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- use Transitional;
- go
- --------------------------------------- RELATIONAL MODEL ---------------------------------------
- --
- -- Script by Lars Rönnbäck - latest version is always here:
- --
- --
- -- Based on the paper "Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information"
- -- Full-text preprint available on ResearchGate:
- --
- -- This script creates a relationally modeled implementation of Transitional Modeling, with
- -- some limitiations due to missing features in SQL Server. Note that this is only intended
- -- as a prototype in which concepts can be tested for educational purposes.
- --
- -- Version: 20181220.1 Added stored procedure that simplifies data insertion.
- -- Cleaned up examples and added posit types.
- -- 20181217.2 Better XML in the views (old version:
- --
- --
- drop procedure if exists [Assert];
- drop view if exists [Check_for_Contradictions];
- drop function if exists [Information_in_Effect];
- drop view if exists [v_Assertion];
- drop view if exists [v_Posit];
- drop table if exists [Assertion];
- drop table if exists [Posit];
- drop table if exists [Dereference];
- drop table if exists [DereferencingSet];
- drop table if exists [Appearance];
- drop table if exists [Role];
- drop table if exists [Thing];
- -- A table to store the unique identifiers of things.
- -- Where a thing is that which is sufficiently distinguishable
- -- from something else to be told apart.
- create table [Thing] (
- [UID] uniqueidentifier not null default NEWSEQUENTIALID(),
- -- Enforce uniqueness of the unique identifiers.
- -- Note that primary keys enforce uniqueness as well as cluster
- -- the underlying table for better performance, and is needed
- -- in order to reference these using foreign key references.
- constraint [unique_and_referenceable_UID] primary key clustered (
- [UID]
- )
- );
- create table [Role] (
- [RoleUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [Role] varchar(555) not null,
- constraint [Role_is_Thing] foreign key (
- [RoleUID]
- ) references [Thing]([UID]),
- constraint [referenceable_RoleUID] primary key clustered (
- [RoleUID]
- ),
- constraint [unique_Role] unique nonclustered (
- [Role]
- )
- );
- /*
- ----------- Excerpt from: Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information -----------
- def. of universal
- A body of information is said to be universal iff positors agree on all appearances.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In order to disagree you must first agree upon something upon which the difference in
- opinion lies. At the very least, positors must agree on appearances. In other words
- if two positors want to have an opinion about something, they must first come to the
- conclusion that this something boils down to the same unique identifier for both of them
- and that they mean the same when they talk about the roles it may appear in.
- We will assume that talk about "Archie's beard" by any positor means that it is the
- same Archie and the same property they are talking about.
- */
- create table [Appearance] (
- [AppearanceUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [ThingUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [RoleUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- constraint [Appearance_is_Thing] foreign key (
- [AppearanceUID]
- ) references [Thing]([UID]),
- constraint [existing_Thing] foreign key (
- [ThingUID]
- ) references [Thing]([UID]),
- constraint [existing_Role] foreign key (
- [RoleUID]
- ) references [Role]([RoleUID]),
- constraint [referenceable_AppearanceUID] primary key clustered (
- [AppearanceUID]
- ),
- constraint [unique_Appearance] unique nonclustered (
- [ThingUID],
- [RoleUID]
- )
- );
- create table [DereferencingSet] (
- [DereferencingSetUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- constraint [DereferencingSet_is_Thing] foreign key (
- [DereferencingSetUID]
- ) references [Thing]([UID]),
- constraint [unique_and_referenceable_DereferencingSetUID] primary key clustered (
- [DereferencingSetUID]
- )
- );
- create table [Dereference] (
- [DereferencingSetUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [AppearanceUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- constraint [reference_to_DereferencingSet] foreign key (
- [DereferencingSetUID]
- ) references [DereferencingSet]([DereferencingSetUID]),
- constraint [reference_to_Appearance] foreign key (
- [AppearanceUID]
- ) references [Appearance]([AppearanceUID]),
- constraint [unique_Dereference] primary key clustered (
- [DereferencingSetUID],
- [AppearanceUID]
- )
- );
- /*
- ----------- Excerpt from: Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information -----------
- def. of canonical
- A body of information is said to be canonical iff all assertions
- are made against posits without negated values.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In practice, the value of a posit may be of any data type, primitive or complex, but due to
- SQL Server lacking support for generics (looks like <T> in many programming languages) we
- have to limit the Value column to varchar(max). Appearance time may also be any time type,
- exact or fuzzy, in order to represent that the value appeared exactly since some specified
- time or inexactly within some period of time. Here the AppearanceTime column is limited
- to a datetime.
- Finally, in order to represent information, canonical form is used, which simply means that
- values are stored without negation, for example "red" is acceptable, and "not red" is not.
- Opposite opinions are instead handled using negative Reliability in assertions.
- */
- create table [Posit] (
- [PositUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [DereferencingSetUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [Value] varchar(max) null,
- [AppearanceTime] datetime not null,
- constraint [existing_DereferencingSet] foreign key (
- [DereferencingSetUID]
- ) references [DereferencingSet]([DereferencingSetUID]),
- constraint [Posit_is_Thing] foreign key (
- [PositUID]
- ) references [Thing]([UID]),
- constraint [referenceable_PositUID] primary key clustered (
- [PositUID]
- )
- );
- /*
- ----------- Excerpt from: Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information -----------
- def. of a body of information
- A body of information is a set of true assertions.
