
Mind of Matter - Chapter 11

Oct 24th, 2012
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  1. You are Luna
  2. its been almost twenty minutes since Celestia begain the mind reading of Anon.
  3. Twenty minutes of distress, you couldn't dream what sort of things would be hidden in this humans mind.
  4. More-so, any thoughts he may have of your sister or...celestia forbid, even of you!
  5. What sort of thoughts could a creature of such fond kindness and dedication to another it views as a friend forge into a mind far more advanced than of almost made you quiver to think what things...naughty things...could be inside there.
  6. You shake your head as you trot in place behind the defense table, no permission from either side was given to approch Anon's bed while he had his mind studied.
  7. Blueblood of course was more than happy to keep his distance, what things Anon could do to him.
  8. Even with the gauntlets, it would be idiotic to even approach him, then again, seeing as how you unfastened them from their chains, little would be stopping Anon if Blueblood even bothered to try something.
  9. You can't help but grin a little as you pass an unchallenged look to Blueblood... HE didn't know that.
  10. You look back at Anon
  11. His head was upright, proud in stature despite being laid down upon a bed. His black hair slightly curly without his hat covering it, and the faint stubble upon his chin, more so along the center like a goatee.
  12. He certainly looked handsome with his eyes fixated on Celestia as she fixated on him.
  13. It felt almost romantic, if not somewhat unsettling to be sharing such deep mental connections with another, let alone of a different species.
  14. Part of you wishes to be in your sisters place... to share such a bonding was rare in this kingdom, but to do so not only with a creature such as Anon, but just seeing what he is capable of in thought...
  16. You tense up as you start to see a flicker in Celestia's eyes, her head slowly bobbing up and down before she raises her form, exhaling as she...blinks...breaking the enchantment.
  17. You can only smile as she seems to regain her composure...but you notice something about her.
  18. Was that...fear in her eyes?
  19. Then the whole room darkens and everything...even you..stop.
  21. You are Cermina.
  23. Freedom...
  25. You gaze up at the Princess through the eyes of your master, grinning...causing his mouth to smile.
  26. "Princess...." you whisper, your voice through him "do you tink its dat easy to escape me?"
  27. The whole room begins to whip into a frenzy of energy, darkening to shades of black, grey and white as you feel the wall of reality crumbling.
  28. Pressing your form forward like an edgar child to a present on their birthday...
  29. Or a hunter ready to pounce upon its prey.
  30. Tearing away the blockading fabric as your form materalizes straight from ANons eyes as you lunge through the gap, and rush right towards Celestia in a leaping flight.
  32. Wait...
  34. What is this?
  36. Something is wrong...
  38. You land before the princess, your talons ready as you her?
  39. "What?" was all you could say as you realize whats different.
  40. Why are you shorter....and why is your body suddenly smaller...
  41. "Sjot...." you whisper as Celestia blinks down at you, being only half her size now compared to the intimidating beast as before.
  42. "Well...." Celestia begins, recomposing with a smile "aren't you just adorable for a drake."
  43. "W-what? What trickery is dis?"
  44. You growl as Celestia chuckles, brining a forehoof to her maw "what have you done?" you hiss.
  45. "Nothing my dear Cermina, perhaps it was another power, but your form seems fitting for this world."
  46. "Does not comrade, dis is a childs form, not my true form of strenght and power!"
  47. "A childish exterior for a childish interior...I do think so."
  48. You grumble, lowering your claws, you know damn well that you don't have as much power here as dare not challenge Celestia here.
  49. "I do belive, miss cermina, that you still have a crime to answer for." Celestia begins, right to buisness as you hiss.
  50. "Hrrr...dat may be so, but I shall still defy that crime comrade."
  51. "Even here?" she replied "I don't belive you have any position in that matter, especially after your actions in your mental scape."
  52. Your tail twitches and you grimace.
  53. "However, being anons creature, I cannot simply charge you without his concent, especially seeing his actions were such beneficial to our Kingdom, I can allow you...the freedom to escape, but the consequences are yours to handle, you and ANon cannot escape the law forever, but, I trust you both to find a means to solve it."
  54. You blink, such...a gesture of gratitude by her majesty?
  55. A trap?
  56. No, it does not feel as such, her words are true.
  57. You can't help but grin "Dat is kind of you princess..but v'hy?"
  58. The princess smirks, eyeing her gaze at Blueblood then back to you "It was not I who instigated this trial, but rather the one you engaged in the castle proper, he must do so, I just wish to make it...difficult...for him to have his desires filled. His...temperment and distatse for your master is duly noted, and perhaps, being who I am, I cannot help but see how he may handle this."
  59. You blink, was she seriously allowing you to escape with Anon? Surely she was jesting...but that look in her eyes, serious in her words, no lie, nothing beyond the utmost truth held with strenght and compassion as she turned her gaze to Anon.
  60. "I may not be sure to trust you Completely Cermina, but you and Anon have done nothing to justify this... well...him anyway, in time, you must step forward to accept punishment, just...not now."
  61. You gaze around, the room still frozen in time from your breaking of reality as you smirk.
  62. "I shall be certain to keep it as...difficult as possible comrade."
  63. "Thats what I hope."
  65. Time slowly returned, for everyone in the courtroom, the sudden arrival of a creature such as Cermina standing before the Princess was enough to shock everyone.
  66. The guards, bewildered, instantly go for the Drakess, but she is fast, back flipping off the royal throne back to Anons side as the human's mind returns.
  67. 'w-what?' He mutters as you grip his wrist and yank him from the bed.
  68. "No time... we must go, now!"
  69. Anon blinks, but you don't let him hesitate as you yank him from the bed and begin to pull him from the room, smashing the door open as you hoof it from the court room.
  70. Blueblood was furious as you can see him barking at the royal guards...the Celestial princess in white, hiding that smile of delight as you leave the council chamber to the castle common.
  72. Back to Anon
  73. You swear its deja vu all over again as you're yanked from your bed and pulled down the hallway of the council chamber. Surprise gazes from all the ponies around centered on you and the drakes...Cermina...pulling you from your trial...under the shouts of Blueblood demanding your capture.
  74. Shit got real...real real.
  75. Cermina suddenly throws you from the chamber, rushing behind you as she stops, turns, and slams the door closed behind her, bracing herself against it.
  76. *Fwump*
  77. *Fwump*
  78. The noise of guards smashing into the door reverberated from the other side as Cermina chuckles, hurring with delight as her tail whips about.
  79. "Dat wont hold for long comrade, get dressed." She tossed the rucksack before you, sliding it to your legs as you blink, eye the child form of Cermina for a moment as she braces the door, slamming the wooden stopper down, looking back at you.
  80. "DO not dally comrade, we must move from her at v'once!"
  81. she barked her order, and you don't hesitate to follow it, whipping off the smock, donning your proper garbs ala Rarity, the vest, your phone, which Luna had kept safe...and something else, a scroll, sealed with a wax emblem of the royal guard.
  82. You want to open it, but the sudden banging against the door tells you the guards aren't too happy.
  83. Tucking the scroll back into the sack and lugging it over your shoulder, you pat Cermian on hers.
  84. 'Lets go!'
  85. She nods, slamming the door back and rushing forward, passing you as she led the way, guiding you down the hallway, passing surprised coucil-ponies and guards alike as you storm down hallways.
  86. "Seize them! They must not escape!" barked Blueblood from somewhere behind you as Cermina hissed.
  87. "He should have been slain."
  88. You look crossly at her as you run by her, keeping pace 'nothing would have been accomplished.' you reply as you turn another corner, rushing down the main hallway to the exit. The massive double doors of the main gate lay before you as Cermina speeds up.
  89. "Hurrrah!" she shouts as she charges the doors, breaking right through them as they blow open to the courtyard, the sun shinning brightly as your eyes adjust to the midday light.
  90. Already you can see Pegasus guards veering down towards you as Cermia grins, talons at the ready for a fight.
  91. " have company." she began to say, her tail lashing behind her as she waited for the first guard to fly just a bit too close before she leaped, and boy did she leap.
  92. Taking the guard by the neck-plates of his armour, she dragged him right down to earth, hissing as she readies her talons.
  93. 'Cermina!' you bark 'No killing, we don't need blood on our hands...well..talons...understand?'
  94. Cermina hisses, looking at you, then down to the guard before smashing a fist across his head, knocking hard into the steel armour and causing him to black out.
  95. "Fine..." Cermina muttered, eying up at the other guards as they kept their distance both in surprise and perhaps even fear.
  96. "I will make sure none die by talons of fire." she turned back to you as you smirks 'Thanks..' you reply as she huffs.
  97. "If we are cornered and caught, I blame you." she smirked
  98. 'Thanks for the vote of confidence.' you retort as she looks down at one of the statues of a guard nearby and with a smirk, walks over and yanks the metal spear one held, snapping the blade end off and handing you the staff.
  99. "Den do favor and watch back, not need guards flanking comrade."
  100. Cermina leads you from the castle grounds, hissing at the guards desperately trying to get close, but between the human with the staff and the drakess, they hesitate, especially considering the actions of Anon, they still saw him as a 'friend' of the guard, but could not dare get close without the drakess pulling them down.
  102. You both hoof-it from the castle, shouts of guards yelling at citizen ponies to move away as they keep track of you through the busy streets. Oddly enough, the deja vu kicks in again, taking the same path you took before, leaving the castle from the center bridge as you rush into the market district, causing the guards to veer off.
  103. "We must get off main street!" Cermina hissed as she shoved aside ponies left and right, leading you south towards the city exit as you keep the staff close, pressing tight to the Drakess flank as she leads you towards a small building, leaping atop it, but turning and lowering herself to help you up onto the roofs.
  104. Deja vu times three.
  105. Fuck...this could end the same damn way as before...
  106. You and Cermina start leaping rooftops, taking the high ground as more guards start to converge, they were getting bolder.
  107. Much bolder.
  108. Cermina takes down one as you wave off two of them from the rear, again, not causing any serious injury as she knocks out a second...and then a third one as your staff clocks a fourth in the helm, causing him to spiral and crash onto the roof.
  109. "Dey seem persistent." Cermina mutters as they back off again before taking the chance to throw one guard at another and then jumped over a gap between the roofs.
  110. You step back, following suit, breaking into a run as you leap, fly...and just miss it, grabbing onto the edge as Cermina doubles back, reaching down quickly for you but just missing your hands as you fall into a pile of cardboard boxes.
  111. "Sjot, comrade!" she barks as three guards converge on her. She nails one, but the other two slam into her.
  112. She recoils, falling from the roof just where you landed.
  113. "Great...dis is not good." she whispered as you helped her up.
  114. "you okay?" she asks
  115. 'Yeah...nothing broken...s'ept my pride.'
  116. "Was too big a jump?"
  117. 'didn't count for the rucksacks weight.'
  118. "Ah...v'ell, we still can make it." she smirked, tugging you through the backstreets now as the guards keep flying over, unable to find you between the narrow streets of the city's back alleys as she keeps leading you south, the main gate exit you saw from flying in, perhaps it won't be as guarded as the rest? DOubt need an alternative.
  120. You break from the city common into one of the parks, its large opening made you stand out clear as day, but the Guards seemed more intent on searching the city.
  121. Five minutes tops till they notice?
  122. You don't care as you and Cermina take cover under a big tree.
  123. "We must leave now, dis getting too hot." she says, pointing at the gate where several guards are flying around it.
  124. 'there goes escape plan A...'
  125. "You have plan B?"
  126. you pause 'I'm working on it...'
  127. "Sjot..." Cermina sighs as she eyes the lower end of the bark, just west of the gate to spot a waterfall trunging water down to a massive river below.
  128. "Comrade...ever high dive before?"
  129. 'What?'
  130. She points to the falls.
  131. 'Your kidding right?'
  132. "Only v'ay" she shrugs "dat or any option C you may have..."
  133. You sigh 'Fine, better than nothing, but what about you, aren't you ill to water?'
  134. "I will manage...tis not as though it attacks me." she grinned, "I' vill do v'hat I can for comrade, dat mean jumping into river den I shall."
