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Aug 27th, 2019
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  1. Roblox Username: Devward
  3. Previous EOT Staff? (No)
  5. How long have you been in the EOT Discord server for? I'd say at least 4 months.
  7. Have you been banned or been given the extinct or muted role within the last month? Yes, I've been given the extinct role)
  9. Why do you want to be an Apex, and would perspective(s) do you have to offer to help guide the game? (200+ words, please)
  11. I personally, want to become an Apex because it makes my point get across more easier. It is more harder and longer to get your point across in, lets' say a suggestion. Apex's have a better chance of their suggestion being heard because they have the Apex role. Developers and Admins can see this role and they'll most likely read this suggestion and read their point before anyone else. I have a lot to offer to this community, I will help out on suggestions and get my point across more easier making this game better. When it comes to helping the game, I'm always there to help when I can. Era of Terror is a very fun interactive, simulation of the real life time as a Dinosaur, and when I can I really want to and usually help out the server by helping people out trying to stop arguments. So yes, I generally do think I will help out the server if I'm an Apex. I'm online everyday always so just tag me for help and I like to share my opinions around and learning more about this game and dinosaurs everyday which very much makes me happy. As an apex I would also like to see behind the scenes on the Dinosaur creation. e.g Stegosaurs, Allosaurus and Diplodocus. So, I will do my very best to help this fantastic and extraordinary game when I can.
  13. Do you understand that all information from the Apex channel is to stay there and not be distributed?
  15. Yes
  17. What do you think the current state of the EOT game is? How can it improve? (Bad?
  18. Good? Please elaborate - 100+ words, please)
  20. Currently, I think the EoT game right now is in amazing and fantastic condition and it's working great except for one current problem. Where you eat fish as a carnivore and you cannot move, but I know the Developers are going to fix this problem in the new, upcoming update! So, I want to be here and I want to help when it comes because I want to be useful and helpful towards the community. Because as an Apex, I strive to be here and help everyone out and be there to suggest awesome features to help the game out entirely. That's what I think one of the main role and power of an Apex. They're suggesting and finding more and more ways to help out the game and giving ideas to the Developers and giving their thoughts on the new update and pictures of the model of stegosaurus and such. I understand what an Apex is I'll act proper within the community maybe joke around sometimes but that's mostly it.
  22. **Do you participate in the discord server frequently?** Yes, I'm always active everyday and I'm always participating in the discord servers activities if there is any. I'm always talking and trying my very best to help.
  24. **Anything else that you want us to know?** When I was given extinct role I was trying to help in #bug-report and #exploiter-report but I got given it for talking.
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