
Tlauncher TLauncher/Legacy (main app)

Oct 13th, 2018
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  1. # TLauncher language file UTF-8
  2. # Loginform
  3. loginform.checkbox.autologin=เริ่มล่าช้า
  4. loginform.checkbox.forceupdate=บังคับให้อัปเดต
  5. loginform.enter=เข้าเกม
  6. loginform.enter.install=ติดตั้งและเล่น
  7. loginform.enter.reinstall=ติดตั้งใหม่
  8. loginform.enter.cancel=ยกเลิก
  9. loginform.cancel=ยกเลิกการเริ่มต้น (%0) ...
  10. loginform.cancel-download=หยุดดาวน์โหลด
  11. loginform.wrongbutton=ผิดปุ่ม ;)
  13. loginform.loading=กำลังโหลด ...
  14. loginform.button.refresh=รีเฟรช
  15. loginform.button.refresh-cancel=ยกเลิก
  16. loginform.button.folder=โฟลเดอร์เกม
  17.เปิดโฟลเดอร์ %0
  18. loginform.button.folder.root=เปิดโฟลเดอร์ราก Minecraft
  20. loginform.button.settings=การตั้งค่า
  21. loginform.button.visit=เยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์ของเรา
  22. loginform.button.settings.account=จัดการบัญชี
  23. loginform.button.settings.version=จัดการเวอร์ชัน
  24. loginform.button.settings.launcher=การตั้งค่า
  25. loginform.button.settings.notices=การบอกกล่าว
  28.กำลังเก็บข้อมูล ... โปรดรอสักครู่อาจใช้เวลาสักครู่
  29.<html> <b>ติตาม TLauncher</b> </html>
  30.เข้าร่วมเซิร์ฟเวอร์ Discord ของเรา
  31.<html><b>กดถูกใจเราบน Facebook</b></html>
  32. # Account
  33.ฟรี (ไม่มีรหัสผ่าน)
  34. account.type.mojang=Mojang (พรีเมียม)
  36. account.username=ชื่อผู้ใช้
  38.รหัสผ่านฟรี (w/out)
  39. account.auth.mojang=รหัสผ่านที่
  40. account.auth.ely=รหัสผ่านที่
  42. account.list=บัญชีที่คุณสร้างขึ้น:
  43. account.empty=(สร้างบัญชีอย่างน้อยหนึ่งบัญชี)
  44. account.manage=สร้างและจัดการบัญชี ...
  45. account.creating=(สร้างบัญชี)
  46. account.loading.ely=(โปรดรอสักครู่อาจใช้เวลาสักครู่...)
  47. account.button.add=เพิ่มบัญชี
  48. account.button.remove=ลบบัญชี
  49. account.button.ely.toggle=ใช้สกิน
  50. account.button.ely.enabled.title=เปิดใช้งาน Ely
  51. account.button.ely.enabled=<b>แจ้ง! ตอนนี้คุณสามารถดูskinได้จาก!</b>\n\nถ้าคุณต้องการใช้ Ely และเปลี่ยนskinของคุณเพียงแค่ลงทะเบียนที่<a href=""></a> และเข้าสู่ระบบโดยใช้ข้อมูลประจำตัวของคุณ!
  52. account.button.ely.disabled.title=ปิดการใช้งาน Ely
  53. account.button.ely.disabled=<b>เราไม่สามารถรับประกันได้ว่าคุณจะสามารถเห็นสกินของผู้เล่นคนอื่น ๆ ได้ </ b> จนกว่าคุณจะเข้าสู่ระบบด้วยบัญชี หรือ Mojang \n \n คุณต้องการปิดการใช้งาน หรือไม่ สำหรับบัญชีฟรี?
  54. account.button.home=กลับไปที่เมนูหลัก
  55. account.exception.soft.title=เราสามารถดำเนินการต่อได้
  56. account.exception.soft=คุณต้องการดำเนินการต่อหรือไม่?
  57. # Versions
  58. version.description.release=Releases
  59. version.description.snapshot=Snapshots
  60. version.description.launcher=Launchers
  61. version.description.modified=Modified
  62. version.description.old_alpha=Alpha
  63. version.description.old_beta=Beta
  64. versions.loading=Loading version list...
  65. versions.notfound.title=Error getting versions!
  66. versions.notfound=Cannot get version list from the repository. Possible causes:\n- Bad Internet connection\n- Firewall is blocking TLauncher\n- Invalid date or time
  67. versions.notfound.tip=(not installed)
  68. versions.notfound.disabled.title=Refreshing disabled
  69. versions.notfound.disabled=Can't find installed versions. Check «Remote» in the Minecraft tab and save your settings to allow refreshing version list. Also you can try to install versions by yourself.
  70. version.refresh=Please wait...
  71. version.release=Release
  72. version.snapshot=Snapshot
  73. version.old_beta=Beta
  74. version.old_alpha=Alpha
  75. version.launcher=Launcher
  76. version.latest.release=Latest release
  77. version.latest.snapshot=Latest snapshot
  78. version.latest.modified=Latest modified
  79. versions.found-update.title=An update is found!
  80. versions.found-update=The update is found. It is strongly recommended to click "Yes".\nNote that the libraries will be downloaded once more, that may require stable Internet connection.\nDo you want to update this version?
  81. versions.found-update.error.title=Cannot cancel the update!
  82. versions.found-update.error=An error occurred while trying to rewrite JSON file of this version. Next time prevoius message will be shown again.\nSorry C:
  83. versions.manage=Manage versions...
  84. versions.damaged-json.title=Version is damaged
  85. versions.damaged-json=We noticed that this version was probably damaged by some third-party launcher. It is recommended to perform «Force update». This operation will force launcher to download required files one more time to set things back to normal.\n\nDo you want to perform «Force update»?
  86. # Version manager
  87. version.manager.list=Version list:
  88. version from the list...
  89. version.manager.editor.multiselect=Chosen %0 versions.
  90., select version to edit it.
  91. should install this version to edit it.
  92. version.manager.editor.label.wise=You should use editor wisely.
  93. version.manager.editor.label.downloading=This version is being downloaded by now.
  95. version.manager.editor.field.type=Release type:
  96. version.manager.editor.field.releaseTime=Release time:
  97. version.manager.editor.field.time=Update time:
  98. version.manager.editor.field.jvmArguments=JVM-arguments:
  99. version.manager.editor.field.minecraftArguments=Program arguments:
  100. version.manager.editor.field.mainClass=Main class:
  101. version.manager.editor.field.assets=Assets:
  102. version.manager.editor.field.source=Source:
  103. version.manager.editor.field.minimumLauncherVersion=Required version:
  104. version
  105. version.manager.editor.button.reset=Reset changes
  106. version.manager.editor.error.saving.title=Error saving version
  107. version.manager.editor.error.saving=An error occurred while trying to save version.
