

Mar 27th, 2016
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  1. FishTankBoss1954
  2. (Rohman Gojira) <Your wedding?
  3. 10:42
  4. LSDKama
  5. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Landed on Hyperion's car*
  6. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Jumps off of the car*
  7. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Looks at the car, laughing*
  8. 10:42
  9. FishTankBoss1954
  11. 10:43
  12. LSDKama
  13. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Looks the Hyperion, the blood from the Gang Member still on his hands*
  14. 10:43
  15. FishTankBoss1954
  16. (Hyperion Gojira) <NOW I GOTTA FUCKING CALL GEico
  17. 10:43
  18. LSDKama
  19. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) <{Geico sucks.}
  20. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) <{I'm under "Kamen Rider" Insurance.}
  21. 10:44
  22. FishTankBoss1954
  23. (Rohman Gojira) *has read the entire wedding brochure*
  24. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  25. 10:44
  26. Gallibon the Destroyer
  27. o/
  28. 10:44
  29. FishTankBoss1954
  30. O/
  31. 10:44
  32. Fr0stfur
  33. hi o/
  34. 10:44
  35. Gallibon the Destroyer
  36. Frostfur! I haven't seen you in like forever!
  37. Hows it going man!?
  38. 10:44
  39. Fr0stfur
  40. did i miss anything in the last week or so
  41. good gallibon
  42. u?
  43. 10:45
  44. Gallibon the Destroyer
  45. Look what I made for you:
  46. 10:45
  47. FishTankBoss1954
  48. (Rohman Gojira) <Ooh. The wedding's tomorrow.
  49. 10:45
  50. DrGodzilla120
  51. The NE took over the U.S.
  52. 10:45
  53. Gallibon the Destroyer
  54. IguanaGoji died.
  55. Jiger died.
  56. 10:45
  57. LSDKama
  58. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) <{Even though all the other majors except for Esurance and Allstate have me under "Kaijin" Insurance.}
  59. 10:45
  60. Gallibon the Destroyer
  61. Hitodah is a traitor!
  62. 10:45
  63. Fr0stfur
  64. wait really
  65. 10:46
  66. DrGodzilla120
  67. A few other guys died.
  68. 10:46
  69. LSDKama
  70. Yeah
  71. 10:46
  72. Gojiran103
  73. Indeed.
  74. 10:46
  75. Fr0stfur
  76. that was fast
  77. 10:46
  78. LSDKama
  79. Hi
  80. 10:46
  81. Fr0stfur
  82. xd
  83. 10:46
  84. Gallibon the Destroyer
  85. What was fast?
  86. 10:46
  87. DrGodzilla120
  88. And the NE is planning to launch an invasion on MI soon.
  89. 10:46
  90. Fr0stfur
  91. the takeover of the US
  92. 10:46
  93. LSDKama
  94. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Kicks the car again*
  95. 10:46
  96. Gojiran103
  97. Yup. And them MIW3 comes again.
  98. 10:46
  99. DrGodzilla120
  100. The NE gained a lot of people.
  101. 10:46
  102. Gallibon the Destroyer
  103. Hitodah is actually a Viledrode monster.
  104. 10:46
  105. Fr0stfur
  106. i can kill off some of my guys off-screen if you want :p
  107. 10:46
  108. LSDKama
  109. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) <{I'm neither of those.}
  110. 10:46
  111. Gojiran103
  112. Z is arguably its strongest behind Trahir. :3
  113. 10:46
  114. Fr0stfur
  115. just say they died earlier
  116. who is Z
  117. 10:47
  118. FishTankBoss1954
  119. (Rohman Gojira) <How many NE gangsters are invited to the wedding?
  120. 10:47
  121. Gallibon the Destroyer
  122. Jiger died on-screen though.
  123. 10:47
  124. Fr0stfur
  125. yeah but i wan't there so i can't kill them on-screen
  126. 10:47
  127. DrGodzilla120
  128. Well, not necessarily.
  129. 10:47
  130. Gojiran103
  131. A character related to the 'bloods I made a bit ago
  132. 10:47
  133. LSDKama
  134. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Picks up the car*
  135. 10:47
  136. DrGodzilla120
  137. There are many powerful NE members.
  138. 10:47
  139. ShodaiGoro
  140. gtgbai
  141. 10:47
  142. LSDKama
  143. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Throws it into the distance*