  135. You smirk and nod as you both get up and make your way to the fall, not too far from your current location as you hug any tree cover you can get, but the closer you got, the sparser the cover got in return.
  136. You exhale as you catch a glint of white fur in the distance, eyes up as you see...Celestia herself...flying towards you.
  137. Tapping Cermina on the shoulder, you point it out as she hisses.
  138. "We move, double quick." she kneels down before you, smirking "piggy back, get on now."
  139. You bink...was she serious?
  140. Could she even lift you?
  141. You sigh, no time to argue as you ease onto her back.
  142. She only grinned as she started lifting you slightly as she began to leap through the park.
  143. She kept you close to her back by gripping your thighs against her flanks, leaping and running towards the falls, even with you on her back she was still fast, and hella strong.
  144. Her last leap lands you into the river rushing towards the falls.
  145. Cermina nearly trips up against the smooth limestone lining the river bed as you hold tight, almost gripping your hands against her...chest...area.
  146. "COmrade..." she mutters her voice somewhat...allured "we do not fraternize with our kin in arms..." she smirked as you blink, easing your hands off her before she kneels and eases you from her back.
  147. Just as Celestia lands behind you.
  148. "Anon...Cermina..." she began as Cermina hissed, stepping between you and her, nudging you back towards the falls as you take a few steps.
  149. 'Celestia...' you reply, taking a tight hold of the rucksack as you eye her.
  150. "Here we are again...the stage is set ANon, little can change what will happen, but I ask you ,surrender yourselves, and you shall not be harmed."
  151. "V'e do not plan to, v'e are done v'ith trials and rules."
  152. "Oh, is that what you believe?" Celestia remarks, trotting forward.
  153. SHe was bold.
  154. Cermina steps back a bit.
  155. "I cannot allow actions of assaulting royalty to stand, now, with you refusing to abide by the laws and scriptures we present your transgression shall only broaden."
  156. 'Then let it, we cannot help the blind.'
  157. Celestia looks at you, you can see a shot of regret, but its hidden quickly by stern disapproval.
  158. "If you do not wish to surrender quietly, then you leave me little choice."
  159. Her horn starts radiating as its brilliance charges.
  160. At the same time, Cermina's claws begin to glow as she growls, tail lashing the water.
  161. Celestia rears, and with a triumphant whine she slams her hooves down, firing her beam from her horn as Cermia lashes her claws forward, catching it in a vortex of fire.
  162. She starts backing up, digging her talons into the limestone as she was being pushed back by the overwhelming strength of the princess.
  163. " not over..." Cermina grunts digging her talons as her claws cast a vibrant glow of their own, brilliance instantly as she suddenly slashes her claws apart using the princess own magic to create a wall of pure fire, dancing just above the water as Cermina hisses, turning to you.
  164. "GO NOW!" she barked as you turn with her, rushing down the last leg of the river...and leaping with your drake right off the edge into the river below.
  167. "Auntie dear, did you get them?" BlueBlood asks, landing in his chariot just behind Celestia pausing to see the wall of fire there, and the perpetrators no where to be seen.
  168. "I see...they have eluded you, or has your neglegence to your duties swayed with your...affection...for the human."
  169. Blueblood sneers as Celestia huffs, stamping her foot.
  170. "He...had nothing to do with your injuries, his dragon kin did, she refused to remain, but she was strong...stronger than expected."
  171. Blueblood doesn't waver, his eyes fixate on Celestia, seeking any weakness in her story, but they ring true and he is forced to ease his gaze.
  172. "Then they have escaped, and we must find them...I shall speak to the council of this, soon we shall have him, and harbor both those criminals shall be wrought with force...auntie dear, I think its time you let me handle this." He smirked a wicked smirk as he returned to his chariot and rode off to the castle.
  173. Celestia remained, easing over to the egde to gaze down, hoping that Anon and Cermina were capable.
  174. "Be strong." she whispered as she took off to the castle.
  175. --
  176. The fall was harder then you thought as the water came up much too quickly for you to prepare.
  177. That or you were out of practice.
  178. No Olympic diver in your blood.
  179. You were lucky you didn't belly-flop.
  180. Hitting the water as a dive straight and true, head first, arms above your head like a bullet.
  181. You struck deep down, going several feet below before turning upright and swimming a few meters below the surface, holding your breath as you suddenly breach the surface, exhaling and inhaling deeply as you look about.
  182. No one followed, that's good.
  183. You eye the shoreline nearby, it wasn't that far to the nearest spot of low land that you could beach yourself on.
  184. Which led to a rather important question.
  185. Where was Cermina?
  186. You whip yourself around to see if you can see her.
  187. Nothing above the surface.
  188. Shit.
  189. You dive down underwater again, swimming about.
  190. Getting tired, have to find her.
  191. You swim around underwater for several minutes, no sign of her.
  192. Super Shit.
  193. Inhaling again, you dive back down.
  194. You can imagine she either smashed herself on the cliff-side last minute because of being a chicken, or she drowned, whichever was worse you really hoped were just thoughts.
  195. Which were abruptly paused as you feel a pair of claws grip you.
  196. Dragging you deeper into the water.
  197. Face to face with a very frighten Cermina.
  198. Either by some other-worldy force or some super secret training technique, she brings you right close to her and latches her maw to your mouth.
  199. You get a rush of warmth as her breath heats your body.
  200. Soothing almost, if it wasn't for the fact she was keeping you under.
  201. Then her weight collapses onto you.
  202. Its not much, oddly enough, but you can feel it.
  203. Did she...
  204. Yeah, she was unconscious, gripped by fear or perhaps the realization that she wasn't sure which way was up.
  205. You hopped the former, it would seem pretty stupid to find her only a few meters or so from the surface without knowing.
  206. But that was just thoughts, and it was best you help her, she doesn't seem the type to give you air before fainting.
  207. You turn her around, letting her back rest to your front, arms under hers, wrapping up to her head as you swim up, breaching the surface with her.
  208. You exhaled, and inhale, taking your time to get your bearings as you lay Cerminas body atop the surface, keeping her head straight in a proper spinal maneuver, body straight and head resting on your shoulder as you whip kick to the shore.
  210. "Son of a..." You exclaim as you drag Cermina up the shore, she weight less than nothing in the water.
  211. Whole other story on land as you drag her through the sand up to the soft grass of the wood nearby and propped her against a tree.
  212. Shivering, you begin scrounging for wood and rocks, finding both around the wood and along other parts of the shore near the mountains you were close to.
  213. The woods themselves seemed to spread around these mountain bases, being to sheer to actually root like the Rockies or something back home.
  214. Unusual, but, nothing to dwell on as you make your way back to the site, creating a makeshift fire-pit with sand and rocks before snapping the twigs and braces and dumping them in the pit.
  215. You sigh, no lighter or matches on you as you look over at Cermina.
  216. You had propped her up against te tree, she was still alive just unconscious.
  217. Remembering that her talons could create fire, you grab one of her claws, taking two of the digits and striking the claws together like flint and tinder.
  218. *clink* *clink*
  219. C'mon...
  220. **
  221. You..
  222. *click*
  223. Stupid
  224. *click*
  225. Peice of...
  226. *snap!*
  227. *Fwoosh*
  228. The talons light up instantly, spraying a shower of sparks onto the wood you collected, catching instantly as you suddely feel the claw draw away as Cermina eyes you.
  229. You look away..
  230. 'sorry about th-'
  231. She grabs you by your scuff of your shirt and pulls you into a kiss.
  232. "Shh.." She whispered, parting as she smirked "you save Cermina, I am grateful, dat is something I honour as your friend...and hope to repay."
  233. 'Hehe...well..' you blush a bit 'It what I do.'
  234. She hurrs in delight before sitting upright and eyeing your rutsack not too far off. "Have you checked dat?" she asked pointing to it.
  235. You shake your head.
  236. 'Aside from getting my clothing, I think its full of important items, but I haven't checked.'
  237. Cermina grins, easing up and walking over, collecting the satchel and plopping it on your lap.
  238. "Den we check." she grinned, sitting across from you as you look through the contents.
  239. First out came a bundle of scrolls, a quill, and an ink bottle.
  240. "Charming, dey expect you to write to dem what?"
  241. 'Maybe Luna would want me to write it for her, but how would I?' Your eye catches another bottle, only this one is filled with what looks like green...sand.
  242. 'Any idea?' You ask, tossing it to Cermina who looks at the contents, opening the top to sniff it.
  243. "Smells like sand..." she hurred, taking a speck and licking it, with a rather...unsettled expression.
  244. "Bleh, taste like heavy salt."
  245. 'Hang on...' you notice a note beneath it as you read it.
  246. >ร‚non...if you are reading this, then I fear what my sister and I may do now cannot help you return to the peace you once hand. I had made this satchel for you as a means to provide for yourself.<
  247. 'How sweet.'
  248. "Seems Princess Luna had been more tuned den v'e first thought."
  249. >Within this bag you shall find scrolls, quill and ink to write to us, as you may have noticed, there are no easy means of sending it. The green sand inside you bag is messenger sparkles, its the same substance dragons under the jurisdiction of Princess Celestia can use with their breath to send letters to her. I had done the same with this batch, though they will send directly to me, reliving tensions on my sister.<
  250. "So...dis must be it...but how?"
  251. 'Maybe you eat it?'
  252. Cermina makes a face "Do not joke, tastes disgusting."
  253. You chuckle, continuing to read.
  254. >Simply sprinkle this all over the scroll you wish to send, then toss it into a flame, the flame shall turn green and send the letter to me.<
  255. 'Makes sense.'
  256. "Better den eating..."
  257. >Additionally, I have included a map of our realm, Equestria, and a compass of directing to guide you to any location you seek.<
  258. You draw out the golden compass, embroidered with royal insignia on the back and its face depicting the time of day.
  259. "Smart." Cermina hurrs, eying it.
  260. >One thousand bits have been placed inside your purse as well, should you require the currency.<
  261. "Thousand bits?"
  262. 'sounds like a lot of money.'
  263. "Hah, perhaps, pay back Rarity for attire?"
  264. You chuckle, but realized that you should head back to Ponyville... the ponies may be worried about you, seeing its been a full day since you left as the sun slowly settled over the hilltops.
  265. Night soon...
  266. Luna may be out, hopefully you can get a message to her.
  267. >I hope that your kindness and skill can help you in these coming times. Truly thy has set himself above and beyond his species, and I trully hope we can solve this.
  268. Your Night Time Maiden
  269. Princess Luna<
  270. You pull out a quill, scroll and a bottle of ink as you set to writing your letter.
  271. Keep it simple, you're alive, in hiding, hoping to return to Ponyville soon and figure this out with your friends there, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow and Fluttershy.
  272. Together, perhaps you can figure all this out...and Cermina?
  273. Cermina is Cermina, she's going to make sure no one dies.
  274. After finishing and signing the letter you turn to Cermina.
  275. 'Ready to try this out?'
  276. Cermina hurred "Dah, should be good."
  277. She tosses back the jar as you take a few pinches of the sand and sprinkle the letter with it, looking over at the fire you bite your lip...and toss it in.
  278. The fire flares up, turning green as the letter is burned, carrying itself off in a green mist to where ever it was destined to.
  279. "Now, ve head to Ponyville?"
  280. You nod, looking at the Compass, already its arrow was pointing North, but another seemed to point in another direction...towards Ponyville.
  281. "Very smart.."
  283. You are Twilight Sparkle
  284. And you feel very...very..concerned.
  285. A letter had come from Princess Celestia.
  286. It had went on about how Anon was absolutely paramount in the trial, winning the case hooves down for Luna, and bringing out a sorry spittle to Prince Bluelood.
  287. It was comforting, but its second part brought...unsettling news.
  288. Anon was now being tired for attempted Assault on Prince Bluelood.
  289. Oh it was terrible.
  290. The letter ending saying Anons trial was tonight, and the verdict would be settled then, but such a time she was hoping to spend indulging with Anons brain, why did she have to take him.
