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Jul 12th, 2020
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  1. "Of course, you all do have a point. I, myself, find the idea to be.. Risky. Likely far, far too risky to consider, especially presently. Her hand moves from her blade, the other moving away from her chest, and they both clasp behind her back. She hums, eyes drifting closed for a moment.
  3. "As was said, these creatures seek only their personal gain and profit. They would not, do not, seek to help anyone unless it would have immediately benefitted them. They're savage, feral creatures, of course. And only through bloodshed and violence do they satiate themselves."
  5. She inhales, slowly. Quite a hard argument to make. Quite a lot to consider. Her eyes slowly drift towards Ophelia, and then Kofe. Her shoulders, gently, tug upwards into a shrug.
  7. "I'm sure your grandfather also fought against the spread of occultism. I bet he even went as far as to hunt down the blood magi who didn't register themselves with the proper authorities. Thepoint here is simple; Times change. One hundred years ago, blood magic was disgusting. Twenty, occultism was the magic of demon worshipper's and murderers."
  9. "Who knows where we'll be in ten years? Fifteen? Perhaps it is the way forwards. As said, something to investigate. Something to look into. At the current state, with Osrona's current climate, and our still rather.. Small.. Defensive force. I do not believe it is the way forwards."
  11. "Currently, at least."
  13. She clears her throat, quietly, her eyes coming to a close. It wasn't an outright dismissal, of course; She knew it was quite the controversial opinion, but making such a bold and drastic claim, especially during her would-be magistrate speech...?
  15. She hums, quietly. A very curious thought.
  16. (Tanya Volkov)
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