
FoE RPG G0 - #022 Last Stop: Facets of the Land

Jun 29th, 2013
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  1. [19:46]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #20 the 3rd (or #22) starts now
  2. [19:46]<SpiritOfFate> =========================================
  3. [19:52]<SpiritOfFate> It's late afternoon at Doc Mooneye's office, the orange light of sunset covering the medicine cabinets in orange light. After Firefly's short lesson, she mulls over the complications arisen, sat by her desk. Her monocled eye scans the group once more
  4. [19:55]? Sotho is busy studying the recipes that were given to him, attempting to memorize them.
  5. [19:55]<SpiritOfFate> The sunlight reflecting on the cabinets meets Wintergreen's eyes.
  6. [19:56]? Royal_Lace sits near Wintergreen, conversing with her, "I am so glad we agree on this... I know we have not seen eye to eye as of late, and that you do not agree with some of my decisions"
  7. [19:57]<Hawkeye> Hawkeye sits back and finishes her glass of whiskey, and eyes the bottle again as she takes one of the snack cakes. "Strength an' safety in numbers," she says softly without looking at Lace. "Something we knew was true when Ah was still in the Sirens. It's why them Sand Riders beat us. Don't get me wrong. Ah don't really care about your folk in Scrapyard 'cuz Ah don't know 'em. Ah just know...
  8. [19:58]<Hawkeye> ...that Ah ain't walkin' in to try an' save Firefly's folks an' gettin' beat for lack of numbers." She pours herself another drink.
  9. [19:58]? Wintergreen sighs and nods. "Most of your decisions are well-intentioned, though... not all that practical." She shrugs. "I know we haven't, and I'm sorry for that Royal_Lace."
  10. [19:59]? Firefly sits on a chair, going taking a careful bite of snack cake and then a swig of sparkle cola. She swallows the food and drink before chiming in with "And besides, saving good ponies is what heroes do." She looks to the others. " are we saving the good ponies?"
  11. [20:00]? Ignis shakes his head, a bit vacant. "Still, I don't feel as if this is...kinda my fight, after all..." The dragon gives a thoughtful nod. "Sure, is a good thought to do nice to those ponies, but..." The dragon just sighs. "I don't feel much inclined to that, I never really got to bond with the slaves due to my...condition." He says. "I am just...not really so sure."
  12. [20:00]<Sotho> "We need supplies no matter whom we save first."
  13. [20:00]? Royal_Lace gaze turns to the Doctor, studying the mare, "Well if we all agree that the mest move is to finish our work at the scrapyard... I belive we should ask our new firend what she knows of this resistance group"
  14. [20:02]? Hawkeye turns and nudges Royal_Lace. "Say, how far away is this Scrapyard, anyhow?" she asks. "If y'all have more shopping for supplies to do, Ah can go an' scope it out for y'all. Might could help with the planning to have more info..."
  15. [20:03]? Royal_Lace looks to Hawkeye, "Ummm... well im not sure that is a good idea right now, when I left there this monring they had more guards than ever, installing new security it would seem... even had one griffin with some sort of augmentations or a kind cordinating it, overseeing the placments of turrets and such inside the main house".
  16. [20:04]? Wintergreen nudges Ignis, frowning. "Ignis... please? I made a promise to protect Firefly, and saving her parents... it would mean the world to her, and to me."
  17. [20:06]<SpiritOfFate> Mooneye raises her eyes to Royal_Lace, joining her hooves. "That doesn't seem good. The mudpony resistence can barely manage to free a few ponies as it is. They skirmishes often lead to the death of the same ponies they fought to free, and preparing for that is already difficult for them. They keep away from the civilization. It was very... bold of you to do otherwise."
  18. [20:07]? Ignis stares at the mare. "Its not so simple, Wintergreen...its just not so simple like that..." He says lowly. "Going now would only mean pain and suffering alike, there...needs to be more...we need bigger guns and more hooves..." The dragon states. "And...I..." His voice falters. "I don't know what I would do if you be caught in a crossfire there."
  19. [20:07]<Hawkeye> "Better to know more 'bout what they're setting up, rather than blunder into it tomorrow," Hawkeye points out. "Trust me, Ah might not have your gentle touch or sensitivities, Miz Lace," she adds, taking her hat off. "Ah can be a downright cold-hearted nag sometimes. But Ah got skills that'll let me get close enough to take a peek." She looks at the group. "Ah know we're outnumbered an'...
  20. [20:07]<Hawkeye> ...outgunned. But it's best to know what we're up against, right?"
  21. [20:09]? Wintergreen shakes her head. "Don't think about that. We can't just give up, and we need to act soon." She nuzzles Ignis, hoping to comfort the dragon. "You won't lose me anytime soon... but I really need to try. Just... I need to try to help." She sighs, tiredly. "We can't delay this..."
