
Hypermess One-Shot

Sep 22nd, 2018
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  1. Carol sighed to herself as she woke up, the blinds darkening her room. Any outside observer stuck in the room for some baffling reason would have surmised it was night if not for the tiny spots of sunshine peeking through the curtain gap, desperately trying to light the room up.
  3. After turning her phone’s alarm off, Carol sat up and stretched, her messy dark brown hair falling slightly past her shoulders. She turned to look at herself in the mirror—a pretty average Caucasian American woman. A litany of crinkles erupted from under her blanket at she turned and then swung her bare legs off of the bed.
  5. Once she was waddling towards the blinds, the source became evident—she was clad in an extremely thick diaper. Not merely thick, no. This was comically thick, absurdly thick, a near inch of poof already and it hadn’t even been used. She wore nothing else than a t-shirt, because the breeze on her bare legs and feeling of soft carpet under her feet was, in her eyes, sublime. As she opened the blinds, light poured in, making her squint and recoil. Every step she took was rather silly-looking, the diaper forcing her legs out. This was about the thickest a diaper could get before crawling became the only viable way of moving! She didn’t complain after all, she relished her diapers, otherwise her drawer and closet wouldn’t be full of them. She owned no panties—in fact she had never worn panties in her life. She was a full-time, 24/7 diaper-wearer. What kind of madwoman would wear panties?
  7. And user. No one could forget that part. There was a very good reason why these diapers were so comically thick.
  9. In any case, she stretched her limbs, getting on the tips of her toes, before falling down and rocking on the balls of her feet, and twirling around, though it was most definitely not with the grace of a ballerina, her absurd poof making her nearly fall over without constant balancing. Still, she got going on her way and waddled to her hallway. The moment she closed her bedroom door, she felt her tummy grumble. “Oooof...” She clutched her gut and looked down. She wasn’t worried, mind you, she’d just go in her diaper. This happened nearly every day, after all. She held it in, clenching her butt a tiny bit, as she waddled to her living room.
  11. The living room did not have much to it, though astute observers (read: anyone with eyes) would notice she had two chairs but no sofa, leaving an unseemly gap in her feng shui arrangement. She quickly ducked into her small kitchenette. The urge to go was rising. At least let me make a breakfast first!, she thought to herself. She had an inkling that wouldn’t happen though.
  13. Pulling some milk out of her fridge and standing her tip-toes to grab some cereal, she poured them into a bowl, just about to take it when her gut cramped up very bad. Rolling her eyes and sighing to herself, she placed the bowl back down, stood up straight, and pushed.
  15. Her butt let loose an extremely loud PHHHHHHRRRRRTTTTT and in an instant a mudslide of stinky mush flooded into her diaper. She only kept pushing, her eyes shut and her mouth contorted into a little pout, all sorts of icky splattering noises coming from her butt as that mudslide loudly impacted the diaper. The entire outside of the diaper was already staining a dark brown, but her mess did not end, the foul rancid smell emitting from it torturing her nostrils. She was used to it though. Her diapers always stunk at least this bad. Usually worse.
  17. Taking a deep breath and pushing again, she grabbed the bowl and started waddling towards her living room, her diaper still filling...and filling...and filling. At this point, it was pushing out her knees so much it looked like she was about to do the splits, the diaper now enormously huge, far beyond any normal human limits. Her waddling slowed, but her messing did not. It indeed seemed like her diaper was making a beeline for the floor, her butt endlessly packing it with absurdly stinky mess. By the time she reached the living room and set her bowl down, her diaper was not merely at her knees, it was packed so full she shouldn’t have even been able to carry it—pushing her legs so far she barely could balance, stinking worse than a diaper pail with a week’s worth of diapers in it, and filled with at least 50 pounds of slimy, sticky, and smelly mush.