- def. of exclusive
- A body of information is said to be exclusive iff no assertions
- in which only the reliability differs exist.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We will assume that any data inserted into this table represents true assertions. We will not
- constrain the Reliability column, but in practice it should be in the interval [-1, 1].
- The constraint [unique_Assertion] ensures that the stored assertions are exclusive, so that
- there is no ambiguity with respect to the assigned Reliability.
- */
- create table [Assertion] (
- [AssertionUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [PositorUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [PositUID] uniqueidentifier not null,
- [Reliability] decimal(3,2) not null,
- [AssertionTime] datetime not null,
- constraint [Assertion_is_Thing] foreign key (
- [AssertionUID]
- ) references [Thing]([UID]),
- constraint [existing_Positor] foreign key (
- [PositorUID]
- ) references [Thing]([UID]),
- constraint [existing_Posit] foreign key (
- [PositUID]
- ) references [Posit]([PositUID]),
- constraint [referenceable_AssertionUID] primary key nonclustered (
- [AssertionUID]
- ),
- constraint [unique_Assertion] unique clustered (
- [PositorUID],
- [PositUID],
- [AssertionTime]
- )
- );
- go
- create or alter view [v_Posit]
- as
- select
- p.[PositUID],
- p.[DereferencingSetUID],
- p.[Value],
- p.[AppearanceTime],
- (
- select
- p.[PositUID] as [@PositUID],
- p.[AppearanceTime] as [@AppearanceTime],
- p.[DereferencingSetUID] as [DereferencingSet/@DereferencingSetUID],
- (
- select
- a.[AppearanceUID] as [@AppearanceUID],
- a.[ThingUID] as [@ThingUID],
- r.[Role] as [@Role]
- from
- [DereferencingSet] s
- join
- [Dereference] d
- on
- d.[DereferencingSetUID] = s.[DereferencingSetUID]
- join
- [Appearance] a
- on
- a.[AppearanceUID] = d.[AppearanceUID]
- join
- [Role] r
- on
- r.[RoleUID] = a.[RoleUID]
- where
- s.[DereferencingSetUID] = p.[DereferencingSetUID]
- order by
- r.[RoleUID] asc
- for xml path('Appearance'), type
- ) as [DereferencingSet],
- p.[Value]
- for xml path('Posit'), type
- ) as [PositXML]
- from
- [Posit] p
- go
- create or alter view [v_Assertion]
- as
- select
- a.[AssertionUID],
- a.[PositorUID],
- a.[PositUID],
- p.[DereferencingSetUID],
- p.[Value],
- p.[AppearanceTime],
- a.[Reliability],
- a.[AssertionTime],
- (
- select
- a.[AssertionUID] as [@AssertionUID],
- a.[PositorUID] as [@PositorUID],
- a.[Reliability] as [@Reliability],
- a.[AssertionTime] as [@AssertionTime],
- p.[PositXML].query('.')
- for xml path('Assertion'), type
- ) as [AssertionXML]
- from
- [Assertion] a
- join
- [v_Posit] p
- on
- p.[PositUID] = a.[PositUID]
- go
- /*
- ------------------------------------------- XML FORMAT -------------------------------------------
- Specify UID for already known things and some Label for unknown. Bracketed attributes
- are optional. Labels will result in new things being created, one for each unique label.
- <Assertion PositorUID="<UID|Label>" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13T15:30:00">
- <Posit [PositUID="<UID>"] AppearanceTime="2018-12-01T12:00:00">
- <DereferencingSet [DereferencingSetUID="<UID>"]>
- <Appearance [AppearanceUID="<UID>"] ThingUID="<UID|Label>" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>fluffy red</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- Note that AssertionUID cannot be specified. Assertions can never be altered once they've been
- created.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- create or alter procedure Assert (
- @assertion xml OUTPUT
- )
- as
- begin
- set nocount on;
- -- create a lookup table
- create table #Thing (
- [ThingUID] uniqueidentifier not null primary key,
- [UID_or_Label] varchar(555) not null
- );
- -- is a posit set already referenced through a UID?
- declare @PositUID uniqueidentifier = @assertion.value(
- '/Assertion[1]/Posit[1]/@PositUID',
- 'uniqueidentifier'
- );
- -- if not it needs to be built
- if @PositUID is null
- begin
- -- is a dereferencing set already referenced through a UID?
