
Working with Little Hassan on Anti-Occult Collar Spinal Tap!

May 9th, 2016
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  1. Helpers were great!
  5. A little Falco volunteered for those works the young man had seem to neglected. Of them, there a sword, a chip of sort, and many, many other assorted items; ranging from daggers, to hammers- that he needed done, and were behind schedule.
  7. With the care of his own child secured. In the hands of Atticus -- rested babies making for better opportunites. He had found time to slip away, and so did so- with the company of Hassan. The child surely not prepared for what he was about to get into, and so this might all be a little confusing.
  9. Without an Ice Magi: No work on Joyeuse, as it were a critical venture in that field to have their magic imprint upon the blade -- aeromancy, and aquamancy coming together to not only invigorate, but solidfied changes to the forged mythril, and mercury long sword.
  11. While this was a bitter-truth he was forced to accept bregrudingly for the moment- Hendrix had more than enough other wise to earn his attention, and thusly so!
  13. "Alright Hassan." Speaking for the first time since bringing him to this place. A place where his grandparents, and great grandparents had once attempted to commune with Belial, now used as a home for many, and a forge for few -- down towards the lake, an anvil placed there; tools at the side, a rack for hanging one's coats.
  15. Ores, and minerals, and solvents of all make that he had procured are there. Those of a more dangerous variety kept hidden away; Gore Arcanium properly shielded from any mortal touch. Tyrium encased, and not allowed it's ire, and sapping effects- stone casings, easy for a earth magi to remove, but a pain for someone not practicing the elements.
  17. Today they would be moving to...
  18. (Hendrix Este)
  19. A Pirate Adventure!
  22. Hendrix had recruited him for something, he was not sure what but his cousin was both a pirate of sorts, and extremely cool. He was no doubt underprepared for anything that would occur but the child was more than excited to help Hendrix. It must be a pirate mission, or something else.
  24. In a book he had read earlier about an Eagle and it's six brothers the biggest brother had become injured and needed help. All of his brothers had chosen to forsake themselves with their brother during the time winter was approaching in order to nurse him back to health. They stayed together and through the hardship of the frozen north, with teamwork they accomplished what one could not alone.
  26. The situation was perhaps not as dire, he didn't think Hendrix was wounded in anyway after all his cousin was a pirate, that squashed evil spider bugs. No it was more of the message of teamwork and helping family, and Hendrix was someone he looked up to along with Eredis. He followed his cousin; albeit more of was dragged by his cousin into an older section of the house. One where perhaps other things beyond what they were attempting to do had occurred. His memory of the Blooming Apostle was still a bit hazy, yet this room brought the feeling of elation and joy once more.
  28. They went down towards the lack, and there an anvil was placed. Something the boy had never seen in real life before.
  30. "This place is so huge!" he said looking around brown eyes open in excitement,
  32. "What are we gonna do?"
  34. "Are we gonna squash spiders?" he asked excitedly, though it felt more as if this place was meant for creation. Making things. . . he saw the gathered ores and minerals and his eyes fixated on them for a moment.
  35. (Hassan Falco)
  36. Pieces of mundane iron are grabbed.
  38. Three, or so rods for the time being, transferred over to the Anvil as Hassan speaks- excitement found in his voice, the Este noting it, and smiling when considering it. With so many questions, he didn't know where to start- picking instead where it was important, and crucial to them; a tiny hammer is taken from the side of the anvil!
  40. Hanging there until use was required, he shifts it over to Hassan's hands as he crouches down to meet him eye-to-eye. "We'll be making Aunt Marciel, and Hendrix's friend Basile something today, okay?"
  42. Blueprints.
  44. Lying somewhere, the drawn up schematics that the Bard had given him were sought out now; the base for Sebastian Silvertongue, and Demeter Rosengard's hellish device used to inhibit those harboring occultic power, and with such- it's violent tendencies.
  46. As such was needed, Atticus appears- shuffling over, and handing them to the smith, he unrolls them out over the Anvil, iron there on top of them. "I'm gonna need you to try your best, Hassan. Today I really need your help, alright?"
  48. Having raised himself again, he looks down with a smile- a comforting one, giving the boy some responsbility, and something to do with his time. The preferred thing as to lounging instead.
  49. (Hendrix Este)
  50. As pieces of mundane iron are grabbed, and transferred to the anvil the young boy watches. Hendrix soon shifts a tiny hammer over into his hands and notes that they were making things for Marciel and one of Hendrixs' friends Basile.
