
Dig Hidden PBN

Jun 3rd, 2020
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  28. 32. Anuradha Chawla - Dhost
  29. 32-17-anuradha-chawla-time-management-expert-roundup-traffic-crowWell…I think presently my life is just focused towards blogging. I mean the whole of it. So my time is not worried or bifurcated. I don’t think at this stage of life… When you are passionate just about your career, Your career itself should be apart from your personal life. Nevertheless I have a single focused life…that is blogging ??
  32. 33. Himanshu Gupta - Blog Rags
  33. 33-19-himanshu-gupta-time-management-expert-roundup-traffic-crowI’m a college student, and it becomes tough to manage the both blogging and my studies, and it becomes more difficult when you take a branch which is very tough, E&C. I think if anybody has a passion for blogging and it interests him he will be able to take out time for it. I love blogging, so I quickly can cut down on time which I spend on a useless thing like watching movies and other stuff and use it for blogging.
  35. Sometimes I have to wake up late at night to finish work, but I don’t feel the pain because I love what I do. Sometimes it is impossible to work, but that’s fine because the beauty of blogging is that you can work whenever you like.
  38. 34. Bhanu Pratap Kaushik - The Tech Swag
  39. 34-51-bhanu-pratap-kaushik-time-management-expert-roundup-traffic-crowIt’s all about prioritizing your tasks. You should always plan on the tasks for the next day in advance. You’ll do things more efficiently when you know what you have to do. I am sure, following this rule, you will have an ample time left for your family.
  42. 35. Dilip Sharma - Blog Bing
  43. 35-22-dilip-sharma-time-management-expert-roundup-traffic-crowTime management is not easy as it sounds. Even I was suffering from the uneven management of time. Things were not going as planned in blogging or personal life, everything was un-managed and was getting messy day by day.
  45. A few years back, when I entered into blogging world, I use to sit in front of monitor more than 12 hours in a day including day and night. I was successful in the online world but was suffering in real life. In those time I got my first eyeglasses due to excessive use of computer only. Soon I realized the importance of time balancing in both my blogging and personal life.
  47. Here are few things which I follow to keep up a perfect balance between my digital and personal life.
  49. #1: Finding Important work of today: I get started with finding all important task of the same day in the morning before sunrise. I search for and list all must to-do actions of the day.
  51. # 2 I Schedule my day: After finding all important things-to-do, I do scheduling of my works after analyzing the ongoing situation, my planning depends on things which are important to me on the same day. I write on paper (using a mobile app for time management is not good for me as when I unlock my phone I get engage into reading messages and email.) that which works are important today and how much time I should spend doing that work.
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