- declare @DereferencingSetUID uniqueidentifier = @assertion.value(
- '/Assertion[1]/Posit[1]/DereferencingSet[1]/@DereferencingSetUID',
- 'uniqueidentifier'
- );
- if @DereferencingSetUID is not null
- begin
- if not exists (
- select [DereferencingSetUID] from [DereferencingSet]
- where [DereferencingSetUID] = @DereferencingSetUID
- )
- raiserror('The referenced @DereferencingSetUID does not exist', 10, 1);
- end
- else
- begin
- -- check if given AppareanceUID:s exist
- if exists (
- select x.[AppearanceUID]
- from (
- select distinct
- Appearance.value('@AppearanceUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as [AppearanceUID]
- from @assertion.nodes(
- '/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@AppearanceUID]'
- ) as T(Appearance)
- ) x
- left join [Appearance] a
- on a.[AppearanceUID] = x.[AppearanceUID]
- where a.[AppearanceUID] is null
- )
- raiserror('The referenced @AppearanceUID does not exist', 10, 1);
- -- create a table to hold appearances
- create table #Appearance (
- AppearanceUID uniqueidentifier not null primary key,
- ThingUID uniqueidentifier not null,
- RoleUID uniqueidentifier not null
- );
- -- add existing and referenced appearances
- insert into #Appearance
- select a.*
- from (
- select distinct
- Appearance.value('@AppearanceUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as [AppearanceUID]
- from @assertion.nodes(
- '/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@AppearanceUID]'
- ) as T(Appearance)
- ) x
- join [Appearance] a
- on a.[AppearanceUID] = x.[AppearanceUID];
- declare @matches int = 0;
- -- create missing things and populate the lookup table
- merge [Thing] t
- using (
- select distinct
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') as [UID_or_Label]
- from @assertion.nodes(
- '/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[not(@AppearanceUID)]'
- ) as T(Appearance)
- ) i on i.[UID_or_Label] = cast(t.[UID] as varchar(555))
- when not matched then insert values(DEFAULT)
- when matched then update set @matches = @matches + 1
- output inserted.[UID], i.[UID_or_Label] into #Thing;
- -- create a lookup table
- create table #Role (
- [RoleUID] uniqueidentifier not null primary key,
- [Role] varchar(555) not null
- );
- -- lookup or create the roles
- merge [Thing] t
- using (
- select
- r.[RoleUID],
- x.[Role]
- from (
- select
- Appearance.value('@Role', 'varchar(555)') as [Role]
- from @assertion.nodes(
- '/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[not(@AppearanceUID)]'
- ) as T(Appearance)
- ) x
- left join [Role] r
- on x.[Role] = r.[Role]
- ) i on i.[RoleUID] = t.[UID]
- when not matched then insert values(DEFAULT)
- when matched then update set @matches = @matches + 1
- output inserted.[UID], i.[Role] into #Role;
- -- add missing roles to Role
- merge [Role] r
- using #Role rlkp
- on rlkp.[RoleUID] = r.[RoleUID]
- when not matched then insert values (rlkp.[RoleUID], rlkp.[Role]);
- -- lookup or create the appearances
- merge [Thing] t
- using (
- select
- a.[AppearanceUID],
- tlkp.[ThingUID],
- rlkp.[RoleUID]
- from (
- select
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') as [UID_or_Label],
- Appearance.value('@Role', 'varchar(555)') as [Role]
- from @assertion.nodes(
- '/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[not(@AppearanceUID)]'
- ) as T(Appearance)
- ) x
- join #Thing tlkp
- on tlkp.[UID_or_Label] = x.[UID_or_Label]
- join #Role rlkp
- on rlkp.[Role] = x.[Role]
- left join [Appearance] a
- on a.[ThingUID] = tlkp.[ThingUID] and a.[RoleUID] = rlkp.[RoleUID]
- ) i on i.[AppearanceUID] = t.[UID]
- when not matched then insert values(DEFAULT)
- when matched then update set @matches = @matches + 1
- output inserted.[UID], i.[ThingUID], i.[RoleUID] into #Appearance;
- -- add missing apperances to Appearance
- merge [Appearance] a
- using #Appearance alkp
- on alkp.[AppearanceUID] = a.[AppearanceUID]
- when not matched then insert values (alkp.[AppearanceUID], alkp.[ThingUID], alkp.[RoleUID]);
- declare @NumberOfAppearances int = (select count(*) from #Appearance);
- -- do these appearances already exist as a dereferencing set?
- set @DereferencingSetUID = (
- select d.DereferencingSetUID
- from [Dereference] d
- left join #Appearance a on a.AppearanceUID = d.AppearanceUID
- group by d.DereferencingSetUID
- having COUNT(d.AppearanceUID) = @NumberOfAppearances
- and COUNT(a.AppearanceUID) = @NumberOfAppearances
- );
- -- if not it needs to be created
- if @DereferencingSetUID is null
- begin
- create table #DereferencingSet (
- [DereferencingSetUID] uniqueidentifier not null primary key
- );
- insert into [Thing]
- output inserted.[UID] into #DereferencingSet
- values (DEFAULT);
- set @DereferencingSetUID = (select top 1 [DereferencingSetUID] from #DereferencingSet);
- insert into [DereferencingSet] values (@DereferencingSetUID);
- insert into [Dereference]
- select @DereferencingSetUID, [AppearanceUID]
- from #Appearance;
- end
- end -- end of building a dereference set
- -- now we have a @DereferencingSetUID
- declare @Value varchar(max);
- declare @AppearanceTime datetime;
- select
- @Value = cast(Posit.query('Value/node()') as varchar(max)),
- @AppearanceTime = Posit.value('@AppearanceTime', 'datetime')
- from @assertion.nodes(
- '/Assertion[1]/Posit[1]'
- ) as T(Posit);
- -- check if it already exists
- set @PositUID = (
- select [PositUID]
- from [Posit]
- where [DereferencingSetUID] = @DereferencingSetUID
- and [Value] = @Value
- and [AppearanceTime] = @AppearanceTime
- );
- if @PositUID is null
- begin
- -- create the posit
- create table #Posit (
- [PositUID] uniqueidentifier not null primary key
- );
- insert into [Thing]
- output inserted.[UID] into #Posit
- values (DEFAULT);
- set @PositUID = (select top 1 [PositUID] from #Posit);
- insert into [Posit] (
- [PositUID],
- [DereferencingSetUID],
- [Value],
- [AppearanceTime]
- )
- values (
- @PositUID,
- @DereferencingSetUID,
- @Value,
- @AppearanceTime
- );
- end -- new posit created
- end -- end of building posit
- -- now we have a @PositUID
- declare @AssertionUID uniqueidentifier;
- -- create the assertion
- create table #Assertion (
- [AssertionUID] uniqueidentifier not null primary key
- );
- insert into [Thing]
- output inserted.[UID] into #Assertion
- values (DEFAULT);
- set @AssertionUID = (select top 1 [AssertionUID] from #Assertion);
- -- A positor must be referenced through a UID or Label
- declare @PositorUID_or_Label varchar(555) = @assertion.value(
- '/Assertion[1]/@PositorUID',
- 'varchar(555)'
- );
- if @PositorUID_or_Label is null
- raiserror('No @PositorUID has been specified', 10, 1);
- -- is must either be a UID or a Label (and if it is a Label it is already created)
- declare @PositorUID uniqueidentifier = isnull(
- (select [ThingUID] from #Thing where [UID_or_Label] = @PositorUID_or_Label),
- (select [UID] from [Thing] where cast([UID] as varchar(555)) = @PositorUID_or_Label)
- );
- if @PositorUID is null
- raiserror('The referenced @PositorUID does not exist', 10, 1);
- -- now store the assertion
- insert into [Assertion] (
- [AssertionUID],
- [PositorUID],
- [PositUID],
- [Reliability],
- [AssertionTime]
- )
- select
- @AssertionUID,
- @PositorUID,
- @PositUID,
- Posit.value('@Reliability', 'decimal(3,2)') as [AppearanceTime],