  291. "oh, such a bothersome feeling Spike, the sheer unknown respect of finding knowledge..."
  292. "Yeah, I can see how much you care."
  293. The purple and green dragon was holding a pink gem, studying it attentively before eating it down.
  294. "Augh, you don't fully understand, not like Anon would, he's so wise and strong..."
  295. Spike rolled his eyes, easing off his stump on the bookshelf, easing into a stretch before going towards the door.
  296. "Well, whenever he's needed in Canterlot for must be rather urgent...perhaps it's already been dealt with.
  297. You humm, it made sense, "Princess Celestia always knew the best."
  298. You smile, turning as Spike opened the door, his sudden expression in pure quizzicalness as another drake stood at the door.
  299. "Move...Dosha..."
  301. You are Anon.
  302. You move slowly through the wilderness, tight behind Cermina, compass in claw as you hugged the map.
  303. "Well, dis is useful..."
  304. 'ill say...' You watch the map, enchanted with a small glowing orbs of two green dots tracking your progress.
  305. The magical pop-outs helped too.
  306. You gaze up, seeing Cermina's form, slightly towering your shadow as she held the compass in her left hand.
  307. She suddenly paused, raising her right talon, fisting it before she took a knee.
  308. "Company"
  309. 'what?'
  310. "Several forms... no weapons, i smell no steel among them, but they are not harmless, they are predatory: sense blood and fang."
  311. You get down.
  312. 'Great, are they coming this way?'
  313. "No, they cross path, no wind."
  314. 'then what now?'
  315. "Wait...let them pass, you cannot defend."
  316. You fidget, she was right, you wanted to be able to pop em one if a fight broke out but you didn't have anything to do so.
  317. Cermina hurred, easing into a calmed defense.
  318. "we let them go, they mean not to harm unless we stray."
  319. You sigh, finally sitting down slowly, pulling the bag over and easing the map back into place.
  320. 'I guess we got some time then, eh?'
  321. "Perhaps, catch breath, how far from Ponyville are we?"
  322. You sigh, blanking as you pull the map back out and opening it.
  323. Gazing at the dots, you can see a few paths back to Ponyville, the closest was a tight climb atop a cliff to get to a pleatue.
  324. The middle was wide, but it was made of a good portion of water with a pond within, crossable, but narrow.
  325. The furthest path took you back to a dirt road, the trail chariots and carts make along to both places; it was theclosest civilized point this far out.
  326. "The second path is only a few kilometers away, i'd say another half to full 'our till we get there."
  327. Cerminha hurred
  328. "keep map out, easier den fishing."
  329. You nod, slipping the map under your arm as you both move on.
  330. "dose creatures still prowl ahead, wind is at our front so we can smell dem, but dey cannot smell us."
  331. 'That's assuring.'
  332. Cermina chuckled, but her humor is cut short as she suddenly pauses.
  333. Raising her head, she sniffs the air, and lets out a soft hiss.
  334. 'Whats wrong?'
  335. "Wind changed... do not smell beast anymore. Sjot...wind is at our backs."
  336. 'And that means?'
  337. "Dey smell us... and dey approach."
  338. You get down with Cermina, you have no idea what exactly is coming, but you can't help but feel at odds; you cannot defend yourself.
  339. "Climb tree, get out of sight."
  340. 'Whatabout you?'
  341. Cermina huffs "I can take v'hatever dey may throw, but you cannot...go hide so dey only sense me."
  342. You don't want to, but do you really have a choice?
  343. No claws, no tough hide, not even a weapon.
  344. Cermina was a living one, she could handle herself.
  345. 'I don't like abandoning my comrades.'
  346. Cermina hurred "Nor do I, but you, as you are now, liability. Cannot risk your injury here, no help for you."
  347. It feels almost...childish to have to resort to hiding in a fight, but what could you really argue against with a drake who was willing to protect you against the odds.
  348. You owed her a drink...a big one.
  349. With a nod, you begin to clamber up the nearest tree, finding its branches strong enough to support you as you settle on the second tier of the foliage from the trunk.
  350. For a moment you rest there, seeing Cermina below you, senses fixated on this approaching threat.
  351. Well beyond you capabilities of a human being.
  352. Can't help but feel envious how cool she is.
  353. You hear rustling, Cermina turning fully to see whatever may be approaching, guard up as a pair of spindly legs emerged from the brush.
  354. Then several more.
  355. Pulling the ugliest spider like creature you have ever seen.
  356. God...gage reflex strength!
  357. SPiders, why did it have to be SPIDERS!?
  358. Cermina didn't hesitate to attack it, hissing as she lunged at the small creep, instantly pouncing and slamming talons deep into its abdomen, slicing clear through as the creature clicked, slowly collapsing to the floor, its legs sprawled as Cermina rips her talons from its corpse.
  359. " dat all?"
  360. More clicking as the entire bush around them began to rustle.
  361. Spiders EVERYWERE!
  362. You grip the branch tightly as you watch them swarm from the wilderness, overtaking Cermina almost instantly under a massive mound of legs and bodies. Occasionally one would die from a claw striking through its gut, only to be covered up by three more.
  363. You wonder if they are actually biting her.
  364. Her scales are probably tough enough to resist.
  365. That however...didn't help you as the spiders noticed.
  366. They started to climb.
  367. Oh shit.
  368. You HAte spiders...
  369. You start climbing higher as this sudden swarm begins to acend the tree.
  370. Dear god why...Why did you deserve this?
  371. You make it to the topmost branch, only to see just a pile of spiders below yhou, all of them covering atop Cermina.
  372. You sigh...leap of faith time.
  373. You jump, crashing down atop the mound of spiders, scattering the furry buggers all over, squishing the one you landed on with a shrill cry in its death throws.
  374. You see Cermina laying there.
  375. 'Shit...' you whisper aloud, seeing several bites along her inner neck, weaker and exposed sections of scales as you grab her, arms slinging under hers as you start pulling her away.
  376. The spiders don't like that.
  377. They come after you, spitting you both with webbing as you struggle.
  378. More and more.
  379. Till everything is covered.
  380. You're stuck in place, unable to move as you see them crawling all over you, carrying you and Cermina off from your spot and across the forest floor.
  382. An hour passed, perhaps more as the sun began to crest over the mountain beyond and dusk slowly began to approach.
  383. The spiders seemed in high spirits, enthusiastic chirps and clicks as they lead you towards a cave
  384. Towards a cave.
  385. Figured.
  386. Mommy must be waiting for her brood.
  387. You can't imagine how big a spider mum might be to have spider children around the size of your chest.
  388. You watch them draw you into the cave.
  389. Cermina still out cold beside you as you suddenly go vertical, upside down as you're stuck to the ceiling which is covered in webs.
  390. The spiders soon part, assured you were tightly secured as the room went quiet.
  391. The air is still, no scent you could pick up as you try to free youself.
  392. Had you flexed your muscles, you may have been able to loosen the webbing, but pulling Cermina had put you at a disadvantage position towards being captured.
  393. fuck that
  394. no one gets left behind.
  395. "Ugh..." Cermina mutters as she stirs, trying to move her arm as its held in place "Sjot...feel like branding iron smacked face."
  396. 'If your in pain, that's the least of your worries, I think we're about to feed those things mum.'
  397. "Mum? Den..we are?"
  398. 'in the nest.'
  399. "Sjot...shoulda flamed dem all down."
  400. 'and risk burning the forest '
  401. Cermina grumbles to herself, obvious of how true your answer was>
  402. "Well, prefer Hero's death on field of battle..."
  403. 'I would too, this is just pathetic....'
  404. You hear distinct clicking noises of a dozen or so mandibles clicking together as you gulp.
  405. Cermina shows little in the way of fear, but you can...start to smell burning wool like someone's shirt was on fire...
  406. was she?
  407. Good girl...damn good.
  408. However, no time to celebrate as you see a wave of the spider things emerging all around you. Glowing red eyes fixated on you both as they came close, but dare not step on the webbing you were tied to.
  409. It was almost as if they were afraid...
  410. and with good reason to.
  411. You feel a tug on the webbing, something very heavy moved as Cermina begins to hiss.
  412. "mum...approches." she whispers, claws still singing but not fast nor hot enough to break the webbing.
  413. Was it made of diamonds or something?
  414. You huff, suddenly feeling something behind you as you turn your head to see a
  415. Massive
  416. Furry
  417. Spider.
  418. It seemed to hiss as its the prospect of such fine flesh.
  419. Its forelegs go for you first, seeing the struggling Cermina and finding your sheer fear of it almost intoxicating.
  420. You gulp again, lifted from the web as it began to draw you close to its maw.
  421. "Anon!" Cermina cried as she dug her claws in deep to the web.
  423. "Stop right there!" Came a cute, yet highly serious squeak from below as you look down.
  424. There, on the cave floor is the smallest yellow Pegasus with the longest mane you've ever seen.
  425. Fact is, its the only little Pegasus you've ever seen, eying it attentively with a half hearten scare in your expression.
  426. Then you remember.
  427. That was Fluttershy!
  428. She looked so small from up here, especially considering 'ma'ma' wasn't too happy having uninvited guests for lunch.
  429. She began to spiral down towards Fluttershy, landing just in front of the little mare who seemed to be showing no fear at all.
  430. Strange considering who she was.
  431. "You weren't going to eat poor Anon were you?" she asked in her soft, cute voice "because...uhm...hes a friend and friends don't let other friends get eaten so, could you please...uhm...let him go."
  432. Mama spider simply hissed, mandibles drawing out.
  433. "oh..well...o-okay, if thats what you sorry if... i must do this."
  434. "Heeeyhaaah!" the little Pegasus moved instantly, slamming a hoof right into the spiders mouth before flashing over to the side and grabbing two of its legs, gripping them and quickly flipping the spider onto its back side.
  435. It squealed as Fluttershy lept up and landed right on its center point, trotting rather firmly over to its head.
  436. "Now...will you let them go, or do I need to round two this?"
  437. The spider wheezed, crumpling her legs close and almost...nodding.
  438. "pleeaaaasssee don't hiiiit meee again."
  439. Fluttershy smiled, stroking a mandible "I promise I wont, and I'm terribly sorry for doing it, but..." She turned to Anon and smild "he is a friend, and friends don't let other friends get eaten. Maybe you could find something else to feed your babies, I know a big swarm of pest bugs flew in not far from here, you can eat those."
  440. Mom seemed complaisant, but being below Fluttershy, she sighed, clicking and kissing at her kids to fetch the two.
  441. You were brought down quickly, the thread torn away and spooled up in balls as you're placed right beside Fluttershy.
  442. "Thank you...if...i may ask, will you need that spool of thread? My friend Rarity just loves using your silk."
  443. The spider paused, but was more than willing to get rid of used resources as they all eased away back into the darkness, leaving the two spools before you.
  444. You blink, looking at Fluttershy just smile and ease close.
  445. "Hello Anon, its...good to...see you again." She eyed up at you.
  446. Oh gawd so cuuute.
  447. You want to hug bad.
  448. "Geeze, its you i got to thank for saving both me and Cermina from that."
  449. Fluttershy nods, but blinks, turning to see the drake standing beside her, easing close to look at the slighntly smaller mare.
  450. "'re a Yong dragon too hrmm? Oh have you met Spike, he's an adorable little baby dragon and im sure you two would get along fine."
  451. Cermina huffed " not tink..." she paused, seeing the almost empathetic gaze of Fluttershy and sighed "yah...might be good idea."
  453. You huff, feeling rather light headed as you suddenly lean forward, you feel a turning in your gut as you go to your knees.
  454. "comrade Anon?" Cermina mutters as she watches you suddenly exhale...and collapse to the floor.
  456. Cerminha rests you down onto a rather concerned and semi reluctant Twilight Sparkle's bed, easing you straight on your back as the purple mare watches over you. Fluttershy had left to get the others, leaving the pony, two dragons, and the human alone to figure out what happened.
  457. "What do you think it is?" Twilight said, placing a warm compress on your forehead as Cermina sighed.
  458. "Maybe its something from the Everfree...a curse of poison joke?"
