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Sep 16th, 2019
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  1. Bolle@DESKTOP-M3S0HBA ~/winhome/dbwebb-kurser/python
  2. $ dbwebb init
  3. Creating and initiating the directory structure in 'me/' (will not overwrite existing files).
  4. me/kmom01/hello
  5. me/kmom01/plane
  6. me/kmom01/lab1
  7. me/kmom02/lab2
  8. me/kmom02/marvin1
  9. me/kmom02/flow
  10. me/kmom03/lab3
  11. me/kmom03/marvin2
  12. me/kmom03/functions
  13. me/kmom04/lab4
  14. me/kmom04/marvin3
  15. me/kmom04/modules
  16. me/kmom04/file
  17. me/kmom05/lab5
  18. me/kmom05/list
  19. me/kmom05/file
  20. me/kmom05/marvin4
  21. me/kmom06/lab6
  22. me/kmom06/analyzer
  23. me/kmom06/warehouse
  24. me/kmom10/prep
  25. me/kmom10/try1
  26. me/kmom10/try2
  27. me/kmom10/try3
  28. me/redovisa
  29. DONE to init the directory 'me/'.
  30. Intiating the remote server '' by connecting as 'chbl19' and creating directories (if needed) where all uploaded files will reside.
  32. dbwebb-kurser:
  33. total 8
  34. drwxr-xr-x 5 chbl19 20192 4096 Aug 29 07:38 htmlphp/
  35. drwxr-xr-x 2 chbl19 20192 4096 Aug 29 07:43 python/
  37. www/dbwebb-kurser:
  38. total 12
  39. d-w-r-xr-x 4 chbl19 20192 4096 Aug 29 07:38 htmlphp/
  40. drwxr-xr-x 4 chbl19 20192 4096 Sep 4 10:30 inspect/
  41. d-w-r-xr-x 4 chbl19 20192 4096 Aug 29 07:43 python/
  42. DONE to init the base dirs on the server.
  43. Ensuring that the directory structure exists on the server by syncing directory structure to dbwebb-kurser/ (will not overwrite existing files).
  44. sending incremental file list
  45. .csslintrc
  46. .dbwebb-validate.config
  47. .dbwebb.course
  49. .dbwebb.moss
  50. .eslintrc.json
  51. .html-minifier.conf
  52. .jscsrc
  53. .pylintrc
  54. .dbwebb/
  55. .dbwebb/cli.version
  56. .dbwebb/inspect
  57. .dbwebb/lab.version
  58. .dbwebb/upload.exclude
  59. .dbwebb/upload.include
  60. .dbwebb/validate.exclude
  61. me/
  62. me/kmom01/
  63. me/kmom01/hello/
  64. me/kmom01/hello/
  65. me/kmom01/hello/
  66. me/kmom01/hello/
  67. me/kmom01/lab1/
  68. me/kmom01/lab1/.answer.json
  69. me/kmom01/lab1/
  70. me/kmom01/lab1/
  71. me/kmom01/lab1/instruction.html
  72. me/kmom01/plane/
  73. me/kmom01/plane/
  74. me/kmom01/redovisa/
  75. me/kmom01/redovisa/me.html
  76. me/kmom01/redovisa/om.html
  77. me/kmom01/redovisa/redovisning.html
  78. me/kmom01/redovisa/img/
  79. me/kmom01/redovisa/img/marvin.jpg
  80. me/kmom01/redovisa/img/me.jpg
  81. me/kmom01/redovisa/js/
  82. me/kmom01/redovisa/js/main.js
  83. me/kmom01/redovisa/style/
  84. me/kmom01/redovisa/style/style.css
  85. me/kmom02/
  86. me/kmom02/flow/
  87. me/kmom02/lab2/
  88. me/kmom02/marvin1/
  89. me/kmom03/
  90. me/kmom03/functions/
  91. me/kmom03/lab3/
  92. me/kmom03/marvin2/
  93. me/kmom04/
  94. me/kmom04/file/
  95. me/kmom04/lab4/
  96. me/kmom04/marvin3/
  97. me/kmom04/modules/
  98. me/kmom05/
  99. me/kmom05/file/
  100. me/kmom05/lab5/
  101. me/kmom05/list/
  102. me/kmom05/marvin4/
  103. me/kmom06/
  104. me/kmom06/analyzer/
  105. me/kmom06/lab6/
  106. me/kmom06/warehouse/
  107. me/kmom10/
  108. me/kmom10/prep/
  109. me/kmom10/try1/
  110. me/kmom10/try2/
  111. me/kmom10/try3/
  112. me/redovisa/
  114. sent 643,875 bytes received 758 bytes 429,755.33 bytes/sec
  115. total size is 640,585 speedup is 0.99
  116. DONE to init the directory structure on the server.
  117. Ensuring that the directory structure exists on the server by syncing the me/ directory structure to www/dbwebb-kurser (will not overwrite existing files).
  118. sending incremental file list
  119. rsync: change_dir#1 "/home/saxon/students/20192/chbl19//www/dbwebb-kurser/python/" failed: Permission denied (13)
  120. rsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at main.c(632) [Receiver=3.1.2]
  121. FAILED to init the www-directory structure on the server.
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