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Oct 5th, 2020
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  1. ghc-pkg list
  2. /usr/lib64/ghc-8.10.2/package.conf.d
  3. Cabal-
  4. HsYAML-
  5. QuickCheck-2.14.1
  6. StateVar-1.2
  7. X11-1.9.2
  8. X11-xft-0.3.1
  9. adjunctions-4.4
  10. aeson-
  11. alsa-core-
  12. alsa-mixer-0.3.0
  13. ansi-terminal-0.11
  14. ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9
  15. array-
  16. asn1-encoding-0.9.6
  17. asn1-parse-0.9.5
  18. asn1-types-0.3.4
  19. assoc-1.0.2
  20. async-2.2.2
  21. attoparsec-
  22. base-
  23. base-compat-0.11.1
  24. base-compat-batteries-0.11.1
  25. base-orphans-0.8.2
  26. basement-0.0.11
  27. bifunctors-5.5.7
  28. binary-
  29. blaze-builder-
  30. blaze-html-
  31. blaze-markup-
  32. bytestring-
  33. call-stack-0.2.0
  34. case-insensitive-
  35. cereal-
  36. clock-0.8
  37. cmdargs-0.10.20
  38. colour-2.3.5
  39. comonad-5.0.6
  40. conduit-
  41. conduit-extra-1.3.5
  42. connection-0.3.1
  43. constraints-0.12
  44. containers-
  45. contravariant-1.5.2
  46. cookie-0.4.5
  47. cryptonite-0.27
  48. data-default-
  49. data-default-class-
  50. data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1
  51. data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1
  52. data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1
  53. data-fix-0.3.0
  54. dbus-1.2.16
  55. deepseq-
  56. directory-
  57. distributive-0.6.2
  58. dlist-1.0
  59. enclosed-exceptions-1.0.3
  60. exceptions-0.10.4
  61. extensible-exceptions-
  62. extra-1.7.8
  63. filepath-
  64. free-5.1.3
  65. fsnotify-
  66. ghc-boot-8.10.2
  67. ghc-boot-th-8.10.2
  68. ghc-heap-8.10.2
  69. ghc-prim-0.6.1
  70. hashable-
  71. hinotify-0.4
  72. hourglass-0.2.12
  73. hpc-
  74. http-client-
  75. http-client-tls-
  76. http-conduit-
  77. http-types-0.12.3
  78. integer-gmp-
  79. integer-logarithms-1.0.3
  80. invariant-0.5.3
  81. kan-extensions-5.2
  82. lens-4.19.2
  83. libmpd-
  84. libyaml-0.1.2
  85. lifted-async-
  86. lifted-base-
  87. memory-0.15.0
  88. mime-types-
  89. monad-control-
  90. monad-loops-0.4.3
  91. mono-traversable-
  92. mtl-2.2.2
  93. netlink-
  94. network-
  95. network-uri-
  96. old-locale-
  97. old-time-
  98. optparse-applicative-
  99. parallel-
  100. parsec-
  101. parsec-numbers-0.1.0
  102. path-0.8.0
  103. path-io-1.6.0
  104. pem-0.2.4
  105. pretty-
  106. pretty-hex-1.1
  107. primitive-
  108. process-
  109. profunctors-5.5.2
  110. random-1.1
  111. reflection-2.1.6
  112. regex-base-
  113. regex-compat-
  114. regex-posix-
  115. regex-tdfa-
  116. resourcet-
  117. rts-1.0
  118. safe-0.3.19
  119. safe-exceptions-
  120. scientific-
  121. semigroupoids-5.3.4
  122. semigroups-0.19.1
  123. setlocale-
  124. shakespeare-2.0.25
  125. shelly-1.9.0
  126. socks-0.6.1
  127. split-
  128. splitmix-
  129. stm-
  130. streaming-commons-
  131. strict-0.4
  132. syb-0.7.1
  133. system-fileio-
  134. system-filepath-0.4.14
  135. tagged-0.8.6
  136. template-haskell-
  137. temporary-1.3
  138. terminfo-
  139. text-
  140. th-abstraction-
  141. th-lift-0.8.1
  142. these-
  143. time-1.9.3
  144. time-compat-1.9.3
  145. timezone-olson-0.2.0
  146. timezone-series-0.1.9
  147. tls-1.5.4
  148. transformers-
  149. transformers-base-
  150. transformers-compat-0.6.5
  151. type-equality-1
  152. typed-process-
  153. unix-
  154. unix-compat-0.5.2
  155. unliftio-0.2.13
  156. unliftio-core-
  157. unordered-containers-
  158. utf8-string-
  159. uuid-types-1.0.3
  160. vector-
  161. vector-algorithms-
  162. void-0.7.3
  163. x509-1.7.5
  164. x509-store-1.6.7
  165. x509-system-1.6.6
  166. x509-validation-1.6.11
  167. xml-conduit-
  168. xml-types-0.3.8
  169. xmobar-0.36
  170. xmonad-0.15
  171. xmonad-contrib-0.16
  172. yaml-
  173. zlib-
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