  459. Cermina shook her head, trying to say something as Twilight continued.
  460. "Or maybe its Hoof and Mouth, always a problem but could it ever get this severe, let alone caught by a species not indigenous?"
  461. Twilight doubled back, easing over to shelf of books and grabbing one here and one there, skimming and dropping it when nothing of use was found.
  462. Back and forth, looking at Anon, then to the books.
  463. "Maybe its mad pony disease, sympons do include fainting..."
  464. She ran off again.
  465. "Or Sleeping Mane? Prolonged unconsciousness... no, he doesn't have a mane....hrmmm." she turned from Anon, turning back before planting both hooves on either side of the bed and sticking her nose right into your sleep face.
  466. " it?" She said...and though she wanted to rush back to her books and look for more, something...almost magical kept her there.
  467. She had never seen Anon asleep like this before, he was...calm, serene, almost at peace as Twilight gazed down at him, feeling the unusual sense of comfort from this human.
  468. "He is malnourished, and suffering dehydration comrade..." Cermina mutters, head down, eyes close over by Anons feet.
  469. "How do you know?" Twilight whispers, easing off the bed.
  470. " somewhat familiar with him, he and I had met in Canterlot, and seeing as he and I escaped togeder, i know dat he had not ate or drank during dat time. Not even sure if he consumed nutrients at all before den, what v'ith all the nonsense about the city involving him."
  471. Twilight approached Cermina, she hadn't had a chance to study this one, but clearly seeing her similarity to Spike, she must be a dragon native to Equestria, at least, for Cerminas sake, was all she concerned herself with before sighing.
  472. "Well, what do you suggest we do then Miss...?"
  473. "Cermina..."
  474. "Cermina...what do you suggest?"
  475. The drakess was going to speak, but the sudden boom of a door being thrown open and the clatter of hooves along the stairs as the other ponies, Applejack led the way with Rainbow close behind, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity led the back as they all crowded into the room.
  476. Neither Cermina nor Twilight could really expect such a sudden rush of bodies into the already cramped room.
  477. "Oh poor Anon, such a dreadful situation he has led himself into?" Rarity always the first to begin the conversation.
  478. "He looks like a mess, something musta really took him out..." Rainbow muttered "I mean, serves him right, probably bothered the wrong pony..."
  479. Applejack nudges Rainboe hard
  480. "Now dat aint right ta say it was his fault sugah cube."
  481. "Den whose was it?" Rainbow demanded, going face to face with Aj.
  482. "Was not his, was mine."
  483. All the ponies turned to Cermina.
  484. "" Rarity begins "I must admit I never had seen a dragon so...elegant." she began as she studied the now present dragon that...everypony seemed to have missed.
  485. "Whoa, didnt think 'ere be another one of em dragon folk here...ya'll aint a cousin of Spike or sumtin?"
  486. Cermina eyed Aj, then the little dragon who still seemed rather spell-bound by the dragons presence.
  487. "No, he no blood kin of mine, but..tank you on compliment."
  488. "She certainly talks funny..."
  489. Rainbow mutters flying close "What do you mean it was your fault then?"
  490. Cermina was about to explain before a shrill eeep sounded from behind her and Pinky had landed herself right atop Rainbow "Hey, new friend, new friend, oh wow, and a dragon too! I should get the Borsch and Vodka ready as soon as possible."
  491. "What...?" Cermina asks blinking
  492. "Duh, you're Russian right?"
  493. Cermina doesn't answer as everyone stares at Pinkie.
  494. "WHat...its ture?" She persists.
  495. "Whats a "Russin?" Rainbow muttered as Cermina coughed.
  496. "To answer rainbow pony question, Anon had gotten into trouble in Canterlot with Royalty...and due to dat royalty being rather...influential...ended poorly for his odds."
  497. Everypony froze, silent, too shocked for words.
  498. "You can't mean Celestia? oh dear me please say it wasn't her." Twilight stammers, trotting in place.
  499. "It v'asnt her."
  500. "Oh thank Celestia."
  501. "Hold On!" Rainbow interrupted, now free from Pinkies pin as she flew up to Cermias face.
  502. The drakess bore her fangs.
  503. "How do we know she's not some secret agent working against Celestia, dragons have no reason to bother with pony matters "
  504. "Actually Rainbow...dragons fact, a few reside in Canterlot for politic-"
  505. "Argh...alright, fine."
  506. Rainbow looked at Cermina.
  507. "So if your not an agent, how did you meet Anon..."
  508. "And how did you know what happened?" Twilight chirped in, making everyone turn to Cermina.
  509. In truth, Cermian didn't want to say anyhthing; telling how she was freed when Celestia read Anons mind certainly would cause a lot of concern, especially with the Purple one. They were smart these ponies...but naive, she wanted to keep that as that.
  510. "I was working in Castle as envoy to dragon kin, I came from fire lands to see Canterlot. I met Anon when he v'as venturing city, was nice time...but....when things went bad...I helped him escape."
  511. The ponies were in utter suprise, what sort of thing happend there?
  512. "I do not know exact details.!" Cermina said, looking to the upper right " v'as not good, and royalty v'as involved blaming Anon for crime."
  513. Twilight looked concerned "Well...if it wasn't Celestia, and knowing it was definitly not Luna...who else cou-"
  514. "HEY!" Spike shouts, having gotten to the window of the upper floor "Royal guards are landing in the center of town!"
  515. "Well...dere you may find answer." Cermina mutters as Rarity trots over.
  516. "oh my...royalty here...oh and me without my saddle bag of attire." She begins to fix up her mane a bit as she looked out the window.
  517. "Well...lets be good guests and go welcome them."
  518. Every pony nodded and trotted out quickly, leaving the two dragons and the Human as perplexed, if not relived, behind.
  520. "You have..."
  521. ""
  522. ""
  523. ""
  524. "Kidding me!"
  525. All six mares were shocked by who the royal envoy was to arrive.
  526. The moment that white coated, blond maine Unicorn Stallion with the half-hearted curl along the front trotted from the chariot, all six of them held their disgust.
  527. It wasn't a suprise to tell it was none other than Prince BlueBlood himself, escorted by several armour cladded guardponies, each one expressionless behind full-clad helms.
  528. "Fillies and Gentlecolts of Ponyville." he began, stepping atop a pair of his own guards to raise his stature, glancing over the ever growing crowd surrounding him.
  529. A smile crept along his face as his eyes catch the mane six near the end of the group, and he cleared his throat to continue.
  530. "As you may or may not know, a new creature has made its apperance in our great land of Equestria. Some of you may have already met him, befriended even, others have gone upon sight, and some simply words. I however, have born true witness to this creatures.... darker side."
  531. Blueblood looked about, eyeing the crowd of suprised and rather confused faces, the mane six however showed no such change, he just smiled wider.
  532. "We, the royalty of this great land had granted this creature. this...Anon..." his words held a hidden spite to them "a chance to witness the means of our ruling and hospitality as a guest to our humble abode. Clearly though, this human as he is called, had other plans on his table. When kindness and generosity were given, he only sought hate and anger in return, and had done about such a disregard for such things only royalty could give. Whats more, his vile hand sought no friendship, but harm and fear as he had set upon me when I opened my hooves to him in kind."
  533. There were odd murmurs through the crowd, despite what Blueblood was saying, many ponies had no real idea how...snake like...this prince was. Only the mane six held no change in their expression, easily seeing past the lie BlueBlood was weaving.
  534. He didn't seem to mind as he chuckled, catching their disgusted expressions from the corner of his eye.
  535. "If you feel that what I say may not be easy to believe, that you may have met this Anon or befriended him, then let me add that he even sought his own plans against that of your dear Princess Celestia!"
  536. A shock rippled through the crowd, even Twilight had started to show some concern.
  537. "Princess Celestia?" she whispered, her friends looking at her with worried stares as `Blueblood smirked, seeing their wall slowly start to crack.
  538. "Upon coming to my aid, Celestia herself had been engaged by the ruthless beast that was Anon, and despite her valiant efforts, had nearly fell to the strength this creature hid behind his almost...frail...demeanor. Had I not regain my own strength, Anon surely would have bested the Princess and ended her rule and protection of her loyal subjects."
  539. Shock....suprise, even downright appaulment now shifted through the crowd as they muttered amongst themselves, still hard to belive that the 'savior of Twilight Sparkle' had turned such a dark hand to their ruler and guardian.
  540. Expressions of anger now filtered through the crowd.
  541. "Now....perhaps many of you wonder why I come here, it is simply a matter of tracking this criminal down; his actions against my Auntie and myself cannot go unpunished, and prior to his trial of justice, he had fled our grasp, and sought refuge in the one place he knows. As it stands, by royal decree, my guards and I hearby sentence Ponyville and its subjects to Marshal law as we seek out this perpetrator to the throne.
  542. Those who provide aid shall be rewarded, while those who cower and hide this criminal shall be punished to the utmost degree. Comply, and we shall be done swiftly and without incident, I assure beast such as Anon shall escape the royal hoof that protects you."
  543. His guards instantly took flight, patrolling the skies like hawks for prey as many others began to search through shops and houses, leaving everyone somewhat frightened, none able to stand against the intimidating armoured stallions that now searched their homes.
  544. Twilight and the others simply remained at the rear of the crowd, their expressions broken, shocked even by what Bluelood said.
  545. " can't be true...can it?" Twilight mutters as Aj trots forward.
  546. "Sugh, Ah wouldn't trust Bluebloods word fer a secon, ya'll know he's just a bad seed."
  547. Twilight turned to Aj "But what if its true? Anon did look pretty banged up."
  548. "The...spiders did capture him..." Fluttershy squeaked "But...i don't think they would ever do something like that."
  549. Twilight looks back at Blueblood as he fixed his mane, smirking as she started trotting towards them. The mane six all blink in surprise as the royal stallion approaches.
  550. "Twilight Sparkle, so good to see you again, and I see your friends are all here....lovely....did you enjoy my speech."
  551. "A crock full of lies was it not BlueBlood, surely not every pony here can believe that rubbish." Rarity retorted as the Stallion turned to her
  552. "My dear...sweet...Rarity, why must you continue to elude my charm, surley a...lady...of your standards realizess it insult royalty."
  553. Rarity huffed, looking away.
  554. "Hey, back off!" Rainbow barked as she flew between them "we got your speech, we just aint seen Anon since he left!"
  555. "Oh, really now?" Blueblood asked, eyeing the pegasus
  556. "Yeah, just us boring old Ponies, no humans here...maybe he got captured by griffons or...or eaten by a spider."
  557. "I...don't think a... spider would do that." Fluttershy muttered as BlueBlood looked at her then back to Rainbow "funny, i doubt even he wouldn't be worth anything to the griffons, let alone meat for their flock of savages."
  558. Rainbow hesitated, she wanted to sock him so bad, but Aj yanked her tail "C'mon suga cube, yah said ya'd help me harvet taday, lets get it started, leave this here prince ta his duties."
  559. The two mares left, eyeing Twilight with concern as they did, Aj pulling Rainbow by the tail as she was dragged along, sticking her tongue out at Blueblood as he huffed, turning back to Twilighnt.
  560. "I do hope you will cooperate with me on this Twilight Sparkle, you mentor certainly would not be pleased if you refuse, I merely seek my Auntie and her rule, and finding the one who had an attempt at her life is of the utmost importance."
  561. He sneered, for a moment Twilight was shocked, too shocked for words.
  562. "Oh, come now Sir Blood, can't you see she is traumatized?" Rarity insisted, easing Twilight away from the stallion "Anon had been such a wonderful friend to her, to say that he has done such dreadful things to her teacher is simple purposterious, why I have it in my mind to ask for proof of such acts."
  563. "Proof? You seek proof from the mouth of royalty?" he chuckled, almost menicingly as he coughed, fixing his mane slightly, easing his magic over a scroll from his breast pocket.
  564. "Normally I would have you taken for insolence against royal rule, but as seeing as you are my aunties pet-favoriets, i have no reach on you, but, you cannot go against the rule of the `Canterlot Court.'