  22. [20:09]? Sotho thinks. "So Ignis, on order to gain more troops, we must first gain troops?" He asks with a chuckle, thinking lightly. "It would be wise to find sympathetic souls with skills to help us... I can do a quick trot around town and search for anypony interesting, but i'm afraid it might not help."
  23. [20:10]? Royal_Lace nods to Hawkeye, "you know your ablilites better than I do... I can take you close to the compound tonight, would the the safest and fastest way to travel. and as for these mudpony Resistence fighers... who are they exactly Miss Mooneye?"
  24. [20:10]? Firefly thinks for a minute. "Well...I might be able to gum up the turrets. I mean, a bit of dirt can wreck a gun, like it almost wrecked Hawkeye's rifle."
  25. [20:10]? Ignis frowns. "We must...if we hope to get a chance, we need to delay in order to get a proper shot." He voices with convition. "Otherwise, we would be just wasting our only chance."
  26. [20:11]<Hawkeye> "Ah'd get the Sirens in on this, but..." Hawekeye puts her hat back on. "Get me close enough to take a look. Ah ain't going to start shooting. And maybe we can coordinate with them... mudponies, y'all said?"
  27. [20:11]? Sotho nods to Firefly. "That's a bit dangerous for any of us to try and do just yet, but we may want to keep that in mind. it's a good idea, just a risky one."
  28. [20:12]? Firefly grins over at Sotho. "Heroes have to take risks, right? Otherwise, they wouldn't be heroes."
  29. [20:13]<Sotho> "I'm a warrior, have been since I was young, I've worked with a team of others to take down beasts 6 times our size. But this requires more than simple placing. It requires an intriquite plan." He smiles at Firefly. "True, but like I said, we'll keep that in mind, hopefully it'll work with the rest of our plans." He reaches over and scruffles Firefly's mane
  30. [20:14]? Firefly giggles as her mane gets ruffled.
  31. [20:14]? Wintergreen smiles at Firefly's optimism. "We can do this. That plantation wasn't all that organized when we were there. After all, we were able to escape as slaves with no preparation."
  32. [20:14]<SpiritOfFate> "Keep a low profile." The doctor tells Sotho. "This town may not house slaves, but they won't fight for them either. They are used to living on the fruits of slave labor." She frowns. "You may be try to convince the resistance to help you. It's not guaranteed, but you could try. They are open to radio at midnight. Ma'am Snow tried, but they are reluctant to endanger the free ones too much."
  33. [20:15]? Ignis frowns harder. "It was luck, and we were pushing it from the inside. Now that the slave owners heard all this ruckus about escapees, its no doubt that its going to be no simpler task, at all..."
  34. [20:17]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "This is all a world Ah ain't part of," she says. "A good sniper can keep a whole mess o' ponies pinned down, but muddyin' the issue with your fancy logistics ain't helping me understand this at all. What can we do NOW, and what has to wait 'til later?"
  35. [20:17]? Wintergreen has set her mind to it and will not be deterred! She shakes her head. "We still can push it from the inside," She smiles, and nudges Royal_Lace "We have Lace with her teleporting!"
  36. [20:17]? Royal_Lace nods, "Alright... so we stay here in town another night, gather supplies, I take Miss Hawkeye to look at the compound, and we make a call to the mudponies.... only", Lace turns back to MoonEye, "How do we convence them who we are? I think a few of them have seen us before but... im not sure they will lisent"
  37. [20:17]<SpiritOfFate> "Certainly not." She tells Ignis. "I have been informed they got the assistance of a high profile slavecatcher as well."
  38. [20:18]? Sotho stands up. "Do we have any disguise for me then? A shawl or something?"
  39. [20:18]? Ignis hears that with interest. "A slavecatcher, so...a merc..." He nods. "What about him?"
  40. [20:19]? Hawkeye pushes her hat down on her head. "Slavecatcher, eh? Cain't leave well enough alone..." The charcoal mare scowls. "Best to stop him before he gets wind of where y'all are. Ah got a few hollowpoints that'd like to make his acquaintance... providin' Miz Lace don't object." She looks at Lace as if expecting the unicorn to object.
  41. [20:19]? Royal_Lace looks to Sotho, "Oh... I could probably manage a disguise like Ignis's, given time to study"
  42. [20:20]? Royal_Lace frows at Hawkeye but dosent say anything
  43. [20:20]? Firefly claps her hooves together. "Ooooh. I should make some more cloud cannons. Those always seem to help!"
  44. [20:20]<SpiritOfFate> "He uses salvaged Equestrian technology, spritebots I think it's what they are called, to scout and track escapees"
  45. [20:20]<Hawkeye> "Spritebots? Like that one y'all scrapped earlier?" Hawkeye says. "That... that don't sound good. He might already know where y'all are..."
  46. [20:21]? Wintergreen blinks. Uh oh.
  47. [20:21]? Ignis grins a bit. "So, he has my mug..."
