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May 20th, 2018
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  1. This is about the song you posted. I think it's pretty good but I have some constructive criticism. I noticed relatively early on that it would get very busy at times. At times during the song, it felt like a strong melodic line was either missing or hidden. If it was there, it was bouncing around so much it can't be followed by the listener easily. Any strong melodic line can kind of be hummed along with. You didn't have that until the middle of the song. When you did have it, the song all came together. It sounded really freaking good. Those sections are what people are remembering and that's why people like it.
  3. There were also a lot of fast changes in feeling. It isn't really clicking with me. The only time I really hear that is in video game cutscenes or movies where the music is in the backseat, adding to a feel that's already there. It gives it all context. From what I read about the feel you were trying to give, I think it can be accomplished with a shorter song. The build up in the music was good, it felt adventurous. Then it dropped off and felt like defeat. Not the first time you did it, but the second time. I think the song would be a lot better if it was just a longer version of the second bit. Have that really build. Take it to an almost climax. Then have it drop down to the defeat and fade out. Also, you mentioned somebody else putting him down. I feel like that could be represented as conflict before the defeat by a different melody using a different instrument. Something to oppose his buildup, his rising heroism, as opposed to it just turning into defeat.
  5. All that being said, I DID think it was good. This was just what I thought would make it an even stronger song with more of a stand alone feel instead of video game music you'd hear in a cutscene. A stronger melodic line with a bit more movement (but not jumping around often) and one strong buildup before the defeat instead of the 3 smaller buildups. Make it feel like he's taking on one big things instead of a bunch of little things. Hope this helped.
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