
Complete hunting config

Jul 16th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Config = {}
  3. -- [GENERAL]:
  4. Config.EnableFootprints = true
  5. Config.PNearAnimalToEscape = 40 -- if the distance between a player and the animal is less than this value, it will run away (not for native animals)
  6. Config.CarryAnimals = true
  7. Config.CarryAnimalsKey = "G"
  8. Config.WeaponsOnlyHunting = false -- if TRUE when you get out of a hunting zone you won't be able to use the weapons
  9. -- only if Config.HuntAllMap FALSE
  10. Config.UseQbTarget = true
  12. -- [HARVESTING]:
  13. Config.HeadshotForPerfect = true -- In order to receve the perfect item, you will need to get perfect in Config.WeaponDamages and also kill the animal with an headshot
  14. Config.TimeToHarvest = 15000 -- number of milliseconds to complete harvesting
  15. Config.CameraMovement = true -- if true camera animation when harvesting animals
  16. Config.MinLeather = 1 -- the minimum number of leather you can drop
  17. Config.MaxLeather = 1 -- the maximum number of leather you can drop
  18. Config.CanDropMeat = true -- false if you don't want that animals can drop meat
  19. Config.MeatItem = "meat" -- item name for meat
  20. Config.MinMeat = 2 -- the minimum number of leather you can drop
  21. Config.MaxMeat = 3 -- the maximum number of leather you can drop
  22. Config.CanDropSpecial = true -- false if you don't want that animals can drop special items (see Config.Animals)
  23. Config.SpecialProb = 96 -- probability, example: the script generates a random number from 1 to 100, if the random number is higher (>) than this one it will drop (so 10% probability)
  24. Config.OnlyWhoKilled = false -- true if you want that only the player who killed the animal can harvest it
  26. -- [BAIT]:
  27. Config.EnableBait = true
  28. Config.BlipOnBaitAnimal = true
  29. Config.BaitPlacingTime = 15000 -- milliseconds
  30. Config.BaitItemName = "animal_bait"
  31. Config.BaitAnimals = {"a_c_deer", "a_c_boar", "a_c_mtlion", "a_c_coyote"} -- animal that can spawn when placing a bait (need to be also in Config.Animals)
  32. Config.TimeForAnimalToLeave = 10000 -- animal once reached bait will wait this time before walking away milliseconds
  33. Config.BaitSpawnRadious = 30 -- when you place a bait, the animal will spawn in this radious (I raccomend 200)
  34. Config.TimeBetween = 120 -- IN SECONDS, time you need to wait before placing another bait
  37. -- [ANIMALS / WEAPONS]:
  38. -- MODEL: the model of animal you want to spawn / hunt
  39. -- BAD/GOOD/PERFECT: the item dropped when harvesting that animal
  40. -- DIMENSION: size of the animal, you need this with Config.WeaponDamages
  42. Config.Animals = {
  43. {dimension = "big", model = "a_c_deer", bad = "leather_deer_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_deer_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_deer_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -664053099, specialItem = "deer_horn", specialItemCost = 630, isIllegal = false},
  44. {dimension = "medBig", model = "a_c_boar", bad = "leather_boar_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_boar_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_boar_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -832573324, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = false},
  45. {dimension = "medBig", model = "a_c_mtlion", bad = "leather_mlion_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_mlion_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_mlion_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 307287994, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
  46. {dimension = "medium", model = "a_c_coyote", bad = "leather_coyote_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_coyote_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_coyote_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 1682622302, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
  47. {dimension = "small", model = "a_c_rabbit_01", bad = "leather_rabbit_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_rabbit_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_rabbit_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -541762431, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = false},
  48. {dimension = "medium", model = "a_c_cormorant", bad = "leather_cormorant_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_cormorant_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_cormorant_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 1457690978, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
  49. {dimension = "small", model = "a_c_chickenhawk", bad = "leather_chickenhawk_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_chickenhawk_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_chickenhawk_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -1430839454, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430}
  50. } -- IMPORTANT: dimension name must be one of these "small" / "medium" / "medBig" / "big"
  51. -- IMPORTANT: you don't have to change hash numbers
  52. -- IMPORTANT: you need to have bad / good / perfect items in your items database
  54. Config.WeaponDamages = {
  55. -- According to the type of weapon (category) used to kill the animal, it will drop a certain type of skin based on his size (Config.Animals dimension)
  56. -- EXAMPLE: if i kill with a sniper a big animal in this case it will give me perfect item
  57. {category = "unarmed", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
  58. {category = "melee", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
  59. {category = "pistol", small = "good", medium = "good", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
  60. {category = "subgun", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "good", big = "bad"},
  61. {category = "shootgun", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "good", big = "bad"},
  62. {category = "rifle", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
  63. {category = "snip", small = "bad", medium = "good", medBig = "perfect", big = "perfect"}
  64. } -- IMPORTANT: you don't have to change category names
  66. Config.NativeAnimal = false -- false if you want to spawn your animals (modify AnimalModels) and not use native ones
  67. Config.SpawnAnimalNumber = 10 -- number of animal to spawn if you aren't using native animals
  68. Config.KnifesForHarvest = {'WEAPON_KNIFE', 'WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE', 'WEAPON_DAGGER'} -- you can harvest an animal only with these knifes
  71. -- [HUNTING ZONES]:
  72. Config.huntAllMap = false -- TRUE if you want to enable hunting in all the map
  73. -- if not using native animals set it to FALSE (if you are using native animals you can still set it to FALSE)
  74. Config.huntPoint = {
  75. {id = 1, x = -1133.44, y = 4605.55, z = 144.96},
  76. {id = 2, x = 1996.02, y = 4982.71, z = 40.63}
  77. } -- if Config.huntAllMap false you have to decide a point in the map and the radious where you can hunt
  78. -- !! do not insert the same id twice !!