- Posit.value('@AssertionTime', 'datetime') as [AppearanceTime]
- from @assertion.nodes(
- '/Assertion[1]'
- ) as T(Posit)
- -- and we are done, so finally set the output variable
- set @assertion = (
- select [AssertionXML] from [v_Assertion] where [AssertionUID] = @AssertionUID
- );
- end
- go
- --------------------------------------- PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------
- -- first create a few things (and positors), and relate them to a name using "has name"
- declare @assertion1 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="A" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-15 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1972-08-20 15:30">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="A" Role="has name" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Archie</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion1 OUTPUT;
- -- the stored assertion is returned (in case we need any of the UID:s for later)
- select @assertion1;
- -- but we can also look at it using the view
- select * from [v_Assertion];
- declare @assertion2 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="B" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-15 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1972-02-13 08:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="B" Role="has name" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Bella</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion2 OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion3 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="M" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-15 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1945-10-17 12:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="M" Role="has name" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Modeler</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion3 OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion4 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="S" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-15 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-15">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="S" Role="has name" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Script</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion4 OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion5 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="D" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-15 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2001-01-01 01:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="D" Role="has name" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Disser</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion5 OUTPUT;
- -- there should now be five assertions
- select * from [v_Assertion];
- -- first we will let Bella assert a few things about Archie
- declare @ArchieUID6 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID6 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion6 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID6 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:30">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 12:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID6 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>fluffy red</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion6 OUTPUT;
- -- there should now be a new assertion
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] = 'fluffy red';
- -- let the Disser have a different opinion
- declare @ArchieUID7 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @DisserUID7 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Disser"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion7 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @DisserUID7 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:30">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 12:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID7 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>shaved clean</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion7 OUTPUT;
- -- there should now be two assertions
- -- where Bella and the Disagreer have conflicting views of Archie's beard
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('fluffy red', 'shaved clean');
- -- let the Disser further oppose to what Bella stated
- declare @ArchieUID8 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @DisserUID8 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Disser"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion8 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @DisserUID8 + '" Reliability="-1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:35">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 12:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID8 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>fluffy red</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion8 OUTPUT;
- -- so Bella and the Disser have opposing views of the posit stating it is fluffy red
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('fluffy red', 'shaved clean');
- -- let Bella assert that there is a very small chance it actually was shaved clean
- declare @ArchieUID9 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID9 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion9 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID9 + '" Reliability="0.05" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:35">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 12:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID9 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>shaved clean</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion9 OUTPUT;
- -- Bella asserts that it is very unlikely, but Archie's beard may have been shaved clean
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('fluffy red', 'shaved clean')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- she is sure Archie was shaved clean later though (a real change occured between 12 and 13)
- declare @ArchieUID10 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID10 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion10 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID10 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:35">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 13:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID10 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>shaved clean</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion10 OUTPUT;
- -- Bella asserts that at 13:00 Archie had shaved
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('fluffy red', 'shaved clean')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- /*
- ----------- Excerpt from: Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information -----------
- def. of the information in effect
- Let A be a body of information. The information in effect is a
- subset A(T@, t@) ⊂ A given a bitemporal point in assertion
- and appearance time (T@, t@) ∈ T × t. Assuming P, α, T, D, v,
- and t are free variables, all assertions !(P, p, α, T) ∈ A(T@, t@)
- with p = [D, v, t] are found using the following selection
- criteria:
- 1. Let A1 ⊂ A be the assertions in A satisfying T ≤ T@ and
- t ≤ t@.
