
Jian - Belief

Jan 4th, 2014
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  1. [18:34] <~Deedles> Shiina had shown the trio to a couple of rooms upstairs, somewhere where they could rest and relax for a bit after their long journey before it continued. After doing so the young woman had gone back downstairs, and when Jian later joined her in the smithy she was in the middle of studying the sword that she had been working on when the three of them had arrived.
  2. [18:36] <Earthflame> Jian approaches quietly, watching from a distance before moving closer, curious about their hostess.
  3. [18:39] <~Deedles> Shiina looks over her shoulder once he's close enough for her to hear his silent footfalls "Oh, Jian." she lowers the sword, placing the unfinished blade on the anvil with great care. "What can I do for you?" she asks as she turns to face him fully.
  4. [18:40] <Earthflame> Jian takes a step closer, and nods towards the sword. "May I?"
  5. [18:41] <~Deedles> She glances at the sword and then looks at the swordsman again before nodding "Go ahead." she says, taking a step to the side to give him space.
  6. [18:41] <Earthflame> Jian steps forward, carefully taking up the sword, running fingertips across the metal in contemplative analysis.
  7. [18:48] <~Deedles> Despite it being unfinished there is a spark of lightning inside the blade, just like all the other weapons in the shop, and a faint trace in the air, which seems to lead back to Shiina, leaving a faint chime in the air, like a note that can't be heard. The actual work on the sword is careful, the weapon smith obviously being of the maticulous kind, to many smiths the sword would be finished already, but not to Shiina.
  8. [18:51] <Earthflame> Jian slowly moves the sword, testing it's weight. "...There is a very slight imbalance in the structure here." He draws a line down the blade. "It is still a fine sword, but if you smooth the weight distribution it will be stronger, and more resistant to impacts. The swords spirit is very strong. A testament to your skill." He gives her a respectful nod, offering the blade back to her.
  9. [18:54] <~Deedles> Shiina gently accepts it, her eyes peering down at the sword in her hands. "I always try to achieve perfection in all that I do, and my father had unmatched skill in smithing." her grip of the blade tightens slightly, a small trinkle of blood creeping down it as the sharp edge punctures one of her fingers, her expression stern. "I still can't match up to him, but I won't stop until I do."
  10. [18:55] <Earthflame> Jian smiles, nodding again. "Your dedication does you credit. I am sure your father would be very proud. I can sense a true master of the blade in the weapons you create... Along with a touch of thunder."
  11. [19:00] <~Deedles> At the last part she glances at him, studying him closely for a moment. "Yes, it's part of my spirit, and my heritage, even though I never had formal training. Though I didn't need it, I learnt well enough on my own." she moves over to a table, placing the sword onto it before she looks down at her hand, placing the cut finger to her lips to get rid of the blood.
  12. [19:02] <Earthflame> "How many opportunities are there for people in this country to learn the old ways?" Jian asks with sincere curiosity, wondering how those outside the village coped, or learned.
  13. [19:05] <~Deedles> "Not many, if any. The only people who really still teach anything like the old ways are clans who've passed their teachings down for generations." Shiina replies as she rubs her thumb against the cut, which had already stopped bleeding. She frowns "And even then some have grown twisted in our dark times, discarding the honour of their traditions in favour of power and wealth."
  14. [19:06] <Earthflame> Jian pauses at that, waiting a moment before responding. His words are a statement, not a question. "Like the Dancing Sword Clan?"
  15. [19:09] <~Deedles> "Yes." her frown deepens "My father told me that they were a righteous and good clan until the death of the previous leader, Rushen Weijun, but now they're nothing more than a bunch of bandits who play the part of an old and respected clan." she shakes her head "Still... They're not all bad, we do have a couple of people from their clan in our ranks. People who still hold true to what the clan really stood for."
  16. [19:10] <Earthflame> "I wish to meet them." He states, simply. And then asks another question, tentative. "...I am now almost sure that I must be of their blood... And that it was their fall that my mother was fleeing, many years ago."