  144. 10:47
  145. Gojiran103
  146. I know. I'm bragging.
  147. 10:47
  148. ShodaiGoro
  149. o/
  150. 10:47
  151. DrGodzilla120
  152. o/
  153. 10:47
  154. LSDKama
  155. bye
  156. 10:47
  157. DrGodzilla120
  158. Oh, also.
  159. 10:47
  160. LSDKama
  161. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Dusts his hands off*
  162. 10:47
  163. FishTankBoss1954
  164. O/
  165. 10:48
  166. LSDKama
  167. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Begins walking away*
  168. 10:48
  169. Gallibon the Destroyer
  170. o/
  171. 10:48
  172. DrGodzilla120
  173. Fun fact: Technically, in the NE, The Crystal Cavalier is the same rank as Trahir.
  174. 10:48
  175. Gojiran103
  176. I figured.
  177. 10:48
  178. DrGodzilla120
  179. Meaning that he can give out orders as well.
  180. Like, to generals and commanders and such.
  181. 10:48
  182. FishTankBoss1954
  183. (Hyperion Gojira) <Let's see, Trahir, U-Killersaurus, everyone else...
  184. 10:48
  185. Gojiran103
  186. Co-leader of the empire, I assume?
  187. ShodaiGoro has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  188. 10:49
  189. Gallibon the Destroyer
  190. Gamoni
  191. 10:49
  192. DrGodzilla120
  193. There are four co-leaders of the Empire that I know about.
  194. Trahir, Crystalleon, Obsidian, and The Crystal Cavalier.
  195. Well, they're the original 4 founders.
  196. 10:49
  197. FishTankBoss1954
  198. I'm gonna do Hyperion's wedding now since I gotta go soon
  199. 10:49
  200. LSDKama
  201. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Turns to a 1931 Bugatti Royale Kellner Coupe*
  202. 10:49
  203. DrGodzilla120
  204. Though most people consider Trahir the de facto leader.
  205. 10:50
  206. Stabirynth
  207. Yeah.
  208. Trahir is.
  209. 10:50
  210. Gallibon the Destroyer
  211. DrG, OM
  212. *PM
  213. 10:50
  214. FishTankBoss1954
  215. So the whole NE is invited to his wedding
  216. 10:50
  217. Stabirynth
  218. Say, who are Obsidian, Crystalleon, and CC?
  219. 10:50
  220. LSDKama
  221. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) <{That car looks nice...}
  222. 10:50
  223. Fr0stfur
  224. CC is my big bad
  225. 10:50
  226. Gojiran103
  227. Oh, look. It's about time you used a goddamn car to some knowledge. @Kama
  228. 10:50
  229. DrGodzilla120
  230. Crystalleon is a Spanish dictator SpaceGodzilla. One of my three big bads.
  231. Sucho's (the Gojiran) archenemy.
  232. 10:51
  233. Fr0stfur
  234. CC is also coincidentally a SpaceGodzilla variant
  235. 10:51
  236. LSDKama
  237. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Turns around, walks away*
  238. 10:51
  239. DrGodzilla120
  240. Obsidian is a kaiju who previously laid waste to the world, though was eventually killed by heroes and sent to Hell.
  241. However, he escaped, and formed a group.
  242. 10:51
  243. Gallibon the Destroyer
  244. "laid waste"
  245. 10:51
  246. Stabirynth
  247. I'm pretty much working up Cabron as a highly unfazed dragon who is highly loyal to Trahir.
  248. 10:51
  249. Gallibon the Destroyer
  250. :3
  251. 10:51
  252. DrGodzilla120
  253. They were one of the few villains to actually conquer a location and permanently hold onto it.
  254. 10:51
  255. LSDKama
  256. I just googled rare cars.
  257. I hate cars.
  258. 10:51
  259. FishTankBoss1954
  260. *At Hyperion's wedding*
  261. 10:52
  262. DrGodzilla120
  263. Obsidian, that is.
  264. 10:52
  265. Gojiran103
  266. Still counts.
  267. 10:52
  268. DrGodzilla120
  269. (Trahir) *is standing in the middle of a circle at Hyperion's wedding*
  270. *the circle is chanting*
  271. 10:52
  272. Fr0stfur
  273. I'd use CC more, but I'm planning for him to become more important to the plot during/after MIW3
  274. 10:52
  275. DrGodzilla120
  276. * "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" *
  277. 10:52
  278. Stabirynth
  279. Same with Cabron.
  280. 10:52
  281. Gallibon the Destroyer
  282. (Gamoni) *is sitting down on a bench with Hardshell and Breakdown*
  283. 10:52
  284. DrGodzilla120
  285. (Trahir) *finishes his seventh gallon of Mountain Dew*
  286. 10:52
  287. Fr0stfur
  288. Who's Hyperion again lol
  289. 10:52
  290. Gojiran103
  291. ("Z") *sitting on his own throne, tapping his claw on the throne as he looks to the view outside of the Chicago base*
  292. 10:52
  293. Fr0stfur
  294. is he a decepticon
  295. 10:52
  296. Gallibon the Destroyer
  297. (Gamoni) <(I had too many Mtn. Dews....)
