
my themes - yunie old

Jan 18th, 2018
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  775. <h1>{Title}</h1>
  776. <p>do our best but you say otherwise
  777. </br>building up for war in paradise
  778. <h1>and let us heal</h1>
  779. <p>final fantasy x -will- yuna
  780. </br>revisionist & headcanon-story based
  782. <div id="simg"><img src="{image:sidebar}"/>
  783. </div>
  786. <div class="link1"><a title="Besaid" href=""><i>Hear Our</i></a></div>
  788. <div class="link2"><a href="#?w=800" rel="box1" class="poplight" title="Zanarkand"><b>Prayer</b></a></div>
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  914. <h3>General &ndash; ;</h3>
  915. <p>Indie RP blog for Yuna from Final Fantasy X: -Will- as portrayed by <strong>Gisette.</strong></p>
  916. <p>Panfandom, multiverse, mutually exclusive multiship, AU- and OC-inclusive</p>
  917. <p>NSFW, triggers tagged (tw for visual, cw for in writing], read mores used for sexual NSFW</p>
  918. <p><strong>Art:</strong> I do do my own art on this blog, <a href="">located here.</a> I kindly ask that unless you are the recipient or are one of the recipient&rsquo;s RP partners, that you not use my art willy nilly. If you want art, please know that I&rsquo;m heavily more inclined to do it for regular RP partners of mine, or close friends.</p>
  919. <p><strong>-Will-: </strong>This account is admittedly revisionist where it concerns -Will-. It&rsquo;s no secret the audio drama, aside from Eien no Daisho, were received badly. Therefore, this account doesn&rsquo;t acknowledge Eien no Daisho except for the historical background forwarded from the novel, with the events of -Will- being heavily altered as per a fanfic of my own authorship that takes place during -Will- in a manner that seeks to correct all that&rsquo;s been wrong with it.</p>
  920. <p><strong>Timeline: </strong>I'm fine with rping in Yuna's past verses, especially with muses who are from X/X-2 that are a bit befuddled by Yunie's mainverse, but this will never take precedence over my mainverse and is to be acknowledged as her default.</p>
  921. <p><strong>Coding: </strong>Aside from Yuna&rsquo;s FC being biracial Amazigh &amp; Japanese, Yuna will be coded thusly with her Al Bhed culture being coded to Amazigh and Moroccan cultures as per my discretion. If you are of either eithnic group or are very well versed on those cultures and see something misrepresented or wrong, please feel free to approach me!</p>
  922. <h3>Interactions &ndash; ;</h3>
  923. <p><strong>Thread length: </strong> I can do anything from script, para, multi-para, to novella (1-3k+ words]</p>
  924. <p><strong>Formatting:</strong> Please note, my formatting is <i>not</i> immutable. I can and will change it however necessary to make it easier on you, whether that's increasing font size or anything at all. Just let me know if your preferences aren't already stated in your rules.
  925. <p><strong>Godmodding &amp; Metagaming:</strong> Unless it&rsquo;s agreed on OOCly between us muns to have happen, don&rsquo;t do either of these things, please.</p>
  926. <p><strong>Fandoms &amp; OC&rsquo;s:</strong> I&rsquo;ll be rather blunt in saying it&rsquo;s rather difficult to think of fandoms I can&rsquo;t integrate Yuna into. It&rsquo;s something I enjoy doing, and even if I don&rsquo;t know your fandom/OC well, I&rsquo;m willing to root through some research if it benefits both of us. As for OC&rsquo;s related to Yuna or have her in their backstory, feel free to approach! More likely than not, I&rsquo;ll be more than happy to plot something out and love being part of other people&rsquo;s stories!</p>
  927. <h3>Shipping &amp; NSFW &ndash; ;</h3>
  928. <p><strong>Shipping:</strong> I only ship with muses 18+ (or 18+ if immortal], don&rsquo;t ship with duplicates (or singleship blogs] and expect the same courtesy with the exception being with other FF10 muses.</p>
  929. <p><strong>Shipping in FFX & FFX-2:</strong> In Yuna's past verses, I am fairly restricted. With FFX I will only romantically ship with muses 16-18 and no sexual NSFW will be done. With FFX-2, I will probably only ship with muses no more than a few years older, but no younger than 18.
  930. <p><strong>Will not:</strong> Write pretty much all sexual triggers included but not limited to rape/non-con/dub-con, pedophilia/shotacon/lolicon, bestiality, incest, or simply anything I am uncomfortable with. The exception is mentions of these things&ndash;not actually played out.</p>
  931. <p><strong>NSFW:</strong> Smut can happen on here, though I prefer it to be on route to a ship happening, in an active ship, and with people I feel comfortable doing it with. This means no minors, as I am 22 and will not engage with it with anyone under the age of 18 irregardless of what the legal age is where you are. Non-sexual NSFW (gore, violence, and the like] will likely occur in writing, but not in content posted/reblogged.</p>
  932. <h3>OOC &ndash; ;</h3>
  933. <p><strong>Art:</strong> Occasionally, art that doesn&rsquo;t belong to me will crop up on this blog. It must be known that in the interpretations of Yuna&rsquo;s post-canon summons, that are of my own headcanons, the art belongs to <a href="">Abz</a> who is a close friend and someone I collaborate with who has given me express permission to use her art in icons and the like. If I see others using it, I will likely inform her, so please keep that in mind. Otherwise, if not copyrighted, I will expand on a list of credits in the event others make art of mine or our muses they okay me to use.</p>
  934. <strong>Credits:</strong> Banner art was done by Tetsuya Nomura and the theme art by Yoshitaka Amano.