  17. [19:12] <~Deedles> Shiina pauses at that, looking thoughtful "What did you say your mother was called again?" she wonders
  18. [19:13] <Earthflame> "Lifen... She never gave me a last name, and I never thought to ask much about hers."
  19. [19:15] <~Deedles> The weapon smith taps her lips in thought "Lifen... it does ring a bell." she muses, her brow furrowing as she can't seem to recall from where. "If your mother was part of the clan then I'm certain one of our Dancing Sword Clan members could tell you more. Too much going on now to dwell on history." she shakes her head
  20. [19:16] <Earthflame> He nods. "My mission is here is one of securing this nations future... But I find it hard to resist discovering my past. I grew up in the village... But I never felt truly at home there."
  21. [19:21] <~Deedles> "Our past fuels our steps into the future, it is only natural." Shiina looks thoughtful at that, glancing towards the ceiling with a sense of contemplation. "I'm thankful for your help in all this though, Spirits know we certainly need it. So helping you find out about your past is the least I can do."
  22. [19:23] <Earthflame> "If I truly am of the Dancing Sword Clan, then I am obliged to return truth to face the lies they now purvey... My Sword is my Soul. My soul is pure, and my Sword is a blade of righteousness, to protect the innocent and strike down the vile and corrupt." He takes a moment to settle his breathing, and then continues. "...And if the blade I carry was important enough to make a replica of, I
  23. [19:23] <Earthflame> wonder how they will react to the true weapons return. Could the replica your father made have functioned in the same way?"
  24. [19:25] <~Deedles> Shiina shakes her head "No, my father said that the sword they wanted was one he couldn't make, so he never did. He refused to make a bad copy of a blade that he deemed legendary." she looks at him "So I imagine its return will make quite an impression on them..."
  25. [19:26] <Earthflame> He nods at that. "I wonder what it meant to them... Still, there is only one way to find out. If time allows." He shakes his head. "...I am sure you must know something of the struggle. Your personal desire, contrasted with the greater good."
  26. [19:30] <~Deedles> "Yes." She looks down at her hand as it closes into a fist "I've wanted to go and discover more of my roots, I wanted to go to Chiyoko and help her town, and every single time a new victim of the Black Lotus reaches out to us I want to go out and destroy them... but I simply can't!" she slams her clenched hand onto the table as she sighs.
  27. [19:30] <~Deedles> "Either because I don't have the time, or because doing so on my own would be suicide."
  28. [19:39] <Earthflame> "You are no longer alone... We are the first, but we are strong. If our task succeeds, more may come. We will make our cause our weapon, and strike together, as one."
  29. [19:46] <~Deedles> Shiina smiles, faintly, at that "I know quite a few people who will be ready to rally behind you." she tells him earnestly
  30. [19:48] <Earthflame> He nods... And then gives her a curious look. "You mentioned your roots... What do you know of them?"
  31. [19:49] <~Deedles> She emits a slight laugh "A bit." she replies before glancing at him "I was surprised none of you wondered why Storm Dragons frequent this shop over all others."
  32. [19:58] <Earthflame> "We have not had much time to wonder... and friends being so sparse, even having one would seem reason enough."
  33. [19:59] <~Deedles> "Fair enough." Shiina nods as she idly corrects the placement on some of her tools while looking thoughtful.
  34. [20:01] <Earthflame> "...The Chi in your blades did not seem entirely unfamiliar, though." He says, his voice soft and thoughtful.
  35. [20:02] <~Deedles> "It should be similar to that of your companion." She tells him calmly
  36. [20:02] <Earthflame> "Indeed... You are of their blood?"
  37. [20:03] <~Deedles> "Aye, on my mother's side." she nods again
  38. [20:04] <Earthflame> ...He frowns. "Did they not offer you training?"
  39. [20:06] <~Deedles> "Mother died while birthing me, and father didn't wish to part with me, so I was never taken back with them, but some of the Dragons have given me training, while they've been passing through, so it was never for long. But it was enough for me to do the rest on my own." She explains to him "I've not minded, I'm needed here so I'm glad to be where I am."
  40. [20:07] <Earthflame> He gives her a respectful half bow. "I have great admiration for you."