  298. 10:53
  299. FishTankBoss1954
  300. Gojira. OC
  301. Gojiran
  302. 10:53
  303. Gojiran103
  304. Nyeeees?
  305. 10:53
  306. Gallibon the Destroyer
  307. He's probably the first Gojiran to work with the NE.
  308. 10:53
  309. DrGodzilla120
  310. *a NE courier walks up to Z*
  311. 10:53
  312. LSDKama
  313. Gfantis is hiding in the Amazon...
  314. 10:53
  315. DrGodzilla120
  316. (Neo Empire Courier) Special delivery, sir. Sent by Trahir.
  317. 10:53
  318. LSDKama
  319. And don't try finding him
  320. 10:53
  321. Stabirynth
  322. Though my unknown villain, who has both the names of Balkzagarath and Selemeoph is pretty much going to become my main villain.
  323. 10:53
  324. DrGodzilla120
  325. (Neo Empire Courier) Chicago Pizza.
  326. 10:54
  327. Stabirynth
  328. And he is going to be a LARGE threat.
  329. 10:54
  330. Fr0stfur
  331. Who's Hyperion marrying
  332. 10:54
  333. FishTankBoss1954
  334. *wedding ceremony is over since idk how that shit works*
  335. 10:54
  336. DrGodzilla120
  337. XD
  338. 10:54
  339. FishTankBoss1954
  340. Tethys
  341. 10:54
  342. Gojiran103
  343. ("Z") *turns around, and takes it, opening the box and begins eating it* <(Thank you, courier.)
  344. 10:54
  345. DrGodzilla120
  346. *the courier bows and leaves*
  347. 10:54
  348. Fr0stfur
  349. Another Goji OC?
  350. 10:54
  351. LSDKama
  352. I'm not using him him until that's over
  353. 10:54
  354. FishTankBoss1954
  355. Another Gojiran oc
  356. LSDKama
  357. *The Courier gets shot in the back by a straw arrow*
  358. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  359. 10:54
  360. DrGodzilla120
  361. *the courier turns around and catches it*
  362. 10:54
  363. LSDKama
  364. (Eanif) *In England*
  365. 10:54
  366. Gallibon the Destroyer
  367. (Breakdown) <(Mmm whatcha say...)
  368. 10:54
  369. LSDKama
  370. (Eanif) <{Where'd the arrow go?}
  371. (Abraxas) *Holding a bow*
  372. (Abraxas) <{Don't know, don't care.}
  373. 10:55
  374. Fr0stfur
  376. 10:55
  377. DrGodzilla120
  378. (Trahir) *checks his phone*
  379. 10:55
  380. Stabirynth
  381. *Cabron is eating from a large bag which is the size of a warship, with popcorn inside*
  382. 10:55
  383. LSDKama
  384. *There's a hole through a tree with an "X" painted on it*
  385. 10:56
  386. FishTankBoss1954
  387. (Hyperion Gojira) *has put the usual "just married" shit on his Agera R*
  388. 10:56
  389. DrGodzilla120
  390. (News Reporter) People over the world have been greatly upset by the new rule of the Neo Empire over the United States, telling their leader, Trahir, to "eat lead".
  391. (Trahir) *stares for a bit, and then grins*
  392. 10:56
  393. Fr0stfur
  394. Eh.
  395. 10:56
  396. LSDKama
  397. *Abraxas' arrow traveled from England to Chicago*
  398. 10:56
  399. Stabirynth
  400. *Cabron walks up to Trahir*
  401. 10:56
  402. DrGodzilla120
  403. (Trahir) *takes a big bite out of his lead sandwich*
  404. 10:56
  405. Fr0stfur
  406. Still better than Donald Trump
  407. 10:56
  408. LSDKama
  409. *SOMEHOW*
  410. *...Somehow
  411. *
  412. 10:56
  413. Stabirynth
  414. (Cabron) : Hey Trahir, want some of my popcorn? It's really great.
  415. 10:57
  416. LSDKama
  417. *Another arrow hits Trahir*
  418. 10:57
  419. Fr0stfur
  420. #TrahirForPresident2016
  421. xd
  422. 10:57
  423. LSDKama
  424. (Eanif) *Takes the the bow out of Abraxas' hands*
  425. 10:57
  426. DrGodzilla120
  427. (Trahir) Yea, sure.
  428. 10:57
  429. Stabirynth
  431. 10:57
  432. LSDKama
  433. (Eanif) *Breaks the bow*
  434. 10:57
  435. DrGodzilla120
  436. (Trahir) *eats some*
  437. 10:57
  438. Gojiran103
  439. Trahir for president...
  440. 10:58
  441. Gallibon the Destroyer
  442. (Hardshell) <(What am I doing here?)
