
Aye I eye

Feb 3rd, 2022
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  1. I
  2. I
  3. I am healed
  4. I am dead
  5. I am wounded
  6. I am alive
  7. I am alive
  8. All in favour
  9. Aye aye am
  10. Aye aye am dead inside
  11. And in that dark
  12. She brings me life
  13. Light and love
  14. Death and dark
  15. Hate and hope
  16. I am in conflict, paradox
  17. I am in fight, in turmoil
  18. I am lost but found
  19. Everytime she looks at me
  20. Everytime I see those hazy eyes
  21. My own fog of mind reflected back at me
  22. And all I feel is love
  23. And hope and joy
  24. Until she looks away
  25. And I die again
  26. And again
  27. And again
  28. Those in favour
  29. Aye aye am
  30. Dead inside
  31. In chaos and comfort
  32. In the embrace of her arms
  33. In the night
  34. Even a hand on my back
  35. Makes me feel anchored
  36. Set in stone
  37. Real
  38. Existing
  39. And then comfort fades
  40. I turn on my side
  41. And die again
  42. As her hand goes back
  43. I die again
  44. I am dead
  45. I am wounded
  46. I am healed
  47. I am found
  48. I am lost at sea
  49. A storm in a bottle
  50. On the shelf of her mind and heart
  51. Hearts and minds
  52. With me in my suffering
  53. In her pain
  54. In my old wounds
  55. And every time I see those hazy eyes
  56. Staring back at me
  57. I am healed
  58. I am found
  59. I am anchored
  60. I am real
  61. I will stay
  62. We will stay
  63. All in favour
  64. Aye aye am
  65. Aye aye am
  66. Aye eye I
  67. I eye Aye
  68. I love her
  70. I am saved
  71. I am found
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