  935. <p><strong>Mun:</strong> Hey there! My name is Cat, I&rsquo;m 22 and non-binary and am okay with whatever pronouns you use for me. If you want to contact me outside tumblr, please let me know!</p>
  936. <p><strong>Tracked tag:</strong> yunafied</p>
  937. </li>
  939. <li>
  940. <div style="width: 320px; height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; margin-top: -165px; margin-left: 0px;">
  942. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx13');"><h2>Dossier</h2></a>
  943. <div id="displaybx13" class="hidden">
  944. <h3>I. ( Basic Information. )&nbsp;</h3>
  945. <blockquote>
  946. <p><strong>Full Name:</strong> Yuna | Yuna Harrak (modern/real world verses]</p>
  947. <p><strong>Nickname(s):</strong>&nbsp;Yunie</p>
  948. <p><strong>Age:</strong>&nbsp;20</p>
  949. <p><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> March 13th</p>
  950. <p><strong>Species:</strong> Human &amp; Al Bhed</p>
  951. <p><strong>Ethnicity:&nbsp;</strong>Spiran &amp; Al-Bhed | 1/2 Ryukyu Okinawan, 1/2 Moroccan Amazigh & Bedouin Arab&nbsp;</p>
  952. <p><strong>Nationality:</strong> Spiran | Moroccan &amp; Japanese</p>
  953. <p><strong>Gender:</strong> Cisfemale</p>
  954. <p><strong>Pronouns:</strong> She/Her &amp; they/them</p>
  955. <p><strong>Orientation:</strong> Demiromantic, demisexual</p>
  956. <p><strong>Religion:</strong>&nbsp;Yevon | Shinto</p>
  957. <p><strong>Political Affiliation:</strong>&nbsp;Moderate</p>
  958. <p><strong>Occupation:</strong> Consul of the City-state of Bevelle & High Priestess of the Yevoners</p>
  959. <p><strong>Past Occupations:</strong> Priestess of the Yevoners, High Summoner, sphere hunter for the Gullwings, pop songstress idol</p>
  960. <p><strong>Current Location: </strong>Bevelle, Besaid Island | Frenchmen Street, New Orleans, LA</p>
  961. <p><strong>Hometown:</strong>&nbsp;Bevelle, Spira | Okinawa, Japan</p>
  962. <p><strong>Living Arrangements:</strong> Bevelle, Home (Bikenel Island]</p>
  963. <p><strong>Language(s) Spoken:</strong> Al Bhed, Spiran | English, Japanese, Ryukyuan, Ainu, Moroccan Arabic, Tamazight (Imaziɣen language]</p>
  964. </blockquote>
  965. <h3><span style="color: #ffffff; font-family: inherit; font-size: 25px; font-weight: lighter; line-height: 36px; white-space: pre-wrap;"></span>&nbsp;2. ( Physical. )</strong></h3>
  966. <blockquote>
  967. <p><strong>Hair Colour:</strong> Mousy brown with blonde lowlights, worn to her shoulder blades&nbsp;</p>
  968. <p><strong>Eye Colour:</strong> Heterochromatic; left blue eye, right sea green</p>
  969. <p><strong>Skin Colour:</strong> Light olive hue, warm undertones</p>
  970. <p><strong>Height:</strong> 5'3"</p>
  971. <p><strong>Weight:</strong> 130 lbs</p>
  972. <p><strong>Build:</strong>Slim pear-shape</p>
  973. <p><strong>Tattoos:</strong>&nbsp;None</p>
  974. <p><strong>Piercings:</strong>&nbsp;Two piercings on each ear&nbsp;</p>
  975. <p><strong>Clothing Style:</strong> In her current time, her clothes more resemble what she wore during her first pilgrimage. Her top is a sleeveless kimono one in a Prussian blue hue, waist bound by a white kai no kuchi knoted obi, with a wide paneled baby blue skirt that reaches her ankles,finished off by knee-high black boots. Her sleeves are detached and loose, white, bound in segments by leather bounds while she retains the earrings and necklace from before. (<strong>Reference:</strong> <a href="">1</a> & <a href="">2</a>]</p>
  976. <p><strong>Scent:</strong>&nbsp;Orchid &amp; jasmine</p>
  977. </blockquote>
  978. <h3><span style="color: #ffffff; font-family: inherit; font-size: 25px; font-weight: lighter; line-height: 36px; white-space: pre-wrap;"></span>&nbsp;3. ( Health. )&nbsp;</strong></h3>
  979. <blockquote>
  980. <p><strong>Physical Ailments:</strong>&nbsp;None</p>
  981. <p><strong>Neurological Conditions:</strong>&nbsp;PTSD, Major Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder</p>
  982. <p><strong>Allergies:</strong> None</p>