  565. He flipped the scroll open, both Rarity and Twilight blinked as they read aloud.
  566. "By royal decree of the Canterlot Court, the individual known as 'Anon' is sentence for arrest under charge for assault towards royal bodies, disturbing peace and serenity of the Canterlot proper, defiling public property, and avoiding trial prosecution. It is hearby decided that the bearer of this document' signed by BlueBlood's name 'is given complete authority in tracking, locating and apprehending this criminal of the court and the royal commune. Full legal right in the jurisdiction of Canterlot and neighboring locations are under control of the document bearer and all assets shall be granted in concluding this crime."
  567. Both Twilight and Rarity say nothing as Blueblood rolls the scroll up and puts it away. "As you can see, the majority of those in Canterlot see it justifiable to bring Anon in for his crimes, and with full authority given to me, it would be utmost unwise to refuse me to my duties."
  569. Cermina looked out the window towards the town square where the ponies were dealing with that royal envoy. The drakess didn't really wish to partake in those shenanigans, but her tuned eyes were capable of seeing the ponies they had to call 'friends'. Her horns vibrated slightly as a pang of resentment towards the Prince rippled through her body as he shifted that paper before the mares, almost waggling it about like a prized trophy.
  570. She felt sick.
  571. She should have done much worse to him when she had... but...
  572. Her eyes cast over to Anon.
  573. He would not have faired any better had she done so.
  574. The prince obviously was quiet pleased with himself, his motions and perhaps even his 'proud posture' represented a beast quite fit in their position, and the sheer fact that whatever reasons behind his arrival were certainly in his favor.
  575. Cermina growled, digging a claw into the wooden frame of the window as Blueblood wrapped up his speech, taking leave of his guards to approach the ponies.
  576. Words were spoke, and to Cermina, it seemed that this prince certainly was no pushover in arguments, easily riling up the rainbow pony who was quicly pulled off by the orange one; fiesty, Cermina admired that as she watched the duo leave towards the library and hoof back inside.
  577. "What was that for?" voices echoed from downstairs
  578. "Fer yah own good, aint gonna help anypony if ya'll get arrested."
  579. The orange one certainly had a good head, would be useful later as Cermina turns back to the window to watch as she saw Bluebloods expression shift from his calm, almost superior deminior to that of a sick, twisted brute.
  580. He trotted close to each mare, barking at them, eyeing each one as he huffed, turning his head up as he quickly about face, casting one more glance at the four before he went on his way.
  581. After he spoke, the four ponies slowly turned, allowing Cermina to see each one...and their expression of pain and flustered angst were easy to see.
  583. "This can't be happening, oh such a horrible feeling to be locked down by such a dreadful stallion...and to think I once though so...highly of him."
  584. "Seems you need a better taste in suitors."
  585. Rarity crinkled her nose, glancing at a smirking Rainbow as she trotted over.
  586. "Now is not the time for antics Rainbow dear, this situation is much to grave for any sort of tom-foolary."
  587. "Tom-foolary? Another one of your suitors?"
  588. Rarity huffed, edging closer to Rainbow "if you have a problem with MY Choice in Stallions, I would have you know that I always look for superiority, not uncouth ruffians like you may enjoy."
  589. "Hey, I have just as good taste in stallions as you do."
  590. "Oh really?"
  591. "Girls!"
  592. Twilight shouted, she had recomposed herself after their discussion with Blueblood, the group was obviously on edge.
  593. "I know we're all on edge for this, but we...we can't start getting mad at one another." Twiight was still frazzled by what Blueblood had said, her expression was somewhat depressed, but she kept trying to fight it "we can still solve this, there has to be something we can do."
  594. "Ah think we best start worryin bout Anon, whats stoppin Blueblood from knockin down yer door and takin him away?"
  595. Twilight sighs "I think he wants to avoid dealing with Celestia, and any form of...encroaching on her student.... certainly would not bode well for Blueblood, no matter the relationship they had as family."
  596. Celestia of course certainly wasn't too happy with him either, and their relationship already quiet strained with whatever dealings Anon had done in Canterlot.
  597. "Well, anon certainly earned mah trust, ah'd lose mah ow hoof before ah turned him in."
  598. Applejack said, confident in her choice.
  599. "It would be the last thing any lady like pony would do, turn in sweet Anon to such a dreadful fate to await him." Rarity added.
  600. "I double double that notion!" Pinkie shouted "he won't even geet touched by Blueblood."
  601. "Well...uhm...I may not know him... all that well, but uh...he isn't a bad creature, he doesn't deserve anything that...P-Prince Blueblood would do."
  602. Twilight smiled as all eyes turned to Rainbow Dash "What...?"
  603. she asked "Its not like I'd want him to be taken away too yah know, i mean c'mon, who else is there I haven't shown my awesomeness too?"
  604. All six smiled at eachother, giggling as they group hugged.
  605. "Then its settled, we won't abandon annon to BlueBlood, do we go about keeping him from being found?"
  606. "Perhaps I can help comrades."
  608. The drakess stood at the top of the stairs, her eyes alight at each of the main six as she hurred.
  609. "Tis good you not betray comrade Anon, would not like having to destroy you."
  610. The ponies all gulp in a rather uneasy manner s Rainblow flies right up to her.
  611. "oh yeah? Well you don't lo-"
  612. Cermina was fast, and her patienhce even faster as she nailed Rainbow into the wall.
  613. "Do not test me, I can easily destroy anypony foolish enough to wish to face me. You are comrade Anon's friend, I see no fight against you, but it is unv'ise to push luck."
  614. She yanks her claw away and growls, letting Rainbow sink to the stairs before she turns to the others.
  615. "Anypony else?"
  616. The others shake there head.
  617. "Good, den let us move to task at hand yah? I v'ish to help you v'ith anon."
  618. The ponies blink, Rainbow, nothing really hurt but her pride, flutters back to the others as they look at one another.
  619. "W-well...she...did help...Anon..." Fluttershy meeped as Twilight nods "Of course she did, there is no question in that...I just wonder..."
  620. "Wonder what sugha cube?" Aj asked.
  621. "If her past...well...if what she said was ture."
  622. "It is v'ise of you to question dat Twilight v'as it?"
  623. "Y-yes..."
  624. "I agree, v'hen i am unsure of new companion, I just as uneasy, but i Ask dat you trust me. I care for Anon more den any of you, and I v'ill tell you all vhen he is v'ell. However, v'e must deal v'ith what matters now, dat is keeping Anon from Blueblood."
  625. "Well duhh." Rainbow replied "I mean no one wants to deal with the prince, but how do we hide him?"
  626. Cermina hurred, closing her eyes as she rubbed her lower jaw.
  627. "Perhapss dere is...a vay, but all help is needed from you to achieve dis." She looked at eachn one, slowly decending the stairs as she stood before them.
  628. "Tryst me v'ith will not be steered v'ong."
  629. The mares glance at eachother, deep looks of fous from each before they all looked at twilight.
  630. "We'll help, on one condition."
  631. "Vus dat?" Cermina asked, her horns vibrating.
  632. "No one gets hurt.." Twilight asked "and that includes BlueBloods guards."
  633. Cermina growls, huffing for a bit as she nods "Very v'ell, no harm to dose who trouble us."
  634. A knock suddenly came from the door. The ponies all blinkecd as Cermina hissed, horns vibrating as she began to step back up the stairs towards Anons room.
  635. "W-what is it?" Twilight asked as she looked at the door.
  636. Cermina looked at Twilight, then the door with a sour expression.
  637. "The prince...has arrived."
  639. "Ah Twilight, sorry to...drop in." Blueblood snickered, easing inside as two huge guards push their way inside.
  640. Everyone backed away as Blueblood looked about the place, seeing nothing that caught his attention, let alone the uncelestial amount of books.
  641. "Ah...your highness..." Twilight stuttered
  642. "Tut need for formalities Twilight, we're "
  643. Everyone looked at Blueblood in disgust.
  644. "oh, has a nerve been struck? Wonderful, all the more reason for you to listen."
  645. He turned to everyone, his expression almost lifeless, cold and unremousing.
  646. "You will herby be the number one witness for Anon's sake, as what we know of him, he had established himself with you in several ways." he looks at Applejack, that sneer expression almost terrifying as an eye glanced down at her.
  647. "You gave him employment, unregistered and unrelated to any creature in known existence."
  648. "We'll yeah, he wus kind enugh te take the work, s'pecially in the late time of day."
  649. Blueblood paused, turning away from AJ, easing his sight to Twilight, who seemed to jump in place as that serious, almost hateful glare turned to her.
  651. "Twilight Sparkle, student of my Auntie Princess Celestia and noted as one of the most talented magical unicorns in Canterlot. I am had taken such a liking to this...hooman."
  652. "Its pronounced...Hu-man" Twilight said
  653. Blueblood grumbled, glaring at her as Twilight meeped "Human...yes...and you had taken the time to study him correct, as what you tend to pride yourself on and being the only librarian of this village."
  654. "Y-yes...I did have a chance to ask Anon a few questions....but."
  655. "But?"
  656. Twilight huffed "He tends to not enjoy being catalouged, he was rather...foreceful on that notion."
  657. "Ohho!" Blueblood sneered "and what did he do?"
  658. "Well.." Twilight began "He ran away from me first, I caught him, then he took me to the ground didn't hurt much, he checked me over to make sure I was okay and then we cloud gazed for hours..." she smiled "it wasn't bad at all, such kindness in him." Twilight seemed to flutter at the thought "He is very wise, and though what he may say can be...silly...his merits are good and his wisdom is much ap-"
  659. "That will be all Twilight...thank you."
  660. "uhm...yes sir..."
  661. Blueblood huffed, he wasn't getting anywere as he looke over at a rather...calm looking...Pinkie pie.
  662. "Well then, as curdiousy regards this little village is famouse for, you, Pinkie Pie, are registered as a 'one-pony welcoming committee' [= and as dictated, you tend to meet every newpony to the Ponyville proper." he paused, looking at her, not seeing the 'usual' insanity she had witness before, not present in her returned expression.
  663. 'That is correct, as I pride myself on being the element of laugher for the six harmonies, it is only fitting that i bring smiles to everypony's faces.'
  664. Blueblood simply looked at Pinkie Pie, not what he'd expected to hear, and in such a...calm...deminor as he huffed.
  665. "I...see... then you must have been around to introduce Anon to Ponyville."
  666. 'Yes, that is correct, he wasn't easy to find, but he was found eventually.'
  667. "And where did you find him?"
  668. Pinkie smiles 'The Everfree, duh, it wasn't like he waltzed into Ponyville and started expecting something, he was rather shy about it.'
  669. Blueblood grumbled, not what he wanted to hear, especially since the Everfree was massive in size.
  670. It'd be hard to find him there.
  671. "Very well...moving on." he said, not finding anything really else as he could ask her, if she had met him, then she certainly didn't have a clue where he was now.
  672. Finally, he turned to Rarity.
  673. "Well...Rarity, it certainly seems you are one of the other few who must be willing to acknowlegde your part in aiding anon."
  674. "I...beg your pardon?" |Rarity asked, rather confused with the question.
  675. "Do you think I do not know such fine cratfsponyship when I see it? Oh dear me Rarity did you not think after seeing your galliant displays at the gala that even I could forget your work? Why...Anon himself was brandished in no finer garms than that oif you, such Rarity, your tender sticthing and perfection in design." he smirked, sneeing a bit "as well as being one of the most generoius and skille ponies in fashion, it was obvious you had designed such a work... a shame." he said, trotting around her now "That your work now suits a criminal and vagrant."
  676. "Well I never!" |Rarity stampered "Is it wrong to help a creature, an ambassador of his species, to fit his proper garments when HE himself had been summoned by Celestia for council reasons, is it not fitting to have him donned in the utmost of beauty and perfection to establish his species as a whole?"
  677. Blueblood huffed "Indeed M'lady Rarity, it is, but you do realize that even the court wishes to have his head, and considering the attire was made by you..."
  678. " wouldn't dare."