  48. [20:21]? Sotho shakes his head at Royal_Lace. "No no, it's fine, just some clothing is fine."
  49. [20:22]? Ignis nods, gesturing to Mooneye to go on speaking. "And...what's his name? With who is he rolling with? Where he gets his gear and all...? You got some more info about him, doc?"
  50. [20:32]<SpiritOfFate> "His name is Gianni. He is affiliated with the griffin mercenary force, but works on slavecatching primarily. I hear he has a large number of robots, but I've never been told where he got them from. He is also known for his cybernetics. The railway company usually keeps works as a proxy for mercenary contracts, and occasionally they send their own to local bars." She looks out of the window. "Though I don't believe any of them is here today."
  51. [20:33]? Ignis takes a mental note of that. "I assume he's a grif too, right?"
  52. [20:34]<SpiritOfFate> The doctor nods.
  53. [20:35]? Hawkeye ponders this for a few moments. "On the bright side, Ah ain't never been associated with slavers. Never did set right with me," she says. "So... if y'all needed me to, Ah could sniff around for that kind of stuff..." Hawkeye scuffs a hoof on the floor as she takes another drink. "Ah just feel useless in this whole discussion..."
  54. [20:37]? Royal_Lace blinks, "Cybernetics, such as wires and such prodtruding from his skull? I.. I think I saw him, he was the one overseeing the modifications to the main house at the salvage yard, he kept complaining about a contract"
  55. [20:37]? Sotho nods at Hawkeye. "You're very useful for recon Hawkeye, you can walk around here with no worry for one thing. Care to join me if I can find something to mask myself?"
  56. [20:37]? Ignis tiptoes with his fingers. "A cybernetically juiced griffin after slaves..." He considers. "That's some threat, we should get rid of him before moving on..."
  57. [20:38]? Firefly cocks her head at the others. "Uh...if he's got wires in him, does that mean he'll shut down like if a radio gets hit by lightning?"
  58. [20:38]? Hawkeye nods. "Yeah, sure, Sotho..." Hawkeye finishes her second drink and looks long and hard at the bottle again before shaking her head and standing up. "Let's go take a look-see, maybe we can scare up somethin' useful."
  59. [20:39]? Sotho nods happily. "ALright." He stands up. "I might need to take a look at the shops myself
  60. [20:40]<Firefly> Firefly's eyes grow wide. "Oooooh. I wanna go shopping too!"
  61. [20:40]? Hawkeye rolls her eye. "More shoppin? Ah swear, y'all are like fillies on a weekend with all the shoppin' y'all do..."
  62. [20:40]<Sotho> "Maybe." He snickers, he looks to Firefly. "Would you like to come with us? Shopping can come later though, we need to do some scouting."
  63. [20:41]? Wintergreen sighs. "We need information on this slavecatcher, first and foremost. If all of the rest of you are shopping..." She looks to Hawkeye, "Perhaps we can try to see what we can dig up?"
  64. [20:41]? Firefly nods excitedly. "I wanna help. Miss Green, can I help?"
  65. [20:43]? Wintergreen quirks her head, "Didn't you just say you were wanting to shop, Firefly?"
  66. [20:43]<Hawkeye> "Ah'd rather get rid of that slavecatcher first an' foremost," Hawkeye says, agreeing with Wintergreen. "He sounds like trouble. An' Ah have no trouble dealin' with him, in whatever way we have to." She stands next to Wintergreen. "Sorry, Sotho. Ah can take y'all shopping next time."
  67. [20:44]<Sotho> "I mentioned shopping in passing, not as the main idea." He says confused
  68. [20:44]? Firefly nods to Wintergreen. "Yup! But I wanna help too."
  69. [20:44]? Hawkeye rubs her head. "This got fuddlesome in a big hurry... who am Ah going with, now? Miz Green?"
  70. [20:44]<Ignis> "Capital "T" trouble..."
  71. [20:45]? Wintergreen shrugs, then pats Firefly on the head. "Of course you can." She chuckles. "You can be our little filly detective!"
  72. [20:45]? Wintergreen nods at Hawkeye. "That's what I was thinking."
  73. [20:45]? Royal_Lace pats Hawkeye, "This happens a good bit, best to wait and see whos going where before you decide what to do yourself"
  74. [20:46]<Sotho> "I suppose I'll go off by myself unless somepony would rather join me? We can get more info is we split up."
  75. [20:47]? Hawkeye flinches away from Lace. "Don't," she says. "Ah can wait and see what's needed. Ah'm used to waitin' around. Patience makes a decent sniper." She looks to Sotho. "Ah wouldn't go nowhere alone, hun. Not with slave catchers after y'all. Splittin' up means y'all could get picked off easy."
  76. [20:47]? Royal_Lace smiles to Sotho, "Ill go with Sotho"
  77. [20:48]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen notices an eye-catching nurse outfit in a wardrobe among the medical equipment cabinets
  78. [20:48]? Sotho nods to Hawkeye then smiles at Royal_Lace. "Problem solved it seems, Having Royal with me also offers a quick escape."
