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Jun 15th, 2018
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  1. <tennisace> just know this
  2. <Oglemi> i'm gathering people from #grammar just fyi since they've been around him more
  3. <tennisace> if you ban him
  4. <NatGeo> yeah oglemi
  5. <tennisace> you will never hear the end of it
  6. <tennisace> so if you ban him in one channel
  7. <tennisace> you need to ban him in #ru
  8. <tennisace> and #grammar
  9. <Oglemi> sirn and ritter any comments on molk
  10. <tennisace> and possibly #pokemon
  11. <Ritter> idk
  12. <NatGeo> banning from #pokemon is a bit harsh imo
  13. <tennisace> i mean i said possibly
  14. <tennisace> but still
  15. <tennisace> i think he needs a time out
  16. <tennisace> for like a week
  17. <tennisace> to reflect on how much of a twat he is
  18. <DittoCrow> he had one -.-
  19. <Honko> he just had one
  20. <DittoCrow> that's the problem
  21. <tennisace> oh he did?
  22. <tennisace> well fuck why are you debating
  23. <tennisace> what positive qualities
  24. <tennisace> does he bring
  25. <sirndpt> idk, i personally don't find him as annoying as some of you seem to do
  26. <ZEPH> lol
  27. <tennisace> to your respective channels
  28. <tennisace> do any of you WANT him
  29. <tennisace> to be in your channel
  30. <tennisace> bueller?
  31. <tennisace> k
  32. <tennisace> thats all i have to say
  33. * Eraddd (~Eraddd@Finding.My.Origin) has joined #rumods
  34. <Eraddd> Hi
  35. <Ritter> personally I like him he just needs to learn to let go of his anger in real life, not itc
  36. <Ritter> Irc*
  37. <Ritter> as in, vent himself in his room yelling or punching a pillow or whatever
  38. <DittoCrow> i'd give him 1 more chance
  39. * NatGeo has quit (Ping timeout)
  40. <DittoCrow> if he slips and keeps saying stupid shit, ban
  41. <Ritter> I think itd help if he has a specific non whining goal to go too
  42. <Oglemi> <Theorymon> also about him I can quickly say one thing
  43. <Oglemi> <Theorymon> hes not the smartest guy out there... but he does talk a lot
  44. <Oglemi> <Oglemi> is it good talk that he brings up
  45. <Oglemi> <Oglemi> or just annoying
  46. <Oglemi> <Theorymon> its hard to say since Ive only recently been back often. he can get a bit annoying but he does geinuly try to bring up RU talk
  47. <Oglemi> <Oglemi> ok
  48. <Oglemi> so i'll talk to aldaron about him in #pokemon
  49. * NatGeo (~chatzilla@1CBA7D0F.EDE618E2.EEFB171F.IP) has joined #rumods
  50. <Ritter> like, tell him he's on the verge of a ban, if he doesn't whine for a set amout of time, take him off the about to be banned list and give him another amount of time before he MIGHT be considered for a badge
  51. <NatGeo> sorry i dc'd
  52. <Ritter> give him goals of not whining to achieve
  53. <NatGeo> my internets shaky
  54. <NatGeo> wait are we considering giving molk a badge ritter?
  55. <Ritter> that have harsh consequences of broken
  56. * Jirachi ( has joined #rumods
  57. <Ritter> no that would be like ages in the future if he reformed in like idk months
  58. <Oglemi> pluff do you have an opinion on MoltenKyurem at all
  59. <Jirachi> i do
  60. <Ritter> only of he has a no whining contributing policy for however long idk
  61. <NatGeo> also idk if this affects anything
  62. <Jirachi> he seems extremely unstable... well-meaning but liable to fly off the handle at any moment and that makes him a bad influence on most chats he enters since if you disagree with him he gets distressed
  63. <NatGeo> but i think he mentioned a while back that he had... add or adhd?