  108. version.manager.downloader.warning.title=Warning!
  109. version.manager.downloader.warning.force.single=You've chosen version %0, which doesn't need to be updated. Continue?
  110. version.manager.downloader.warning.force.multiply=You've chosen %0, which doesn't need to be updated. Continue?
  111. version.manager.downloader.warning.force.multiply.0.plural=%n version;%n versions;%n
  112. version.manager.downloader.error.title=Error occurred!
  113. version.manager.downloader.error.local=Cannot update version %0, because it's a local version.\nIf you're sure that this version has a remote copy, refresh the version list from the server.
  114. version.manager.downloader.error.getting=Cannot get complete version of %0 from the server.
  115. version.manager.downloader.error.saving=Cannot save version %0.
  116. version.manager.downloader.error.downloading=Cannot download version %0.
  118. file to load.
  119. missing files
  120. update
  121. local version list
  122. version list from the server
  123. version.manager.delete.error.title=Error deleting version
  124. version.manager.delete.error.single=An error occurred while trying to delete version.
  125. version.manager.delete.error.multiply=Errors occurred while trying to delete versions.
  126. version folder
  127. version folder and libraries
  128. version.list.needsupdate=(update available)
  129. version.dir.noaccess.title=No access
  130. version.dir.noaccess=Can't access Minecraft folder. Please, choose another one:
  131. version.dir.noexplorer.title=Error creating explorer
  132. version.dir.noexplorer=Please, enter new folder path by yourself:
  133. version.dir.exit.title=Application will close
  134. version.dir.exit=TLauncher can't work in folder it doesn't have access to. Application will close.
  135. version.manager.alert.title=Update alert
  136. version.manager.alert.header.found.welcome=Welcome back! While you were gone,
  137. version.manager.alert.header.found=Wow! TLauncher has found
  138. version.manager.alert.header.single.release=new release has appeared:
  139. version.manager.alert.header.single.snapshot=new snapshot has been released:
  140. version.manager.alert.header.single.unknown=new version has been released:
  141. version.manager.alert.header.multiple=new versions have been released.
  142. version.manager.alert.release.single=New release:
  143. version.manager.alert.release.multiple=New releases:
  144. version.manager.alert.snapshot.single=New snapshot:
  145. version.manager.alert.snapshot.multiple=New snapshots:
  146. version.manager.alert.unknown.single=Also:
  147. version.manager.alert.unknown.multiple=Also:
  148. version.manager.alert.more=... and %0 more
  149. version.manager.alert.more.0.plural=%n;%n versions
  150. version.manager.alert.time.justnow=less than minute ago
  151. version.manager.alert.time.minute=%0 ago
  152. version.manager.alert.time.minute.0.plural=%n minute;%n minutes
  153. version.manager.alert.time.hour=%0 ago
  154. version.manager.alert.time.hour.0.plural=%n hour;%n hours
  155. ago
  156. day;%n days
  157. version.manager.alert.time.week=%0 ago
  158. version.manager.alert.time.week.0.plural=a week;%n weeks
  159. version.manager.alert.time.longtimeago=long time ago
  160. version.manager.alert.time.unknown=unknown
  161. # Loginform.errors
  162. auth.error.title=Authorization error
  163. auth.error.unknown=An unknown error occurred during the authorization process.
  164. auth.error.unreachable=Authorization server may be not available right now. If you think it is, please check your Internet connection and firewall settings.
  165. auth.error.unparseable=Cannot recognize server response.\nThe server is probably undergoing maintenance.
  166. auth.error.relogin.ely=Could not authorize you against server.\nPlease open "Account Manager" and create your account again.
  167. auth.error.relogin.ely.editor=Invalid login/password/token. Please check your keyboard layout and try again.\nIf you forgot your password: <a href=""></a>
  168. auth.error.relogin.mojang=Could not authorize you against Mojang server.\nPlease open "Account Manager" and create your account again.
  169. auth.error.relogin.mojang.editor=Invalid login/password/token. Please check your keyboard layout and try again.\nIf you forgot your password: <a href=""></a>\n\nIf this error shows up too often, please change your password as your login credentials may be stolen!
  170. auth.error.migrated=This user is already migrated to a Mojang account. Use your e-mail address instead of username.
  171. auth.error.internal=An internal error occurred. Please contact the developer.
  172. auth.error.unavailable=Service temporary not available.
  173. auth.error.banned=This account has been suspended.
  174. saving profiles.
  175. unknown error occurred saving profiles into file.
  176. auth.error.nopass.title=Password required!
  177. auth.error.nopass=Please enter the account password!
  178. auth.error.nousername.title=Username required!
  179. auth.error.nousername=Please enter username (or e-mail)!
  180. <b>free</b> account given you the opportunity to play offline. It is recommended to <a href="">purchase Minecraft</a> to have full access to all advantages of Minecraft. Alternatively, you can use account.
  181. auth.tip.mojang=<b>Mojang account</b> gives you full advantages of playing Minecraft! You can purchase it on <a href=""></a>.
  182. auth.tip.ely=<b>Ely account</b> brings you benefits of its free skin system. You should <a href="">register</a> to use it.
  183. forceupdate.local.title=Updating is not possible
  184. forceupdate.local=This version is not found on the server, so it can't be updated.
  185. forceupdate.question.title=Possible data loss!
  186. forceupdate.question=Are you sure want to reinstall this version?\nRemember that the libraries will be updated, too.
  187. account.empty.error.title=Account list is empty
  188. account.empty.error=You should create at least one account and select it.
  189. #
  190. loginform.checkbox.autologin.tip.title=Autologin tip
  191. loginform.checkbox.autologin.tip=Next time TLauncher will launch selected Minecraft version automatically.
  192. # Progressbar
  193. progressBar.init=Initializating...
  194. progressBar.speed=kb/s
  195. progressBar.downloading=Downloading %0
  196. progressBar.downloading.0.plural=one file;%n files
  197. progressBar.remaining=%0
  198. progressBar.remaining.0.plural=File remaining;%n files remaining
  199. # Launcher
  200. launcher.error.title=An error occurred
  201. launcher.error.unknown=An unknown error occurred
  202. launcher.error.noArgs=Error gettings arguments for this version.
  203. getting libraries from the server. Check your Internet connection.
  204. getting assets from the server. Check your Internet connection.
