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May 1st, 2014
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  1. ##ManjaroPek Menu Configuration Script
  2. ##
  3. ##Written Core Team Pekwm
  4. ##Homepage: - IRC #pekwm
  5. ##
  6. ##Adapted by Neton Brício (tropper)
  7. ##Review by Holmes (holmeslinux)
  8. ##Homepage: - IRC #kissbrasil
  9. ##
  10. ##License GPLv3 - Homepage:
  11. ##
  12. ##Version: 0.1 - Date: 19/04/2014
  14. ##Basic Settings and Output
  16. # Menu config for pekwm
  18. # Variables
  19. INCLUDE = "vars"
  21. RootMenu = "Pekwm" {
  22. Entry = "Run..." { Actions = "ShowCmdDialog" }
  23. #Entry = "Grun" { Actions = "Exec grun" }
  24. Entry = "CLI Installer" { Actions = "Exec gksudo $TERM -e setup &" }
  27. Separator {}
  29. Entry = "Terminal" { Actions = "Exec $TERM &" }
  30. Entry = "Thunar" { Actions = "Exec thunar" }
  31. Entry = "Geany" { Actions = "Exec geany" }
  33. Separator {}
  35. Entry = "Firefox" { Actions = "Exec firefox" }
  36. #Entry = "Chromium" { Actions = "Exec chromium" }
  37. #Entry = "Qupzilla" { Actions = "Exec qupzilla" }
  38. #Entry = "Midori" { Actions = "Exec midori" }
  40. Separator {}
  42. Submenu = "Tools" {
  43. Entry = "Cherrytree" { Actions = "Exec cherrytree" }
  44. #Entry = "Vokoscreen" { Actions = "Exec vokoscreen" }
  45. #Entry = "Keepass" { Actions = "Exec keepass2" }
  46. #Entry = "Keepassx" { Actions = "Exec keepassx" }
  47. #Entry = "vim" { Actions = "Exec $TERM -title vim -e vim" }
  48. #Entry = "FinalTerm" { Actions = "Exec finalterm" }
  49. #Entry = "Lxterminal" { Actions = "Exec lxterminal" }
  50. #Entry = "Terminator" { Actions = "Exec terminator" }
  51. #Entry = "Tilda" { Actions = "Exec tilda" }
  52. Entry = "Catfish" { Actions = "Exec catfish" }
  53. }
  54. Submenu = "Office" {
  55. Entry = "Galculator" { Actions = "Exec galculator" }
  56. Entry = "Evince" { Actions = "Exec evince" }
  57. Entry = "Simple Scan" { Actions = "Exec simple-scan" }
  58. #Entry = "Abiword" { Actions = "Exec abiword" }
  59. #Entry = "Gnumeric" { Actions = "Exec gnumeric" }
  60. #Entry = "Libre Office Writer" { Actions = "Exec lowriter" }
  61. #Entry = "Libre Office Calc" { Actions = "Exec localc" }
  62. #Entry = "Libre Office Impress" { Actions = "Exec loimpress" }
  63. #Entry = "Xmind" { Actions = "Exec XMind" }
  64. #Entry = "MasterPDF Editor" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/pdfeditor" }
  65. #Entry = "Rednotebook" { Actions = "Exec rednotebook" }
  66. #Entry = "Scribus" { Actions = "Exec scribus" }
  67. }
  68. Submenu = "Develop" { "
  69. Entry = "Geany" { Actions = "Exec geany" }
  70. #Entry = "Eclipse" { Actions = "Exec eclipse" }
  71. #Entry = "Anjuta" { Actions = "Exec anjuta" }
  72. #Entry = "Code Block" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/codeblock" }
  73. #Entry = "Bluefish" { Actions = "Exec bluefish" }
  74. #Entry = "Bluegriffon" { Actions = "Exec bluegriffon" }
  75. #Entry = "Scite" { Actions = "Exec scite" }
  76. #Entry = "Koala" { Actions = "Exec /usr/share/koala/koala" }
  77. }
  78. Submenu = "Graphics" {
  79. #Entry = "Gimp" { Actions = "Exec gimp" }
  80. #Entry = "Inkscape" { Actions = "Exec inkscape" }
  81. #Entry = "Blender" { Actions = "Exec blender" }