  679. "Oh rarity..." Blueblood said, waving his mane back and forth, smiling that sick smile "I would be more than happy to explain that the attire a criminal has been wearing, one that had assualted royalty, even went against Celestia herself was wearing fashion that YOU had made for him...if word should get out..."
  680. He began to chuckle menically "you would never be able to set foot into Canterlot again...."
  681. Rarity was stone silent, she was both shocked and outraged, a radiant blush of anger went across her cheeks.
  682. "You little...spinless..."
  683. He clapped his hooves as the guards took his side
  684. "You were saying? Dear me Rarity, how unlady like of you, I merely am stating a fact, one that, you obviousoly couldn't have forseen, but shame that...circumstances...have put you in such a place." he smirked, easing closer to her.
  685. "I could...however, sweep that under a rug, and let it fall into nothingness, letting your fashion remains ecured and fitting for any pony willing to show their true..colours. I can make sure your skills are well known and more imporetsantly, that they know you as Rarity, fashion artist of the century!"
  686. "How...k0kind of you..." Rarity muttered, rather disgusted, but hiding it.
  687. "I know...kindess is something I value, and you are somepony I wish to have...come with me, let me take you from this, everything would be perfect, you could live the life you wanted, desgining the BEST canterlot would offer to the WORLD! All of Equestria would know your name, you just...have to be my special somepony..."
  688. He pressed closer to Rarity.
  689. "I..." she began, easing back
  690. "Yes..?" Blueblood asked
  691. "I cannot accept that..." she said, looking away "I cannot allow you to see someone so....vile when he has done such good...perhaps we are unsure WHAT he had done with the Princess, but he is Anon, and knowing him, he probably had good reason to do so, perhaps so much that even the Princess, such a lady as herself, would kindly forgive him."
  692. Blueblood sneered, a sneer that showed the uttermost detest in his eyes as he turned.
  693. "Remeber...Rarity...I always get what I seek, and if you will not choose to be mine, then I will...make certain, you, all of you...will be living in torment until this human is found...."
  694. He swept his head forward and tortted out, lkeaving the mane six both shocked, and appauled as Rarity crumbled to the floor once BluebLood left.
  695. "What...can we do...oh Celestia...what can we do?" Rarity sniffled, trying to hold back tears as Cermina left Anons room, sighing as she walked down to the main floor.
  696. "D'ere is something v'e can do...but as I said...v'ill you trust me?"
  697. They all turn to her, nodding.
  698. "Yes....we'll do anything to keep Anon from that horrid beast of a stallion!" Rarity barked as the others nodded "Yeah" "we won't let em!" "all fer one gals!"
  699. Twilight smiled "So...Cermina...what did you have in mind?"
  701. As Blueblood and his guards began their 'lawful control' of Ponyville, Cermian and the mane six had made sure to make it as difficult as possible for him to have any hint at finding Anon. No amount of pursuation or even bartering would allow any of the ponies ti give up Anons location.
  702. Blueblood of courese was more than happy to respond in kind.
  703. When Anon was still hold up in Twilights Library, blueblood had begun searching the rest of ponyville.
  704. Since the prince couldn't pin the evidence the mane six had anything to do with Anon at this point, there was little he could really do towards them, so he spent the first day inspecting everywhere else in Ponyville, checking unsuspecting ponies homes, searching through shops of the market, checking carts and chariots that came and went with the utmost degree of percision, and in some sense lunacy to detail. All the while Anon slept, unconcious, unmoving, and seren.
  705. It was almost intoxicating to the mane six, Twilight especially as she had 'first guard' of Anon, and spent quite a deal of time over him, despite Cermina's dissaproval of her interest.
  706. As night fell and Blueblood wrapped up his daily search, he made his way, guards and all, back 'home', which was the Ponyville Hotel.
  707. Part of Cermina's plan was to keep Anon moving, which wasn't an easy ttask when guards are all oover the place. It was almost good forune that Blueblood demanded all guards to protect hiss quarters at the hotel...which he book the entirety of.
  708. So, with a few black slick suits, grease, and some help from AJ's big brother Big Machentosh, the ponies were able to ease Anon onto a make-shift bed and hauled him out of the Library.
  709. Anon spent the next night hidden in the alchove of the barn, the same place he had hid the first time.
  711. Everything went well, up until the following morning when Blueblood began a more 'thorough' search, starting with the place that had employed the services of this human upon his arrival.
  713. "Greetings good Apple Jack." Blueblood said the following morning, the prince fresh from his slumber and two large armoured pegasi guards at his flank as the Apples were busy with their harvest.
  714. "Ah...ahem...honor ta have yah come ta our farm Prince Blueblood, what can we for for yeh?"
  715. Blueblood huffed, magicking an apple from the basket, brushing it against his chest and then taking a bite.
  716. "Delicious as always...a grand treat you Apples can make."
  717. Aj just huffed, easing her saddle baskets down before easing them asside.
  718. "If ya'll here fer ANon, he aint...we been working double time cuz he aint comin round no more ta work nights."
  719. "Such a shame" Blueblood said with a false sympathetic voice "At least he hasn't tainted a crop."
  720. "Celestia forbid, ah dun think he'd ever want ta do that, not like him. Anon's a good soull, he be kind n'very helpful, and he was more en willin ta work times we couldn't, good folk if ya ask me."
  721. "Charming, I'm sure." Blueblood responded rolling his eyess as he signaled hhis guards to check aroound.
  722. They flew off insantly, swooping over the orchard and around the barn, going inside to ninsppect before returning with no fiindings.
  723. "Are yeh don sugh, we gots lotta work ra do."
  724. "Quiet so Miss Apple...nothing out of the ordinary, but...there may be some...issue with your currennt crop."
  725. "Ah issue?" AJ asked with a quizzical look "Whatcha alll mean?"
  726. "Well...its touched by a Criminal yes? That means it could be...contaminated, and thus, must be removed."
  727. He nodds, the guards suddenly swooping in, taking baskets in hand as they flew off with them, dumping them in the stream at the edge of the farm.
  728. "Yah darn tootin metal...beast!" Granny Smith shouted, creaking her way fromm the barn as Appleblooom gave chance "Granny!" she called.
  729. "This be all your fault Blueblood, why, back in ma day, Royalty left us workin folk alone."
  730. Blueblood simply laughed "Well, Im terribly sorry, but i am in charge of what goes oon here, and as soon as you give up Anon, we won't bother you any longer."
  731. No one spoke, Blueblood smirked.
  732. "Very well..." He nodded, his guards kept shufflin apples froom the barn out to thw River befoore nothing was left but a handful of baskets.
  733. "Well, it seems he's not here...very well, you may continue with you, meanial work...ta ta Apples...haha." He turned, leaving with his guards as he tossed the applecore aside, leaving a rather upset Apple family.
  734. "Ah hope you were right with this one sis..." Appleblood asks Aj.
  735. "Course she is!" Granny muttered, turning to her yougins "we made way when it wqas much ahrder fer us back in a day, and we aint gonna let a snobby ol' prince stop us now aint we?" Granny boasted, smiling as she watched the prince trot off. "Been through much harder scrapes, but this ere prince certainl aint one ta be pleased with us busy folk, would be mighty fine for Celestia ta give him Big ol whoopin for gumming up what we take pride in doin." Aj and Applebloom smile as Big Macintosh nods "E'yup."
  736. Granny turned, slowly making her way back to the barn.
  737. "Biggest ting ta remeber yougins is neva betray yer friends trust, Anon aint no villian, and he done us kind in helpin us, best we return ta favor, and make this here prince have as hard a time as possible ta get him." She chuckled to herself as she began to hum a tune, leaving the three children in rather high spirits.
  738. Aj smiled, looking down at Applebloom "We aint lettin Blueblood take Anon, we just gotta get back ta buckin and keep on workin, not let sum price pansy ruin our day!"
  739. Applebloom smiled "thats right!" and off to work then went, starting from square one.
  741. That night, as the group began to move Anon, Aj told Cermina of what happened.
  742. "I saw dat..." The drake said "Done good job comrade, v'as v'orried Blueblood sniff out Anon, but you kept strong."
  743. Aj chuckled "Was part help from Granny, she told us ta neva betray trust with friends, and Anon sure as shootin aint losin mine."
  744. Cermina grinned "Den we must be quick if searching comrade AppleJacks is start of Bluebloods plan."
  745. "Well, were do you propose we hide him?" Twilight asked as they trotted towards Ponyville.
  746. "V'e cannot send him to Rarity's..." Cermina muttered as the white mare gasped.
  747. "And why not? He'd be perfectly-"
  748. "Ah think cause he'd be searching your place next sugha cube, best ta not give Blueblood what he wants."
  749. Rarity huffed "Fine...then-"
  750. "Why not my place?" Pinkie spoke out "OOoo it'd be so much fun! We can have a secret slumber party and hide Anon there!"
  751. Cermina huffed "dat could v'ork, but be v'ary, Blueblood may try something."
  752. Pinkie smirked, an almost diabolical smirk "Oh don't worry, I have the perfect plan for dealing with him...Mwahaha!!!!"
  753. Everypony blinked
  754. "What? sheesh, just trying to be dramatic..."
  756. "Why Prince Blueblood, such a wonderful suprise to see you." Rarity began the following morning as Prince Blueblood stood at her door, flanked by two armoured pegasi knights, each one emotionless as Rarity just smiled.
  757. "To what do I owe such a grace of royal presence?"
  758. "Well, well Miss Rarity, I'm quiet suprised to see such a sudden change in attitude, yesterday you sought me as a swine, yet today you grace me as the royalty, I am intrigued."
  759. "Oh dear me, you must excuse those notions of mine, I had a dreadful night sleeping off the mere though of how unlady like I was to you, now now, I may not be to pleased with your guards sniffing about our quiet town, but a noble Prince has his duties yes? Much to my dismay, I certaiinly was uncoth with my attitude and decided to be proud of how efficent our royal guardians seek our well being."
  760. Blueblood blinked, he was obviously shocked as Rarity kept that beautiful smile. He chuckled, swaying his mane aside "Very well, it would be wrong of me to refuse such kindness...Guards, remain outsid, I shall handle this personally."
  761. Rarity let out a soft giggle, grabbing Bluebloods attention and both went inside.
  762. The two guards stood there for a moment, huffing as they about-face and stared back towards the town common.
  763. Unbenounced to them, they we're being watched.
  764. Cermina, perched on one of the roofs across from Raritys shop watched everything. "Shes good..." she muttered, keeping her eyes on the guards outside.
  766. Rarity led Blueblood inside, the ponyquins donned their galiant wares as the Stallion eyed them all, trying his best to find the wardrobe she may have used for `Anon, but seeing nothing of the sort in her designs. Of course Rarity noticed, but simply smiled.
  767. "Its an honour to have you in my humble abode dear Prince, I hope you will excuse me for my outburst yesterday, but to be such an lout towards a prince certqinly is...ill fitting for a lady such as I."
  768. Rarity said, batting her eyes as Blueblood turned to her.
  769. "I can agree Miss Rarity, it certainly was unfitting of you, but, I am more than willing to put that aside."
  770. "Ah how kind of you noble prince, trully you are a gentlecolt among Stallions."
  771. Blueblood rose his head high "Indeed, I pride myself for being a stallion so many can see as 'fitting'.
  772. Of course, Rarity had to swallow the spite in her mouth, keeping her expression charmed and almost...alluring.
  773. "Oh, where are my manners, may I offer you something to eat?" Rarity asked.
  774. Prince Blueblood hrmmed, the hotel had served wonderful waffles from Ottailwa from up North, laden with syrup and icing sugar, but perhaps having Rarity provide some of her own food from her coffers would be justifyable for her actions in the day past. He smiled at the thought "why yes, I am feeling a little peckish..."
  775. Rarity nodded "Ah, wonderful." She said, leading him into the kitchen as she went to the cuboard and pulled out the large bag of oats "Will oatmeal suffcve? I know it isn't much for such a esteemed memeber of the royal family, but we are rather short of food supplies, what with your inspections and all..."