  52. "kay!" He nods his head with determination. Atticus appeared shortly after handing the smith in question blueprints and various other things needed. As Hendrix asked him to try his best he nodded his head confidently. He would give it his all! That way he could help Hendrix make whatever it was that he needed to for his friends' and aunt Marciel!
  54. "Got it!" he states his small hands curling securely around the hammer. He was more than ready, it was like fighting spiders maybe to protect everyone! Imaginary yes, though he had not forgotten the strange spider-woman he had seen the other day. No focus he had to help Hendrix!
  56. The small boy was bustling with unbridled energy, as he waited for the directive and commands as to what to do.
  57. (Hassan Falco)
  58. Cooperation!
  61. Hassan was ready, and that was enough of a igniter for this all. No time wasted now as he brushes aside blue prints; rolled up, and stowed underneath the Anvil station for now. Having looked over them, what he had to do might have been clear, or perhaps not - something to be embedded into the body; a long, and detatched sort of extension to latch onto one's spinal region.
  63. Looking at the Iron there infront of him. . . A weighty material; driving down the one who would use it. That would not do- "Mithril." There coming suddenly alternative to his initial idea of what to do now.
  65. "What do you think, Hassan?" Turning to him, and as he does so- taking hold of one of the pieces of Iron, Atticus already off to gather Mithril at the mention of it for the journey ahead; "If you were to have something attached to the base of... this part-" A finger extending, to find the back of the boy's neck; nape assailed, as he directs where this device was to go to him as Marciel had once did on his own person.
  67. "Would you rather be weighed down by iron, or have something lighter there to support you?" Asking someone he liked- this for a friend, and so the concerns of opinions mattered some. The Smith considering the positives of something like Iron if seeking a torturous life for the captive under the influence, but when concerning Basile?
  69. The idea was empowerment, not slavery.
  70. (Hendrix Este)
  71. He watched, Hendrix seemed abssorbed for a moment in the blueprints. Examining each carefully and with a calculating eye, in a matter of minutes he finished rolled up the parchement, and brushed them aside for the time being. Atticus seemed to zoom in and out of the room, the butlers always knew what was needed of them and in what amounts.
  73. As his name was stated brown eyes looked up at Hendrix, if it was something to be placed on the base of a finger indicate exactly where the material would be. At the back of ones' neck. He nodded his head in thought would it be better to be weighed down, by iron or having something lighter.
  75. "Something light!" he said, there was alot he did not understand, yet he did not like heavy things on his back! It would be better if something light was placed there especially on his neck area! In his mind the idea of heavy was one trying to move the dinner table, currently the young boy did not have the strength to do so. Something light in his mind was the paper Atticus made him practice his Valmasian on. He definitely would rather have paper on his neck than a dinner table! Light and free
  77. "Is it for your friend? Or Auntty Marciel?!" he was curious, Aunt Marciel was pretty why would she want stuff on her back?
  78. (Hassan Falco)
  79. Light
  81. Yes, Hassan had the right idea. Hendrix happy about that, and as Atticus now comes back toting some Mithril shards, and chunks as opposed to the heavy Iron he had requested earlier. Taking one of the tinier ones, he holds it out before Hassan- "You're right, Hassan. Light is better, but there is also durability to worry about!"
  83. Were it too light, it might be too weak; to handle the surges, and flow of mana, or otherwise the damage Basile might have to deal with. Such a thing were dangerous, and while her comofrt should be considered above anything- practical defense was very key.
  85. "It is for my friend, Basile. Aunt Marciel is helping me make it, and drew the pictures for me-" Reaching over to grab the blueprints; letting Hassan take a look at them himself. He didn't expect him to understand, but all the same- looking at it would give a better idea.
  87. The insect-like carapace; sectioned, and there multiple parts that imbedded at different points along the base of spine. The designs might look terrifying; pronged, and clearly dangerous if care was not taken when handling it, and the one being equipped with it properly.
  89. As he lets Hassan look these over, he shfits back to anvil again- the biggest piece of Mithril is placed there, and now officially: A hammer is drawn, from his hand there generates intensifying heat; coursing along the tool, moderated temperatures, and the effect of a 'coating' as opposed to igniting the hammer directly allows for no warping of it's surface.
  91. A trained eye looks at the Mithril. It's general rough cylinder shaping, and about a foot, and a half or so in length, while it's length could measure anywhere between four-to-seven inches.
