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Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. Lore:
  2. A hundred years ago, a migrant came to the Archipelago of Yore whose name was Rama Blackadder. Rama was a doctor, but not just any ordinary doctor. He grew greedy, and found that he could gain extreme amounts of gold by secretly leading a band of brigands, wrecking havoc across the island. Its said that when he first started his bandit organization, he was afraid he would be caught and thrown into the Lazloberg jail, so he came up with a strategy to recruit people off of the city streets without being noticed by the town guards. Once he saw someone who he thought would do good in his organization, he would offer the person free wine, and then would fill them in on his buisness while sharing a drink in the rarely used Lazloberg church. It is from this process he developed, the name "Bloodwine" became used to describe his organization. Over time, Rama Blackadde Over time, Rama Blackadder became the most wanted man in Swadia as his brigand army grew to massive proportions, performing raids on Caldaria and surrounding islands. At the height of the Bloodwines' power, Rama managed to lead his army of brigands to victory on the battlefield, conquering the hold. He then used the castle near praven as a base of operations, as he ordered his men to pillage the surrounding lands. Of course, once he took a castle, he caught the attention of many powerful people, and it wasn't long before Swadian soldiers arrived at his doorstep demanding his head on a pike. In the battle that followed, Rama Blackadder was slain, and castle was retaken from his brigand army. However, many in his group came to believe that after Rama's death, he didn't continue into the normal afterlife of nordic tradition, but instead he ascended into godhood, be but instead he ascended into godhood, becoming Ramaraunt, god of blood. And so, not long after Rama's death, A man calling himself Gank Bloodwine came forth and proclaimed himself to be the Adder, or leader, of the Bloodwines, and he started the traditions of cruelty and greed that continue to this day. These traditions include the most important teaching of Ramaraunt: the weak shall pay the strong, or die.
  3. 1 " Meeting"
  4. Our hero can speak with leader of the Bloodwines in Praven in abandoned house.When u are exploring the praven u managed to find an abandoned house u entered just for ur own interest but ur demonic instinct is saying that somenome is on second rooft.When u started seeing an strange dressed man torthuring some guy.Soo u asked what is meaning of this dressed man explained who is he.Soo it's seemd like it's some kind of Adder of bloodwines.He said as well that is swadian merchant.Our hero was avenger soo he didint care about the merchant instead of that he was interested in group called bloodwines.U asked him if he could explain that but suddently the group of city's guard are surrounding the house.Addar was saying somthing about getting betrayed.Then he asked if u are with him.Our hero agreed anyway's city's guards would attack him as well.U started fight with them many enemies we're slain by u and addar.In end of the battle he said that his name is Gank for friend's ofcourse.He said as well that he could use some help of good warior in his on the coast of praven.
  5. 2 "Ramarunt?"
  6. When u finnaly managed to find where the hideout of bloodwines was u entered in.Some kind of general of bloodwines was waiting for me in the doors, he said that he will lead u to Gank.In the way u have seen a lot of brigand's.U we're interested what is this organisation.Finnaly when ur eyes started seeing addar praying for somthing,u heard some whispers about ramarunt.Soo in the end of praying u asked what is ramarunt actually after a lot of dialouges about the ramarunt God of the blood u finnaly knew that's some kind of hidden cult.But engouch of this let's talk about help gank propposed me to help in one simple task u agreed as u started seeing in gank true friend.Actually the gank was planning to gain controll over the neigrbohood the problem is that actually there was criminal gang over there.When u and gank organisated the brigand's of bloodwines fight in alleys of swadian street's started the problem is the city's watch gank's quest was to corrupt the captain of city's watch while u will fight off the criminal and scum.Well brigand's helped you a lot and finnaly the run .Quick after it gank was back about the new's that the u are victorius.He offered you that u can take some Brigand's with you if u want.But sadly he said about one more thing about that nord jarl is coming to town to take care while the King harlus is in the move.that meant troubles cuz u can corrupt the city's watch but elite beserkers of nords ?
  7. 3 Another day's for bloddwine's we're hard cuz of nord's seeking for every criminal in city.In one night Nord's destroyed most of bloodwine's.But the biggest problem was the bloodwines as they wanted to divide for the groy
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