  205. saving version.
  206. launcher.error.index-file=Could not parse assets index file.\nTry to disable antivirus protection for a while and then update this version forcefully
  207. launcher.error.reconstruct-assets=Error creating virtual folder. Please, try again...
  208. launcher.error.migrate-assets=Error migrating old assets. Please scan the file system for errors.
  209. launcher.error.unpack-natives=Error occurred while unpacking native libraries.\nTick "Force update" to download them again.
  210. find Java path (under Windows it should be a file):
  211. launcher.error.folder-not-found=Cannot find specified Minecraft folder:
  212. launcher.error.version-not-found=Launching version is not found:
  213. launcher.error.account-invalid=Incorrect account name:
  214. launcher.error.account-not-found=Couldn't find account:
  215. launcher.error.start=Error occurred while trying to start JVM:
  216. launcher.error.exec-not-found=Executable file is not found. Clear "Command" option in the launcher settings and try again.
  217. could not download some files. Here are some popular causes:\n– Unreliable Internet access\n– Spyware installed on your computer (like RelevantKnowledge)\n– Inconsistent root certificates. Check date and time, and then try <a href="">updating your Java</a>.\n\nIf nothing helps, this is likely caused by an antivirus.
  218. launcher.error.classpath=Cannot find required file!\nif you can't repair it, tick "Force update".
  219. launcher.error.version-info=Cannot get information about this version!
  220. launcher.error.incompatible=Running version of TLauncher can't launch this version. Please, update TLauncher.
  221. launcher.error.delete-entries=Error deleting files (entries) from JAR file.
  222. launcher.error.mcleaks-unsupported=MCLeaks accounts are not supported in this runtime environment. Please select another account.
  223. space on the hard drive that we're trying to use to start Minecraft. Please free up to 64 Mbytes to continue.
  224. # Launcher steps
  225. launcher.step.collecting=Collecting info...
  226. launcher.step.comparing-assets=Comparing assets...
  227. launcher.step.comparing-assets-long=Comparing assets (may take a while)...
  228. launcher.step.downloading=Downloading resources...
  229. launcher.step.reconstructing-assets=Reconstructing assets...
  230. launcher.step.unpacking-natives=Unpacking natives...
  231. launcher.step.deleting-entries=Deleting entires...
  232. launcher.step.constructing=Creating process...
  233. # Launcher warning
  234. launcher.warning.title=Warning!
  235. launcher.warning.incompatible.environment=Selected version is incompatible with your environment but TLauncher will try to run it.
  236. launcher.warning.incompatible.launcher=Selected version is incompatible with TLauncher but launcher will try to run it.
  237. launcher.warning.assets=An error occurred while trying to download assets. This message won't be shown during this session. Remember that some files are missing.
  238. launcher.warning.assets.kaspersky=Error occurred while trying to download assets. If you have Kaspersky installed on this computer, please add the exception to White-list of Anti-Banner:
  239. launcher.warning.assets.long.title=Too continuous checking...
  240. launcher.warning.assets.long=We've been checking the single file for too long. This might be caused by disk corruption. Please, check it for errors.
  241. # Crashes
  242. crash.error.title=OMG!
  243. crash.error=Crash Manager has crashed O_o This is weird, right?\n\nYou can help us resolving this issue by sending the logs. To save the logs, do the following: open launcher settings, open "TLauncher" tab and then select "Logger" -> "Always enabled", then "Save".\nNow you should be able to see the logs.\n\nPlease save it in the file (or Pastebin) and send us what you got:
  244. crash.loading.title=Something went wrong...
  245. crash.loading.head=Please wait a bit, we're investigating the issues...
  246. crash.buttons.logs=Open the logs
  247. help?
  248. crash.buttons.exit=Exit
  249. settings
  250. crash.buttons.disable-optimized=Disable opt. args
  251. crash.buttons.fix-heap=Fix heap size
  252. crash.buttons.install-java64=Install Java 64-bit
  253. mods folder
  254. crash.buttons.update-java=Update Java
  255. crash.actions.set-options=Sucessfully saved new Minecraft settings.
  256. crash.unknown.title=Something went wrong...
  257. crash.unknown.body=Minecraft has closed due to an unknown error (unknown, yet c:)\n\nThis is okay for Minecraft, don't worry. This happens to us all.\n\nYou can investigate the cause of the problem by yourself or ask for help from our small support team :)
  258. crash.metaspace.title=Metaspace error
  259. crash.metaspace.body=Don't worry, this is just a Metaspace error. It may be caused by applications using overlays such as Discord or GeForce Experience. Disable overlays and try again.
  260. crash.oom-x86.title=Out of Memory
  261. crash.oom-x86.body=Minecraft has used up all the memory allocated for it.\n\nWe found that you're running Java x86 on 64-bit system.\nPlease use Java for 64-bit systems instead of the current one.
  262. crash.oom.title=Out of Memory
  263. crash.oom.body=Minecraft has used up allocated memory.\n\nYou should try to disable optimized arguments or fix the memory amount.
  264. crash.heap-x86.title=Heap error
  265. crash.heap-x86.body=Your 64-bit system uses 32-bit Java, that cannot aloocate more than 1.5 Gbyte of memory for Minecraft.\n\nYou should install 64-bit Java or decrease memory allocation size.
  266. settings
  267. crash.heap.title=Too much heap
  268. crash.heap.body=Java could not allocate memory for Minecraft due to huge heap size.\n\nYou should decrease memory allocation size.
  269. crash.invalid-username.title=Incorrect path
  270. crash.invalid-username.body=You must not run java applications in directories that have «!» in the path.\n\nOpen settings and change Minecraft directory to another one.
  271. crash.firewall-block.title=Connection is blocked
  272. crash.firewall-block.body=Minecraft could not start the internal server due to connection block. This may be caused by your antivirus or firewall.\n\nDisable antivirus and firewall to be sure and try again.\n\nIf you're using avast! and turning it off does not help, reinstalling avast! should help.
  273. crash.server-resource-pack.title=Error loading resourcepack
  274. crash.server-resource-pack.body=Minecraft could not load server resource pack due to an unknown error.\n\nYou should connect this server by yourself from the Multiplayer menu in Minecraft.
  275. crash.incorrent-mods-version.title=Found incompatible mod
  276. crash.incorrent-mods-version.body=There is mod in the mods folder that is not compatible with current Minecraft version.\n\nPlease remove this mod or use appropriate Minecraft version – then the game will start normally.
  277. crash.codechicken-core-missing.title=CodeChickenCore is required
  278. crash.codechicken-core-missing.body=CodeChickenCore is required by a mod installed in your directory.\nDownload CodeChickenCore and move to your mods folder.