- 2. Let A2 ⊂ A1 be the assertions in A1 with α 6= 0 and the
- latest appearance time t for each combination of P and
- D, excluding those assertions !(P, p, α, T) for which an
- assertion !(P, p, 0, T0) exists with T ≤ T0 ≤ T@.
- 3. Let A(T@, t@) ⊂ A2 be the assertions from A2 with the
- latest assertion time T for each combination of P, D, and v.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A function for the information in effect is created below according
- to the selection criteria defined above.
- */
- go
- create or alter function [Information_in_Effect] (
- @appearanceTime datetime,
- @assertionTime datetime
- )
- returns table as return
- with A1 as (
- select *
- from [v_Assertion]
- where [AppearanceTime] <= @appearanceTime
- and [AssertionTime] <= @assertionTime
- ),
- A2 as (
- select a.*
- from A1 a
- where a.[Reliability] <> 0
- and a.[AppearanceTime] = (
- select max(s.[AppearanceTime])
- from A1 s
- where s.[PositorUID] = a.[PositorUID]
- and s.[DereferencingSetUID] = a.[DereferencingSetUID]
- )
- and not exists (
- select x.[AssertionUID]
- from A1 x
- where x.[PositorUID] = a.[PositorUID]
- and x.[PositUID] = a.[PositUID]
- and x.[Reliability] = 0
- and x.[AssertionTime] between a.AssertionTime and @assertionTime
- )
- )
- select a.*
- from A2 a
- where a.[AssertionTime] = (
- select max(s.[AssertionTime])
- from A2 s
- where s.[PositorUID] = a.[PositorUID]
- and s.[DereferencingSetUID] = a.[DereferencingSetUID]
- and s.[Value] = a.[Value]
- )
- go
- -- which information is in effect at 12 and 13 given what was asserted on or before 15:30?
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 12:00', '2018-12-13 15:30')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 13:00', '2018-12-13 15:30')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- which information is in effect at 12 and 13 given what was asserted on or before 15:35?
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 12:00', '2018-12-13 15:35')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 13:00', '2018-12-13 15:35')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- /*
- ----------- Excerpt from: Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information -----------
- def. of symmetric
- A body of information is said to be symmetric iff the assertions
- !(P, p, −α, T) and !(P, ̄p, α, T) are equivalent for a posit p and its opposite ̄p.
- def. of bounded
- A body of information is said to be bounded iff the reliabilities in the assertions
- !(P, p, α, T) and !(P, ̄p, β, T) satisfy ∣α + β∣ = ∣α + β∣^2.
- def. of non-contradictory
- A body of information is said to be non-contradictory iff for
- every information in effect the reliabilities, numbered 1 to n,
- in all positive and negative assertions made by the same positor
- for the same dereferencing set satisfy the inequality:
- n n
- 1/2 ∑ (1 - sign(αi)) + ∑ αi ≤ 1
- i=1 i=1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The fact that we can talk about contradictions relies on the assumption that our body
- of information is symmetric. When a body of information is also bounded it is possible to
- transform all information into canonical form (negated values like "not red" are instead
- expressed using "red" and a negative Reliability).
- */
- -- we create a view that checks for contradictions according to the inequality above
- go
- create or alter view [Check_for_Contradictions]
- as
- with bitemporalTimepoints as (
- select [AppearanceTime], [AssertionTime]
- from (select distinct [AppearanceTime] from Posit) p
- cross join (select distinct [AssertionTime] from Assertion) a
- )
- select
- ineq.*,
- case
- when InequalitySum <= 1 then 'Non-Contradictory'
- else 'Contradictory'
- end as Result
- from (
- select
- t.[AppearanceTime],
- t.[AssertionTime],
- iie.[PositorUID],
- iie.[DereferencingSetUID],
- 0.5 * sum(1 - sign(iie.[Reliability])) + sum(iie.[Reliability]) as InequalitySum
- from
- bitemporalTimepoints t
- cross apply
- [Information_in_Effect](t.[AppearanceTime], t.[AssertionTime]) iie
- group by
- t.[AppearanceTime],
- t.[AssertionTime],
- iie.[PositorUID],
- iie.[DereferencingSetUID]
- ) ineq;
- go
- -- have contradictory assertions been made?
- select * from [Check_for_Contradictions];
- -- Bella is contradictory for the appearance time between 12 and 13 for assertion time 15:35 and onwards
- -- so with our current knowledge she has made contradictory statements
- -- Bella realizes she will remain forever contradictory unless she makes another assertion
- -- Bella revaluates her earlier assertion from 1 to 0.95
- declare @ArchieUID11 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID11 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion11 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID11 + '" Reliability="0.95" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:40">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 12:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID11 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>fluffy red</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion11 OUTPUT;
- -- which information is in effect at 12 and 13 given that assertion
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 12:00', '2018-12-13 15:40')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 13:00', '2018-12-13 15:40')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- now the situation looks better for Bella between 12 and 13
- -- have contradictory assertions been made?