  443. 10:58
  444. LSDKama
  445. *The WSA and the CCCR/CCSC have declined to comment on trahir*
  446. 10:58
  447. Stabirynth
  448. *Trahir suddenly envisions himself, eating the greatest thing in the universe, which is shaped like popcorn*
  449. 10:58
  450. Fr0stfur
  451. How do we beat the Neo Empire?
  452. We need to build a wall
  453. 10:58
  454. FishTankBoss1954
  455. (Rohman Gojira) <God, I wonder what will go down in Hyperion's hotel room tonight. I don't wanna know actually.
  456. 10:58
  457. Stabirynth
  459. 10:58
  460. Gojiran103
  461. ("Z") *breaks through the wall within ease :3 *
  462. 10:58
  463. Stabirynth
  466. 10:59
  467. Fr0stfur
  468. Donald Trump didn't watch Pacific Rim, I guess
  469. 10:59
  470. Gallibon the Destroyer
  471. (Breakdown) <(HEY GUYS! I BOUGHT THE DRINKS!!!)
  472. 10:59
  473. Stabirynth
  475. 10:59
  476. LSDKama
  477. *But some have reported that the former has been acting angry about Trahir*
  478. 10:59
  479. Gojiran103
  480. ("Z") <(Terminated.... hmph, I see.)
  481. 10:59
  482. LSDKama
  483. (WSA Elite Scout) *Watching the wedding*
  484. 10:59
  485. Stabirynth
  486. I'm going to make a villain that's fucking serious and destroys universes, but acts like Donald Trump.
  487. 11:00
  488. Gojiran103
  489. ("Z") <(The Gojiran is with his son, it seems. I taking his life wasn't out of spite. Was only out of his own destiny.) *gets up, taking a closer look at the view*
  490. 11:00
  491. Fr0stfur
  492. WSA?
  493. Is that a news channel
  494. 11:00
  495. LSDKama
  496. World Security Act
  497. 11:00
  498. Fr0stfur
  499. oh
  500. 11:00
  501. LSDKama
  502. Aka GDF's biggest Competitor.
  503. *The GDF's
  504. 11:01
  505. Stabirynth
  506. *Meanwhile, the bartender is testing out his machine*
  507. 11:01
  508. FishTankBoss1954
  509. *Hyperion tend Tethys have "strangely disappeared*
  510. 11:01
  511. LSDKama
  512. (WSA Elite Scout) *Is a Daikaijin*
  513. 11:01
  514. Stabirynth
  515. *He takes out a cardinal, then lets it fly in*
  516. 11:01
  517. FishTankBoss1954
  518. *and
  519. 11:01
  520. Gallibon the Destroyer
  521. (Gamoni) <(What about the cake?)
  522. 11:01
  523. FishTankBoss1954
  524. fucking autocorrect
  525. 11:01
  526. Gojiran103
  527. ("Z") *overhears the party from downstairs, although, rejects, wanting to stay in his rather quiet room* <(Have fun, ya nuts.)
  528. 11:01
  529. DrGodzilla120
  530. (Trahir) *in best Obama impression* Thank you! Thank you all! I love you back!
  531. (Trahir) *also envisions Doritos and MD instead of popcorn*
  532. 11:01
  533. LSDKama
  534. (WSA Elite Scout) *Walks over to Gamoni*
  535. 11:02
  536. DrGodzilla120
  537. (Trahir) *in best Obama impression* I would like to declare Mountain Dew the national drink of the U.S.!
  538. 11:02
  539. LSDKama
  540. (WSA Elite Scout) *Looks around*
  541. 11:02
  542. Gallibon the Destroyer
  543. (Gamoni) *to WSA Elite Scout* <(Hello?)
  544. 11:02
  545. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  546. *shots are fired at Trahir*
  547. 11:02
  548. LSDKama
  549. *Then tomatoes are thrown at him*
  550. 11:02
  551. Fr0stfur
  552. Shots fired
  553. 11:03
  554. LSDKama
  555. *Which are "Anti-Trahir Tomatoes"*
  556. 11:03
  557. Stabirynth
  558. Okay, you guys know how this guy called Gawker tried throwing a lawsuit at Hulk Hogan for sex tapes of him and someone else that's famous?