  279. CodeChickenCore
  280. drivers
  281. was closed due to incompatible graphics drivers.\n\nWe could not detect your graphics card. Please contact your administrator.
  282. Java version
  283. is the incompatibility problem with 1st and 2nd Intel chipset drivers that does not allow you to play on a Java version that is newer than 8u60.\n\nYou should install Java 8u60, uninstalling your current Java version.
  284. Java 8 Update 60
  285. drivers bug
  286. crash is caused by Intel drivers bug. You may do the following to solve the problem:\n\n1) Update your Intel drivers (important!)\n2) Increase memory allocation in the launcher settings\n3) Enable VSync and disable VBOs using in-game graphics settings
  287. drivers should be updated
  288. suppose that your system uses outdated graphics drivers for %0.\n\nYou should update them and try again.
  289. %0 drivers
  290. to use NVIDIA graphics card?
  291. to setup AMD card?
  292. crash.arch.title=Incompatibility bug
  293. crash.arch.body=This crash is caused by architecture incompatibility bug: your system is 64-bit, but Java is 32-bit.\nPlease install Java 64-bit to solve the problem.
  294. crash.extracted-mods-found.title=Unpacked mods found
  295. crash.extracted-mods-found.body=Forge has just found unpacked mods in the mods folder. Please remove them and try again.
  296. crash.analyzer.errored-mod.title=Error in mod %0
  297. crash.analyzer.errored-mod.body.single=We think that <b>«%0»</b> (%1) is causing Minecraft to crash.\nYou can determine the cause by yourself using the logs or ask for help.\n\nIf you don't need this mod, you may simply delete it.
  298. crash.analyzer.errored-mod.body.multiple=Multiple mods caused Minecraft to crash:\n%0\n
  299. crash.analyzer.buttons.errored-mod-delete.single=Delete mod
  300. crash.analyzer.buttons.errored-mod-delete.multiple=Delete mods
  301. crash.analyzer.buttons.errored-mod-delete.error.title=Not deleted
  302. not find mods folder. This is weird. You may open mods folder and delete this mod by yourself.
  303. crash.analyzer.buttons.errored-mod-delete.error.could-not-delete=Could not delete the file. Please delete it yourself:
  304. crash.analyzer.buttons.errored-mod-delete.success.title=Deleted successfully
  305. crash.analyzer.buttons.errored-mod-delete.success.single=File was successfully deleted. You may try to start Minecraft again.
  306. crash.analyzer.buttons.errored-mod-delete.success.multiple=Files were deleted. You may try to start Minecraft again.
  307. crash.shadersmod-detected.title=Shadersmod detected
  308. crash.shadersmod-detected.body=Optifine has detected Shadersmod, which is a part of OptiFine by now. Please remove Shadersmod.
  309. crash.unsupported-java-version.title=Incompatible Java version
  310. crash.unsupported-java-version.body=Installed Java version is too old for this Minecraft version.\nPlease update Java to the latest version.
  311. crash.update-optifine.title=Old OptiFine
  312. crash.update-optifine.body=You're running an old OptiFine version.\nPlease update or remove it.
  313. crash.update-optifine.buttons.update=Update OptiFine
  314. crash.fastcraft-optifine.title=FastCraft and OptiFine problem
  315. crash.fastcraft-optifine.body=Current versions of these mods have compatibility problems. Please remove one of them or update them (if you find newer and they are compatible).
  316. crash.mods-duplicate.title=Mods duplicate?
  317. crash.mods-duplicate.body=You might have two copy of one mod in the "mods" folder.\nPlease check your mods folder.
  318. crash.jdk9-not-supported.title=Java 9 is not supported
  319. crash.jdk9-not-supported.body=Forge, OptiFine etc are known not to support Java 9.\nYou may check out for updates for these mods: new versions might support Java 9.
  320. crash.memory-leak.title=Memory leak?
  321. crash.memory-leak.body=It was found out that heap was corrupted.\nIf this problem occurs more than once, try the following:\n1) Disable VBOs in the Minecraft graphics settings\n2) Increase memory allocation in the launcher settings\n3) Reinstall Java\n4) According to official Minecraft bug tracker try to remove D3DGear (if it is installed)
  322. crash.memory-leak.buttons.disable-vbos=Disable VBOs
  323. # Support
  324. support.pre.title=Need help?
  325. support.pre.body=We're happy to assist you with your problem!\n\nSending Diagnostic data is optional, but strongly recommended to better understand the problem.\n\nPlease select where you'd like to contact us.
  326. support.pre.diag.checkbox=Send Diagnostic data (logs, hardware info, ...)
  327. support.pre.diag.whatisit=What is it?
  328. support.pre.diag.url=
  329. support.pre.buttons.vk=Contact us on VK
  330. support.pre.buttons.fb=Contact us on Facebook
  331. support.pre.buttons.mail=Contact us by e-mail
  332. support.sending.title=Please wait...
  333. support.sending.head=Please wait, while we're sending Diagnostic data...
  334. support.sending.error.title=Sending failed
  335. support.sending.error=We couldn't send diagnostic data by ourselves. Do you want to save it into a file?
  336. support.saving.title=Saving diagnostic data
  337. support.saving.error.title=Could not save diagnostic data
  338. support.saving.error=Could not save diagnostic data to the file
  339. support.saving.success.title=Success!
  340. support.saving.success=Okay, file was saved successfully! Now you may send it to us.\n\nPlease don't forget the location where you've saved the logs:
  341. support.title=Support
  342. support.copy=Copy
  343. support.vk.body=Okay, you've chosen VK!\n\nPlease open Messages and send us the following link. Don't forget to describe your problem!\nWhen you click «Open», the link will be automatically copied to your clipboard.
  344. support.vk.code=This is the link that we need:
  345. Messages
  346. support.mail.body=Okay, you've chosen E-mail!\n\nPlease send us the mail describing the problem, and please attach the following link to your message.\n\nThank you!
  347. support.mail.code=Pastebin link:
  348. our E-mail
  349. support.mail.alert.title=Support E-mail
  350. support.mail.alert=You can use the following E-mail to contact our support:
  351. support.fb.body=Okay, you've chosen Facebook!\n\nYou should open our Facebook page and then start messaging. Please describe your problem and don't forget to attach the following link :)
  352. support.fb.code=Link that we need:
  353. our Facebook page
  354. # Settings
  355. settings.warning=Use common sense when changing these settings.
  356. settings.restart=Will be applied after restart.