  41. [20:08] <~Deedles> Shiina looks at him in slight surprise "Why?" she asks with a raised brow
  42. [20:09] <Earthflame> "I am a priest of the blade. I was raised in worship and admiration of Metal and the pure, just blade. I have heard that such things failed beyond the bounds of the village... But at least here, they are maintained."
  43. [20:11] <~Deedles> "A bit at least." She seats herself on the edge of the table. "Those of us who are trained try our best to pass it on."
  44. [20:13] <Earthflame> "And thus you deserve honour." He smiles.
  45. [20:15] <~Deedles> She rubs the back of her head "Naturally, honour is what we fight for, after all." she answers before she studies him for a moment, her lips quirking into a faint smile "It's been difficult lately though, so your assistance by hitting that storehouse is sent by the Divines."
  46. [20:16] <Earthflame> "What has been happening?"
  47. [20:19] <~Deedles> "I told you about how some of the noble families fund Black Lotus? Well, we had a couple backing us too, actually our leader, the man who started the White Peony, was a nobleman. Well, had and was are the keywords there..." Shiina's hands rest on the edge of the table, the wood creeking faintly as she grips onto it tightly.
  48. [20:20] <Earthflame> Jian's expression grows grim.
  49. [20:28] <~Deedles> "Don't worry, while some of them were executed most of them are alive, including our leader, but they're imprisoned. Though a few managed to get away so we could hide them, but all of the assests that they had are no more, and our resistance aren't sure if to choose another leader or not. Some say I should do it, others think I'm too young, personally I refuse because I am adamant that we get our leader back."
  50. [20:28] <~Deedles> she rolls her eyes "Even though I know he'd say that a resistance is more than just one man, but even so every man is important in a resistance, that's what makes us different from them." she speaks the last word with contempt.
  51. [20:40] <Earthflame> Jian nods again. "Your leader sounds like a great man. Where is he being held?"
  52. [20:45] <~Deedles> "In a heavily guarded prison in the Jade City, the inner ring of Jinlong." Shiina tells him as she folds one leg over the other "Close to the..." she trails off as she rubs her chin in thought before she finishes. "Close to the Daizen estate. Though I guess that doesn't tell you much without having looked at a map of the Capitol."
  53. [20:46] <Earthflame> He shakes his head. "Still... If you ever need assistance for an assault, call upon us."
  54. [20:48] <~Deedles> She gains a slight smile "I'll remember that, thank you. We'll need all the help we can get."
  55. [21:13] <Earthflame> "I have trained every day of my life in the way of the blade... Despite the darkness I have found awaiting me, I know I need to make use of my strength."
  56. [21:15] <~Deedles> "Those with strength need to use it to set things right when things go awry." Shiina agrees with him "And those with power have a responsibility to use it for good. That's what the White Peony was founded on."
  57. [21:55] <Earthflame> "It sounds like a virtuous cause." He nods. "I will be glad to work with it."
  58. [21:57] <~Deedles> "Our leader is a virtious man." She says before looking the other way as she adds "Despite having his... bad habits. But we're all human. No one's perfect, even though I try." she actually looks serious about that statement.
  59. [21:58] <Earthflame> "Striving is what matters."
  60. [21:59] <~Deedles> "Aye, to not try is to simply give up." she agrees
  61. [21:18] <Earthflame> Jian smiles at her. "A noble sentiment."
  62. [21:20] <~Deedles> Shiina looks at him, returning his smile only faintly "Hopefully we can make it mean something."
  63. [21:25] <Earthflame> "I have pledged my life to this cause." He softly bows his head.
  64. [21:26] <~Deedles> She studies him for a moment "That's an admirable thing, and sadly seen far too rarely." she tells him
  65. [21:28] <Earthflame> "...Most people have something else awaiting them. For me, my life has been that of a blade. Forged, honed and made ready for the work ahead."
  66. [21:29] <~Deedles> "Different paths can still be noble. Every single person in our resistance have their own road to walk, but we are united in our belief of what is right and wrong." Shiina says, placing her hands behind her as she leans back slightly on the table.