  79. [20:49]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Thats me, good for getting out of a tight spot"
  80. [20:49]? Firefly looks around at the others, a little confused. "Uh...who am I gonna help?"
  81. [20:49]<Hawkeye> "Fair enough," Hawkeye says. "An' Ah can keep trouble off of Wintergreen. We going to send Firefly someplace that needs clouds or where somepony needs kicked?"
  82. [20:50]? Wintergreen blinks. She has a passing thought to try and steal it... but no, stealing is bad. She raises an eyebrow at the Doc, moving closer to her to speak in a hushed tone. "Do you think you'd be willing to help us with some supplies? ...Maybe medical items?"
  83. [20:52]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye adjusts her monocle. "Hmm, I suppose I could."
  84. [20:52]? Sotho chuckles a bit as he looks at Royal_Lace. "If theres nothing else, shall we start to look around town?"
  85. [20:53]? Wintergreen smiles. "Maybe anything to help me, being a medic..." She leads on...
  86. [20:53]? Royal_Lace nods to Sotho as she stands and moves to the door, "Well it was a pleasure meeting you properly Miss Mooneye, me and Sotho will be taking our leave. Ill see the rest of you later, and Miss Hawkeye I will arange our little trip later this evening once we are both ready to go". After this She opens the door to exit.
  87. [20:53]? Ignis nodsnods. "Suit yourselves, I'll stick with Wintergreen for now."
  88. [20:54]? Sotho nods and bows. "Thank your for the recipes Miss Mooneye." He says to her, starting to trot off. "I hope to keep in touch."
  89. [20:55]? Royal_Lace holds the door for Sotho
  90. [20:57]<SpiritOfFate> Doc Mooneye waves farewell to Royal_Lace and Sotho, turning again to Wintergree. "Well, this land has a deep necessity for more medics, especially for slaves and recently freed ponies."
  91. [20:59]? Royal_Lace follows Sotho out the door and closes it behind herself
  92. [20:59]? Wintergreen nods, /blatantly/ eyeing the nurse outfit.
  93. [21:00]? Ignis overhears the conversation, again, speaking about talents beyond his very particular, very narrowed scope.
  94. [21:02]<SpiritOfFate> The doctor raises an eyebrow and follows her eyes to what may seem so vital, she looks over the cabinets and the wardrobe. "What kind of supplies did you need, in particular?"
  95. [21:05]<Wintergreen> "Healing potions or bandages would be nice," she continues hesitantly, "as would that nurse outfit."
  96. [21:06]? Ignis perks his focus as he hears the mention of an outfit, eyeing said from afar. "I...guess that might be a little too short for you, Winter..." His voice dissolves in a mumble as he flusters hotly.
  97. [21:12]<SpiritOfFate> The doctor blinks."Oh." She rubs her cheek. "I can offer a few bandages and potions, but that outfit..." Her lips press together and she studies Wintergree, unsure.
  98. [21:16]? Wintergreen gives Doc her best smile! "It would be appreciated. I... I'm sure it'll be an asset."
  99. [21:19]<SpiritOfFate> "It isn't the most appropriate outfit if you are going to be exposing yourself to the weather and danger." She says, still unsure.
  100. [21:21]? Ignis trots over to the cabinet ant touches the glass where the outfit laid behind. "Doc...why is it here, at...display? Instead of a wardrobe or being used...?" The dragon asks calmly. "It seems almost like...something of sentimental value or sorts of like..."
  101. [21:24]? Wintergreen frowns. "I'm sure Royal_Lace could reinforce it as well... "
  102. [21:26]? Firefly looks over to Doctor Mooneye. "I could help make it nice and armored! Make it safer for Miss Green."
  103. [21:27]<SpiritOfFate> "You could say so. I have considered selling it but..." Her eyes wander away.
  104. [21:28]? Ignis pats the glass softly with the hoof. "It looks lonely..." Then, the dragon turns around and goes back to his spot.
  105. [21:29]<Hawkeye> Hawkeye puts her glass down and softly touches Mooneye's shoulder. "Ah'm sorry..." she says quietly, then turns back to Wintergreen. "It ain't always best to pry, sugarcube. If the doc wants to sell it, she will, but otherwise it ain't polite to push..."
  106. [21:30]? Wintergreen nods and scratches her mane. "Sorry... I just, got caught up. Still, healing potions would be appreciated, if you could."
  107. [21:35]<SpiritOfFate> She shakes her head, trotting, taking 2 bottles of healing potions and 4 magical bandages from a cabinet, setting it on the desk. "This should be of help, I suppose you will be able to make better use of it... as well as the outfit, if you want. There is no sense in keeping it locked." She nods to Wintegreen.