  357. settings.res.def=Default size: %0x%1
  358. settings.range=Range: %0-%1
  361. us
  362. up a server
  363. settings.client.gamedir.label=Directory:
  364. settings.client.gamedir.invalid=Invalid directory!
  365. settings.client.gamedir.noaccess.title=Error changing Minecraft directory
  366. settings.client.gamedir.noaccess=Can't access specified directory!
  367. settings.client.gamedir.prompt=A path to Minecraft folder
  368. settings.client.gamedir.separate=Use separate folders for versions
  369. settings.client.resolution.label=Resolution:
  370. settings.client.resolution.width=Width (pix.)
  371. settings.client.resolution.width.invalid=Invalid width!
  372. settings.client.resolution.height=Height (pix.)
  373. settings.client.resolution.height.invalid=Invalid height!
  374. settings.client.resolution.fullscreen=Fullscreen
  375. settings.versions.label=Version list:
  376. settings.versions.snapshot=Snapshots
  377. settings.versions.old_beta=Beta (2010-2011)
  378. settings.versions.old_alpha=Alpha (2010)
  379. settings.versions.modified=Modified (e.g. Forge)
  380. settings.versions.launcher=Launchers
  381. settings.versions.sub.remote=Remote from server
  382. settings.versions.sub.old_release=Show old releases (< 1.7.10)
  384. arguments (e.g. -XX:MaxPermSize=256M)
  385. arguments (e.g. --server
  386. improved arguments additionally
  387. if the game "freezes" often.
  389. command or path to the executable
  390. allocation:
  392. value
  393. value
  394.'t set this value. Trust me.
  395. settings.extra.label=Other:
  396. skins
  397. settings.ely.hint=You are going to see skins instead of the ones that are loaded by default. This also might override SkinRestorer features (/skin set).
  398. settings.promotion.ingame=Suggest servers
  399. settings.promotion.ingame.hint=TLauncher might promote servers at the in-game multiplayer menu. You can disable this feature.
  400. settings.clientres.label=Window size:
  401. settings.systemlnf.label=Look and feel:
  402. settings.systemlnf.note.title=L&F has been changed.
  403. settings.systemlnf.note.true=You've chosen system L&F. If it refuses to work with Java, TLauncher will try to load default one instead. Please, restart TLauncher for changes to take effect.
  404. settings.systemlnf.note.false=You've chosen default L&F. And... why? :D\nAnyway, restart TLauncher for changes to take effect.
  405. settings.systemlnf=Use system L&F
  406. settings.fontsize.label=Font size:
  408. settings.slide.list.label=Background:
  409. settings.slide.list.prompt.image=Image location (JPG, PNG)
  410. location (JPG, PNG, MP4, FLV)
  411. settings.logger.label=Logger:
  413. settings.logger.minecraft=Enabled only in Minecraft
  414. settings.logger.none=Disabled
  415. settings.logger.fullcommand.label=Full command:
  416. settings.logger.fullcommand=Show start command including sensitive arguments
  417. settings.crash.label=Crash Manager;
  418. settings.crash.enable=Enable crash scanning
  419. settings.connection.label=Connection quality:
  420. settings.connection.good=Fast and reliable
  421. settings.connection.normal=May be laggy sometimes
  422. settings.connection.bad=Rather unstable
  423. settings.tlauncher.autologin.label=Autologin (sec.):
  424. settings.tlauncher.autologin.parse=Incorrect number!
  425. settings.direction.label=Main form location:
  426. settings.direction.top_left=Top left
  428. settings.direction.top_right=Top right
  429. settings.direction.center_left=Left
  431. settings.direction.center_right=Right
  432. settings.direction.bottom_left=Bottom left
  433. settings.direction.bottom=Bottom
  434. settings.direction.bottom_right=Bottom right
  435. settings.launch-action.label=After starting Minecraft:
  436. settings.launch-action.hide=Hide TLauncher
  437. settings.launch-action.exit=Close TLauncher
  438. settings.launch-action.nothing=Do nothing
  439. settings.alert-on.label=Alert on new:
  440. settings.alert-on.release=Release
  441. settings.alert-on.snapshot=Snapshot
  442. settings.alert-on.modified=Modified
  443. settings.ssl.label=Security check:
  444. settings.ssl=Verify hostnames for SSL connections
  445. settings.ssl.warning.title=Hostname validation
  446. settings.ssl.warning.value.true=Default hostname verifier will be loaded after restart.
  447. settings.ssl.warning.value.false=Hostname verifier will be replaced after restart.\n\nPlease close TLauncher and open it again.
  448. settings.lang.label=Language:
  449. settings.lang.contribute=Help us to improve these translations! <u>Read more »</u>
  450. settings.default=Reset to defaults
  451. settings.default.warning.title=Warning!
  452. settings.default.warning=Are you sure want to set settings to default values?\nIf you want to reset a specific field right-click on it and select «Reset value»
  454. settings.back=Back
  455. %0
  456. settings.popup.default=Reset value
  457. # Updater
  458. updater.required.found.title=Found important update!
  459. updater.required.found.message=Warning! A critical update has been released.\nTLauncher will be updated to version %0.\nIf the application won't work after updating, download latest version by yourself.
  460. updater.found.cannotopen.title=Error occurred while opening the link
  461. updater.found.cannotopen=Error occurred while opening the link. Please, open it yourself.
  462. updater.error.title=Error occurred while requesting an update
  463. updater.error=Error occurred while requesting an update.
  464. occurred while downloading the update. Do you want to download it yourself?
  465. updater.downloaded.title=Ready to update
  466. updater.downloaded=TLauncher is ready to be updated.\nApplication will be updated and reopened.
  467. occurred while saving an update.
  468. occurred while saving an update. Do you want to download the update yourself?
  469. # Firstrun
  470. firstrun.title=TL :: Welcome!
  471. firstrun.notice.welcome=Welcome!
  472. firstrun.notice.body=Hey! Thank you for downloading TLauncher! We really appreciate that &lt;3<br/>But before you start, you should read and agree with following statements:
  473. firstrun.notice.body.0=– We must say that TLauncher is not affiliated with Mojang — the real Minecraft developers; they own Minecraft and everything that they make.
  474. firstrun.notice.body.1=– Please don't blame us if you notice that something went wrong with TL; we're trying our best, but sometimes bad things happen.
  475. firstrun.notice.body.2=– Also don't forget that Minecraft is not a free game (yup); using this app means that you intend to buy it... someday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  476. firstrun.notice.answer.yes=Alright, I got it!