  64. * RayJay ( has joined #rumods
  65. <Jirachi> like i am personally ok with him but you have to tiptoe around him with stuff
  66. <NatGeo> something like that
  67. <RayJay> am in trouble
  68. <Oglemi> no we're discussing molk
  69. <Jirachi> ~the principal's office
  70. <Oglemi> rayjay what's your opinion
  71. <RayJay> one sec
  72. <Jirachi> i've had to ban him from #pokemon before (he's a vop there now since we're very liberal with vops based on maturity, i wouldnt give him banning powers prolly) because he flipped out at nails from banning him from somewhere
  73. * ZEPH has quit (Quit: )
  74. <Jirachi> then he evaded a few times
  75. <NatGeo> jirachi
  76. <DittoCrow> giving molk banning powers...
  77. <Eraddd> Lol
  78. <NatGeo> he was probably banned from #rarelyused the first time
  79. * Andrew (I.Am@Still.A.Delicious.Brownie) has joined #rumods
  80. <Jirachi> i believe it was from rarelyused yeah
  81. <Eraddd> If I may interject
  82. <NatGeo> go ahead
  83. <Eraddd> My opinion of him
  84. <Andrew> ?
  85. <RayJay> my opinion of molk is he is tough to handle but he is just another user.
  86. <Eraddd> Is that he's a good kid, but the problems with him is that he takes things too personally
  87. <Andrew> [21:59:47] <Oglemi> hey you should join #rumods for a sec if you're around
  88. <Jirachi> he has a bad habit of constantly dragging ban drama from other channels / server into other places like #pokemon, and steamroll and i have asked him to stop... dunno if he's been doing it lately since i've been busy
  89. <Eraddd> And that
  90. <Eraddd> He's one of those people
  91. <Jirachi> i feel like he just needs a good talking to about being oversensitive (done now sorry eraddd)
  92. <Eraddd> Who are just naturally born troublemakers for the lack of better word
  93. <Oglemi> andrew we're discussing moltenkyurem
  94. <Eraddd> Jirachi I agree
  95. <Eraddd> I've had a good talk with him
  96. <Eraddd> A few days ago
  97. <NatGeo> i know that feeling eraddd
  98. <Eraddd> Telling him that he needs to stop being so negative
  99. <Eraddd> And that he needs to stop getting so angry over every little thing
  100. <NatGeo> if i may interject!
  101. <Jirachi> the best way to get people to like you is to be friendly and chill, not to get upset that they don't like you, you know?
  102. <Eraddd> Every little "snub" he perceives is a huge sin
  103. <Eraddd> Jirachi I agree completely
  104. <Eraddd> I've been trying to tell him that
  105. <Andrew> he seems to be naive
  106. <Jirachi> he wants to be liked, but he's taking it the wrong way
  107. <Jirachi> yea
  108. <Eraddd> Smogon isn't a place where we all hold hands
  109. <NatGeo> if i may interject! :P
  110. <Jirachi> good to see my appraisal isn't only mine
  111. <Eraddd> Cutegeo
  112. <Eraddd> Go ahead
  113. <NatGeo> ok
  114. <Jirachi> lol nat
  115. <Jirachi> :3
  116. * Jirachi pet
  117. <NatGeo> so he's my age
  118. <NatGeo> i know people like him irl
  119. <NatGeo> they CAN be reformed
  120. <RayJay> The problem with molk
  121. <NatGeo> but it really does take a while with a lot of measures teaken
  122. <RayJay> Is that people treat him to sporadically
  123. <RayJay> We should not be giving him vops yet
  124. <NatGeo> also
  125. <NatGeo> he needs to learn that
  126. <NatGeo> when he's trying to be good
  127. <RayJay> He's a good user but he needs to understand playing skill does not account for maturity...
  128. <NatGeo> some people will still criticize him
  129. <NatGeo> he needs to not melt down when that happens
  130. <Eraddd> rayjay you should tell that to many people heh
  131. <RayJay> The only other problem is that people are way too tough on him still.