  82. #Entry = "Converseen" { Actions = "Exec converseen" }
  83. #Entry = "Gcolor" { Actions = "Exec gcolor2" }
  84. Entry = "Viewnior" { Actions = "Exec viewnior" }
  85. #Entry = "shotwell" { Actions = "Exec shotwell" }
  86. Submenu = "Screenshot" {
  87. Entry = "Display Monitor" { Actions = "Exec gnome-screenshot --delay=1" }
  88. Entry = "Window" { Actions = "Exec gnome-screenshot --window" }
  89. Entry = "Delay 5" { Actions = "Exec gnome-screenshot --delay=5" }
  90. Entry = "Delay 10" { Actions = "Exec gnome-screenshot --delay=10" }
  91. Entry = "Select Area" { Actions = "Exec gnome-screenshot --area" }
  92. }
  93. }
  94. Submenu = "Multimedia" {
  95. Entry = "Guayadeque" { Actions = "Exec guayadeque" }
  96. #Entry = "Audacious" { Actions = "Exec audacious" }
  97. #Entry = "LxMusic" { Actions = "Exec lxmusic" }
  98. Entry = "Smtube" { Actions = "Exec smtube" }
  99. Entry = "Smplayer" { Actions = "Exec smplayer" }
  100. #Entry = "Audacity" { Actions = "Exec audacity" }
  101. #Entry = "Open Shot" { Actions = "Exec openshot" }
  102. #Entry = "HandBrake" { Actions = "Exec ghb" }
  103. Entry = "Alsamixer" { Actions = "Exec gnome-alsamixer" }
  104. #Entry = "MP3 Gain" { Actions = "Exec easymp3gain" }
  105. #Entry = "MOC Player" { Actions = "Exec $TERM -title mocp -e mocp" }
  106. Entry = "Xfburn" { Actions = "Exec xfburn" }
  107. }
  108. Submenu = "Internet" {
  109. Entry = "Claws-Mail" { Actions = "Exec claws-mail" }
  110. #Entry = "Thunderbird" { Actions = "Exec thunderbird" }
  111. #Entry = "Pidgin" { Actions = "Exec pidgin" }
  112. Entry = "HexChat" { Actions = "Exec hexchat" }
  113. #Entry = "Polly" { Actions = "Exec polly" }
  114. #Entry = "Liferea" { Actions = "Exec liferea" }
  115. Entry = "QbitTorrent" { Actions = "Exec qbittorrent" }
  116. #Entry = "Dropbox" { Actions = "Exec dropboxd" }
  117. #Entry = "Filezilla" { Actions = "Exec filezilla" }
  118. #Entry = "gFTP" { Actions = "Exec gftp" }
  119. }
  120. Submenu = "Games" {
  121. Entry = "Gnome-Chess" { Actions = "Exec gnome-chess" }
  122. Entry = "LBreakout" { Actions = "Exec lbreakout2" }
  123. Entry = "Frozen-Bubble" { Actions = "Exec frozen-bubble" }
  124. Entry = "Gweled" { Actions = "Exec gweled" }
  125. }
  126. Submenu = "Appearance" {
  127. Entry = "Nitrogen" { Actions = "Exec nitrogen" }
  128. Entry = "LXAppearance" { Actions = "Exec lxappearance" }
  129. Entry = "Notifications" { Actions = "Exec xfce4-notifyd-config" }
  130. Entry = "Wbar-Config" { Actions = "Exec wbar-config" }
  131. Entry = "Tintwizard" { Actions = "Exec tintwizard" }
  132. }
  133. Submenu = "System" {
  134. Entry = "Htop" { Actions = "Exec $TERM -title htop -e htop" }
  135. Entry = "MSM" { Actions = "Exec gksudo manjaro-settings-manager-gui" }
  136. Entry = "Thunar Root" { Actions = "Exec gksudo thunar" }
  137. Entry = "GParted" { Actions = "Exec gksudo gparted" }
  138. Entry = "GUfw" { Actions = "Exec gksudo gufw" }
  139. Entry = "Octopi" { Actions = "Exec octopi" }
  140. }
  142. Separator {}
  144. Submenu = "Go to" {
  145. SubMenu = "Workspace" {
  146. # Create goto menu once per pekwm config reload. The fast way that
  147. # will work for most if not all users.
  148. COMMAND = "$_PEKWM_SCRIPT_PATH/ goto"
  149. # Create goto menu every time the menu is opened. The slow way.