  477. # Update
  478. update.title=TL :: Update
  479. update.head=Update %0
  480.<b>TLauncher</b> was updated but changelog is currently empty.<br/>May be you should look for it in our <!--<a href="">--><a href="">Facebook page?</a>
  481. update.footer.continue=Continue
  482. # New folder frame
  483. newfolder.title=TLauncher :: New folder select
  484. newfolder.head=Conflict detected
  485. newfolder.body=We found out that you've used another launcher. We recommend you to change the working directory to avoid compatibility issues. Your old data will remain at the same place.
  486. working folder:
  487. select new working folder
  489. selecting folder
  490. select valid path: the directory must be accessible and should not be located under current working directory.
  491. elect valid path: the directory is located under current working directory.
  492. newfolder.button.cancel=Skip
  493. newfolder.button.ok=Continue
  494. # Notifier
  495. notifier.failed.title=Connection may be blocked!
  496. notifier.failed=TLauncher couldn't connect to the Internet to check for updates.\nIf this machine is not connected at all, you can ignore this message.\nOtherwise, check your Internet connection and firewall settings.
  497. notifier.found.title=An update is available!
  498. notifier.found.question=TLauncher %0 has been released. Do you want to update?
  499. # Revert
  500. revert.font.approve=Revert font size
  501. revert.font.approved.title=Font size has been changed
  502. revert.font.approved=Restart the program to change font size.
  503. revert.font.close=X
  504. revert.font.close.hint=Don't show anymore
  505. # Support button
  506. support.error.title=Error occurred while opening the link.
  507. support.error=Error occurred while opening the link. Please open it yourself.
  508. # Folder button
  509. folder.error.title=Error occurred while opening the folder.
  510. folder.error=Error occurred while opening the Minecraft folder. Please open it yourself:
  511. # Alert
  512. alert.error.title=Error occurred
  513. alert.error.message=Unexpected error occurred
  514. # Text popup
  515. popup.cut=Cut
  516. popup.selectall=Select all
  517. popup.copy=Copy
  518. popup.paste=Paste
  519. popup.copyall=Copy all
  520. # Logger
  521. logger=Logger
  522. logger.kill=Kill Minecraft process
  523. logger.close.cancel=Logger will close in %0 s
  524. as...
  525. as...
  526. already exists!
  527. not save Logger content into the file!
  528. logger.clear.popup=Clear
  529. logger.pastebin=Save online at Pastebin...
  530. logger.pastebin.alert.title=Confirmation
  531. logger.pastebin.alert=You're going to upload Logger content to Pastebin.\nIt will be kept there for 7 days and available only by the link.\nAfter upload the content may be treated as spam, so you should enter the captcha following the link.\n\nAre you sure?
  532. logger.pastebin.sent.title=Sent successfully
  533. logger.pastebin.sent=Logger content was successfully uploaded to Pastebin.\n\nDo you want to review it?
  534. logger.pastebin.failed.title=Could not send Logger content
  535. logger.pastebin.failed=We could not send logs to <a href=\"\"></a>. Please make sure your antivirus software or firewall is not blocking TLauncher from accessing the Internet.
  536. logger.pastebin.invalid.title=Something went wrong...
  537. logger.pastebin.invalid=Could not upload Logger content due to unknown error.
  538. # Link
  539. link.error.title=Could not open the link
  540. link.error=Could not open the link. Please, do it yourself:
  541. # Autoupdater
  542. autoupdater.preparing=Preparing...
  543. autoupdater.requesting=Requesting an update for TLauncher...
  544. autoupdater.downloading=Installing TLauncher %0...
  545. autoupdater.opening=Starting TLauncher...
  546. autoupdater.buttons.hide=Hide this window
  547. autoupdater.buttons.skip=Skip this process
  548. # UI
  549. ui.ok=ОК
  550. ui.yes=Yes
  552. ui.cancel=Cancel
  553. ui.error.openfile.title=Error opening file
  554. ui.error.openfile=An error occurred while trying to open file. Open Logger to see more information. You can try to open this file yourself:
  555. ui.error.openfolder.title=Error opening folder
  556. ui.error.openfolder=An error occurred while trying to open folder. Open Logger to see more information. You can try to open this folder yourself:
  557. ui.error.openlink.title=Error opening link
  558. ui.error.openlink=An error occurred while trying to open link in external browser. You can try to open it yourself:
  559. # Explorer
  560. explorer.title=Select file
  561. file
  562. file
  563. explorer.title.image=Choose image
  564. explorer.browse=Browse...
  565. explorer.type.image=Image only (JPG, PNG)
  566. media (JPG, PNG, MP4, FLV)
  567. explorer.extension.jpeg=JPEG image
  568. explorer.extension.jpg=JPEG image
  569. explorer.extension.png=PNG image
  570. explorer.extension.all=All files
  571. explorer.extension.format=%0 files
  572. explorer.lookin=Path:
  573. explorer.input.filename=File name:
  574. explorer.input.foldername=Folder name:
  575. explorer.input.type=Type:
  576. explorer.button.up.tip=Go up to one level
  577. explorer.button.up=Up
  578. explorer.button.newfolder.tip=Create new folder
  579. folder
  580. explorer.button.newfolder=New folder
  581. explorer.button.home.tip=Go home
  582. explorer.button.home=Home
  583. explorer.button.list.tip=List
  584. explorer.button.list=List
  585. explorer.button.details.tip=Details
  586. explorer.button.details=Details
  587. explorer.button.view.tip=View
  588. explorer.button.view=View
  589. selected file
  591. selected file
  593. explorer.button.cancel.tip=Exit this dialog
  594. explorer.button.cancel=Cancel
  595. explorer.button.update.tip=Update directory list
  596. explorer.button.update=Update
  599. selected object
  601. explorer.context.refresh=Refresh
  602. explorer.context.newfolder=Create new folder
  603. explorer.view.list=List
  604. of files
  605. explorer.view.details=Details
  606. list of files
  607. explorer.details.file=File
  608. explorer.details.dir=Directory
  609. explorer.error.newfolder=Error creating new folder
  610. explorer.error.newfolder-nopath=Cannot create folder here.
  611. explorer.error.rename.title=Error while renaming\n{0}
  612. explorer.error.rename=Cannot rename this object.
  613. explorer.error.rename-exists=Cannot rename this file because it dublicates another one.
  614. explorer.unavailable.title=Explorer is unavailable
  615. explorer.unavailable=Could not initialize file chooser.
  616. you're using modified Windows themes that cause an error.
  617. # Boot
  618. boot.loading=Loading TLauncher %0...