  776. Blueblood huffed as he dusted the chair with his tail and sat. "I'm dreadfully sorry, but we must be vigilant in our search for the criminal..." he coughed, such common food unfitting, but if it was hers, then he felt a bit better eating it. "Oatmeal should suffice, a good food of the commonners."
  777. "Commers...the nerve..." Rarity muttered pouring a bowl for him, taking the utmost in care to prepare it as she had with ANon.
  778. She may detest Blueblood, but acting rational and indecent while he was within her home was not fitting for her, considering she didn't want him here.
  779. "Will fruit be alright?" She askedc magicking a few rasberries from a bowl.
  780. "AH, that would be splendid!" Blueblood replied "I do enjoy fresh fruit with my breakfast." Rarity huffed, rolling her eyes again as she shifted the bowl abit...and noticed Opel's medicin.
  781. She got an was dreadful stuff, but neccissary whenever Opel had a run-in with a cold or some other form of illness only a cat could get. The vet had been insistant not to injest it...not that it would harm anypony, but...would give quite an upset stomach.
  782. She smirked, easing her magic around the bottle as she dropped just a few...spoonfuls...into the mix, stirring it up real well to hide the rather baige looking liquid into the mix before she exhaled, and turned, that smile still held tight as she troted towards Blueblood.
  783. "Bon appetite." she said with a smile as Blueblood nodded "Very good...I shall enjoy this." he said with a grin as he started to...stuff his face...rather un gentlecotly. Rarity didn't mind, in fact, the quicker he ate, the harsher the medicin would be, plus perhaps the only means of getting even with this lout of a prince was to hit his stomach...metaphorically speaking.
  784. "A splendid dish for such a common meal." Blueblood said, dapping his muzzle with a napkin and easing it into the bowl "I can safely say that Anon is not here, and your generosity certainl exceendes you Rarity, I am quiet happy to have come know, ;y offer still stands." He rose an eyebrown "interested?"
  785. Rarity shook her head "As gentlecotly and wonderful you may be, my home is here, and my work and pride all come from being around my friends, it certainly would be nice to be known in Canterlot, but I wish to settle that matter personally."
  786. Blueblood huffed "Very well, I may not hold that offer forever..."
  787. Rarity just smiled "~We have long lives to live, we shall see."
  788. The prince huffed, bowing as he turned and trotted towards the door, pausing as he waited for Rarity to open it, which she did with that same smile.
  789. "A grand pleasure my prince, I do hope your day goes well."
  790. She opened the door for him as he smiled "Oh it shall, thank you kindly my de-" he paused, his tomach starting to churn a bit as a passing of gas made him blush a bit. "uhm..e-excuse me a bit..." He muttered.
  791. "Are you alright?" RArity asked.
  792. "Yes yes I'm..." another passing "oh my...must have eaten to...urp..quickly." and without a second word he rush off back to the hotel, leaving his guards in suprise as they went after, and a giggling as she closed the door behind her...a little victory for her.
  794. "We can't keep moving him all over." Rainbow dash complained that following night, the group already easing Anon from Pinkies place, carefully carrying him outside and to the center of town, furthest from the hotel as the six ponies and one drake ease down around him, checking the human, making sure he was doing okay. Pinkie had made certain to rig up some apple sauce into an IV she nabbed from the hospital, Twilight had gone about looking up remedies and other ideas to tend to his malnourishment and dehydration...which of course meant he needed food and he needed water.
  795. Simple enough.
  796. Feeding him was the hard part, they couldn't exactly ram food down his throat.
  797. Cermina thought of that to be suicidal for Anon.
  798. "It would choke him."
  799. The only means they could wait with the IV, feeding him liquid diets and water, but it was slow, and it was obvious Rainbow disliked slow.
  800. "C'mon, we can't keep moving him, this is insane!"
  801. "Rainbow, its best ta keep calm about it, Anon aint like anyother pony." Aj interjected "We can't just speed time up."
  802. "Yeah...well we can't just keep waiting either."
  803. "Enough" Twilight muttere "both of you are right, we can't keep waiting and moving, it won't do good..."
  804. "I have to agree comrade, BlueBlood will get more...determined....and he would continue to hound you all for anon's location, its best v'e find good spot to keep him for awhile."
  805. "Why not Cloudsdale?"
  806. Rainbow suggested, everyone looked at her.
  807. "Rainbow...that might just work!" Twilight said as Cermina hissed.
  808. "Dat is risky, moving Anon in air, not good choice."
  809. "Its one of the only few we have Cermina!" Rainbow complaiend "and I mean, its not like Blueblood has wings or anything, he'd have to take his chariot up, and we'd hear it a mile away!"
  810. "I do not think its wise..." Cermina retorted.
  811. "Then what do you suggest huh? Keep slogging Anon through the village, hiding him here and there, I mean, in Cloudsdale, its a lot harder for BlowBlood to find him, its a hUGE city."
  812. "But Anon cannot fly, how can we keep him atop clouds."
  813. The group paused, that was....a rather tricky thing to consider as they all looked at one another.
  814. "I know!" Twilight shouted "The walking-on-clouds" Spell I used during Rainbows airshow?"
  815. "Aye YEAH! I nearly forgot that!" Rainbow said, swatting her hooves togehter "Hah, see Cermina, we got this in the bag!"
  816. Cermina blinked.
  817. "V'hat bag...?"
  819. Cloudsdale was a city as it sounded.
  820. A city of clouds.
  821. Big puffy clouds shaped into buildings and bridge.
  822. All weather and rainbow control was stationed here, allowing the pegasis to do what they needed with it, and making their weather manipulation possible on a grand scalefor all of Ponyville.
  823. It was a nice city despite the fact it was entierly made of clouds
  824. "I still don't trust dis..." Cermina said that evening, easing Anon into the basket of the balloon Twilight had used many times before, it was the quietest way tio get him up to Cloudsdale without the guards noticing.
  825. "What's whats not to trust Cermina, we can handle this. Fluttershy and I always like to sneak around at night in Cloudsdale, itsa our home, well...second hoeto Fluttershy, she stays at the cottage."
  826. "Yah, I remeber day, filled v'ith animals of fuzzy, I still have tanks for saving our butts from spider comrade, had you not been dere, v'e may have been lunch food."
  827. Fluttershy blushed "It was...oithing...thank you...." she said, easing her hooves around Anons legs and gently placing him inside thebakset as Twilighbegan to use hermagic toi levfill the baloon, making it levitate very slowly. Only she and Cerminbacould go, so Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity remained behind, wishing them all the best as the tquatro began toheir acto Cloudsdalwe.
  828. "So, v'ere v'ill v'e hide him, oh great Rainbow Dash."
  829. "Well, now we just have to..." she paused, suddenly flying right up to Cermina "What'cha say?"
  830. "I Said v'ere now oh great Rainbow Dash...dis is your plan yah, I put all responsibility on you comrade."
  831. Rainbow huffed.
  832. "W-well yeah, I mean its a great plan, no need to worry about it!"
  833. Cermina growled "I hope not v'ant to have to fight guards off from Anon."
  834. Twilight huffed "if you're both done arguing, we have to get Anon airborne before somepony gets suspicious!"
  835. The all nodded, sighing as Twilight and Cermina ease into the basket with Anon.
  836. As seeing as the basjet couldn't carry such weight, Rarity, Pinkie and AppleJack remained behind.
  837. "Good luck y'all, be careful!"
  838. They all nod, waving their friends off as they float up towards the city in the sky.
  840. "So, v'ere do v'e keep him?" Cermina asked as they neared the cloud base of Cloudsdale.
  841. Rainbow, who had been fluttering with ease alongside the ballon huffed "I'm working on that..."
  842. "You mean you don't know? Sjot, just great, v'e v'orking v'ith idiot."
  843. "Hey, I don't see you with any bright ideas."
  844. "Dats because v'e already are using mine."
  845. "Girls!" Twilight shouts "Please, enough arguing, we need to be subtle, not an annoyance."
  846. Rainbow and Cermina stare at eachother before humphing and looking in seperate directions
  847. "Rainbowbutt."
  848. "Lizard breath."
  849. The ballon drifted in silence as they flew over cloudsdale, the city devoid of light this late in the night as Fluttershy notices something.
  850. "W...why don't we put him in the rainbow factory? That has lots of places to hide him."
  851. "Hey, you're right!"
  852. Rainbow smacks her hooves together "we can hide him in the rainbow factory! Thats amazing Fluttershy."
  853. The yellow mare blushed " you rainbow."
  854. Cermina huffed as she rolled her eyes "V'ery v'ell, wont argue, lets just do dis."
  855. The group shuffled around, it was rather tricky to find a hiding spot for Anon, considering that he would need to be magiced for the entire day here, seeing as he wasn't 'light' enough to sleep on the clouds.
  856. "hrmmm..." Rainbow said, easing about as she floated all over "Hey I know!" she smirked, easing up to one of the large pour-bins that would be filled with colour "We can put him in here!"
  857. "Are you nuts?" Cermina barked "Is dat even a good idea, v'hat if dey fill it?"
  858. Rainbow flutters back "Hey, why don't you keep your socks on."
  859. "I'm not v'earing any!"
  860. "What?" Rainbow blinked, shaking her head "whatever, look, relax, there aren't any scheduled plans for rainbows tomorrow, so lets not worry too much okay?"
  861. "I do not v'ish to lose anon comrade, if anything bad happens, I shall hold you responsible."
  862. Rainbow is a bit taken back, but flutters forward "Hey, I don't plan on losing anypony to anything, besides, I care for Anon just as much as the rest of us do."
  863. "You do?" Twilight asked "last I remeber you hated his guts."
  864. "Thats not the point....rgggg, look, he's a boring guy, but he's cool okay, he knows how to make flying faster and thats...." she flail "thats just something I GOT to figure out from him."
  865. Cermina grabs Rainbows head and smirks
  866. "Den if you wish dat, I shall give you space comrade, do what you think best, dis is your mission."
  867. Rainbow blinks for a few moments, looking at Cermina and a small smile crept on her face.
  868. "Y-yeah...yeah, see, you can rely on me!" she held a proud pose as she and Fluttery eased Anon into the big cauldron above them.
  869. "There...and none the wiser."
  870. "I hope dis works, last ting I v'ant is him getting drowned in pink."
  871. "Haha, I wouldn't worry about that." Rainbow replied
  872. "and v'hy not?"
  873. "Because that's the blue cauldron."
  874. Cermina huffed, rolling her eyes as the group returned to the balloon.
  875. "Well, he's in your hooves today Rainbow, take care of him."
  876. Rainbow nodded, saluting "You can count on me!"
  878. "Rainbow...RAINBOW!"
  879. The pegasus groaned as she tossed about in bed, she didn't want to get up, but whoever was calling her name certainly did.
  880. "RAINBOW, c'mon!" the flutter of wings were at her window "wake up, you're not going to believe who came by!"
  881. Rainbow muttered abit, turning over in bed "I already don't believe you don't see me going all jumpy."
  882. The dark purple and white maned Pegasus huffed, landing in Rainbows room "Honestly, the way I put up with you. C'mon, wake up, we got some super cool visitors who you'll be dying to meet."
  883. "Great, then I plan to stay alive a bit longer."
  884. "Rainbow..."
  885. "WHAT!?" The light blue pegasus rose a bit in bed, seeing the other pegasus there "Geeze CloudChaser, can't it wait till later?"
  886. "Not when its the Wonderbolts wh-"
  887. It didn't take much else to get Rainbow out, and the utterance of the Wonderbolts, her faved and admired flying team was enough to send her right out of bed, flying high into the sky with her rainbow trail right behind her.
  888. "AW YEAH!" she shouted at the apex of her climb, looking about to see the Wonderbolts among a slowly gathgering crowd as Rainbow flew right down to see them.
  889. only to come face to face...with BlueBlood and his guards.
  890. "Ah, good morning Rainbow Dash, such a pleasure to see you."