  983. <p><strong>Addictions:</strong>&nbsp;None</p>
  984. <p><strong>Drug Use:</strong> None</p>
  985. <p><strong>Alcohol Use:</strong> None</p>
  986. </blockquote>
  987. <h3><span style="color: #ffffff; font-family: inherit; font-size: 25px; font-weight: lighter; line-height: 36px; white-space: pre-wrap;"></span>&nbsp;4. ( Classes. )&nbsp;</strong></h3>
  988. <blockquote>
  989. <p><strong>Priestess:</strong> Much like her summoner class of years ago, as a priestess Yuna specializes mostly in white magic with great proficiency in black magic, and she wields the Nirvana, her celestial weapon. While she can&rsquo;t summon the old fayths, she can summon the spirits of the old pagan gods before worship of Yevon became prominent: Kush, goddess of food and shelter; Velm, god of safety; Slone, god of quenching regret; Arb, god of knowledge; Luchel; god of War; Kanaela, goddess of protection from darkness; Meiyou, goddess of light; Guarudo, god of rest; Ifarnal, god of beauty; Guari, Mikka, Gekko, Romando, and Anri</p>
  990. <p><strong>Secondary: </strong>Via use of the Garment Grids and Dresspheres, Yuna can alter between one of many specialized classes: Thief, Gunner, Warrior, Songstress, Black Mage, White Mage, Gun Mage, Alchemist, Dark Knight, Samurai, Lady Luck, Berserker, Trainer, Mascot, Festivalist, Psychic, Freelancer, and the Floral Fallal, her special.</p>
  991. </blockquote>
  992. <h3><span style="color: #ffffff; font-family: inherit; font-size: 25px; font-weight: lighter; line-height: 36px; white-space: pre-wrap;"></span>&nbsp;5. ( Quirks and Aspirations. )&nbsp;</strong></h3>
  993. <blockquote>
  994. <p><strong>Goals:</strong> Yuna hopes to finally defeat Sin for once and for all, and to live peacefully on Besaid for a time after.&nbsp;</p>
  995. <p><strong>Fears:</strong>&nbsp;Failing Spira, that Sin can never be truly defeated.</p>
  996. <p><strong>Hobbies:</strong>&nbsp;Sphere &amp; treasure hunting, playing blitzball, praying, traveling, touring as a pop idol, helping out whenever she can</p>
  997. <p><strong>Quirks:</strong>&nbsp;Averting her eyes when speaking to people in higher stations, acting shy</p>
  998. </blockquote>
  999. <h3><span style="color: #ffffff; font-family: inherit; font-size: 25px; font-weight: lighter; line-height: 36px; white-space: pre-wrap;"></span>&nbsp;7. ( Relationships. )&nbsp;</strong></h3>
  1000. <blockquote>
  1001. <p><strong>Father:</strong>&nbsp;Braska, previous High Summoner</p>
  1002. <p><strong>Mother:</strong>&nbsp;Nikki, Al-Bhed woman&nbsp; (deceased]</p>
  1003. <p><strong>Children:</strong>&nbsp;Adopts Shinra</p>
  1004. <p><strong>Relatives:</strong>&nbsp;Cid, uncle; Rikku &amp; Brother, cousins</p>
  1005. <p><strong>Ancestor(s]:</strong> Lady Yunalesca, Lord Zaon, Yu Yevon
  1006. <p><strong>Significant Others:</strong>&nbsp;Seymour Guado (husband, never formally annulled], Tidus (boyfriend, disappeared], Baralai (husband]</p>
  1007. </blockquote>
  1008. <h3><span style="color: #ffffff; font-family: inherit; font-size: 25px; font-weight: lighter; line-height: 36px; white-space: pre-wrap;"></span>8. ( Personality and Astrological. )</strong></h3>
  1009. <blockquote>
  1010. <p><strong>Zodiac Sign: </strong>Pisces</p>
  1011. <p><strong>MBTI:&nbsp;</strong>INFP, the Mediatior&nbsp;.</p>
  1012. <p><strong>Enneagram:</strong> Type 2w1, the Helper</p>
  1013. <p><strong>Temperament:</strong> Phlegmatic</p>
  1014. <p><strong>Moral Alignment:</strong> Neutral Good</p>
  1015. <p><strong>Primary Vice:</strong> Sloth</p>
  1016. <p><strong>Primary Virtue:</strong> Charity</p>
  1017. <p><strong>Element:&nbsp;</strong>Water</p>
  1018. </blockquote></div>
  1020. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx14');"><h2>Timeline</h2></a>
  1021. <div id="displaybx14" class="hidden">
  1022. This timeline will be more or less divided by two eras: B.C. (Before (Eternal] Calm] and E.C. (Eternal Calm]. E.C. is where the bulk of this timeline takes place.
