
Bed Time (Comfy)

Sep 11th, 2016
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  1. >Lana slammed the door as Lola scrambled to hide under the bed
  2. >"P-Ponies don't Really do that....right?" Asked Lola as Lana climbed under the bed with her
  3. >"N-No, of course not" responded Lana, trying to convince herself that the story couldn't happen
  4. >"Ponies are vege...vegita..... they eat vegetables"
  5. >The twins hid under the bed, shaking and shivering in fear that the psycho pony would come for them as well
  6. >The two tried to calm down, frantically trying to convince themselves that it wasn't real
  7. >*thump* *Thump*
  8. >"What was that!?" cried Lana
  9. >*Thump* *Thump*
  10. >"T-There's someone in the hallway!" Lola shouted under her breath
  11. >"*Giggle* Hmm Hmm, Hnhahahaha"
  12. >"IT'S PINKIE!!!!!!" Screamed Lola at the top of her Lungs
  14. >The two ran around their room in a panic, trying to find a better place to hide
  15. >Meanwhile, in the hallway
  16. >"Oh hey, when did you get home?" Asked Lucy
  17. >"Hahaha Just a few minutes ago, That birthday party went on a bit longer than expected" Responded Luan
  18. >"I got a good bit of standup done today, they even want me back for their daughter's party next month...Say, What are the twins screaming about? Are they fighting again?"
  19. >"Eh, They're just playing pretend after the story I told them." said Lucy
  20. >"Oh. Well, I gotta get to bed" Said Luan "I've gotta prepare some more material tomorrow"
  21. >*Click, clunk, creeeaaaak*
  22. >"Hello? I'm home!" Yelled Lincoln, walking into the house without his cast for the first time in a few months
  24. >Lincoln put the twins on the bed, facing them towards the wall
  25. >"Don't peek" Instructed Lincoln
  26. >With a quick change of clothes he was ready for bed
  27. >He picked up the twins and laid down on his back, each twin resting underneath one of his arms
  28. >"Feeling better?" Asked Lincoln, looking down at the two shivering 6 year-olds
  29. >"Mhm" mumbled the two, Their shivers finally starting to die down
  30. >Within a few minutes, the two of them were asleep
  31. >"Much better" Thought Lincoln as he began to close his eyes, finally drifting to sleep
  32. >Lincoln lay there fast asleep, finally having a comfortable night without the cast getting in the way
  33. >The twins however, were not doing so well
  34. >"Mnm,Grmmm,nooooo" Mumbled Lola in her sleep "nooooo pinkie,donnttmmmmnnmm"
  35. >"nngh,gedaway from me" Grumbled Lana as she started to toss and turn
  36. >"no,nooooo,no, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Screamed Lola, waking up from the nightmare
  37. >"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, KILLER PONYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Screamed Lana, being woken up by Lola's shout
  38. >The combination of screams and Lana's turning woke Lincoln up
  39. >"ZZZSNNK wuh? huh? What's going on?" Grumbled Lincoln, waking up from a deep sleep
  40. >The twins were Hysterical, screaming in fear for being eaten by a pink pony
  41. >Lincoln grabbed the two writhing children and hugged them close
  42. >"What's wrong this time?" Asked Lincoln slightly annoyed from having been woken up
  43. >"THE PONYYYY!" shouted Lola
  44. >"I-*Sob*-IT TRIED TO EAT US!" Cried Lana, trying to get as close to Lincoln as possible
  45. >"*sigh* ok, look." Started Lincoln "you two go to sleep, I'll stay up and make sure the pony doesn't get you. ok?"
  46. >The two nodded as they pulled themselves closer to Lincoln
  47. >"Geeze" Thought Lincoln "Any closer and they'll be on the other side of me"
  49. >After a few more minutes of shaking, the twins were asleep again
  50. >Lincoln just sat there staring at the wall, holding the two close so they wouldn't feel scared
  51. >"I'm gonna have to have a talk with Lucy tomorrow" Grumbled Lincoln as he tried to stay awake
  52. >After what seemed Like hours The sun was finally starting to come up, and Lincoln was finally starting to conk out
  53. >"Breakfast tiiiiime!" shouted Lori from downstairs, waking the twins up
  54. >"huh, breakfast" grumbled Lana, wiping the sleep from her eyes
  55. >Lana shook Lola "Lola, let's get downstairs before Lori gets mad"
  56. >Lola started to wake up "Hmm? ok. be right there"
  57. >As Lana ran downstairs Lola got up and looked at Lincoln
  58. >He had finally fallen asleep, and didn't seem Like he was getting up any time soon.
  59. >"Sleep well Lincoln." Whispered Lola, Kissing her brother on the cheek before going downstairs
  60. >When the two got downstairs they saw Luan at the oven, pulling something out
  61. >"Whatcha makin Luan? Asked Lana "More banana cream pies?"
  62. >"Nah!" giggled Luan "I thought I would try making something different"
  63. >Luan grabbed the pastry bag and started going to work on the baked goods
  64. >"Where's Lincoln?" Asked Lori "His eggs are getting cold"
  65. >"He's sleeping" Replied Lola "He was up all night trying to help Lana and me"
  66. >Upon hearing this, Lucy started to feel a little guilty
  67. >After a quick breakfast, the twins ran into the living room to watch tv
  68. >"*YAAWNN* Good morning" said Lincoln as he walked Down the stairs
  69. >"HEY LINC!" Exclaimed Luan as she came into the living room holding a try
  70. >"Wanna help me taste test some cupcakes?"
  71. >Upon hearing this, the twins screamed and ran out of the room
  72. >"Huh? What's wrong with them?" Asked Luan
  73. >Lincoln just sighed, getting ready for another Long night.
  75. END
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