- select * from [Check_for_Contradictions];
- -- Bella is contradictory for the appearance time between 12 and 13 but now only for
- -- assertion time between 15:35 and 15:45
- -- the Disagreer is now changing it's mind and retracts the previous statement
- -- a retraction has reliability = 0
- declare @ArchieUID12 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @DisserUID12 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Disser"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion12 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @DisserUID12 + '" Reliability="0" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:40">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 12:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID12 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>shaved clean</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion12 OUTPUT;
- -- which information is now in effect at 12 and 13 at the time of the retraction?
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 12:00', '2018-12-13 15:40')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 13:00', '2018-12-13 15:40')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- the Disser is now only saying it's not fluffy red
- -- Bella is going to reiterate that Archie's beard was also shaved clean one hour later
- declare @ArchieUID13 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID13 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion13 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID13 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:45">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 14:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID13 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>shaved clean</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion13 OUTPUT;
- -- the latest assertion is called a "restatement", since the value is not changing
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('fluffy red', 'shaved clean')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- the information in effect will show the latest restatement
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 12:00', '2018-12-13 15:45')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 13:00', '2018-12-13 15:45')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 14:00', '2018-12-13 15:45')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- Bella is going to reassure that she still is certain Archie's beard was shaved clean at 14
- declare @ArchieUID14 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID14 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion14 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID14 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:50">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2018-12-01 14:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID14 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>shaved clean</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion14 OUTPUT;
- -- the latest assertion is called a "reassertion", since only the assertion time changes
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('fluffy red', 'shaved clean')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- the information in effect will show the latest restatement and latest reassertion
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 12:00', '2018-12-13 15:45')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 13:00', '2018-12-13 15:45')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 14:00', '2018-12-13 15:45')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 14:00', '2018-12-13 15:50')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- --------------------------------------- METADATA ---------------------------------------
- -- The good thing about posits, assertions, and so on being "things" in themselves
- -- is that it makes it possible to produce posits about them as well. This is
- -- usually called metadata.
- -- let the Script positor assert when what we have done so far was recorded in
- -- our database right now.
- -- we now have 42 things that we want to create metadata for
- select * from [Thing];
- declare @ScriptUID15 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Script"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare thing cursor static for (select [UID] from [Thing]);
- open thing;
- declare @ThingUID15 varchar(555);
- fetch next from thing into @ThingUID15;
- declare @now char(19) = CONVERT(varchar(19), getdate(), 121);
- while(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
- begin
- declare @assertion15 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ScriptUID15 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="' + @now + '">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="' + @now + '">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ThingUID15 + '" Role="was recorded at" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>' + @now + '</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion15 OUTPUT;
- fetch next from thing into @ThingUID15;
- end
- close thing;
- deallocate thing;
- -- now there are 42 assertions from which we can tell when the data entered the database
- select * from [v_Assertion] where isdate([Value]) = 1
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- note that the metadata is not in effect if we travel back in time
- select * from [Information_in_Effect]('2018-12-01 14:00', '2018-12-13 15:50')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- but it is in effect now
- select * from [Information_in_Effect](getdate(), getdate())
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- --------------------------------------- RELATIONSHIPS ---------------------------------------
- -- we will start by marrying Archie and Bella in the Notre-Dame
- -- so we first need the Notre-Dame thing
- declare @assertion16 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="NDame" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-15 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1753-01-01">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="NDame" Role="has name" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Notre-Dame de Paris</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion16 OUTPUT;
- -- we need the UID:s
- declare @ArchieUID17 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID17 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @NDameUID17 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Notre-Dame de Paris"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion17 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID17 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:55">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2004-06-19 15:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID17 + '" Role="husband" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @BellaUID17 + '" Role="wife" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @NDameUID17 + '" Role="church" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>married</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion17 OUTPUT;
- -- now Bella has asserted the marriage
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('married')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- let them divorce a while later (using the same dereferencing set, so it is a real change)
- declare @ArchieUID18 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID18 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @NDameUID18 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Notre-Dame de Paris"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion18 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID18 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:55">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2010-01-31 10:00">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID18 + '" Role="husband" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @BellaUID18 + '" Role="wife" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @NDameUID18 + '" Role="church" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>divorced</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion18 OUTPUT;
- -- now Bella has asserted the divorce as well
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('married', 'divorced')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- however, as it turns out, Bella remarried the Disagreer at a later time, but not in a church
- -- that means a new dereferencing set is needed and this time without the church
- declare @DisserUID19 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Disser"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID19 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion19 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID19 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 15:55">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2011-11-11 11:11">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @DisserUID19 + '" Role="husband" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @BellaUID19 + '" Role="wife" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>married</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion19 OUTPUT;
- -- now Bella has asserted her second marriage, but her second marriage took place without a church
- select * from [v_Assertion] where [Value] in ('married', 'divorced')
- order by [DereferencingSetUID], [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- another way to find this is from finding every assertion in which Bella has appeared in the wife role
- -- regardless if the relationship involves a church or not
- declare @BellaUID_Q1 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- select * from [v_Assertion]
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@ThingUID = sql:variable("@BellaUID_Q1") and @Role = "wife"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- the above can be achieved through joins in the underlying model as well
- -- but, Bella made a mistake, the appearance time of her second marriage is not correct
- -- so she first makes a retraction of the erroneous assertion
- declare @DisserUID20 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Disser"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID20 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion20 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID20 + '" Reliability="0" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 16:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2011-11-11 11:11">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @DisserUID20 + '" Role="husband" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @BellaUID20 + '" Role="wife" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>married</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion20 OUTPUT;