  1023. <h3>0 E.C.</h3>
  1024. <p>The reign of Yevon dissolves and Sin is defeated
  1025. <p>Sir Auron disappears and the Dream of the Fayth ends; results in Tidus’ disappearance for good
  1026. <p>Yuna gives a speech at Luca Stadium before returning home to Besaid
  1027. <h3>2 E.C.</h3>
  1028. <p>Yuna is prompted by her cousin, Rikku, to join the Gullwings
  1029. <p>Six months into their escapades, Yuna gives the Awesome Sphere to New Yevon
  1030. <p>Nine months into the year, the Gullwings--alongside the Leblanc Syndicate and Gippal, Baralai, and Nooj--manage to disassemble Vegnagun and prevent it from committing omnicide on Spira
  1031. <p>A month later, Yuna leaves for Besaid to live in peace
  1032. <p><h3>3 E.C.</h3>
  1033. <p>Four months later, the events of the Last Mission are underway; lasts two days
  1034. <p>Two months into the year, Yuna mysteriously vanishes in the Farplane.
  1035. <p>A month later, Yuna begins her training with Joit and Kush, acquires name of Meiyou like ancient summoners; last about 2-3 weeks
  1036. <p>A week after, under Kush’s encouraging, Yuna begins a quest to acquire the 13 gods & goddesses of the ancient pantheon; instability of this causes Beckoning Crisis & Sin’s return
  1037. <p>This last for five months. Sightings of her are sporadic throughout this time; she’s seen everywhere from Kilika all the way to Zanarkand, though most frequent sightings are in Bevelle, chiefly in Via Infinito
  1038. <p>Roughly a week or two later, Yuna returns to Besaid and passes out for two days.
  1039. <p>She then joins the Yevoners as a Priestess
  1040. <p>Another weeks passes before she’s summoned by the Spiran Council regarding the appearance of another Shoopuff supposedly extinct; journeys to Bevelle from Moonflow with Chuami & Kurgum
  1041. <p>A kangaroo court is held for a forcefully beckoned Maesters Mika & Kinoc. <p>After being found guilty for their crimes, they are sentenced to death by firing squad before being sent again.
  1042. <p>Yuna begins working with Chancellor Baralai, now head of the Spiran Council
  1043. <p>For a few months, they collaborate; usually divided between research & governmental obligations as well as confronting Sin & reconstruction in its aftermath
  1044. <p>Near the end of the year, Yuna makes a permanent move to Bevelle and stays within the Palace of St. Bevelle
  1045. <h3>4 E.C.</h3>
  1046. <p>A month into the new year, Yuna adopts Shinra as her son & ascends to High Priestess of the Yevoners
  1047. <p>A few weeks later still, she is ordained as Consul of the City-State of Bevelle; works directly on par and alongside Baralai
  1048. <p>About halfway through the year, a coup is suddenly staged by Trema--the former Praetor of New Yevon--alongside an Unsent hoard of fiends that had been amassing in Via Infinito without anyone’s conscious knowledge.
  1049. <p>Yuna & the Spiran Council are forcefully ousted from Bevelle, fleeing on the Celsius where they make for asylum on Bikenel Island
  1050. <p>A genocidal campaign against the Al Bhed is waged by the Yevoners and results in the beginning of a civil war, forcing many Al Bhed to flee for Bikenel
  1051. <p>For the rest of the year, Yuna and her compatriots fight with guerrilla warfare throughout Spira, slowly whittling away the Yeoners and drastically shrinking their sphere of influence.
  1052. <h3>5 E.C.</h3>
  1053. <p>For the first month into the year, they begin prepping the Al Bhed to launch a final assault on Bevelle and Trema’s forces
  1054. <p>Arb, the god of knowledge, reveals to Yuna how to defeat Sin. By the third month into the year, through a 3-day enmity are they able to finally defeat Sin for good by utilizing Vegnagun
  1055. <p>In the ensuing chaos of pyreflies, Yuna & co. use it as a smokescreen to abscond to Bevelle
  1056. <p>There, Baralai and Yuna infiltrate the very top and embattle themselves against Trema, defeating him after a long, grueling battle
  1057. <p>For the next three months, they spent it reinstating Spiran Council control as well as expunging the rest of the Yevoners from Spira in a war tribunal that lasts months
  1058. <p>By the end of the year, it is reported that the Farplane is sealed and can no longer by accessed by any means
  1059. It is said that fiends are starting to go extinct, and go fully within a few years
  1060. <h3>7 E.C.</h3>
  1061. <p>By the midway point of the year, Yuna weds Baralai and together they start a family
  1062. <p>The Farplane, completely sealed, means Sin can never resurrect
  1063. Old machina cities are slowly revitalized and predominantly overseen by Al Bhed architects
  1064. <p>Yevon has been completely outlawed by this time
  1065. <p>Cid Highwind dies later into the year, passing on his position to both Rikku & Brother
  1066. </div>
  1068. </li>
  1070. <li>
  1071. <div style="width: 320px; height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; margin-top: -165px; margin-left: 0px;">
  1073. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx1');"><h2>Crossover Verses</h2></a>
  1074. <div id="displaybx1" class="hidden">
  1075. <p><b>A Song of Ice & Fire:</b> Born of a Khal known as Khal Braska and a Pureborn noblewoman, Nadia Harrak, of Qarth, Yuna displays an unusual pedigree. It began as a deal between Nadia’s father who was a merchant prince of a mercantile conglomerate within the city. The three merchant groups of Qarth posed an enormous threat to their operations and needed some way to assuage the worst of them. So, a deal was made with a khalasar led by Khal Braska and Nadia’s father: via the exchange of his only and most beautiful daughter, Nadia Harrak, to Braska’s hand and a dowry of several hundred finely bred horses in exchange for Khal Braska’s khalasar to attack several of the merchant guilds’ assets and caravans as catastrophically as they could. Agreed upon, Nadia became Braska’s khaleesi. Shortly after being wed, Masheed bore him a daughter, Yuna. But before long, the khalasar was overcome with a vicious attack from the Thirteen and casualties are high, including their Khal. However, before Nadia can be spirited away to Vaes Dothrak to become a vosh khaleen, Nadia finds passage to Braavos where her father’s name allows her to raise her daughters in secret. By the time Yuna is grown, she eventually leaves home to join a Red Temple as a Red Priestess and becomes a missionary spreading R'hallor’s teachings.