  132. <DittoCrow> yeah agree with NatGeo
  133. <Eraddd> Agreed
  134. <Eraddd> Unforunately
  135. <Eraddd> Easier said than done
  136. <NatGeo> ^
  137. <Jirachi> there have been lots of users like molk before. in fact when i was 11 (i know molk is older now) i was exactly like molk. either they get driven off smogon or they have a long period of reflection then become good users. the thing with smogon is people have long memories, but if they see over time you're making an effort to be better, they'll USUALLY forgive, the problem is that it takes awhile
  138. <Jirachi> to prove and undo the past
  139. <Jirachi> (sorry tl;dr)
  140. <NatGeo> may require a ban in the short term.
  141. <Eraddd> I can send logs of my conversation with him
  142. <Eraddd> If we require
  143. <Eraddd> But
  144. <Eraddd> His lack of maturity
  145. <Eraddd> Just prevents us from getting anywhere with him really
  146. <NatGeo> yeah pretty much
  147. <Eraddd> Yeah I know plenty of users who are/were like that
  148. <Eraddd> ala was like mk back in 06 apparently
  149. <Eraddd> But he's fine now
  150. <NatGeo> i myself was like that at one point!
  151. <Eraddd> Ditto
  152. <Jirachi> badal is a good example of one, he just wasn't as unstable as molk (ie no suicide threats and stuff)
  153. <NatGeo> albeit only for a short time
  154. <Jirachi> he just got his ladybug
  155. <Jirachi> lol
  156. <Andrew> he's got a history of being too sensitive, but I don't see him accepting that, delaing with it and the consequences and moving on that often
  157. <Oglemi> The reason i bring this up is because, if I'm going to ban him again from #rarelyused, I want it to be a pretty close to whole IRC wide ban, not just a few channels
  158. <Jirachi> badal tried too hard to please people and got upset when they werent
  159. <NatGeo> that seems about right
  160. <Eraddd> I would like to ban him
  161. <NatGeo> what im thinking is
  162. <Eraddd> For him to get a message
  163. <Jirachi> aldaron won't ban molk from #pokémon unless he does anything
  164. <NatGeo> yeah ban for now
  165. <Jirachi> becauseh e's generally a good chatter in there
  166. <NatGeo> leave him in #pokemon
  167. <DittoCrow> i bet telling him that would scare him and he'd either have to improve or quit
  168. <NatGeo> just send him a friendly pm
  169. <Jirachi> but keep him out of splinters maybe
  170. <Eraddd> The problem with banning him
  171. <Oglemi> i tried that dc
  172. <Eraddd> Is that he won't take it well
  173. <DittoCrow> last chance?
  174. <Andrew> in #grammar though he bitches about when tennis/others ban him from #ru
  175. <Andrew> so i have the feeling he'd do that in #pkmn
  176. <Eraddd> Guys
  177. <Eraddd> Also
  178. <Eraddd> Can I say something
  179. <Eraddd> About interacting with him
  180. <NatGeo> sure!
  181. <Eraddd> I've noticed
  182. <Eraddd> That he gets really angry
  183. <Eraddd> When people are "brash" with him or sarcastic
  184. <Eraddd> But when you get to his level
  185. <Eraddd> He turns out to be okay
  186. <Eraddd> So please don't antagonize him purposefully
  187. <Eraddd> Which I've seen people do
  188. <DittoCrow> yeah i agree
  189. <Eraddd> Myself included
  190. <Eraddd> I thought he was a troll in the beginning
  191. <NatGeo> same here unfortunately
  192. <DittoCrow> i don't really say shit to him and i think he likes me .-.
  193. <Eraddd> But I'm beginning to see that he has legitimate problems
  194. <NatGeo> i mean that was only when he croseed my line
  195. <DittoCrow> the biggest problem in #ru is luck>skill and molk rofl
  196. <Eraddd> rofl
  197. <NatGeo> lol
  198. <DittoCrow> he just trashes molk all day
  199. <NatGeo> if i may say something
  200. <NatGeo> what I think the solution is (for now:)
  201. <Jirachi> people who deliberately light those kinds of fuses are just as bad as the people being provokedb
  202. <Jirachi> because they exacerbate an existing problem and sometimes create it
  203. <NatGeo> ban from channels not named #pokemon for a time, or at least until he gets better
  204. <Jirachi> i mean, we all do it sometimes
  205. <Jirachi> but some people just...
