
My review of Devil may cry

Oct 9th, 2014
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  1. -Can't go 60fps on console which is unforgivable in a hack and slash with that good a rep that has been 60 fps up to this point.
  3. -Multitude of glitches like being able to glide out the map or assets not loading.
  5. -Giant ad list every time you start the game that lasts about half a minute with no skip option.
  7. -Most demons lack any real skill to beat bar one most big ones are useless to the game without a barrier demon (A combo you won't see outside of NG+ difficulties or Bloody palace).
  9. -Soft lock on works terribly in small areas you need to face demons in a certain order to have a easy time because it keeps swapping who to hit after each slash
  11. -Why is weapon switching holding triggers and not toggle, this is Devil may cry not heavenly sword.
  13. -Over powered Chain that makes singling Demons out way to easy, just get some space and yank the demon you want and it will be dead before his buddies can save him
  15. -Style rankings go up way too quick and take the fun out of doing stylish combos If Y , Y , pause, Y while holding Left trigger can get you SSS anyway.
  17. -Guns are all useless because they do barely any damage and because of how style works doesn't even need to be used to hide your style rank now.
  19. -Bosses are a joke lets look at strategies to win shall we, slash head, it gets stunned, repeat till dead or for another Hit sides, weak point comes out, Devil trigger, Y , Y , pause, Y while holding Left trigger, half health gone and then repeat.
  20. Vergil DMC3 VD DmC is the best example
  22. -DLC for sequel baiting after the main game pulled the same thing and a character that they couldn't add in Bloody Palace why? DMC 3 and 4 let me use alt characters
  24. Hair is not a problem, the horrible gameplay and weak challenge is
  26. If you are ever to buy this game it should be only on PC.
  27. -Macro triggers for toggle (press once and they get held down till you push again) in joy to key or ds3 tool
  28. -60 fps
  29. -Mods to fix some glitches and use Virgil in Bloody palace and in the main story mode was being worked on last time I checked
  30. -Mod to remove ads at the start
  31. -Better visuals and higher resolution
  33. The game is a 5/10 (average) to me because as a shit devil may cry game it ranks as a ok hack and slash.
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