  1076. <p><strong>Silent Hill:</strong> From a young age, Yuna Harrak had been adopted into the childless family of Patricia and Herald Reynolds, relatives of the Fitch family--one of Shepherd Glen's founding families. Raised well, Yuna had a fairly decent childhood within the small town and remembered many a summer along the shores of Toluca Lake. Though she was the victim of frequent bullying because of her heritage, despite it making her painfully shy, she still was a decent student despite being a loner. However, she'd always a sensitivity for the paranormal. Thinking them mere nightmares, Yuna never regarded them much and by the time she was 17, moved out to go to college in Boston, Massachusetts where she studied to become a teacher. In the middle of her senior year, disaster struck with the news of familicides occurring in Silent Hill, one of them being her own, they having moved out after she did. With a grieved heart, Yuna decided to return to Maine to not only begin funeral arrangements, but to investigate the truth and what really happened to her family.
  1077. <p><strong>Final Fantasy XV/Kingsglaive:</strong> Finally coming into her own as a leader, with Sin's uprising again in Spira and her recent attainment in a position as head of the Yevoners and Consul of the City-State of Bevelle, by the Spiran Council's jurisdiction and recommendation does the green politician get sent to Eos. The purpose? To learn to become an effective leader and statescraft. Through this, the Spiran Council hopes to establish diplomatic and economic ties between Bevelle and the powers that be in Eos.
  1078. <p><strong>Legend of Zelda:</strong> Yuna is a nomadic loner whom traverses the whole of Hyrule, unusual in her half-Sheikah, half-Gerudo heritage. For the most part, she appears rather human in appearance, bearing a light tan and one red eye (the other gold], her ears being slightly pointed but not as prominently as other Sheikah. While she seems to be largely aimless, and orphaned, she is secretly dedicated to serving both the goddess Hylia and Hyrule's royal family, otherwise traversing Hyrule and studying, as well as documenting, the advanced technology of her people that litter the landscape.
  1079. <p><strong>Dragon Age:</strong> Yuna Harrak is the daughter of Braska, the former First Enchanter of the Rivaini Circle, and Nikki Harrak, a former Tevinter elven slave & a direct descendent of Shartan who defected to the Qun. After her parents both died in the Fifth Blight, Yuna was orphaned and taken in by the weakly held Rivaini Chantry and adopted by a Chantry Sister. Because of her father's mage ability, Yuna herself possesses a rather self-developed ability as a Somniari, but keeps her affinity for Water & Healing magic extremely repressed. As of Inquisition, she's around twenty, a Chantry Sister, and currently is based in the Hinterlands where she provides aid to refugees.
  1080. <p><strong>Elder Scrolls:</strong> Originally from Hammerfell, Yuna is a half-Redguard woman who's family died through their way through the border. Through years of a nomadic life, Yuna was eventually able to settle in Markarth and was taken on as one of Calcemo's apprentices due to her acute ingenuity with Dwemer artifacts, interest, and nimble means of traversal that make her ideal for exploring Dwemer ruins and collecting artifacts. Currently, she is thoroughly invested in her studies and tends to wander Skyrim on her own in her exploration of Dwemer ruins, else she'll be in Markarth's keep in deep research alongside her mentor and fellow apprentices.