  108. [21:36]? Wintergreen smiles taking the supplies. She frowns. "Are you sure? I won't take it if it has value to you." She places the supplies in her saddlebags. "Thank you for all of this."
  109. [21:36]<Hawkeye> A sad smile crosses Hawkeye's face as she wanders over to sit next to the door and lean against Buck. The third whiskey has just hit bottom, and the charcoal mare feels pleasantly warm. Just perfect for a night on the town, or a fight, depending on what the evening holds.
  110. [21:39]<SpiritOfFate> Buck nuzzles Hawkeye gently.
  111. [21:41]? Hawkeye sighs. "We about ready to go, Miz Green?" she asks. "We got not much daylight left, and Miz Lace was going to take me scoutin' before nightfall..."
  112. [21:41]<SpiritOfFate> Doctor Mooneye pauses, then nods, looking back at Wintergreen calmly. "I am sure. Clothes are just clothes. They aren't what matters."
  113. [21:42]? Wintergreen smiles appreciatively, taking the outfit. "Thank you again Doctor." She nods at Hawkeye. "Yes, yes. I'm ready."
  114. [21:43]? Hawkeye stands up and pushes the door open for the group. "Then let's get a move on," she says, and gestures outward.
  115. [21:43]? Ignis gives a knowing nod and moves after the mares, not before smiling over to Mooneye. "Thanks for everything, doc...we'll be bumping into eachother soon enough."
  116. [21:43]? Wintergreen waves in farewell to Mooneye as she exits, waiting outside for Ignis and Firefly.
  117. [21:44]? Hawkeye stops on her way out, looks back at Mooneye and nods once slowly, then shows herself and Buck out.
  118. [21:45]? Firefly waves to Doctor Mooneye. "Thank you for the sparkle cola and the snack cakes and the toothbrushes! I'll be sure to use 'em like you said!" Firefly, after a second thought, runs over and gives the Doctor a hug before she collects the radio equipment and departs.
  119. [21:45]<SpiritOfFate> Wintergreen finds one cap! Yay!
  120. [21:46]? Wintergreen places the cap in her saddle bag. She has a grand total of one cap now!
  121. [21:47]<SpiritOfFate> The doctor hugs Firefly and waves the others farewell
  122. [21:53]? Hawkeye takes point and looks around the town. "So... Wintergreen," she starts, "Ah didn't want to say nothing with Miz Lace around, but how the hay are we supposed to save Scrapyard's slaves if'n they have turrets, griffon mercs, and a cyborg bounty hunter after y'all?" She shakes her head. "Ah only got so many bullets..."
  123. [21:54]? Wintergreen shrugs. "We can't make a plan just yet. We need more information. We'll get scout out that and find a plan after dealing with the slavecatcher." She nods, smiling. "I'm sure we can handle it."
  124. [21:54]? Ignis nods in agreement. "Its no simple task, not if we can't get the aid of other ponies and all."
  125. [21:56]<Hawkeye> "Ah'm happy to help in any way Ah can," Hawkeye says. "An Ah'll try and get y'all some quality recon this evening, arright? Ah wish Ah had your optimism, sweetheart..."
  126. [21:57]? Sotho makes his way around the town with Royal_Lace. "So any idea where we can find somepony with information to help us?"
  127. [21:57]? Wintergreen shrugs. Optimism, yay!
  128. [21:58]? Royal_Lace pouts, "Im not sure... the bar maybe, but with the posters that I took down from there just yeterday im not sure how good of an idea that is"
  129. [22:03]? Sotho sighs as he thinks, rememebring the mug shot from a few days back. "On second though.. perhaps we should return, it isn't a wise idea to have me wandering, we met a spritebot in the woods before."
  130. [22:03]<SpiritOfFate> The town sees little movement. A group of ponies talk in the middle of the hotel parking lot, and the bar is getting more eacive, some ponies move back and forth between the buildings that surround the center of the town and a few trees glow in cinders
  131. [22:03]? Royal_Lace looks to Sotho strangly, "You met a spritebot in the woods?"
  132. [22:04]<Sotho> "Yes... it well, took pictures i believe of Ignis and I
  133. [22:05]? Royal_Lace ponders this, "Oh my"
  134. [22:05]<Hawkeye> "Well, what are we after right now, then?" Hawkeye asks Wintergreen. "Ah don't mean to seem impatient, Ah'd just like to know what direction to put a hoof in. Or Ah can just wait until Miz Lace gets back. Either way is fine."
  135. [22:05]? Sotho nods. "We should return with the main group."
  136. [22:06]? Royal_Lace follows Sotho
  137. [22:10]? Sotho makes his way back, looking for the ponies and dragony
  138. [22:11]? Wintergreen nods at Hawkeye, humming as she thinks for a moment. "Of course. I think we should try to find some info on that slavecatcher. If he's what we'll be dealing with next, then we should prepare for him."