  80. Config.huntRadious = 400
  83. -- [CAMPFIRE]:
  84. Config.EnableCampfire = true
  85. Config.UseNativeCampfire = true
  86. Config.CampfireTimeBetween = 25 -- IN SECONDS, time you need to wait before cooking again meat (cooking time + time to wait)
  87. Config.CampfireCommand = "campfire" -- don't put the slash before
  88. Config.CampfireProp = "prop_beach_fire" -- name for the prop to spawn
  89. Config.CampfireNameItem1 = "coal" -- name for item1 in crafting
  90. Config.CampfireCountItem1 = 2 -- number of pieces you need for item1
  91. Config.CampfireNameItem2 = "wood" -- name for item2 in crafting
  92. Config.CampfireCountItem2 = 4 -- number of pieces you need for item2
  93. Config.CampPlacingTime = 15000 -- milliseconds
  94. Config.KeyCampfireMenu = "E" -- ["E"]
  95. Config.MeatName = "meat"
  96. Config.CookingTime = 20000 -- milliseconds
  97. Config.CookedMeatName = "cookedMeat"
  98. Config.KeyDestroyCampfire = "G" -- ["G"]
  99. Config.noCampfireZoneRadious = 1000
  100. Config.noCampfireZone = {
  101. {x = -259.24, y = -1900.51, z = 27.76}
  102. } --you can add multiple of them (remember ",")
  105. -- [SELLING ITEMS]:
  106. Config.MeatCost = 20
  107. Config.BlackMoneyName = "blackmoney" -- see Qb-core config file
  108. -- see also Config.Animals for prices
  111. -- [BLIPS]:
  112. Config.BlipOnEntity = true -- if not using native animals
  113. Config.Blips = {
  114. {coords = vector3(1225.43, -3246.84, 4.55), name = "Hunting selling zone", sprite = 442, colour = 27},
  115. {coords = vector3(-1133.44, 4605.55, 144.96), name = "Hunting Zone Radius", sprite = 161, colour = 27},
  116. {coords = vector3(-1133.44, 4605.55, 144.96), name = "Hunting Zone", sprite = 442, colour = 27}
  117. }
  120. -- [LOCATIONS]:
  121. Config.Locations = {
  122. SellZone = { x = 1208.35, y = -3228.84, z = 5.0 },
  123. IllegalNPC = { x = 1996.02, y = 4982.71, z = 40.63, h = 219.41}
  124. }
  127. -- [LANGUAGE]:
  128. Config.Text = {
  129. ['before_harvest'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to harvest, [~g~G~w~] to carry',
  130. ['harvesting'] = 'Harvesting animal...',
  131. ['need_knife'] = 'You need a knife to harvest',
  132. ['receved_leather'] = 'You receaved leather',
  133. ['ruined_leather'] = 'The leather is too ruined',
  134. ['receved_meat'] = 'You receaved meat',
  135. ['special_item'] = 'You recived a special item',
  136. ----
  137. ['campfire'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to cook, [~g~G~w~] to remove',
  138. ['campfire2'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to cook',
  139. ['cooking'] = 'Cooking meat',
  140. ['placing_campfire'] = 'Placing campfire...',
  141. ['cant_place_camp'] = "You can't place your campfire here",
  142. ----
  143. ['cant_place_bait'] = "You can't place your bait here",
  144. ['placing_bait'] = 'Placing bait...',
  145. ['between_bait'] = 'You need to wait before use it again',
  146. ['no_effects_bait'] = 'Your bait had any effects',
  147. ----
  148. ['sell_items'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to sell',
  149. ['sold'] = 'Successfully sold',
  150. ----
  151. ['no_material'] = "You don't have enough material",
  152. ['you_didnt_kill_it'] = "You didn't kill the animal"
  153. }
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