  67. [21:36] <Earthflame> "I believe the boundary of justice is the sharp edge of a blade... And my destiny is to put it in the right place. If that is the hearts and souls of the corrupt, I will be very happy... Meilin, my mentor, was greatly hurt by them a long time ago." He pauses at that, thinking about the village...
  68. [21:37] <~Deedles> She remains quiet for a moment as she peers at him "Meilin..." she echoes, looking thoughtful as she rubs her chin.
  69. [21:37] <Earthflame> "...Another familiar name?"
  70. [21:39] <~Deedles> "Yeah, heard that name in passing. A friend of a friend heard or saw type stories, probably a coincidence." Shiina muses
  71. [21:40] <Earthflame> "I am slowly ceasing to believe in coincidences." Jian smiled. "...Arriving just in time to save Chiyoko helped lead us to you, as well as teaching her some of what we know."
  72. [21:41] <~Deedles> "Hmm, I guess that's true. The stories spoke of a swordswoman, which is what I assume your master would be." She agrees as she continues pondering.
  73. [21:47] <Earthflame> "She is no mere swordswoman... Both she and my mother deserve the title of swordmaster. I am still working to reach their level of skill and power. But, yes, that would be accurate." He smiles a little at that.
  74. [21:48] <~Deedles> "I find it unlikely that they're the same person though." Shiina tells him honestly
  75. [21:50] <Earthflame> "The Village has a tendency to draw people who need to be there... It would not surprise me if everyone who arrived there was told in stories..." He pauses, and glances at her. "...I don't believe I mentioned it, but you should probably know... Chiyoko is currently training herself in her village... But she intends to seek the village, when she reaches the limits of what she can learn on
  76. [21:50] <Earthflame> her own. She has a strong potential for Fire Chi."
  77. [21:55] <~Deedles> Her eyes widen slightly before she smiles "That's good. I think she has the spirit to succeed." she tells him before she tilts her head to the side "And I just find it unlikely that the Meilin I've heard of and yours are the same. The story I heard of her isn't exactly a good one, not the type of person that I'd imagine training someone as honourable as you."
  78. [21:55] <Earthflame> "Tell it. Please."
  79. [21:58] <~Deedles> "Summarized? Not ten years ago a swordswoman went on a killing spree in the eastern town of Lidong, put a lot of it in ruin before she was stopped by a swordsman. Don't know the details past that."
  80. [21:59] <Earthflame> He pauses, and closes his eyes. "...That was her. I'm almost sure of it."
  81. [21:59] <~Deedles> Shiina looks at him in surprise "... What makes you so certain?" she asks slowly, unable to bind her curiousity.
  82. [22:00] <Earthflame> "She loved the swordsman... And he died saving her. She has made it's her lifes work, her penance, to train and protect others, and to fight corruption... An army of corrupt creatures attacked our village, and she cut them down in an instant of blinding swordstrokes." He slowly shakes his head. "It was beautiful."
  83. [22:04] <~Deedles> Shiina is quiet for a while, obviously taking that in "Hmm, I guess that makes some sense." she muses, pushing a hand through her green hair.
  84. [22:04] <Earthflame> Jian is quiet as well. "It does... It is strange. How much I did not know, and how much I have learned so soon after leaving... This world is so much larger than I ever knew."
  85. [22:06] <~Deedles> "It is. Just this city is a big place on its own." She agrees, leaning down to rest her back on the table, looking up at the ceiling. "And yet it feels like such a small world." she adds quietly.
  86. [22:06] <Earthflame> "...Have you not travelled?"
  87. [22:08] <~Deedles> "Apart from visiting Chiyoko from time to time; No. Especially not over the last couple of years, had my hands full with the White Peony and the Black Lotus, and since last year the shop." Shiina tells him honestly.
  88. [22:30] <Earthflame> "I think times of change are upon us... You have work to do here, but if we manage to free this city, your strength, skill and resolve may be needed elsewhere."
  89. [22:33] <~Deedles> "Maybe so. We'll have to see how things go. Solving things here won't be easy, I can promise you that much." She says from where she lays on the table, looking thoughtful
  90. [22:34] <Earthflame> "It is the heart of the country... Even if other areas can be helped, you might have to stay in the heart of danger for a long while."