- -- in the view of all assertions the retraction is now visible
- declare @BellaUID_Q2 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- select * from [v_Assertion]
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@ThingUID = sql:variable("@BellaUID_Q2") and @Role = "wife"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- which means that the latest information we have is that Bella is divorced
- select * from [Information_in_Effect](getdate(), getdate())
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@ThingUID = sql:variable("@BellaUID_Q2") and @Role = "wife"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- so Bella needs to assert a different posit, with the correct appearance time
- declare @DisserUID21 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Disser"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID21 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion21 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @BellaUID21 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-13 16:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="2012-12-12 12:12">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @DisserUID21 + '" Role="husband" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @BellaUID21 + '" Role="wife" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>married</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion21 OUTPUT;
- -- in the view of all assertions the correction is now visible
- declare @BellaUID_Q3 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- select * from [v_Assertion]
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@ThingUID = sql:variable("@BellaUID_Q3") and @Role = "wife"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- new the latest information we have is that Bella is married, but note that the earlier divorce is also shown
- -- due to it having a different dereferencing set
- select * from [Information_in_Effect](getdate(), getdate())
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@ThingUID = sql:variable("@BellaUID_Q3") and @Role = "wife"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- there is currently no way for the system to know that these two relationships (with and without a church) both
- -- represent a marriage
- ------------------------------------------- MODELING ------------------------------------------
- /*
- ----------- Excerpt from: Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information -----------
- def. of a classifier and a class
- Let "is class" be a role reserved for the purpose of modeling.
- A posit pc = [{(C, is class)}, c, t], defines the name
- of a class through the string c and associates the unique
- identifier C with it. A classifier is a relationship that binds
- a thing to a class, expressed through posits on the form
- pM = [{(i, thing),(C, class)}, v, t].
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- It is time for the Modeler to step in and tell us what some of our things are.
- */
- -- first create three classes: Person, Cathedral, and Church
- declare @ModelerUID22 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Modeler"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion22A xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID22 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="C" Role="is class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Person</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion22A OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion22B xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID22 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="C" Role="is class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Cathedral</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion22B OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion22C xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID22 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="C" Role="is class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>Church</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion22C OUTPUT;
- -- list all classes
- select a.* from [v_Assertion] a
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is class"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- now associate some things with the classes
- declare @ModelerUID23 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Modeler"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @ArchieUID23 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Archie"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @BellaUID23 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Bella"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @NDameUID23 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Notre-Dame de Paris"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @PersonUID23 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Person"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @CathedralUID23 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Cathedral"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @ChurchUID23 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Church"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion23A xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID23 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ArchieUID23 + '" Role="thing" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @PersonUID23 + '" Role="class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>active</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion23A OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion23B xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID23 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @BellaUID23 + '" Role="thing" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @PersonUID23 + '" Role="class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>active</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion23B OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion23C xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID23 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @NDameUID23 + '" Role="thing" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @CathedralUID23 + '" Role="class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>active</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion23C OUTPUT;
- declare @assertion23D xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID23 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @NDameUID23 + '" Role="thing" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ChurchUID23 + '" Role="class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>active</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion23D OUTPUT;
- -- list all classes and classifiers
- -- as can be seen there are two things of class Person and one thing of class Cathedral and Church
- select
- names.[Value] as [Name of Thing],
- classes.[Value] as [Class of Thing]
- from (
- select a.[Value],
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ThingUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "has name"]') T(Appearance)
- ) names
- join (
- select a.[Value],
- DereferencingSet.value('Appearance[@Role = "thing"][1]/@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ThingUID,
- DereferencingSet.value('Appearance[@Role = "class"][1]/@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ClassUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet[Appearance/@Role = "class" and Appearance/@Role = "thing"]') T(DereferencingSet)
- ) classifiers
- on classifiers.ThingUID = names.ThingUID
- join (
- select a.[Value],
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ClassUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is class"]') T(Appearance)
- ) classes
- on classes.ClassUID = classifiers.ClassUID;
- -- the Modeler can clarify the situation of Notre Dame having two classes
- declare @ModelerUID24 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Modeler"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @CathedralUID24 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Cathedral"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @ChurchUID24 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Church"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion24 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID24 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @CathedralUID24 + '" Role="subclass" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ChurchUID24 + '" Role="class" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>active</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion24 OUTPUT;
- -- now Cathedral is a subclass of Church
- select
- classes.[Value] as [Class],
- subclasses.[Value] as [Subclass]
- from (
- select a.[Value],
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ClassUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is class"]') T(Appearance)
- ) classes
- join (
- select a.[Value],
- DereferencingSet.value('Appearance[@Role = "subclass"][1]/@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as SubclassUID,
- DereferencingSet.value('Appearance[@Role = "class"][1]/@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ClassUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet[Appearance/@Role = "class" and Appearance/@Role = "subclass"]') T(DereferencingSet)
- ) inheritance
- on inheritance.ClassUID = classes.ClassUID
- join (
- select a.[Value],
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as SubclassUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is class"]') T(Appearance)
- ) subclasses
- on subclasses.SubclassUID = inheritance.SubclassUID;
- /*
- ----------- Excerpt from: Modeling Conflicting, Unreliable, and Varying Information -----------
- def. of a posit type
- A posit type, τ(p) = [{(C1,r1), . . . ,(Cn,rn)}, τ(v), τ(t)], for a
- posit p = [{(i1,r1), . . . ,(in,rn)}, v, t], is a structure constructed
- by replacing unique identifiers, ij with the unique identifiers of their
- class, Cj, the value, v, with its data type, τ(v), and the time point, t,
- with its data type, τ(t).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A posit type is a structure, but posits in the relational model can only have
- values of type varchar(max), so it cannot hold such a structure. We can, however,
- store it as serialized XML, where the XML has the same structure as the one we
- have been using to create posits.