  891. Rainbow reeled just a buit "BlueBLood, what are you doin here?"
  892. "Well..." Blueblood began "I thought I might take a leaisurly stroll about Cloudsdale, besides, its still part of Ponyville you know, seeing as all weather control happens here, it just seems like a common thought to patrol such a place, make sure there isn't anything...suspicious."
  893. Rainbow huffed a bit, eyeing the three Wonderbolts behind him "And what makes this somehting the Wonderbolts have to show up for? Certainly seems...beneath them."
  894. Blueblood chuckled "why they are my escort dear Rainbow, they are here to help with inspection."
  895. "Inspection!?"
  896. "Thats correct."
  897. Blueblood had really gone far with this one, and Rainbow was getting rather...annoyed that her idols were reduced to simply shift-patrolling her home...cloudsdale. What fun was that? They were show ponies, not soldiers, unless called upon by Celestia no doubt, but this weas just...rude.
  898. Rainbow could see Spitfire, her expression stern as ever, but something about her seemed that she and her team weren't too thrilled about this either, but what choice did they have?
  899. Blueblood huffed, waving a hoof "Now, go about it." he said as the three Wonderbolts soared into the sky flying about Cloudsdale.
  901. Instantly Rainbow flew off, not a care from BlueBlood as he trotted off with his guards, his own magic keeping him atop the clouds as his guards wings kept them afloat.
  902. "Ah, such wonderful control to spread about..." he said as he gazed around Cloudsdale, ponies all over watched as the Wonderbolts flew all over, keeping keen eyes out for anything...suspicious as Rainbow kept low, she hated having to avoid these guys, but if they were going to 'inspect' then Anon may be in a bit more danger than she hoped.
  903. It was a stroke of luck the Rainbow factory was closed for the day, something about a pegasus getting re mixed into pink and spilling quite a bit, they had to clean that whole area off, and considering Anon was hiddin in the Blue Cauldron, no one would notice (course, blue wasn't as popular as red or green.)
  904. Flying in from a window, Rainbow gazed about the factory.
  905. Darkness
  906. She forgot they had closed it tight for the day and few ever would be given access to it.
  907. Then again, she WAS Rainbow Dash, nothing was off limits to her as she soared over the silent cauldrons, eying each one.
  908. Where was Anon?
  909. She paused over the Blue one, the same one she had watched herself and Fluttershy place Anon in...
  910. but he wasn't there.
  911. "Whats all this now?"
  912. Rainbow turned to see a rather surprised yellow Pegasus with re flaming mane and wings. Her body semi-0covered in her yellow on blue Wonderbolt jump suit.
  913. It was none other than Spitfire... the team leader of the Wonderbolts.
  914. Rainbow reeled back "Ah h-hey uh, ah, what are...y-you doing here?"
  915. "Was going to ask you the same thing Rainbow, its good to see you again."
  916. Rainbow blinked "W-what? How do-"
  917. "I know you? Well, you did make quite an exhibit of yourself at your air trails some months ago, then the escapade at the Gala, as well being one of those who defeated Nightmare moon was quite achievement, but I'm curious why you're here."
  918. Rainbow blushed, she wanted to be all over Spitfire like the crazed fan she was, but this was serious time, and she put on a serious face.
  919. "Not unless you tell me first."
  920. Spitfire chuckled "Going to play it that better catch me first if you want to find out." and she flew off.
  921. "HEY!" Rainbow called, giving chase as the pair buzzed about, over and around caldrons, through loops, down hallways, each one catching the other, barely gaining ground as they matched speed, flying faster and faster before Spitefire made a wide turn and crashed right into Rainbow.
  922. The pair tumbled along the ground, slumping into a wall, Spitfire forweard, Rainbow upsidow
  923. "*pant pant* alright...not bad..." Spitfire muttered as she fixed herself upright.
  924. "You alright?" She asked as Rainbow huffed, easing up quickly
  925. "Yeah I'm fine...t-thanks."
  926. Spitfire smiled "So...what brings you here?"
  927. Rainbow sulked "Awee, well...we're sorta hiding a friend out here."
  928. "Oh?"
  929. "Yeah...and we're keeping him secret, but he's not where he should be?"
  930. "This wouldn't happen to do with BlueBloods 'inspection'?
  931. "Probably, did he ask you to look for something?"
  932. "Yeah....anything unusual, but it was more or less to keep other ponies from getting smart on it."
  933. Rainbow huffs "Well, I guess we can both rest a bit easier, BlueBlood won't exactly find him since he's not where we kept him."
  934. "Oh?"
  935. Rainbow nods "yeah, I don't know where we went, but he certainly was moved."
  936. Spitfire sighed "Well, thats good for us, I'll keep it wise with my wing-mates to avoid this place alright? Let Blueblood search it himself."
  937. Rainbow went wide eye "R-really?"
  938. "Of course, we're no fans of BlueBlood, so making it a bit harder for him won't hurt."
  940. With that settled, despite the fact the Wonderbolts were used as nothing more than a disrespectful method of power pushing, Rainbow had a rather good day...despite the fact that Anon was missing. It wasn't until the evening that Rainbow found Anon....and Cermina.
  941. " did you get here?" She asked Cermina as she found them that evening in the same place they started the night before.
  942. Cermina chuckled "After you left, spent rest of night moving Anon from your silly place to a better spot at edge of city, thank Twilight for increase magical spell to keep him and I above clouds." she grinned.
  943. "Yeah...well..." Rainbow tried to rebuttle, but all she did was just joke about with Spitfire, and that wasn't very much as she sighed "alright, fine, not a good idea, nearly got caught by BlueBlood, and doing that with the Wonderbolts...well..thats just low."
  944. "His evil sinks to levels below what you know comrade, dat is v'hy i thought it best NOT to hide him you can see, reach for him is easy."
  945. Twilight nodded "I agree with Cermina, we best find the best place to keep Anon, we don't have much longger, if this keeps up, I'm sure he'll grow tired of it."
  946. "Or try harder..." Rainbow muttered
  947. "We can expect dat comrade, but now, v'e must move Anon."
  948. The group nodded, easing Anon intop Twilights balloon, and with a few last moment goodbyes, the trio leave Rainbow in Cloudsdale and return to Twilight's home.
  950. ===
  952. "I grow weary of your shenanigans" Blueblood muttered, trotting into Twilights Library the following morning.
  953. "I'm onto you Miss Sparkle, I know exactly that you and your little friends are conspiring against me, and you know what, I am more than happy you are."
  954. Twilight blinked, she had gotten up early to read up on Anon's condition, which was improving, only to be distrubed by BluebLood demanding an audiance. She let him in as curdiousy, but he began to rant about what was going on endlessly, and she was getting tired....that was until his last line.
  955. "Wait... what?" she asked, perplex
  956. "You see...the more you conspire my dear Miss Sparkle, the more pressure I am 'forced' to put into Ponyville. Sure enough I'll have to put the entirety of this village under my sternness hoof, and I'm sure you couldn't go about living with that." He smirked, eying Twilight.
  957. "Imagine, AppleJack's apples cut off from market, being 'tainted' by the hands of a criminal, or Pinkie Pie, having to be watched all hours of the day, not able to throw any parties, or....poor Rarity, her designs slandered for being worn by the one responsible for harming Celestia!" Blueblood seemed totally off his rocker as Twilight just blinked.
  958. "And...I guess you have something for me then huh? You know Celestia won't stand for this."
  959. "Oh but there isn't anything she can do."
  960. "W-wha?"
  961. Blueblood waved the same paper he showed them before "remember, I have the royal courts consent, and if she dared to disapprove, how would her SUBJECTS see her?"
  962. He was right, and he certainly had Twilight for a loop.
  963. "Well...what do you plan to do about me huh? I don't think this can go unanswered.
  964. "Thats true, that's why Twilight my dear, I shall do absolutely nothing, it would not be good for me to harm the student of Celestia, but then again, SHE can't do anything as stated before, so all you can do is watch and squirm as your friends end up hating themselves more and more, and then hating Anon for their troubles, Ooooh it should be splendid to watch you all crack like eggs."
  965. Blueblood let out a rather diabolical laugh before coughing and shaking his head to fix his mane "Now then Miss Twilight, I will lket you back to your duties...ta-ta~" and he was out.
  966. Twiligth was speechless, she didn't expect BB to be so...rash, but she couldn't blame him; had she been in his hooves...
  967. She didn't want to think about it as she turned her attention to the door opening above.
  968. 'about time the sucker left, was hard enough listening to him.'
  969. "ANON!"
  971. ==
  973. All the ponies gathered back at Twilight's, and after a quick brief and debrief, everyone was put up to speed.
  974. "The nerve..." Rarity began "such impudence towards their subjects, how ever did I see some...grace in him."
  975. "Cause he was related to Celestia?" Aj muttered
  976. "The ONLY reason....other then that!"
  977. "Well, he's certainly losing his head, and that paper he keeps showing off..."
  978. "Document...Rainbow"
  979. "Document...whatever....point is we can't do anything while he has that."
  980. "So why not take it from him?" Cermina asks as you and her sat at the table, watching the group sit before them.
  981. 'Yeah, I mean, if you ask me, I think something's fishy about that paper.'
  982. "Oh?" Twilight asked
  983. ' the trial he had a forged looked legit until I noticed a spelling error that was changed...same thing could be for this, I mean, if its legit, well crap, but if its fake...' you smirk 'he'd be in a world of hurt.'
  984. "But...I don't think he'd EVER drop it, I mean he carries it ALL over with him." Pinkie said "I know, I followed him ALL day and he never put it down!"
  985. "Then perhaps we can try distracting him?"
  986. "How?"
  987. 'By giving him what he wants.'
  988. Everyone turns to you.
  989. 'Look, he wants me right...let him have me, and I'll draw him off you all and hopefully, with enough luck, you can snatch that document.'
  990. No one budged, no one nodded
  991. "Anon, we spent a week keeping yah from BlueBlood, we aint gonna turn tail and give him te yah after all we've been through."
  992. "Yeah!" Rainbow added "It was hard keeping your fat butt hidden all the time."
  993. "Please Anon, don't just give into that ruffian, he deserves a good spank from Celestia, and we certainly don't want to goat him into thinking he did a good job...."
  994. you raise a hand
  995. 'How about I lead him away, I mean let him see me, then make a dash for the everfree?'
  996. Everypony gasped "surely you can't be serious!?" Rarity asked
  997. 'I am serious...and don't call me surely.'
  998. "Well...if you are, how you going to guide yourself around, I don't think ya'll know much of that land."
  999. 'No...I guess not....'
  1000. "Perhaps v'e can try?"
  1001. 'May be good at first, not so in the long run...'
  1002. Everypony paused for a bit, thinking deep as they girls all look at one another.
  1003. "Anon?" Twilight begins
  1004. 'Yeah?'
  1005. "I think its best one of us goes with you."
  1006. 'Out of the question, BlueBlood will just make things worse for the rest of you.'
  1007. "But what choice do you have? No offense to either you or Cermina but you don't know the land."
  1008. Twilight persisted, pushing forward
  1009. "one of us should go."
  1010. All the ponies nodded "Yeah sugha cube, ya'll better ta have a guide den nopony at all."
  1011. You smirk ' guys are sure something else.'
  1012. They all smile
  1013. 'So...whose going to come? We'd have to find a way to keep that per- I mean pony... around Ponyville...perhaps disguise the one coming to throw BlueBlood off the trail...'
  1014. Twilight stepped forward "I'll go."
  1015. 'What?'
  1016. "I'm the best at all angels of learning, Anon, I know the land much better than anypony else."
  1017. "She's right on that one partner, Twilight's a sure good map reader and an even betta navigator."
  1018. Every other pony nodded.
  1019. "Plus, it keeps her 'copy' easy to manage!" Pinkie shouts out "All she has to do is stay in the library!"
  1020. 'I see your angel on okay with going out into the wilderness, that means NO books.'
  1021. Twilight cringed at the thought, but nodded "yes...I know it must be done for yours...and our sakes."
  1022. 'Alright then....' you say, easing to the window 'Twilight, get a letter ready for Celestia and Luna, we better let them know of this, once that's done...lets get this party started.'
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