  559. Well we can call him Dwayne from now on.
  560. 11:03
  561. DrGodzilla120
  562. (Trahir) *eats them*
  563. 11:03
  564. LSDKama
  565. Copyright ZunTech.
  566. 11:03
  567. DrGodzilla120
  568. (Trahir) *gets stronger*
  569. 11:03
  570. Stabirynth
  572. 11:03
  573. LSDKama
  574. LLC
  575. 11:03
  576. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  577. *they are not bullets*
  578. 11:03
  579. LSDKama
  580. *Yes, his smell gets stronger*
  581. 11:03
  582. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  583. *they are literal needles*
  584. 11:03
  585. Gallibon the Destroyer
  586. What the heck is going on?
  587. 11:03
  588. Fr0stfur
  589. ^
  590. 11:03
  591. DrGodzilla120
  592. (Trahir) *eats them anyway*
  593. 11:03
  594. LSDKama
  595. *He now can be smelled from a mile away*
  596. 11:03
  597. DrGodzilla120
  598. (Trahir) *smells like flowers*
  599. 11:04
  600. Gojiran103
  601. xd @Trahir
  602. 11:04
  603. LSDKama
  604. *Ass Flowes*
  605. 11:04
  606. DrGodzilla120
  607. (Trahir) *smells like LSDKama*
  608. 11:04
  609. LSDKama
  610. I smell horrid
  611. :3
  612. *Canon now*
  613. *He smells like me*
  614. 11:04
  615. FishTankBoss1954
  616. (Hyperion Gojira) and (Tethys) *return to see Trahir eating needles*
  617. 11:04
  618. DrGodzilla120
  619. *lolno*
  620. 11:05
  621. Gojiran103
  622. are you sure he was firing needles, or noodles? :3
  623. 11:05
  624. Fr0stfur
  625. mmmmmmmmmm
  626. are they ramen
  627. 11:05
  628. FishTankBoss1954
  629. (Hyperion Gojira) <Alrighty then. Wedding's over and we are going home.
  630. 11:05
  631. Gojiran103
  632. yeah
  633. 11:05
  634. DrGodzilla120
  635. (Trahir) *chugs down a mile of Mountain Dew*
  636. 11:05
  637. Gojiran103
  638. ramen noodles
  639. 11:05
  640. DrGodzilla120
  641. (Trahir) *doesn't care that the measurement is improper*
  642. (Trahir) *does it anyway*
  643. 11:05
  644. Stabirynth
  645. *The Cardinal is floating through space, when suddenly something purple sucks it in*
  646. 11:05
  647. Fr0stfur
  648. ramen noodles are so good
  649. 11:06
  650. LSDKama
  651. (WSA Elite Scout) *Looks at Gamoni*
  652. 11:06
  653. Gallibon the Destroyer
  654. (Gamoni) <(Wat?)
  655. 11:06
  656. LSDKama
  657. (WSA Elite Scout) *Looks strangely familiar to her*
  658. 11:06
  659. Gallibon the Destroyer
  660. (Gamoni) *is drunk on Mtn. Dew*
  661. 11:06
  662. Fr0stfur
  663. I'm gonna wait for this RP to end
  664. 11:06
  665. Gallibon the Destroyer
  666. (Gamoni) *squints to see who it is*
  667. No wait, retcon the drunk Mtn. Dew part
  668. 11:07
  669. LSDKama
  670. (WSA Elite Scout) *Fires his converted full-auto Glock 17 into the air*
  671. (WSA Elite Scout) *Turns around, walks away*
  672. 11:07
  673. Gallibon the Destroyer
  674. (Gamoni) <(The fuck?)
  675. 11:07
  676. LSDKama
  677. *A vulture falls on Gamoni*
  678. 11:07
  679. FishTankBoss1954
  680. (Hyperion Gojira) and (Tethys) *get into Hyperion's Carr and drive away*
  681. 11:08
  682. LSDKama
  683. *Followed by two more on Hardshell*
  684. 11:08
  685. FishTankBoss1954
  686. *car
  687. 11:08
  688. Gojiran103
  689. ..... I misread *sqints
  690. 11:08
  691. Stabirynth
  692. *Something begins enveloping on it, turning it strange*
  693. 11:08
  694. LSDKama
  695. *And one vulture shit lands on Breakdown*
  696. 11:08
  697. FishTankBoss1954
  698. gtg
  699. 11:08
  700. Gojiran103
  701. o/
  702. 11:08
  703. LSDKama
  704. bye
  705. 11:09
  706. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  707. I love it when Riders fight over a girl.
  708. 11:09
  709. LSDKama
  710. (WSA Elite Scout) *Is almost away, when he gets Rider Kicked in the heas*
  711. 11:09
  712. Gojiran103
  713. Gallibon, Tengen, did you two get a PM?
  714. 11:09
  715. Gallibon the Destroyer
  716. Sorry had to refresh.
  717. 11:09
  718. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  719. Yeah.
