you can't be done without extra help."
  1180. crackles: "So, she volunteered. To die."
  1181. Nioki: "No."
  1182. crackles: "That's what I said. But she didn't listen to me."
  1183. Nioki: "If she does that, I'll kill myself."
  1184. Nioki: "Where is she."
  1185. crackles: "It's all this mage mumbo jumbo I don't understand. And I don't know. She said she had to go think and for all I know she's already dead."
  1186. crackles: "I hate mages..."
  1187. Nioki: Azi stands.
  1188. Nioki: "Come on."
  1189. crackles: "Where're we going?"
  1190. Nioki: "T' visit Murmur."
  1191. Nioki: "Ye think I'd let 'im do this?"
  1192. crackles: "O-oh. I, erm..." She looks quite uneasy. "I'm not going in there. I /hate/ mages."
  1193. Nioki: Azi walks towards the silver door. It changes to a run. "Fine. I'm goin'."
  1194. Nioki: Azi runs what may be the fastest he ever has.
  1195. &MisterFlames: Midnight, who is a mage, grooms nonchalantly.
  1196. crackles: Titania does not like mages. Fortunately she thinks Midnight is just a cat. :V
  1197. Dexa: Sadler is admiring his healed wounds. Did he scar? I don't think he did, but i don't know how Finn works.
  1198. crackles: Finn doesn't leave scars, but though the spots where they're healed may sting just a bit for a few hours if the wounds are particularly deep.
  1199. @pooryoric: GM Fiat: no, no wound can be allowed to mar sadler's luscious pale skin
  1200. crackles: unf
  1201. Dexa: Yes. I am okay with this.
  1202. : Nioki has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.16/20110319135224]
  1203. : Nioki has joined #WanderersLibrary
  1204. Nioki: Azi returns to Tom's farm, holding a glass vial. He eats a large chunk of raw cow flesh in the kitchen, then walks upstairs to his room.
  1205. : Dexa has quit IRC: Quit: Goodnight
  1206. : Nioki has quit IRC: Quit: My pillow misses the sweet caress of my giant cranium.
  1207. : pooryoric has quit IRC: Quit: Light travels faster then sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak
  1208. : Disconnected.
  1209. : Topic set by pooryoric (11/12/2010 at 3:35 AM)
  1210. : Topic on #WanderersLibrary is: The Serpent's Hand RP. <a href=""></a> Refer all OOC comments to #libraryOOC | <Ragazzo:>Too bad he isn't on the moose express to flower town!
  1211. : Tom90deg has joined #WanderersLibrary
  1212. : MisterFlames has quit IRC: Quit: Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo - Catullus 16
  1213. : Disconnected.
  1214. : Topic set by pooryoric (11/12/2010 at 3:35 AM)
  1215. : Topic on #WanderersLibrary is: The Serpent's Hand RP. Refer all OOC comments to #libraryOOC | <Ragazzo:>Too bad he isn't on the moose express to flower town!
  1216. : Tom90deg has joined #WanderersLibrary
  1217. : Disconnected.
  1218. : Topic set by pooryoric (11/12/2010 at 3:35 AM)
  1219. : Topic on #WanderersLibrary is: The Serpent's Hand RP. Refer all OOC comments to #libraryOOC | <Ragazzo:>Too bad he isn't on the moose express to flower town!
  1220. : Tom90deg has joined #WanderersLibrary
  1221. : Disconnected.
  1222. : Topic set by pooryoric (11/12/2010 at 3:35 AM)
  1223. : Topic on #WanderersLibrary is: The Serpent's Hand RP. Refer all OOC comments to #libraryOOC | <Ragazzo:>Too bad he isn't on the moose express to flower town!
  1224. : Tom90deg has joined #WanderersLibrary
  1225. : Topic set by pooryoric (11/12/2010 at 3:35 AM)
  1226. : Topic on #WanderersLibrary is: The Serpent's Hand RP. Refer all OOC comments to #libraryOOC | <Ragazzo:>Too bad he isn't on the moose express to flower town!
  1227. : Tom90deg has joined #WanderersLibrary
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