  93. It needed work, to be whittled down, and forcibly shaped with precision.
  94. (Hendrix Este)
  95. Yay!
  97. He was right about it needing to be light, that filled the boy with elation. Hendrix went on to explain that light was indeed better, and that one had to worry about durability (he had no idea what that word meant but he would look it up later, or ask Atticus as he always did).
  99. Hendrix showed the young boy the blueprints, explaining that what he was making was drawn by Aunt Marciel! It seemed everyone was working together to create something amazing! He nodded his head upon looking at the blueprints mimicing what Hendrix did earlier, trying to appear 'cool' and 'calculating' even though he had no idea what he was looking at. Though the picture gave a much better idea than mere words.
  101. The insect-like carapice, sectioned with multiple parts imbedded at different points were indicated to be placed along the base of the spine. The design seemed pronged and a bit scary, it seemed alot of work indeed was going into this project.
  103. While he was examining the blueprints, Hendrix moved back to the anvil and his hand seemed to radiate a powerful heat, coursing along the tool. He had a trained look about him that signaled this was the start of his work, and the atmosphere became one of a blacksmith forging and creating.
  105. He was speechless, watching as Hendrix worked. He was a pirate and he could make things! Hendrix was way too cool!
  106. (Hassan Falco)
  107. The First Blow
  111. It could be the most important, or it could be nothing more than a inconsequential strike against an ore, or metal. What was it this time though? As he comes down upon the Mithril piece, free hand clamped down so that it would remain unsettled; handled bare-handed this time - neglecting the protection gloves, which might pain a bad picture in Hassan's mind!
  113. At it's slightly angled edge, he strikes the side of it -- flames correspond; light ushering forth, and for a moment, mana is released. With that release there was greater force- contained until the very last moment of impactl explosive, yet still within check, Hendrix sets out with the intent of 'blowing' away the unneccesary pieces of the Mithril.
  115. Rotating about, he does this a few times over. Focused only on that particular pointed end for now; chunks stripped are easily made out as they fly off - violet does not shift, he does not regard Hassan for a moment. Not that he was forgotten, no- the rough, and general work was for the Este, while the more intricate inlay, and shaping would be something handled together.
  117. Blow after blow, each corresponding raising in it's intensity of heat, his grip on the hammer fastened, and sweat correlates in the palm of hand there.
  118. (Hendrix Este)
  119. The First Blow was made!
  121. The boy could only watch in amazement, each strike against the mithril piece was made with such force sparks flew. Yet Hendrix handled it not with gloves but bare hands in order to keep the piece in place. His eyes widened for a bit at this, the hammer had given off heat earlier?! Was Hendrix going to burn himself, he wanted to say something but the child was too afraid to distract his cousin during this crucial time.
  123. Hendrix struck the side, flames and light ushering forth, mana gushing outward released by the actions of the Este. Hassan clutched the blueprints in his fingers tightly, Hendrix was in a mode of sorts, it was like Atticus The Third when he saw him cooking. Concentration, determination, and eyes set forth on something in a skillful manner as to avoid any misshapes or mistakes, and if any were made to smooth them over in the most efficient manner possible.
  125. This was the work of someone with a trade, and someone with experience no doubt in their particular field. Chunks of mithril fell free, and the boy continued to gaze on completely entranced by the work. He was at a safe enough distance, where there was no danger minus the occasional sparks flying past him yet he wasn't scared. . . no he was to fascinated by what was happening to feel fear at this moment.
  126. (Hassan Falco)
  127. Second Strike
  131. Inching up with his hand, letting it rest at the middle of the Mithril now. The blows don't stop - over, and over; rapid, and each filled with intent. Mithril flying off in masses now; the end slimming, the body lengthening as peining method are put to use.
  133. With each strike on either side, it extends -- mithril easy to forge, now elongated, the base spinal portion of the future insect like implant was smoothing out already! For each magically inclined blow there was another goal there -- empowering it, a predetermined pool of energy inside of it for the sake of Basile.
  135. The Non-Magi seeking the power they wielded, and so he had set out to give it! Potentially unaware of the infecting properties of his own mana; corrupted, and shaped by Apostle, and constant worship - Lunar mana spills as he works. Entwined with his own, and in this moment of silent enjoyment- finding release.
  137. Turning Mithril over now, the heat at the hammer had died for the most part; mana erected in a thin veil instead is used. An aura of sorts there still; used to flatten this side. Seeking a smooth, and easily appliable surface for bone grafting.