  1081. <p><strong>Harry Potter:</strong> A graduate from Mahoutokoro, Yuna was born into a family that long valued their place in the Japanese Ministry of Magic with Yuna expected to inherit the role. However, she was often shunned for being half-blooded and having a muggleborn mother which made life in school extremely difficult. When she was 17 and graduated, she and her mother left Japan and decided to live with her maternal grandparents in Morocco where she eventually joined the Moroccan Quidditch Team as a prolific and well-known Chaser, something she continues doing with enthusiasm to the present day, able to explore the world like she hadn&rsquo;t been able to before.</p>
  1082. <p><strong>Assassin&rsquo;s Creed:</strong> An intermediate assassin of the Moroccan Assassin&rsquo;s Brotherhood, Yuna is the biracial child of a foreign Japanese dignitary & Moroccan Assassin member. As niece of the Order&rsquo;s current Mentor, she often given some leeway. Despite her parents having died when she was still young, Yuna&rsquo;s uncle took her in and decided to show her the ropes. Though fairly adept, her pacifist and humanitarian nature sometimes sees her and her missions compromised. However, now at twenty, she seemed to have grown to fill her role&rsquo;s shoes and has made a fairly adept Assassin of herself, even being sent abroad on missions.</p>
  1083. <p><strong>Overwatch:</strong> Having lost her parents to the first Omnic Crisis about when she was born, Yuna braved through and managed to eke out a modest living as a nurse at a small hospital on Okinawa whose proprieters had taken her in at a young age. Deciding it wasn&rsquo;t enough, when she was 19 she began a career as a pop idol, of which acclaim brought the attention of long-lost extended family from Morocco. Her uncle Cid&ndash;a former collabarator with Blackwatch pre-Fall&ndash;gave her devices known as Garment Grids and Dresspheres, which allowed the user to augment abilities depending on the outfit worn, developed from Blackwatch tech he&rsquo;d attained before the first Fall. When the recall was made active, he joined again and Yuna joined alongside him, taking on the alias the Priestess.</p>
  1084. <p><strong>Fallout:</strong> Born in the deserts of New Vegas to immigrant parents, Yuna had long known the rough and tumble of the world. Raised to be hardy and strong, when she was still young, her parents were both killed by rough synths; first by murder, her father in a vain attempt to defend his wife. Orphaned when she was only ten, her uncle Cid took her in and she joined the Machine Faction, a subsidary of the Brotherhood of Steel. Together, they work to reclaim parts for machines and antagonize the Institute in any way they can.</p>
  1085. <p><strong>Bioshock 1&2:</strong>
  1086. <p>In 1941, a young Yuna, with her father Braska, were living in French-occupied Morocco. By the rare graces of her affluent Moroccan uncle, the 12 year old girl was able to escape the harsh conditions of her home and seek asylum in Greece. For seven years, she lived there, until they finally immigrated to America that had been spared in comparison to war-torn Europe. During this and the time leading up to her coming to Rapture, she became an aspiring nurse despite what would otherwise result in a low social strata. Aside from her work as a privately contracted nurse, she learned to mingle with the social elite by her employers&rsquo; best in order to help them network. By 1957, she had made something of herself, until the New Year&rsquo;s Riots of 1958 broke up and viciously divided the city. Yet, Yuna would not escape with her sanity intact: becoming addicted to ADAM, she would become a Splicer, one of many and with it, her demise would come soon after, dying in 1962 at the hands of another Splicer.</p>
  1087. <p><strong>Bioshock (Infinite]:</strong> Yuna Harrak is the byproduct of immigrant parents who fled the American south due to harsh discrimination they faced. Hoping to find restitution in Columbia, they instead seemed to face something just as bad. Her parents were forced to do hard labor for one of Jeremiah Fink&rsquo;s foundaries, but when they died in a fatal airship collision when she was ten, she became a ward of the state. She eventually studied to become a lay sister, often spending her days cleaning the holy places in Columbia&rsquo;s religious centers, often avoiding its white inhabitants due to the cruelty they&rsquo;ll often foist on her. Someday, she hopes to join the Vox Populi and rebel against all the oppression Columbia had stood for.</p></div>
  1089. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx2');"><h2>Divergent Verses</h2></a>
  1090. <div id="displaybx2" class="hidden"><p><strong>The High Summoner's Daughter:</strong> Takes place during her FFX timeline.
  1091. <p><strong>Your Friendly Neighborhood Gullwing:</strong> During her FFX-2 timeline.
  1092. <p><strong>Friendly Neighborhood Something-or-Other:</strong> Slight AU that takes place in KH that sees Yuna part of the treasure-hunting fairy squad, the Gullwings.
  1093. <p><strong>Chosen by Cosmos:</strong> Set in the Dissidia universe with Yuna as one of the chosen warriors of Cosmos.
