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Jan 16th, 2019
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  1. “A relationship between two persons contains one person too many.
  2. If we examine this matter through a lens of uncompromising clarity, the truth is that a relationship between two people is essentially a relationship between two sets of needs.
  3. Each person attempting to fill their needs through the auspices of a “relationship.”
  4. If we look more closely at the cellular level of this so called relationship, we discover that if two humans have come together in order to fulfill their needs, then the relationship isn’t about the “two people” at all.
  5. It is only about themselves.
  6. For if they were both “needless” they would likely not have started the relationship to begin with.
  7. Therefore, human relationships consist of individuals who live side by side, cohabitate, share space, and reside in the “vicinity” of one another.
  8. Human relationships consist of two independent individuals who are bound by a thread of need.
  9. Human relationships consist, fundamentally, of one person attempting to make himself whole.
  10. Human relationships consist of unrealized human beings attempting to “join forces” in order to suffer through their broken state.
  11. Neither human in this relationship has anything to offer to the other, no matter how much they would like to.
  12. For the truth of the matter is that each is struggling with his or her own brokenness.
  13. Two halves cannot make a whole.
  14. […]
  15. A “good” human relationship is one in which the band-aids have been set in place. And the ball has been balanced on the edge of a pencil. So long as nobody moves an inch, it might remain solvent.
  16. This human life is cruel and strange in so many ways. And human relationships doubly so.
  17. Help is offered with the need for it to be taken.
  18. Help is received with the resentment of not being left alone.
  19. Much of human relationships teeter upon the foundation of fear.
  20. Fear of not gratifying.
  21. Fear of being rejected.
  22. Fear of conflict.
  23. Fear of failed expectations.
  24. It is only when a human being becomes whole within himself, that he is good to himself or to any other human being.
  25. It is only when he genuinely arrives at a place of needing nothing or no one that he is able to receive without pleasure, or to give without hope.
  26. What a human seeks above all else in this life is Freedom.
  27. And this freedom can only be provided by one thing, and one thing only:
  28. The Truth.” -Kapil Gupta
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