  139. [22:13]<Hawkeye> "Well, Ah can go see what folk at the bar know of him, or since he ain't been seen for a couple days, go an' spy on their camp with Miz Lace," Hawkeye says. "If he's there, settin' up defenses, then we'll want to know about that too."
  140. [22:17]? Ignis mulls a bit... "If he overrelies on his little robotic helpers, perhaps we could set him off our track for a while if we "die" " The dragon thinks a bit aloud. "The trail will go cold when he'll be busy following an dead-end."
  141. [22:17]? Sotho waves as he spots the group. "Hello."
  142. [22:17]? Royal_Lace smiles as she rejoines the group, "So, whats the plan?"
  143. [22:18]? Hawkeye looks quizzically at Sotho and Royal Lace as they approach. "Back already? Well, that's just as well. We weren't sure what to do, and time's wasting."
  144. [22:18]<SpiritOfFate> "I should stay behind then." He says to Hawkeye. "I can keep an eye for something else useful."
  145. [22:20]<Hawkeye> "Just don't get yourself caught," Hawkeye says to Buck, nuzzling him gently. "That'd put a kink in your adventurin' plans for sure." She looks back to Royal_Lace. "You and me got recon this evening, but we still got daylight before that. What's the plan, ladies?"
  146. [22:21]<SpiritOfFate> Buck smiles. "I'll take care." He sets off.
  147. [22:23]? Royal_Lace scrunches her face as she thinks it over, "Well.... I have an intermediate place I have to jump to first, one between here and there since Im not powerful enough to quite make it all the way in one go. From there I can *try* and take us all the way inside if you like, or outside the walls"
  148. [22:25]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Naw, that's good, just get me partway there," she tells Royal_Lace. "The light would give muh position away if we blinked in too close. Ah can enjoy a walk after all this standin' around. Save your strength in case we need a quick evac."
  149. [22:27]<Royal_Lace> Nods, "So... two jumps in to outside the walls, then two back? I wont have much left in me for much ells"
  150. [22:28]? Hawkeye thinks for a few moments. "Not all the way to the walls, sugarcube. Someplace close, on high ground would be best. Ah got muh rifle an' scope back, so I can look from a distance. Any place close that overlooks the whole place?"
  151. [22:29]<SpiritOfFate> A pink unicorn mare walks past Sotho, slows down for a moment and looks back.
  152. [22:29]? Sotho turns to look at the unicorn mare, notcing her in passing for a moment
  153. [22:30]? Firefly sits with the others, unsure what she can do to help.
  154. [22:30]? Royal_Lace Offers a small smile, "I can do that"
  155. [22:31]<SpiritOfFate> The mare looks confused for a moment, she trots back and approaches Sotho. "Hello."
  156. [22:31]? Sotho smiles a bit. "Hello. How are you today?" He asks, making small talk
  157. [22:32]? Hawkeye nods. "Sounds perfect," she tells Royal_Lace. "You sure you can manage..." Hawkeye trails off as she sees the newcomer, and watches her closely.
  158. [22:32]<SpiritOfFate> "I'm fine, thanks. Say, have we met before? I have a feeling I know you from somewhere..." Her eyes wander as she tries to remember
  159. [22:33]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow at the new mare.
  160. [22:33]? Sotho thinks. "Perhaps, I traveled around for quite a while."
  161. [22:35]<SpiritOfFate> "You sure aren't from here. Have you been in Limestack?" She asks.
  162. [22:36]? Royal_Lace turns to Firefly, "Oh, firefly, I wanted to talk to you... you mentioned your cloud castle to me before with your cannons, I found a spell that lets other ponies walk on clouds... do you think you could make a carraige or something like that for us all to ride in if need be?"
  163. [22:36]<Sotho> "Maybe." He thinks
  164. [22:37]? Firefly thinks for a moment. "Uh...maybe? I'd be pushing the cloud though. I don't think clouds like it when you pull on them.
  165. [22:37]<Firefly> "
  166. [22:38]? Royal_Lace ponders on this, "oh, well in not sure how clouds work altogether"
  167. [22:38]? Hawkeye watches the conversation carefully. If the mare starts to get wise about Sotho's identity... she's ready to step in.
  168. [22:42]<SpiritOfFate> "Hmm... maybe it was. Limestack is so much bigger, I wouldn't know half the ponies that live there, much less the ones just visiting. So, how do you like our little Last Stop?" She smiles
  169. [22:43]? Sotho laughs. "I enjoy it a lot, the ponies here a just delightful." He smiles kindly. "So were you living in Limestack or going through?"
  170. [22:46]? Hawkeye relaxes as the talk veers in a safer direction. She turns back to Royal_Lace. "Ready to go whenever you are, hun."
  171. [22:46]<SpiritOfFate> "Just visiting too. I wish someday to live there, but it takes way more than I can afford now." She blinks. "Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Coral Spire. You are?"
  172. [22:46]? Wintergreen is more than ready to go! She's ready to get started on the long process of freeing Firefly's parents!