  1094. <p><strong>Beasts of Yore:</strong> Diverging from her canon verse, the only difference being that these interactions focus on Yuna&rsquo;s summons and their interaction with others instead of herself.</p>
  1095. <p><strong>I of the Storm:</strong> Ancient Zanarkand AU in which&nbsp;<span style="font-size: 12px;">Yuna is the illegitimate daughter of Yunalesca and an unnamed Bedore refugee who fled from Bevelle, seeing as Bedore (former name of the Al Bhed] were nothing but slaves who manned their weapons. Though a bastard daughter, Yuna would still have her uses. A gifted summoner and one of the sole people whom can commune with their Old Gods, she ascends swiftly within the fledgling Church of Yevon. Becoming High Priestess, Yuna serves under her mother and is passed as she and Lord Zaon&rsquo;s legitimate child. She has an instrumental role in the fight against Bevelle and the attempted liberation of the Bedore, of whom she feels keen affinity with.</span></p>
  1096. <p><strong>All Jazzed Up:</strong> In the present day, Yuna currently resides in Japan on her own, orphaned at a young age. While her life was full of hardship, she&rsquo;s well-supported by her extended family and is currently living in New Orleans on Frenchmen Street where she nurtures the aspirations of becoming a successful jazz singer. Otherwise, she works as a barista and participates in street performances in the evenings in the French Quarter.</p></div>
  1098. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx3');"><h2>Closed Verses</h2></a>
  1099. <div id="displaybx3" class="hidden">
  1100. <p><strong>The Ruler &amp; the Killer:</strong> When the unsent Trema is beckoned once more, &nbsp;taking helm of the Yevoners and bastardizing it into a nightmarish theocracy Yevon had once been. Hellbent on grappling Spira into its vice once more, Yuna takes it upon herself to defeat them, but without help from an old friend: <a href="">Yojimbo</a>, returned and prepared to fight alongside his former summoner once again, <a href="">Tidus</a> siding with them as well.</p>
  1101. <p><strong>Color of My World:</strong> At 23, Yuna is the mother of <a href="">Marlene.</a> Set during the events of -Will- spanned out longer.</p>
  1102. <p><strong>Skip a Beat!:</strong> Divergent from her modern verse, Yuna is a prospective starlet with hopes of becoming an idol. Scouted and successfully auditioned, she comes to be part of a duo with another singer, <a href="">Mio</a>.</p></div>
  1103. </li>
  1105. <li>
  1106. <div style="width: 320px; height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; margin-top: -165px; margin-left: 0px;">
  1108. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx15');"><h2>FFX mains</h2></a>
  1109. <div id="displaybx15" class="hidden">
  1110. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Tidus" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Tidus</br><b>Relation:</b> Boyfriend</br><b>Verse:</b> FFX & X-2</p>
  1111. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Baralai" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Baralai</br><b>Relation:</b> Husband</br><b>Verse:</b> X-2 & X-3</p>
  1112. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Anima" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Lady Anima</br><b>Relation:</b> Former aeon, maternal figure</br><b>Verse:</b> X & X-3</p>
  1113. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Paine" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Paine</br><b>Relation:</b> Fellow sphere hunter</br><b>Verse:</b> X-2</p>
  1114. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Auron" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Auron</br><b>Relation:</b> Guardian</br><b>Verse:</b> X & X-3</p></div>
  1116. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx4');"><h2>Ships</h2></a>
  1117. <div id="displaybx4" class="hidden">
  1118. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Uzzah" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Uzzah</br><b>Relation:</b> Guardian</br><b>Verse:</b> X-3</p>
  1119. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Sephiroth" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Sephiroth</br><b>Relation: </b> Lover</br><b>Verse:</b> X-3</p>
  1120. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Riley Cross" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Riley Cross</br><b>Relation:</b> Girlfriend</br><b>Verse:</b> Modern</p>
  1121. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Ichigo Kurosaki" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Ichigo Kurosaki</br><b>Relation:</b> Crush</br><b>Verse:</b> X</p>
  1122. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Emperor Mateus" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Emperor Mateus</br><b>Relation:</b> Employer, lover(?)</br><b>Verse:</b> X-3</p>
  1123. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Fenriel Levellan" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Fenriel Levellan</br><b>Relation:</b> Boyfriend</br><b>Verse:</b> Dragon Age</p>