  19. She wasn’t done though. Her tummy still pained her. Clenching her fists, scrunching up her face, and taking a big deep breath, she pushed one final time. At first, her butt was plugged with a large solid mass, trying to force its way into the rest of the mush already deposited. It wasn’t even a quarter of what she had to push out though—she just needed to get it out of the way. Grunting hard, her legs wobbling, she stiffened up and pushed and pushed and pushed…
  21. ...and blew the out mound of poop plugging her up with an extremely loud PHHHHHHRRRRBBBLLLLRRRTTTT. She could relax from the rest, as a near-literal avalanche of poop blew from her butthole with no effort, piling and packing into her diaper with a litany of revolting sounds, the incredibly tough padding expanding even more until she finally finished with a sigh of relief, the diaper impacting the floor with a loud SPLAT! It was still taped to her waist, expanded so much it now hugged the floor, even flattened slightly against it, expanded on both sides. Every inch of the diaper was now a solid brown with no leaks. It had expanded to a foot out behind her butt and in front of her crotch. Indeed her whole groin and buttocks were coated in that slimy sticky mess, not that she minded. And above all else was the absolutely filthy odor—so revolting, nauseating, and utterly putrid that it was a miracle she didn’t faint. The very air around her diaper seemed as if it were hazy, and possibly even tinged with a nauseating green and brown, festering all around her. She paid it no heed, looked down and smiled.
  23. “Regular size~” She cooed as she simply dropped right onto her stinky padding, loud squelching noises erupting from wherever they could—she didn’t need a couch, because every morning her diaper WAS her couch. She rocked back and forth in the mess, giggling a little. It was certainly expected that girls enjoyed their stinky messes, after all. She adored the slimy feeling of the poop all over her groin and butt. She definitely wasn’t going to change this. She quickly turned on her TV and dug into her bowl of cereal, stopping every once in a while to scrunch up her face and blast a rancid fart from her butt which made all sorts of sloppy bubbling noises inside that pile of sludgy mud.
  25. When she was done eating, she put her bowl down and placed her feet on the floor again. Despite her diaper almost certainly weighing more than her entire body weight, she was able to waddle, throwing her legs out one at a time widely to the side and basically falling forward, using her arm outstretched like airplane wings for balance if need be. As she waddled to the door, intent on checking her mail, her diaper slightly dragged across the floor behind her. She made it to the door in an impressive two minutes. Opening it wide and stepping into the fall sun, she had no shame about waddling in her hypermessy diaper to her mailbox, a feat which involved a lot of panting and waddling and took two and a half minutes.
  27. Nothing awaited her in the mailbox besides bills, unfortunately. She frowned and tucked them in her shirt pocket before waddling back. Halfway through getting to her door, her butt suddenly let loose another pfffffrrrrrbbbblllltttt and her diaper began to expand slowly but surely even more. Carol was not actually aware of this, only vaguely noticing more weight in her diaper. She usually wasn’t aware of her pooping except when she really had to go. Some part of her mind, despite being an adult otherwise, was so infantile it didn’t even register the fart nor the icky smrrsh’s and bllllrrrrrmmpphhh’s of even more smelly poop getting blown out into her diaper. She was truly unaware that she was pooping herself, waddling into her house like it was nothing, her diaper having expanded a good bit.
  29. She waddled, even more slowly this time, to her living room and sat down on her butt. She watched tv for a good half hour before her tummy grumbled incredibly hard again. Augh, that milk might have been slightly bad, she though, and stood up yet again and quickly dealt with tummyaches the best and only way she knew how—pooping them out.
  31. This time, however, she had to poop FAR more than even the first messing today. Within a second of pushing, a near literal explosion of poop blasted out her asshole and piled into her diaper with farts and squelches so deafeningly loud her neighbors heard them. She moaned, scrunching her face up with a silly grin on her face, drool leaking from the corners of her lips. After all, her tummy hurt, and now she was pushing out that bad feeling. She could feel the weight and aching in her gut disappear as her butt spewed an absurdly absurd amount of poop in her diaper, which captured it all with a nearly-surreal level of expansion, absorbency, and sealing. Her diaper grew out behind her, more and more, her butt sounding like an overworked fire hose until…
  33. With a single loud fart, she let loose an impossible amount of poop in one push, doubling her diaper in size instantly.
  35. Her diaper was now all the way to the ceiling and stretched out a good 10 feet on either side of her. It effectively was a wall now.
  37. She sighed, drooling in relaxation. She cared not for the fact that she pooped ten bathtubs (or more) into her diaper, nor that her diaper was about a literal ton and kept her stuck, the tummyache was gone. That was all she cared about.
  39. Giggling, she started waddling, holding her arms out for balance. Of course, with her diaper, she couldn’t move at all, but she did not even notice, trying with all over her strength to move. It never occurred to her once to undo her tapes. In fact, she wasn’t even really aware that her diaper was messy. She kept moving her legs back and forth, one by one, placing her feet on the ground and trying to waddle in vain, for nearly 10 minutes before looking behind her at the enormous diaper she had created.
  41. “I pooped that much?”
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