  173. [22:47]? Royal_Lace turns from Firefly and back to Hawkeye, smiling, "Oh, alright then, lets go back to one of the rooms. Safer place to start than on the street, follow me".
  174. [22:47]<Sotho> "Cthlu." He smiles and holds out his hoof. "Nice to meet you Coral."
  175. [22:48]? Hawkeye nods and follows Royal_Lace. "Alright, Miz Lace, you lead the way."
  176. [22:49]<SpiritOfFate> Coral shakes his hoof. "We don't have much in this twon, but I could show you the bar if you want. Sometimes they play music."
  177. [22:50]<Sotho> "I haven't been, perhaps I can try and catch you there later?" He asks smiling.
  178. [22:50]? Royal_Lace heads upstairs and moves some furniture about to clear a good open area for there return and looks back to Hawkeyed, closing her eyes and allowing her horn to glow bright. "...ok, stand next to me"
  179. [22:50]<SpiritOfFate> "Sure." Coral smiles.
  180. [22:51]<Sotho> He thinks for a moment and looks around. "Hmm, on second thought, Do you happen to have anything like a scarf or a shawl? I know it sounds dumb but i've just been getting over a cold."
  181. [22:52]? Hawkeye shuffles closer to Royal_Lace. "Uh, Ah ain't never... tellerported before. Does it hurt?"
  182. [22:52]<SpiritOfFate> "Not really, sorry." Coral frowns.
  183. [22:53]? Royal_Lace eyes open, glowing brightly as she speaks, "Oh no, Teleportation is easy when done rights its over in-"
  184. [22:53]<Royal_Lace> FLASH
  185. [22:53]? Royal_Lace "A blink"
  186. [22:54]? Hawkeye does blink, a little dazzled as she looks around. "Well, how about that," she says in wonder. "Now that's a neat trick..."
  187. [22:54]? Royal_Lace has transported Hawkeye and herself instantly to the same rooftop as before on the other side of town.
  188. [22:54]? Royal_Lace whipes her brow as she breaths deeply, "Yes... takes a bit out of me to bring ponies with me though, need to catch my breath"
  189. [22:55]? Sotho chuckles. "No problem. On second thought I'll take you up on the offer."
  190. [22:58]<SpiritOfFate> Royal_Lace and Hawkeye find themselves in the middle of the abandoned suburb. The ruined, scavenged and vandalized buildings surrounding them. A single Sand Raider walks street far away, but is unaware of the. The tall scrap walls of the landfill shine in the sunset light, a good walk away from them
  191. [22:59]? Hawkeye nods and gets out her sniper rifle. "Take your time, hun. Nothing was ever done in a hurry that couldn't have been done properly instead." She checks the rifle and loads a magazine of normal rounds, just in case, then braces the rifle and peers through the scope to get a good look around.
  192. [23:00]? Royal_Lace takes a knee and trys to recoupe herself
  193. [23:02]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh, nice!" She nods to the bar across the parking lot. "You will be warmer inside too. Let's go, then?"
  194. [23:03]? Sotho nods and trots ahead, smiling
  195. [23:08]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye can see griffin in combat armor marching along catwalks on top of the scrap walls of the landfill. Some of them stay in watchtowers, controlling spotlights or just lazing around
  196. [23:11]<SpiritOfFate> There are 5 griffin within sight. Three in watchtowers and two marching
  197. [23:12]? Royal_Lace hides in the shadows
  198. [23:13]? Hawkeye grunts softly. "Almost a half dozen armored catbirds," she tells Royal_Lace. "Spotlights, overwatch... don't see a cyborg though. And where's them turrets Ah heard about...?" She adjusts her position and scans the catwalk with her scope.
  199. [23:14]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho is guided into the dimly lit bar, trotting past a bulletin board to a rustic, but well cared for wooden hall full of tables and chairs. The mustached bartender pony cleans a glass idly.
  200. [23:14]? Royal_Lace "The turrets I saw were inside the main building"
  201. [23:16]? Sotho smiles a bit, looking to Coral. "So then what do you do here?"
  202. [23:17]<Firefly> Firefly, seeing the group split apart, heads toward the stores to look around. Since they aren't in a hurry, she has a chance to explore a bit.
  203. [23:17]? Hawkeye nods. "Alright, well, we won't have to worry about them until we get inside," she says. "Durnit, those walls are mighty inconvenient... Ah think Ah need to get a mite closer," she says, frustrated at the height of the walls. "Anyplace taller Ah could get to without givin' us away?"
  204. [23:18]? Royal_Lace thinks
  205. [23:19]? Wintergreen watches over Firefly!
  206. [23:23]<SpiritOfFate> Inside the bar, the radio plays an old guitar song. Coral looks back at Sotho. "They got this small stage on the back with all sorts of shows, comedy, music too. We have some talented folks, or maybe they are just bored, but dancing to a good song is always nice. Other than that, we chat and drink. Do you want to pick a place?"