  720. 11:09
  721. Gojiran103
  722. Alright.
  723. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  724. I answered.
  725. 11:10
  726. Fr0stfur
  727. Any idea of when MIW3 will be?
  728. 11:10
  729. LSDKama
  730. (WSA Elite Scout) *Explodes into gore*
  731. FishTankBoss1954 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  732. 11:10
  733. Stabirynth
  734. Soon.
  735. 11:10
  736. Gallibon the Destroyer
  737. SOON
  738. 11:10
  739. LSDKama
  740. (Pseudo Kamen Rider) *Steals the gun*
  741. 11:10
  742. Gojiran103
  743. what if
  744. 11:11
  745. Fr0stfur
  746. Anyone being the attackers besides me and DrG?
  747. 11:11
  748. Gojiran103
  749. trahir had a negative side
  750. otherwise: rihart
  751. 11:11
  752. LSDKama
  753. Already made Riharr
  754. Anti-Trahir
  755. 11:11
  756. Gallibon the Destroyer
  757. *Gamoni, Hardshell and Breakdown get into battle positions*
  758. 11:11
  759. Fr0stfur
  760. He's the opposite of a stu?
  761. :?
  762. 11:11
  763. LSDKama
  764. No
  765. 11:11
  766. Gallibon the Destroyer
  767. (Breakdown) <(It's hammer time!)
  768. (Hardshell) *roars*
  769. 11:11
  770. LSDKama
  771. He's a Godmod Sue to a Godmod Sue
  772. He blinks and reality explodes.
  773. 11:12
  774. Stabirynth
  775. *The cardinal reemerges, now humanoid, and with the power to go to any universe they wish to go to*
  776. 11:12
  777. Gallibon the Destroyer
  778. (Gamoni) <(Back off, vultures!)
  779. (Gamoni) <(Or we shall grind you into dust!0
  780. *dust!)
  781. 11:12
  782. LSDKama
  783. He can kill you by existing.
  784. 11:12
  785. Fr0stfur
  786. So he's basically Slayer but Trahir-like instead
  787. 11:12
  788. LSDKama
  789. Yep
  790. I plan on having him show up once or twice
  791. 11:12
  792. Fr0stfur
  793. But how is that the opposite?
  794. 11:13
  795. Gojiran103
  796. How is a Godmod Sue to a Godmod sue not opposite
  797. 11:13
  798. LSDKama
  799. Anti like he's an Anti-Pope in CKII
  800. He's like him, but different
  801. And in this case 1000x stronger
  802. And can destroying omniverses by existing.
  803. 11:14
  804. Gojiran103
  805. what if there were negatives sides of everyone?
  806. 11:15
  807. LSDKama
  808. Yet hates paprika.
  809. 11:15
  810. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  811. .....
  812. 11:15
  813. Gojiran103
  814. ksamxof
  815. 11:15
  816. Fr0stfur
  817. I'm gonna have to of my minor NE characters die off-screen in some earlier battle
  818. 11:15
  819. LSDKama
  820. It kills him indtantly.
  821. 11:15
  822. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  823. .....
  824. 11:15
  825. LSDKama
  826. *Instantly
  827. 11:15
  828. Fr0stfur
  829. two*
  830. 11:15
  831. LSDKama
  832. But there's millions o him.
  833. *of
  834. 11:15
  835. Gojiran103
  838. 11:16
  839. Fr0stfur
  840. RIP Megaguirus 2007
  841. you kinda sucked
  842. 11:16
  843. LSDKama
  844. Infinite Rihart Army.
  845. 11:16
  846. Fr0stfur
  847. What was a major battle while i was gone?
  848. 11:16
  849. LSDKama
  850. Have I said his powers make him immune to Trahir?
  851. Yet other Riharts can easily kill him.
  852. ...And they're all really stupid.
  853. They don't know how to use their powers.
  854. They mainly attack by flailing their arms,
  855. Flaredragon00 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  856. 11:18
  857. Gallibon the Destroyer
  858. Tha major battle was the NE Invasion of America last night
  859. 11:18
  860. Fr0stfur
  861. ok she died during that then
  862. 11:18
  863. Gallibon the Destroyer
  864. Yes.
  865. 11:18
  866. LSDKama
  867. Can I say she attacked the ROX?
  868. 11:18
  869. Gallibon the Destroyer
  870. Poor Gamoni...
  871. 11:18
  872. LSDKama
  873. [Republic of Xander.]