  619. # About page
  620. about.text=one of the best simple Minecraft launchers. From Russia with Love &lt;3<br/><b>Our mission</b> — spread Minecraft all over the world.<br/>If you'd like to get source code or help with translations, contact the developer.
  621. about.bottom=Stay in touch with us at <a href="[;]"><b style="color: #3f5d9a">Facebook</b></a> :)
  622. <b>free</b> skin system that we use!
  623. about.license=You can redistribute unmodified versions of TLauncher. Also remember that this application is provided on an "as is" basis, without conditions or warranties of any kind.<br/>Use it wisely :) Thank you!
  624. # Browser
  625. link
  626. browser.hyperlink.popup.copy=Copy link
  627. link
  629. browser.hyperlink.create.error.title=Error parsing link
  630. browser.hyperlink.create.error=Cannot parse the link. Try to open it yourself:
  631. # Args
  632. args.error.title=Unrecognised argument
  633. args.error=Could not recognize passed argument. Launcher will close now.
  634. # Background
  635. background.loading=Loading background...
  636. # Notice
  637. notice.action.server.choose-version=Please select preferred version for %0:
  638. notice.action.server.choose-version.current=Use current version
  639. notice.action.server.account.required=%0 account required
  640. notice.action.server.account.required.error.title=Account required
  641. notice.action.server.account.required.error.single=To play on this server you must register %0 account.
  642. notice.action.server.account.required.error.single.have=Select %0 account in the account list and try again.
  643. notice.action.server.account.required.error.single.register=Register %0 account and log in using its credentials in the Account Manager.
  644. notice.action.server.account.required.error.multiple=This server accepts these account types:
  645. notice.action.server.account.required.error.multiple.have=Select one of your accounts and try again.
  646. notice.action.server.account.required.error.multiple.register=Create one of accounts above and try again.
  647. notice.action.server.account.supported=%0 account supported
  648. notice.action.launcher.start=Launch %0
  649. notice.action.launcher.start.error.not-found=Could not find launcher.
  650. not find launcher. Do you wish to visit the launcher web page?
  651. web page
  652. %0
  653. notice.action.hide=Hide the notice
  654. notice.action.hide-all=Hide all notices
  655. notice.action.scene=<html><b>Show all notices</b></html>
  656. notice.sidepanel.control.restore=Restore hidden notices
  657. notice.sidepanel.control.hide=Close notice panel
  658.'t show suggestions here
  659. notice.promoted.hide=Hide suggestions near the login button
  660. notice.promoted.restore=Show suggestions near the login button
  661. notice.enable.label=Notices:
  662. notice.enable=Show notices under login form
  663. notice.enable.hint=<b>(!)</b> Experimental setting <!--<a href=\"\">&gt;&gt;</a><br/>-->
  664. notice.enable.alert.true=Thank you for enabling notices!
  665. notice.enable.alert.false=You disabled notices.\n\nAlthough we reserve the right to enable them again if we find out that someone abusing this functionality.
  666. #
  667. #
  668. #
  669. #
  670. #
  671. #
  672. #
  673. #
  674. #
  675. #
  676. # Plural forms patterns
  677. plural=1;.*
  678. newfeatures.title=New features!
  679. newfeatures.body=We've added few things that we'd like to introduce to you.
  680. more about these features <u>[?]</u>
  681. newfeatures.list.old_releases=Show old releases (before 1.7.10)
  682. newfeatures.list.old_releases.description=If you're missing versions like 1.5.2 or 1.6.4
  683. newfeatures.bottom=If you change your mind, you can configure this later.
  684. newfeatures.button.okay=Okay, thanks!
  685. newfeatures.button.nope=No.
  686. account.manager.multipane.back=Back
  687. account.manager.multipane.welcome.title=Manage accounts
  688. # <br/><br/>Если что-то не понятно, для Вас доступна видеоинструкция на <a href="">YouTube <img src="${image:youtube.png}" width="${size:14}" height="${size:14}" /></a>.-->
  689. account.manager.multipane.welcome.body=You can manage accounts in this menu.<br/><br/>To add new account please click on «<img src="${image:plus.png}" width="${size:14}" height="${size:14}" />» button, to remove or edit – «<img src="${image:pencil.png}" width="${size:14}" height="${size:14}" />».<br/><br/>If you want to return to main menu click on «<img src="${image:home.png}" width="${size:14}" height="${size:14}" />» button.
  690. account.manager.multipane.add-account.title=Add account
  691. (w/o password)
  692. account
  693. skin system
  694. account.manager.multipane.add-account.type.mcleaks=MCLeaks
  695. account.manager.multipane.add-account.hint=I'm confused... Help me
  696. account.manager.multipane.remove-account=Delete account
  697. account.manager.multipane.add-account.error.exists.title=Account already exists
  698. account.manager.multipane.add-account.error.exists=This account is already in the list. Please remove it prior to create the same one.
  699. credentials required
  700. enter your credentials.
  701. account.manager.multipane.add-account-plain.title=Free (w/o password)
  702. account.manager.multipane.edit-account-plain.title=Edit
  703. account.manager.multipane.account-plain.label=Enter your username:
  704. account.manager.multipane.account-plain.placeholder=(e.g. turikhay)
  705. account
  706. account.manager.multipane.account-plain.edit=Edit
  707. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mojang.title=Mojang account
  708. account.manager.multipane.edit-account-mojang.title=Edit
  711. account.manager.multipane.account-mojang.password=Password:
  712. account.manager.multipane.account-mojang.forgot-password=<u>Forgot password?</u>
  713. account.manager.multipane.account-mojang.auth=Log in
  714. account
  715. account.manager.multipane.edit-account-ely_legacy.title=Edit
  716. or Username:
  717., MumboJumbo)
  718. account.manager.multipane.account-ely_legacy.password=Password:
  719. account.manager.multipane.account-ely_legacy.forgot-password=<u>Forgot password?</u>
  720. account.manager.multipane.account-ely_legacy.auth=Log in
  721. account
  722. account.manager.multipane.add-account-ely.description.body=<img src="${image:ely.png}" width="${size:16}" height="${size:16}" />&nbsp;<b></b> – free skin system that include auth service for players and Minecraft servers.<br/><br/>&nbsp;Why <b></b>?<br/>– TLauncher users will see your skin by default!<br/>– You will be able to open your world for LAN players!<br/><br/>If any problem occurs you may still use <a href="internal:tip:add-account-ely_legacy">classic auth model</a>.