  207. [23:25]<Sotho> "Hmm." he sits in a booth and smiles. "I sing every so often myself."
  208. [23:28]<SpiritOfFate> Royal_Lace and Hawkeye manage to see an ancient tree, going taller than the wall of the landfill, where the river would be. Closer to them and still in the ruined suburb they see a taller housing building, but the large cracks on the walls don't make it seem very stable
  209. [23:28]? Royal_Lace points them out as she sees them, "So... which do you think?"
  210. [23:30]? Hawkeye puts her rifle down and looks at the scenery. "Hmm. Maybe that there tree?" she suggests. "Ah don't like the looks of that building. Have one house collapse on you, you learn right quick not to go in buildings when they look all rickety." She slings the rifle over her shoulder. "Let's try the tree," says the charcoal mare as she goes about getting down from the building. "We'll have to walk...
  211. [23:30]? Hawkeye ...though. Don't want to risk them spottin' your flashy lights."
  212. [23:31]? Firefly wanders into the Railway Armory to look around. It looks like it might have shiny things inside.
  213. [23:32]? Wintergreen keeps close to Firefly, not trusting her around sharp objects.
  214. [23:32]? Royal_Lace thinks it over, "But if the building is dangerous... wouldnt it serve that no one would be looking for anyone there? and for all we know there could be things to find inside of it that nopony has had access to since it is so rickity"
  215. [23:34]? Ignis accompies the duo of mares, not really sure if he enjoyed the prospects of a filly poking her prepubescent nose over sharp instruments and all...
  216. [23:34]? Hawkeye gives Royal_Lace a quizzical look over her shoulder as she climbs down. "If you want to kick around in there, be my guest, sugarcube. I ain't here to sightsee or scavenge. I'm here to make sure your slaves get out okay with minimal injury or loss o' life." She shakes her head. "Priorities, Miz Lace..."
  217. [23:34]? Firefly starts to peruse the wares the store has to offer, ignoring the guns and ammo as she looks for something she can actually use easily.
  218. [23:35]<SpiritOfFate> There is no lack of shiny things among the guns on locked, but transparent cabinets. Firefly soon sees one holding a set of metal armor for pegasi and griffin, and wingblades by its side. There are also displays with several hoof weapons.
  219. [23:36]? Royal_Lace follows Hawkeye with a nod
  220. [23:37]? Wintergreen stops Firefly before she can grab them up, putting a hoof in front of her. "Tut, tut, tut. Firefly. Your mother wouldn't like it if you were playing or using those, so you need to promise me something, okay?"
  221. [23:37]<SpiritOfFate> Coral gives Sotho a skeptical smirk. "Oh really? Last time I heard that, I managed to fit my hooves into my ears."
  222. [23:38]? Hawkeye stealthily weaves her way through the abandoned buildings, careful to avoid Sand Riders and line-of-sight from the scrapyard's walls as she heads for the tree and a better sniper perch.
  223. [23:38]? Firefly has very wide eyes at the shiny instruments of death, dismemberment, and mayhem. The hoof placed in front of her vision disrupts the delusions of grandeur. "Huh?"
  224. [23:38]? Wintergreen repeats herself, "You need to promise me something, okay? I know your mother wouldn't appreciate me letting you have those..."
  225. [23:39]? Firefly cocks her head at Wintergreen. "Uh...what's the promise? Momma said I shouldn't promise to do anything I couldn't do."
  226. [23:41]? Sotho laughs a bit and smiles. "Well us zebras are rather poetic, at least I am."
  227. [23:41]? Wintergreen smiles. "One, that you'll be careful." She nods, smirking. "Two, that you don't tell your mother or Royal_Lace I let you have those."
  228. [23:42]? Firefly smiles and nods to Wintergreen. "Ok! I promise not to tell momma or Royal_Lace that I got shiny things!"
  229. [23:42]<SpiritOfFate> The night falls, and silently Hawkeye and Royal_Lace make their way to the the tree.
  230. [23:44]<SpiritOfFate> "Is it true that zebras rhyme a lot?" Coral asks
  231. [23:44]? Hawkeye looks up the tree and smirks. "Nothing's sadder than an earth pony with no rope," she says. "Luckily, Ah brought mine." She fashions a loop out of the rope and throws it into the branches. "Y'all make sure nopony sneaks up on us from below, Miz Lace. If somethin' shows up, I'll hop down and you can get us out in a jiffy, right?"
  232. [23:44]? Royal_Lace nods
  233. [23:45]<Sotho> "Well some of us can rhyme, but i try not to do it all the time."
  234. [23:45]? Hawkeye nods back and begins climbing the tree, slowly and carefully, testing it for weak spots so she doesn't fall. Patience... slow and steady wins the race, after all.
  235. [23:48]<SpiritOfFate> ==========================
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