  874. 11:19
  875. Fr0stfur
  876. I'll just stick a bunch of my chars in that battle
  877. 11:19
  878. LSDKama
  879. And got shot at by 3.5 Million Kaiju at once.
  880. 11:19
  881. Fr0stfur
  882. LOL sure
  883. 11:19
  884. LSDKama
  885. As did all of your characters.
  886. 11:20
  887. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  888. what
  889. 11:20
  890. LSDKama
  891. They died against the Zunist's taking of my home town into Limbo.
  892. Is that okay?
  893. Because I was expecting someone to pick a fight with the 17.5 Million Zunists in the town.
  894. 11:21
  895. Fr0stfur
  896. all my characters? xd
  897. 11:21
  898. Gallibon the Destroyer
  899. Megaguirus 2007 is dead?
  900. I didn't know this.
  901. 11:22
  902. Fr0stfur
  903. She wasn't doing anything so i decided to have her die during the invasion of america
  904. 11:22
  905. Gallibon the Destroyer
  906. Another one bites the dust...
  907. Another one bites the dust...
  908. 11:22
  909. Fr0stfur
  910. I added her death to her page
  911. 11:22
  912. Gallibon the Destroyer
  913. And another goes, and another goes, another one bites the dust!
  914. 11:22
  915. DrGodzilla120
  916. Also, Kama.
  917. 11:22
  918. LSDKama
  919. Yeah?
  920. 11:22
  921. Gallibon the Destroyer
  922. Sorry I couldn't resist.
  923. 11:23
  924. DrGodzilla120
  925. "And can destroying omniverses by existing."
  926. 11:23
  927. Fr0stfur
  928. I'll probably kill off PS4 Battra during that as well
  929. 11:23
  930. LSDKama
  931. Riharts are a giant joke.
  932. 11:23
  933. Gallibon the Destroyer
  934. okay
  935. 11:23
  936. DrGodzilla120
  937. You do realize that the omniverse is literally every single universe and multiverse combined into one, correct?
  938. 11:23
  939. LSDKama
  940. Unlike Trahir.
  941. 11:23
  942. Fr0stfur
  943. since his companion (Krazar's Goji) is gone, he's not very interesting anymore
  944. 11:23
  945. LSDKama
  946. Well
  947. 11:23
  948. DrGodzilla120
  949. Trahir is a joke who's not a joke.
  950. Oh, wait.
  951. Fr0st.
  952. Krazar got unbanned.
  953. 11:23
  954. Fr0stfur
  955. oh
  956. 11:24
  957. Gallibon the Destroyer
  958. Krazar is back
  959. 11:24
  960. DrGodzilla120
  961. Essentially, Trahir's character is a joke, but he plays a role that's not a joke.
  962. 11:24
  963. Gallibon the Destroyer
  964. See:
  965. jk, jk
  966. 11:24
  967. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  968. Gojiran.
  969. 11:25
  970. Fr0stfur
  971. still, I'll have CC kill PS4Bat during that big battle
  972. because they would've been there if i wasn't gone
  973. 11:25
  974. LSDKama
  975. Omniverses are the step above Multiverse in my deffiniton.
  976. 11:25
  977. Gojiran103
  978. Jesus fucking christ
  979. 11:25
  980. Gallibon the Destroyer
  981. I plane to bring M, Rozan, Kunin, Makia and Heisei Gamera in that big battle.
  982. 11:25
  983. Gojiran103
  984. I just got blasted in the ear by humongous thunder
  985. 11:25
  986. Gallibon the Destroyer
  987. Just a heads up.
  988. 11:26
  989. LSDKama
  990. Oh god
  991. Why am I listening to this?
  992. 11:26
  993. Gojiran103
  994. What is it, Tengen?
  995. 11:27
  996. Fr0stfur
  997. k rip battra
  998. 11:28
  999. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1000. kay
  1001. 11:28
  1002. LSDKama
  1004. 11:28
  1005. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1006. First off, have you seen Kamen Rider: The First?
  1007. 11:29
  1008. Fr0stfur
  1009. Amethyst Sandstorm is also gonna die there
  1010. 11:29
  1011. Gojiran103
  1012. Not yet.
  1013. 11:29
  1014. Fr0stfur
  1015. because i have too many characters xD
  1016. 11:29
  1017. DrGodzilla120
  1018. GTG
  1019. 11:29
  1020. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1021. Oh okay. NVM then
  1022. Bye Dr o/
  1023. 11:29
  1024. DrGodzilla120
  1025. o/
  1026. I &lt;3 HALEY RAMM
  1027. 11:29
  1028. Gojiran103
  1029. o/
  1030. good for you
  1031. 11:30
  1032. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1033. o/
  1034. NO!
  1035. 11:30
  1036. Stabirynth
  1037. *The being proceeds to start going after universes to kill*
  1038. 11:30
  1039. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1040. I haven't introduce Pearl Blizzard yet!