  91. [22:36] <~Deedles> "That's for certain, but I won't leave until our work here is finished. Hitting the storehouse tomorrow will be a good step on the way. It'll rid them of a lot of their supplies in this wing of the city and should hopefully let us get a better foothold here."
  92. [22:38] <Earthflame> He nods. "It is a start, and more will follow."
  93. [22:39] <~Deedles> "Won't stop til every last of those vermin are dead or behind bars." She agrees
  94. [22:39] <Earthflame> "And this nation has returned to the old ways... The true ways." He pauses, looking to her again. "...Do you believe?"
  95. [22:40] <~Deedles> "Believe?" she pushes herself up slightly so she can look at him with a raised brow
  96. [22:40] <Earthflame> "In the elements, and the six great spirits who govern them, and the many lesser spirits which fill this world."
  97. [22:42] <~Deedles> Shiina smiles slightly "I guess so, the Storm Dragons mentions them sometimes, and I certainly have no better explanation as to where my powers come from."
  98. [22:44] <Earthflame> "There is power in faith. When you believe, mind body and soul, you will feel your Chi as if it has been born anew. This world is our ally, and we must remember and honour it... We always thought that Corruption only seeped in when faith failed."
  99. [22:55] <~Deedles> "By your tone I'm guessing that turned out to not be the case?" She asks, keeping herself propped up slightly by leaning on her elbows.
  100. [22:55] <Earthflame> "...Our village is as strong in faith as it has ever been. The Corruption still managed to reach us."
  101. [22:56] <~Deedles> "Then I guess it spreads as far as it's allowed to spread." Shiina concludes with a pondering expression.
  102. [22:56] <Earthflame> "Maybe... But we are going to stop it."
  103. [22:57] <~Deedles> "That's no small task." she comments
  104. [22:57] <Earthflame> "It may be a lifes work. We will still see it done."
  105. [22:58] <~Deedles> Shiina's lips quirk "I hope I live to see it."
  106. [23:00] <Earthflame> "You will." Jian reaches forward, placing his fingertips on her forehead and muttering a silent prayer...
  107. [23:02] <~Deedles> She blinks, her eyes widening at his sudden touch. She looks a bit uncomfortable, but she doesn't move away, instead she just studies him.
  108. [23:03] <Earthflame> He smirks. "I am a priest. Giving blessings is part of the deal. Even if I'm more at home with a blade than a book."
  109. [23:04] <~Deedles> "A blessing?" Shiina's eyes don't leave him for a moment, but her expression gains a hint of curiousity.
  110. [23:04] <Earthflame> "A prayer to the elements to help you in time of need. If you call, they will answer."
  111. [23:07] <~Deedles> "Huh..." she reaches up to lay a hand on the spot where his fingers had touched her "I'll keep that in mind..." she says, looking unsure about how to react, which looks off on her usually stern or confident face.
  112. [23:08] <Earthflame> "I give what aid I can." He bows his head to her.
  113. [23:09] <~Deedles> "Thank you..." Shiina says, slowly, as she pushes herself to sit up straight.
  114. [23:10] <Earthflame> "I hope it will bring you good fortune..." Jian stretches. "Do you have anywhere I could do excercises? The place you use for your own training, or some such?"
  115. [23:11] <~Deedles> "The small backyard. It's not much, but it's been enough." She tells him, nodding towards a door at the back of the smithy. "That leads to the kitchen, the backdoor is there."
  116. [23:11] <Earthflame> "Thank you." He gives her a bow. "I will see you later, then."
  117. [23:12] <~Deedles> Shiina gets off the table to return the bow, for once. "See you later." she replies, pausing before she adds. "Don't stay up for too long, you'll need plenty of sleep."
  118. [23:13] <Earthflame> "Of course. Thank you again for your hospitality." Jian moves to the outside, stripping his shirt off and settling into a familiar series of kata... Tomorrow was an important day.
  119. [23:14] <~Deedles> She watches him go, remaining in the smithy for a moment before she heads into the shop and upstairs...
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