- */
- -- let the Modeler create a posit type for the ternary "marriage" relationship
- declare @ModelerUID25 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Modeler"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @PersonUID25 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Person"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @ChurchUID25 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Church"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion25 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID25 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="T" Role="is type" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>
- <Posit AppearanceTime="datetime">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @PersonUID25 + '" Role="husband" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @PersonUID25 + '" Role="wife" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ChurchUID25 + '" Role="church" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>varchar(555)</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion25 OUTPUT;
- -- list the posit type
- select a.* from [v_Assertion] a
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is type"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- ------------------------------------------------------ TODO BELOW ------------------------------------------------------------
- -- let the Modeler also add the posit type for the unary 'has beard' relationship
- declare @ModelerUID26 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Modeler"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @PersonUID26 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Person"]//*[@Role = "is class"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- declare @assertion26 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID26 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="T" Role="is type" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>
- <Posit AppearanceTime="datetime">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @PersonUID26 + '" Role="has beard" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>varchar(555)</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion26 OUTPUT;
- -- list the posit types
- select a.* from [v_Assertion] a
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is type"]') = 1
- order by [PositorUID], [AppearanceTime] desc, [AssertionTime] desc;
- -- now the Modeler can express that a class appears in a certain posit type
- -- since this can be derived we can write some code that loops through posit types
- -- (provided that they all appear "commonly" for the classes)
- declare @ClassUID27 varchar(555);
- declare @PositTypeUID27 varchar(555);
- declare maps cursor static for (
- select distinct
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ClassUID,
- pt.PositTypeUID
- from (
- select cast(a.Value as xml) as PositType,
- AssertionXML.value('/Assertion[1]/Posit[1]/DereferencingSet[1]/Appearance[1]/@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as PositTypeUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- where AssertionXML.exist('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is type"]') = 1
- ) pt
- cross apply PositType.nodes('/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance') as T(Appearance)
- );
- open maps;
- fetch next from maps into @ClassUID27, @PositTypeUID27;
- declare @ModelerUID27 varchar(555) = (
- select Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'varchar(555)') from v_Assertion
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('//*[Value = "Modeler"]//*[@Role = "has name"]') as T(Appearance)
- );
- while(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
- begin
- declare @assertion27 xml = '
- <Assertion PositorUID="' + @ModelerUID27 + '" Reliability="1.00" AssertionTime="2018-12-01 00:00">
- <Posit AppearanceTime="1998-12-31 23:59">
- <DereferencingSet>
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @ClassUID27 + '" Role="class" />
- <Appearance ThingUID="' + @PositTypeUID27 + '" Role="type" />
- </DereferencingSet>
- <Value>commonly</Value>
- </Posit>
- </Assertion>
- ';
- exec Assert @assertion27 OUTPUT;
- fetch next from maps into @ClassUID27, @PositTypeUID27;
- end
- close maps;
- deallocate maps;
- -- now the Church and Person classes are tied to the posit type for the ternary "marriage" relationship
- -- and Person should also be tied to the unary "has beard" relationship
- select
- classes.[Value] as [Class],
- classes.[ClassUID],
- cast(posit_types.[Value] as xml) as [PositType]
- from (
- select a.[Value],
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ClassUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is class"]') T(Appearance)
- ) classes
- join (
- select a.[Value],
- DereferencingSet.value('Appearance[@Role = "type"][1]/@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as PositTypeUID,
- DereferencingSet.value('Appearance[@Role = "class"][1]/@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as ClassUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet[Appearance/@Role = "class" and Appearance/@Role = "type"]') T(DereferencingSet)
- ) typings
- on typings.ClassUID = classes.ClassUID
- join (
- select a.[Value],
- Appearance.value('@ThingUID', 'uniqueidentifier') as PositTypeUID
- from [v_Assertion] a
- cross apply AssertionXML.nodes('/Assertion/Posit/DereferencingSet/Appearance[@Role = "is type"]') T(Appearance)
- ) posit_types
- on posit_types.PositTypeUID = typings.PositTypeUID;
- -- so, from the Modeler's point of view, a Person is that which can be married to a wife in a church and may have a beard
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