  723. account.manager.multipane.add-account-ely.description.button=Log in to
  724. account.manager.multipane.add-account-ely.description.bottom-button=More about skin system
  725. account.manager.multipane.add-account-ely.get_ready.body=Great!<br/><br/>Please click on the button below to open your default browser and log in to your <b></b> account.<br/><br/>In case of an error please return to TLauncher and click "Have problem?"
  726. account.manager.multipane.add-account-ely.get_ready.button=Open your browser
  727. account.manager.multipane.add-account-ely.get_ready.bottom-button=Use classic model
  728. authorization
  729. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.init=Initializing...
  730. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.waiting=Open your browser to continue
  731. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.cancelled=Cancelled
  732. the code...
  733. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.input_waiting=Waiting for input...
  734. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.input_waiting.alert.title=Code required
  735. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.input_waiting.alert=Please enter the code that you should copy from the auth page in the browser:
  736. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.error=Error
  737. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.complete=Finished
  738. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.flow.complete.response=Code was successfully sent to <b>TLauncher</b>. You may return back to the app.
  739. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.failed=Have problem?
  740. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.failed.fallback=Try fallback model
  741. account.manager.multipane.process-account-ely.failed.classic=Classic model
  742. account
  743. account.manager.multipane.account-ely.label=Your username:
  744. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.title=MCLeaks account
  745. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.description.body=<img src="${image:mcleaks.png}" width="${size:16}" height="${size:16}" />&nbsp;<b></b> – free alt service for <img src="${image:mojang.png}" width="${size:16}" height="${size:16}" />&nbsp;<b>Mojang</b> accounts.<br/><br/>Using an MCLeaks account you will be able to log in as a random <b>Premium</b> player, which means you can play on Premium servers.
  746. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.description.button=Next »
  747. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.unsupported.button=Not supported
  748. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.waiting.body=Please wait...<br/><br/>We're making sure that <img src="${image:mcleaks.png}" width="${size:16}" height="${size:16}" />&nbsp;<b>MCLeaks</b> server are available and ready to redirect your requests...<br/><br/>This is a background process. You can return here later.
  749. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.waiting.button=Waiting
  750. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.get_alt_token.body=<img src="${image:mcleaks.png}" width="${size:16}" height="${size:16}" />&nbsp;<b></b> doesn't give you the full access to the account. To access MCLeaks alts we use <b>ALT-TOKEN</b>. Don't lose it in order to keep the access to the alt.<br/><br/>Now, please get the account on the <b>MCLeaks</b> website, return to the launcher and enter the ALT-TOKEN.
  751. account.manager.multipane.add-account-mcleaks.get_alt_token.button=Get ALT-TOKEN on the website
  752. account.manager.multipane.process-account-mcleaks.title=MCLeaks account
  753. account.manager.multipane.edit-account-mcleaks.title=Edit
  754. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.username=Username:
  755. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.token=Enter ALT-TOKEN:
  756. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.token.placeholder=(e.g., DP3yi0jOBdnCuh9U)
  757. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.button.add=Redeem ALT-TOKEN
  758. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.button.get-token=Get ALT-TOKEN on the website
  759. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.button.edit=Refresh alt
  760. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.oldToken=Old ALT-TOKEN:
  761. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.newToken=New ALT-TOKEN:
  762. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.newToken.renew=Get
  763. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.overwrite.title=Account doesn't exist
  764. account.manager.multipane.account-mcleaks.overwrite=You're trying to redeem an ALT-TOKEN that is associated with another alt (see below).\nDo you want to remove old alt?
  765. account.manager.multipane.success-add.title=Account is added!
  766. account.manager.multipane.success-edit.title=Account is edited!
  767. account.manager.multipane.success.body=<b>Great!</b> You just created an account that can be used to log in to game.<br/><br/>You may see it selected in the list.<br/><br/>You can return back to home screen <img src="${image:home.png}" width="${size:14}" height="${size:14}" /> and start playing!
  768. account.manager.error.title=Authorization error
  769. account.manager.error.ioe=Could not connect to the auth server. Authorization server is not available right now.\nPlease try again later.
  770. account.manager.error.unknown=Auth server returned unknown error.
  771. account.manager.error.mojang.migrated=Please migrate your account on
  772. account.manager.error.mcleaks.alt-token=Invalid ALT-TOKEN.\nPlease open Account manager, select this account, then get and redeem new ALT-TOKEN
  773. account.manager.error.mcleaks.alt-token.editor=ALT-TOKEN is invalid or already used.
  774. account.manager.error.mcleaks.unsupported=MCLeaks is not supported in this environment.
  775. account.manager.error.mcleaks.status-unknown=We're refreshing MCLeaks server status. Please wait.
  776. account.manager.error.mcleaks.unavailable=MCLeaks servers are not available at the moment.
  777. account.manager.error.ely.invalid-credentials=Could not validate the account.\nPlease open Account manager, select this account and authorize again.
  778. account.manager.error.ely.2fa=This account is protected with two-factor authentication.\nYou should open Account Manager, remove this account and try to log in once more.
  779. account.manager.error.ely.2fa.editor=This account is protected with two-factor authentication.\nPlease use modern authentication model or disable two-factor authentication on the
  780. account.manager.error.ely.banned=This Ely account was suspended.
  781. account.manager.error.ely.fetch-code=Could not exchange auth codes
  782. account.manager.error.mojang.invalid-credentials=Could not validate the account. Please open Account manager, select this account and authorize again.\n\nIf this errors occurs way too often, please change your account's credentials - your account may be compromised.
  783. account.manager.error.invalid-credentials=Could not validate the account. Please open Account manager, select this account and authorize again.
  784. account.manager.error.invalid-credentials.editor=Invalid login or password
  785. account.manager.error.banned=This account is banned.
  786. account.manager.error.detailed=Could not read the server response. You can see it below.
  787. account.manager.error.unavailable=Authorization service is not available at the moment.
  788. feedback.title=Oh, wait!
  789. feedback.body=You might be in hurry trying to quit our app. We just wanted to ask you a few question about TLauncher, this is really important for us!\n\nPlease, give us another couple of minutes.
  790. feedback.button.okay=Okay
  791., thanks
  792. feedback.return.title=Return back
  793. feedback.return=Will you return back to this app?
  794. connection.error.title=Connection error
  795. connection.error.ssl=Could not find required certificates or they are invalid.\nWe'll have to disable cert validation.
  796. connection.error.ssl.restart=TLauncher will be closed. Please restart it afterwards.
  797. connection.error.ssl.cause.official-repo=We could not connect to official Mojang repository.
  798. connection.error.ssl.cause.mojang-auth=We could not authorize against Mojang servers.
  799. connection.error.ssl.cause.ely-auth=We could not authorize against servers.
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