  138. (Hendrix Este)
  139. Judas Hirano: I'm here to interupt this scene with a bit of white-text.
  140. Judas Hirano: Hello, Hendrix.
  141. Judas Hirano: I've brought you a gift.
  142. Judas Hirano: These magical little devices are called CONDOMS.
  143. Judas Hirano: A bit of advice as well. It's one thing to share igloo's with a man. It's another thing to snow inside of his home.
  144. Hendrix Este: Judas.
  145. Hendrix Este: Look.
  146. Hendrix Este: I /didn't/ know.
  147. Hassan Falco: <*stares back and forth not sure what is going on*>
  148. Hendrix Este: That was my first time.
  149. Hassan Falco: <*feels like de ja vu from a jerry springer show*>
  150. Hendrix Este: <Stops briefly obviously. not sitll hammering ayyyy>
  151. Judas Hirano: I'm not angry at you, Hendrix.
  152. Judas Hirano: And this...
  153. Judas Hirano: We're having the talk.
  154. Hendrix Este: <Takes condoms though...>
  155. Hendrix Este: I... Don't think I need that...
  156. Judas Hirano: About the Belial and the bees.
  157. Hendrix Este: What I do need though- Pause.
  158. Hendrix Este: Before that.
  159. Hendrix Este: My son.
  160. Judas Hirano: Yes.
  161. Judas Hirano: -Your- son.
  162. Hendrix Este: Exactly.
  163. Hendrix Este: I don't /want/ her involved.
  164. Hendrix Este: This means any mention, any attempt to mother him.
  165. Judas Hirano: I told her to give you the baby done with it.
  166. Hendrix Este: Oh!
  167. Hendrix Este: Well, she doesn't fucking listen.
  168. Judas Hirano: <*CRACKS KNUCKS*>
  169. Judas Hirano: Then I guess I'll have to make her listen.
  170. Hendrix Este: No.
  171. Hendrix Este: I want to talk to her.
  172. Hendrix Este: I thought I was clear.
  173. Judas Hirano: SO DID I.
  174. Hendrix Este: I wasn't-apparently.
  175. Hendrix Este: I don't want anything with her, and it was a... Mistake.
  176. Hendrix Este: It felt good, but still- I didn't expect a Son, and less than that, I didn't expect them to be kidnapped.