  206. <Jirachi> make it their living
  207. <Eraddd> Lol
  208. <NatGeo> those are real trolls!
  209. <Eraddd> Silly pokemon players
  210. <Eraddd> I think everyone's motto should be
  211. <Andrew> [22:14:49] <&Oglemi> The reason i bring this up is because, if I'm going to ban him again from #rarelyused, I want it to be a pretty close to whole IRC wide ban, not just a few channels <--- bit lost on molk's current situation. is he at the level of about to be banned from most of IRC chans/ forum bans; also, what prompted this discussion to happen?
  212. <Eraddd> It's just pokemon
  213. <Eraddd> :P
  214. * New_World_Order ( has joined #rumods
  215. <Eraddd> What prompted this
  216. <New_World_Order> oh...
  217. <New_World_Order> interesting topic...
  218. <Oglemi> Andrew this is an ongoing problem
  219. <Oglemi> of over a couple months
  220. <Andrew> and this discussion is just happening now?
  221. <DittoCrow> i think it's just him constantly annoying other chat users with his mindless bragging and complaining
  222. <Oglemi> yeah
  223. <Andrew> okay
  224. <tennisace> ok silly question
  225. <tennisace> dittocrow is a different person
  226. <tennisace> than ditto
  227. <tennisace> right
  228. <Andrew> yes
  229. <DittoCrow> yes
  230. <DittoCrow> lol
  231. <tennisace> ok
  232. <tennisace> hi im tennisace
  233. <tennisace> nice to meet you
  234. <Jirachi> lol
  235. <Jirachi> oh
  236. <DittoCrow> hi nice to meet you :) lol
  237. <Jirachi> i thought it was ditto too sorry
  238. <Jirachi> hi i'm jumpluff
  239. <New_World_Order> who's jirachi?
  240. * Jirachi shakes hand
  241. <DittoCrow> hey
  242. <Jirachi> :D
  243. <New_World_Order> oh... ninja'd
  244. <DittoCrow> :D
  245. <Andrew> GG
  246. * Engineer ( has joined #rumods
  247. * Charmander (Larry@Whip.It.Out) has joined #rumods
  248. <Jirachi> ok i just worked out who molk reminds me of the most
  249. <Jirachi> virizion
  250. <tennisace> lol
  251. <Jirachi> except virizion bites, molk just threatens to bite himself
  252. <Andrew> except molk doesn't seem to bite
  253. <tennisace> xDDDDD
  254. <Andrew> he just seems to nibble
  255. <New_World_Order> molk is actually intelligent pokemon wise though
  256. <Jirachi> lol
  257. <Eraddd> Man I don't know half these people here xd
  258. * Steamroll ( has joined #rumods
  259. <Eraddd> molk is an excellent pokemon player
  260. <Steamroll> hello!
  261. <Jirachi> it's a personality thing, not a skill thing
  262. <DittoCrow> yeah but he's extremely cocky about it
  263. <New_World_Order> just lacks "street smarts" so to speak
  264. <Eraddd> Pretty much
  265. <Charmander> yeah molk's knowledge of pokemon and skill show us he's not retarded
  266. <Eraddd> Street smarts
  267. <Charmander> hes just
  268. <Charmander> stupid
  269. <Eraddd> Is the biggest issue
  270. <Jirachi> their pokémon skill is irrelevant, they have the same personality issue
  271. <Oglemi> IRC is a social setting
  272. <Charmander> whats this discussion exactly doing
  273. <New_World_Order> I think an intervention sort of thing
  274. <Oglemi> not a skill setting
  275. <New_World_Order> has been necessary
  276. <Charmander> besides discussing moltenkyurem's traights
  277. <Oglemi> i want a general opinion
  278. <New_World_Order> for a long time coming
  279. <Oglemi> on molk
  280. <Charmander> ok
  281. <Eraddd> Oglemi are you planning to ban him
  282. <Eraddd> From splinters?