  1041. 11:30
  1042. Stabirynth
  1043. *Or destroy*
  1044. DrGodzilla120 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1045. 11:31
  1046. LSDKama
  1047. bye
  1048. ...
  1049. 11:31
  1050. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1051. Hi Kama.
  1052. 11:31
  1053. LSDKama
  1055. I fucking love this somg.
  1056. 11:32
  1057. Fr0stfur
  1058. Then
  1059. Pearl can have someone to avenge
  1060. 11:33
  1061. Stabirynth
  1062. You guys know that 4Chan made a bot made by Microsoft be a nazi?
  1063. 11:34
  1064. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1065. Alright.
  1066. 11:34
  1067. Fr0stfur
  1068. Should I have anyone else die, or is 3 character deaths enough
  1069. 11:35
  1070. Gojiran103
  1071. Three's good
  1072. 11:35
  1073. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1074. Three's a crowd
  1075. 11:35
  1076. Fr0stfur
  1077. kk
  1078. Should definitely save some for MIW3
  1079. 11:35
  1080. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1081. Fr0stfur, PM
  1082. I can't wait for MIW3
  1083. 11:37
  1084. Fr0stfur
  1085. ikr
  1086. I have big things planned for it
  1087. very big things
  1088. 11:38
  1089. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1090. Me too.
  1091. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1092. Gojiran. PM.
  1093. 11:40
  1094. Fr0stfur
  1095. I can safely say that Anguirus and Sokogeki Anguirus will be in MIW3
  1096. 11:40
  1097. Stabirynth
  1098. I've been rewatching Yugi-oh.
  1099. And guess what?
  1100. 11:40
  1101. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1102. You still hate it?
  1103. 11:41
  1104. Fr0stfur
  1105. is DrG coming back?
  1106. 11:41
  1107. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1108. Hey Fr0stfur, looks whose the 450th page:
  1109. 11:41
  1110. Stabirynth
  1112. 11:42
  1113. LSDKama
  1114. I'm awesome
  1115. No you're not, don't lie
  1116. 11:42
  1117. Fr0stfur
  1118. oooohhhh
  1119. 11:42
  1120. LSDKama
  1121. That's my new ringtone.
  1122. 11:42
  1123. Stabirynth
  1124. *Exodia bursts in and grabs Fr0stfur*
  1125. *And LSD*
  1127. 11:43
  1128. Fr0stfur
  1129. Anyone know if DrG is coming back?
  1130. 11:43
  1131. LSDKama
  1132. * LSDKama **Noclips away*
  1133. 11:43
  1134. Stabirynth
  1135. Yes.
  1136. 11:43
  1137. LSDKama
  1138. Not tonight.
  1139. 11:43
  1140. Stabirynth
  1141. Soon.
  1142. But not now.
  1143. 11:43
  1144. LSDKama
  1145. Not tonight
  1146. He'll be back sometime tomorrow for people Central Standard time and back.
  1147. gtg
  1148. 11:44
  1149. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1150. o/
  1151. 11:44
  1152. Fr0stfur
  1153. kk
  1154. I'll leave too now
  1155. 11:44
  1156. Gojiran103
  1157. he'll be back tonight
  1158. 11:44
  1159. Fr0stfur
  1160. oh
  1161. nvm then
  1162. 11:45
  1163. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1164. Alright.
  1165. 11:45
  1166. Gojiran103
  1167. just kidding no he won't, he'll come in the morning tomorrow. usually at 10 AM.
  1168. 11:45
  1169. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1170. Oh.
  1171. Darnit Gojiran. XD
  1172. 11:45
  1173. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1174. Well, look on the Brightside.
  1175. That's less than 12 hours away
  1176. 11:46
  1177. LSDKama
  1178. :3
  1179. 11:46
  1180. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1181. Aaaaand I'll be setting my alarm then.
  1182. 11:46
  1183. LSDKama
  1184. 11:46
  1185. Gojiran103
  1186. why are you still here
  1187. 11:46
  1188. Stabirynth
  1189. I can wait through that for the ngiht.
  1190. 11:46
  1191. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1192. Me too.
  1193. 11:47
  1194. Stabirynth
  1195. Besides, I am an man of staying up.
  1196. 11:47
  1197. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1198. The series was adapted by Saban in North America as Saban's Masked Rider. The Americanization featured a heavily altered story and all new characters, in an attempt to fit the series in as a spin-off of the Power Rangers series.
  1199. LSDKama has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1200. 11:47
  1201. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1202. Y u do this Saban? Y???
  1203. 11:48
  1204. Gojiran103
  1205. We would be at Wizard if it still continued.
  1206. 11:49
  1207. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1208. (ARKR1) *is driving through Japan, looking for Shocker activity* <(Has to be around here somewhere.....)
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