  177. Judas Hirano: What the fuck.
  178. Hendrix Este: That, and if Viola found out.
  179. Judas Hirano: Just don't hit her.
  180. Hendrix Este: Or Belial forbid, Ashura.
  181. Judas Hirano: That's my job.
  182. Hendrix Este: I can't promise you that.
  183. Hendrix Este: But I won't stab her.
  184. Hendrix Este: If that's what you mean.
  185. Judas Hirano: Refrain from stabbing her with your sword, or you dick.
  186. Judas Hirano: If she chooses to invade upon the childs life..
  187. Judas Hirano: Then I cannot protect her.
  188. Hendrix Este: Alright.
  189. Hendrix Este: ...Don't tell anyone it's mine.
  190. Hendrix Este: and when I say that, I mean actually /mine/.
  191. Hendrix Este: I will have rumors spread of me adopting a baby- that it is something I stole.
  192. Hendrix Este: But I do not need stories of what I did.
  193. Judas Hirano: As often as you steal people stealing a baby wouldn't be...
  194. Judas Hirano: That difficult to believe.
  195. Hendrix Este: Exactly.
  196. Hendrix Este: This is to salvage what /your/ wife did.
  197. Hendrix Este: And so I can still sleep with Viola.
  198. Judas Hirano: <*shrugs*> How you take care of your mistake is up to you.
  199. Hassan Falco: <*Listens to the awkward conversation but has no idea what or whom they are talking about*>
  200. Hendrix Este: <thanks Belial for adolsecence>
  201. Hendrix Este: Also.
  202. Hendrix Este: <Points at Leg.> This.
  203. Hendrix Este: I'm going to leave soon, to fix this.
  204. Judas Hirano: Good. You should do that.
  205. Judas Hirano: I'd fix it for you but I can't do everything.
  206. Judas Hirano: Well...
  207. Judas Hirano: <*holds up demon hand!*>
  208. Judas Hirano: Hm.
  209. Hendrix Este: I.. Why do you-- Nevvermind.
  210. Hassan Falco: <*looks at demon hand, wondering why it looks different than a normal one*>
  211. Judas Hirano: My flesh. Uh. Well.
  212. Judas Hirano: I'm pale.
  213. Hendrix Este: It's fine.
  214. Judas Hirano: My veins are black.
  215. Hendrix Este: I understand.
  216. Judas Hirano: My eyes are yellow and red.
  217. Judas Hirano: I have organs that are melded with...apostle gunk.
  218. Judas Hirano: Fun!
  219. Hassan Falco: <*hears the word apostle and remembers it being Belials servant from the bedtime stories Atticus tells him*>
  220. Judas Hirano: Apparently I'm the Pontiff of Belial now. So that's neat.
  221. Judas Hirano: When Marrowit is in me I can do that red sparkle thing.
  222. Judas Hirano: So that's probably why parts of me look less human.
  223. Judas Hirano: My dick still works-
  224. Judas Hirano: Anyways.
  225. Hendrix Este: That... Okay.
  226. Hendrix Este: I'm going to <Eyes mithril, slightly heated on anvil> Going to finish this..
  227. Hendrix Este: We can talk later. I'll set Nefertari straight.
  228. Judas Hirano: NEAT.
  229. Hendrix Este: <Back to forging!>
  230. The second strike was made, Hendrix let his hand rest in the middle of the mithril though his blows never abated. Rapid concussive motions, each filled with intent no doubt. Mithril was flying in masses, and the body was lenghtening slowly. It was a crafstman at work, and now the ore had become an elongated piece; the base for the spinal portion of insect-like implants.
  232. Hendrix was utterly focused, and from him came the same aura as the mana from that day. That euphoric feeling, though minimized not to the point that it drove one to madnenning rushes of exctasy. The mana spread in the workspace and no doubt infected the material he was crafting.
  234. Hassan watched eyes wide as the mithril was flipped over, the heat of the hammer had died by now. He seemed to be fixing up the piece rather neatly, and he could only stare in amazement. Hassans mouth hung agape, the shape had become so different under Hendrixs' skillful hands!
  235. (Hassan Falco)
  236. Back from Interruption, matters of family having cropped up.
  238. The Mithril had been left alone, and now urgent to return- Hassan there, the boy still holding onto his own little hammer! A glance cast his way, and in preparation for this part, he considers for a moment. . .
  240. "Would you like to try, Hassan?" Inviting. This was not to be as demanding for a first timer; the metal still flipped over, and the very simple act of 'flattening' was being used as a prepatory means for additions later one along with the aforementioned grafting prior to Judas' untimely arrival.
  242. With a flick of wrist, a mound of earth is erected- stepping stool for the young falco, should he not be able to reach the anvil from where he stood. "This part is easier, but still very important. I'll show you how to coat your hammer in mana- come here."
  244. Wielding mana, and the many benefits it had; cognitive practice in line for little Hassan now! A lesson he could always rely upon, and this a fun learning experience. Actively attempting while working out the kinks; basis of smithing applied to magic, and mana as well it seemed.
  246. And so the blows of his mana are stilled it seems as he awaits. His hand still there, and from it- the characterizations of heat are adopted; combined with lunar influence, the mithril piece is kept moldable through even the most normal of blows if Hassan could not work his will on networks of power as the Este could yet.
  247. (Hendrix Este)
  248. His eyes looked on in excitement, yes! He nodded his head profusely he wanted to give it a try indeed. He shuffled excitedly clutching the small hammer close, and moved sepping unto the mound of earth that had been erected by Hendrix.
  250. When Hendrix stated he would show him how to coat his hammer with mana he looked towards him. This was a learning experience for him both in control and the ways of the forge though both no doubt would come to ease with more experience. There was a large amount that he definitely wanted to try and he concentrated like Hendrix did prior. He smiled and held up the hammer high,
  252. He could do it too! He remembered the practice of magic he had done with his brother though at the time his dark magic was not something he was aware of. He struck down at the hammer both hands wrapped tightly around the tool as he struck at the Mithril.
  253. (Hassan Falco)
  254. Third blow!
  258. Delivered not by him, but Hassan! The boy imbuing his tool with magic expertly, albeit the appearance of aligned magic was something he noted. Such things bred characteristics, and like with his fire - it would influence how this turned out in the end when all was said, and done.