  1124. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Princess Boa" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Princess Boa</br><b>Relation:</b> Girlfriend</br><b>Verse:</b> X-3</p>
  1125. </div>
  1127. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx5');"><h2>Mains</h2></a>
  1128. <div id="displaybx5" class="hidden">
  1129. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Izunia Lucis Caelum" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Izunia Lucis Caelum</br><b>Relation:</b> Brother-in-law</br><b>Verse:</b> The Saint of the Deep</p>
  1130. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Amaterasu" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Amaterasu</br><b>Relation:</b> Close friend, confidant</br><b>Verse:</b> X-3</p></div>
  1132. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx6');"><h2>OC's</h2></a>
  1133. <div id="displaybx6" class="hidden"><p><a href=""><img src="" title="Kael Haden" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Kael Haden</br><b>Relation:</b> Close friend</br><b>Verse:</b> X-3</p>
  1134. <p><a href=""><img src="" title="Marlene Wallace" /></a></br><b>Name:</b> Cäcilia Drachen</br><b>Relation:</b> Friend, ally</br><b>Verse:</b> Taking Back the Crown, Silent Hill, LoZ</p>
  1135. </div>
  1136. </li>
  1138. <li>
  1139. <div style="width: 320px; height: 300px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; margin-top: -165px; margin-left: 0px;">
  1141. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx7');"><h2>SEA HIBISCUS</h2></a>
  1142. <div id="displaybx7" class="hidden"><p><a href="">HEADCANONS</a></p>
  1143. <p><a href="">HEADCANONS ON YUNA</a></p>
  1144. <p><a href="">WORLD BUILDING</a></p>
  1145. <p><a href=";-mythos-%5D">META &amp; MYTHOS</a></p>
  1146. <p><a href="">THE ARCHETYPES</a></p>
  1147. <p><a href="">ARCHETYPE: THE PROPHETESS</a></p>
  1148. <p><a href="">ARCHETYPE: THE MARTYR</a></p>
  1149. <p><a href="">ARCHETYPE: THE PRIESTESS</a></p>
  1150. <p><a href=" THE PRIESTESS | yuna ]">THE PRIESTESS</a></p>
  1151. <p><a href=" SPHERE RECORDING | hymns of the fayth ]">JUKEBOX</a></p>
  1152. <p><a href="">YUNA.TXT</a></p>
  1153. <p><a href="">PEARLS OF WISDOM</a></p>
  1154. <p><a href="">DELIGHTS</a></p>
  1155. <p><a href="">THE AESTHETICS</a></p>
  1156. <p><a href="">FASHION & APPAREL</a></p>
  1157. <p><a href="">TABOOS & DESIRES</a></p></div>
  1159. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx8');"><h2>THE PANTHEON</h2></a>
  1160. <div id="displaybx8" class="hidden"><p><a href="">LUCHEL</a></p>
  1161. <p><a href="">KANAELA</a></p>
  1162. <p><a href="">MEIYOU</a></p>
  1163. <p><a href="">KUSH</a></p>
  1164. <p><a href="">VELM</a></p>
  1165. <p><a href="">SLONE</a></p>
  1166. <p><a href="">ARB</a></p>
  1167. <p><a href="">GUARUDO</a></p>
  1168. <p>INFARNAL
  1169. <p>GUARI
  1170. <p>MIKKA
  1171. <p>ROMANDO
  1172. <p>ANRI
  1173. <p>GEKKO
  1174. </div>
  1176. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx9');"><h2>BONDS</h2></a>
  1177. <div id="displaybx9" class="hidden"><p><a href="">SEYMOUR GUADO/YUNA</a></p>
  1178. <p><a href="">TIDUS/YUNA</a></p>
  1179. <p><a href="">BARALAI/YUNA</a></p>
  1180. <p><a href="">UZZAH/YUNA</a></p>
  1181. <p><a href=" SEAGLASS GREEN AND MELANCHOLY HUE | sephyuna ]">SEPHIROTH/YUNA</a></p>
  1182. <p><a href=" YOU'RE A SONG I KEEP PLAYING ON REPEAT | rileyuna ]">RILEY CROSS/YUNA</a></p>
  1183. <p><a href="">MATEUS/YUNA</a></p>
  1184. <p><a href=" YOU SOUNDED LIKE AN ANGEL | yunriel ]">FENRIEL/YUNA</a></p>
  1185. <p><a href="">SHINRA &amp; YUNA</a></p>
  1186. <p><a href="">ANIMA &amp; YUNA</a></p>
  1187. <p><a href="">BRASKA &amp; YUNA</a></p>
  1188. <p><a href="">AMATERASU & YUNA</a></p></div>
  1190. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx10');"><h2>NEVER FORGET THEM</h2></a>
  1191. <div id="displaybx10" class="hidden"><p><p><a href="">SEYMOUR</a>&nbsp;</p>
  1192. <p><a href=" FALLING FROM HEAVEN TO FIND YOU | sephiroth ]">SEPHIROTH</a></p>
  1193. <p><a href="">TIDUS</a></p>
  1194. <p><a href="">NIKKI</a></p>
  1195. <p><a href="">BRASKA</a></p>
  1196. <p><a href="'M%20FIGHTING!%20%7C%20rikku%20%5D">RIKKU</a></p>
  1197. <p><a href="'S%20WING%20%7C%20uzzah%20%5D">UZZAH</a></p></div>
  1199. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx11');"><h2>ON & ON</h2></a>
  1200. <div id="displaybx11" class="hidden"><p><a href="">THE AL BHED</a></p>
  1201. <p><a href="">FIRST PILGRIMAGE</a></p>
  1202. <p><a href="">THE GULLWINGS</a></p>
  1203. <p><a href="">SECOND PILGRIMAGE</a></p></div>
  1205. <a href="javascript:unhide('displaybx12');"><h2>OTHERWISE</h2></a>
  1206. <div id="displaybx12" class="hidden"><p><a href="">MY ART</a></p>
  1207. <p><a href="">MY EDITS</a></p>
  1208. <p><a href="">WISHLIST</a></p>
  1209. <p><a href="">PSA&rsquo;S</a></p>
  1210. <p><a href="">OOC</a></p></div>
  1211. </li>
  1213. </ul>
  1215. </div>
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