  283. <DittoCrow> do i remember something about someone "coaching" molk while he was banned from #rarelyused?
  284. <tennisace> Eraddd>
  285. <tennisace> molk is an excellent pokemon player
  286. <Oglemi> that's what i'm trying to garner
  287. <tennisace> lets not go too far lol
  288. <Oglemi> if i should bring this up
  289. <Eraddd> tennisace he's better than most
  290. <Oglemi> with the other channel leaders
  291. <Eraddd> Lol
  292. <Jirachi> honestly if he's being a problem in the channels nobody is obliged to keep him around, but ive heard people have been hesitant to ban him because well he'sunstable
  293. <Eraddd> He's annoying in #grammar
  294. <Eraddd> But
  295. <Eraddd> I don't think he merits a ban
  296. <Oglemi> that's exactly why pluff
  297. <Eraddd> Unless he does something really out of the line
  298. <Engineer> I agree with Eraddd
  299. <Charmander> yeah being annoying is just kind of being annoying
  300. <Jirachi> so if everyone did it togehter, it would probably be easier, right oglemi?
  301. <New_World_Order> the thing is molk isn't intentionally trying to derail the chats
  302. <Charmander> you shouldnt ban him for it
  303. <New_World_Order> he just does it
  304. <Oglemi> exactly pluff
  305. <Jirachi> that doesn't matter
  306. <Jirachi> he still has a negative effect
  307. <Jirachi> and he's been told to fix it
  308. <Jirachi> but he won't
  309. <New_World_Order> because he doesn't seem to understand internet
  310. <New_World_Order> I've talked with him before
  311. <Oglemi> i'm going to post this log in the senior staff
  312. <Oglemi> so everyone knows what's up
  313. <Steamroll> kk
  314. <New_World_Order> and learned that smogon is actually the first forum he's ever joined...
  315. <DittoCrow> this is intense
  316. <Eraddd> Man this is why there should be an age limit on the internet -_-
  317. <Eraddd> Goddamn kid sthese days
  318. * Eraddd swings his cane
  319. <Jirachi> as long a she's a decent user in #pokemon he's welcome there, we really appreciate people going in there to discuss non-OU tiers
  320. <Jirachi> but yea
  321. * NatGeo young
  322. <Jirachi> i haven't hesitated to ban him before
  323. * Engineer hides from Eraddd
  324. <Jirachi> i'm 18 :((
  325. <Jirachi> i'm a grown lady now...
  326. <DittoCrow> wasn't someone "helping" molk while he was banned from #ru
  327. <Eraddd> Lol
  328. <DittoCrow> like going over what not to do..?
  329. <NatGeo> idk dittocrow
  330. <New_World_Order> dittocrow
  331. <NatGeo> was there?
  332. <New_World_Order> the "help"
  333. <DittoCrow> i kinda remember hearing about that
  334. <sirndpt> lots of people were, dittocrow
  335. <New_World_Order> was basically people telling him he sucked
  336. <sirndpt> the thing is, it doesn't really stick
  337. <New_World_Order> the thing with molk is that the more people deride him
  338. <New_World_Order> the more he acts well... like molk
  339. <Eraddd> ^
  340. <DittoCrow> maybe someone who's friendly with him could help him mature?
  341. <Andrew> maturity imo just comes with growth
  342. <Steamroll> sad thing is no one notable is really friendly
  343. <Andrew> give him some time
  344. <DittoCrow> i could try maybe
  345. <New_World_Order> molk is definitely trying to improve though
  346. <DittoCrow> i think he likes me lul
  347. <New_World_Order> while his methods are obviously not working
  348. <Engineer> tbh I don't think "talk to him" is the right approach
  349. <New_World_Order> at least he's putting in an effort
  350. <Engineer> people have been doing that for some time, and it's obviously not working
  351. <New_World_Order> which is more than what could be said about some other users
  352. <Eraddd> No one can teach him maturity
  353. <Eraddd> All we can do
  354. <Eraddd> Is just tell him shits unacceptable
  355. <Eraddd> And just generally be friendly towards him
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