  260. "Tighten your grip. Pace yourself between each blow- do not forget to breathe." Healthy tips for the Falco, careful not to just order him, but instruct him as this was going on. His fingers creep along the surface of the Mithril; guiding Hassan to each new spot, and heat present to warp it still.
  262. "Thin the veil of magic on your hammer, Hassan. You want a small outline around the metal, not a bubble; it will dull the physical markings, and render this too magical." Physical trauma, and impressions were important!
  264. At one point he stops his movement of fingers, a third of the way down; super heated is that area for a moment. "Here. Strike as hard as you can to make a dent." This one of the grafting points where the mithrill would take to spine -- attaching to vertebrae, and latching itself there.
  265. (Hendrix Este)
  266. Bam!
  269. The blow was made by Hassan after he had imbued the small hammer with his own magic, though it was occultic and electric due to his lineage he was not yet aware of the finer details. More so that the mana flowed through him.
  271. Tighten your grip
  273. The boy clutched the hammer with as much strength as he could muster in his small body. Hendrix was not only guiding him but giving him advice as well for future reference.
  275. Pace yourself between each blow - do not forget to breathe
  277. He tried to slow down each time he struck down with the hammer appropriately. Taking deep calming breaths making sure that he was following Hendrixs' instructions. This was extremely hard! Much harder than Hendrix made it look and the boy broke out in a rather heavy sweat. He had to thin the viel of magic on his hammer? So thin like paper? Or a curtain?
  279. He was not positive but all of his attention was on breathing, pacing and hammering. He took a deep breath and attempted to thin the 'veil' of magic around his hammer. At first nothing then the mana wobbled and if one was key to seeing the more viable things they could see perhaps he had shaved off some of the mana around his hammer. Though he was no control magi expert as of yet.
  281. When Hendrix pointed at the spot to strike at he took a deep breath. The deepest yet and with both hands and as much strength as his little body could muster he struck hard to make a dent within the mithril. He wasn't one hundred percent sure of the process or the way it all worked but he was tired after that singular task!
  283. "That's hard!" he stated wiping the sweat from his brow.
  284. (Hassan Falco)
  285. Intermission
  289. Coming down with all of the force of a raging storm, the Falco in a way living up to his blood as he does so- concentrating, he saw that Hassan was, and said no more. His fingers there, present until the last moment where he retracts them completely.
  291. Hanging at the ends of Mithril, he keeps it level still-same as before- Hassan's attempt is an earnest, and honest one. Earning him right to be proud as with the distribution of occultic discharge- there is headway made!
  293. The Mithril was dented, impressively so. Not too warped that they would need to work the otherside, but not to shallow that there would need to be another strike. With the inclusion of dark energies, and electrical miracles; there was definitely some lingering there in the metal now.
  295. Forever changed, and charged with each of those elemental frces, there the perverse effect of lunar mana that would adapt, and adopt to them as it remains instilled as well.
  297. "You've done good, Hassan. I'm proud of you." Taking a moment now to pull away, and offer a hair-ruffle to the Falco-boy! Quite proud of him, and considering him his best blacksmithing partner yet!
  299. "If you were to keep this up, I might apprentice you even." A statement, or perhaps a promise. Hendrix in need fo a few extra hands, and times like these spent peacefully away from the problems of the world, of the permanents that he could not abandon... They were nice.
  301. "Now. We'll need to cool this piece- let it sit as we work on one of the smaller portions next." Grasping it now. He takes a few steps back from the anvil; underneath it there lying the actual forge, that made this place a 'forge.'
  303. Built into the Anvil, a small rectangular entrance for placing those items in need of cooling; ducts at the side for air to enter, and leave, and a hose of sorts that seemed to lead towards the water behind them for further cooling purposes if such were the case.
  305. Now, Hendrix had said cool, but he was placing it in a place that seemed to be heated! Despite the air circulation, and water pump; there was indeed heat originating from this place now.
  307. "Never cool it down all at once. The shape must be allowed to adjust, and harden." Sliding it in, a set of tongs having been grabbed hanging nearby to allow him to avoid any more burns on his hands at this point from past experiences.
  309. He looks to Hassan, informing him of what he was doing exactly. "Magical fire is a lot more harder to gauge than natural flames- My own from earlier are too hot, and so it's still impressionable. Cooling too quickly would break it, and so we have this to prevent that, Hassan." Natural flames kept ot the hottest degree possible for them, yet still within reason enough to allow time for the mithril spinal-piece to set itself.
  310. (Hendrix Este)
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