  150. # This is what you want if you are using external tools to make
  151. # the amount of workspaces something else than what you define in
  152. # ~/.pekwm/config. You will know if you want this.
  153. # Entry = "" { Actions = "Dynamic $_PEKWM_SCRIPT_PATH/ goto dynamic" }
  154. }
  155. Entry = "Focus Client" { Actions = "ShowMenu GotoClient True" }
  156. Entry = "Focus Frame" { Actions = "ShowMenu Goto" }
  157. }
  158. Submenu = "Pekwm" {
  159. Submenu = "Themes" {
  160. Entry { Actions = "Dynamic $_PEKWM_SCRIPT_PATH/ $_PEKWM_THEME_PATH" }
  161. Entry { Actions = "Dynamic $_PEKWM_SCRIPT_PATH/ ~/.pekwm/themes" }
  162. }
  163. Entry = "Reload" { Actions = "Reload" }
  164. Entry = "Restart" { Actions = "Restart" }
  165. #Submenu = "Exit to" {
  166. #Entry = "Xterm" { Actions = "RestartOther xterm" }
  167. #Entry = "TWM" { Actions = "RestartOther twm" }
  168. }
  170. Separator {}
  172. Submenu = "Session" {
  173. Entry = "Exit" { Actions = "Exit" }
  174. Entry = "Reboot" { Actions = "Exec $TERM -title reboot -e reboot" }
  175. Entry = "Shutdown" { Actions = "Exec $TERM -title shutdown -h now -e shutdown -h now" }
  176. }
  177. }
  179. WindowMenu = "Window Menu" {
  180. Entry = "(Un)Stick" { Actions = "Toggle Sticky" }
  181. Entry = "(Un)Shade" { Actions = "Toggle Shaded" }
  182. Entry = "Iconify" { Actions = "Set Iconified" }
  183. Entry = "Command.." { Actions = "ShowCmdDialog" }
  185. Submenu = "Maximize" {
  186. Entry = "Toggle Full" { Actions = "Toggle Maximized True True" }
  187. Entry = "Toggle Horizontal" { Actions = "Toggle Maximized True False" }
  188. Entry = "Toggle Vertical" { Actions = "Toggle Maximized False True" }
  189. }
  190. Submenu = "Fill" {
  191. Entry = "Full" { Actions = "MaxFill True True" }
  192. Entry = "Horizontal" { Actions = "MaxFill True False" }
  193. Entry = "Vertical" { Actions = "MaxFill False True" }
  194. }
  195. Submenu = "Stacking" {
  196. Entry = "Raise" { Actions = "Raise" }
  197. Entry = "Lower" { Actions = "Lower" }
  198. Entry = "Toggle Always On Top" { Actions = "Toggle AlwaysOnTop" }
  199. Entry = "Toggle Always Below" { Actions = "Toggle AlwaysBelow" }
  200. }
  201. Submenu = "Decorations" {
  202. Entry = "Toggle Decorations" { Actions = "Toggle DecorBorder; Toggle DecorTitlebar" }
  203. Entry = "Toggle Borders" { Actions = "Toggle DecorBorder" }
  204. Entry = "Toggle Titlebar" { Actions = "Toggle DecorTitlebar" }
  205. }
  206. Submenu = "Skip" {
  207. Entry = "Toggle showing this frame in menus" { Actions = "Toggle Skip Menus" }
  208. Entry = "Toggle including this frame in focus toggle" { Actions = "Toggle Skip FocusToggle" }
  209. Entry = "Toggle if this frame snaps to other windows" { Actions = "Toggle Skip Snap" }
  210. }
  211. SubMenu = "Send To" {
  212. # Create sendto menu once per pekwm config reload. The fast way that
  213. # will work for most if not all users.
  214. COMMAND = "$_PEKWM_SCRIPT_PATH/ send"
  215. # Create sendto menu every time the menu is opened. The slow way.
  216. # This is what you want if you are using external tools to make
  217. # the amount of workspaces something else than what you define in
  218. # ~/.pekwm/config. You will know if you want this.
  219. # Entry = "" { Actions = "Dynamic $_PEKWM_SCRIPT_PATH/ send dynamic" }
  220. }
  221. Separator {}
  222. Entry = "Close" { Actions = "Close" }
  223. Submenu = "Kill" { Entry = "Kill application" { Actions = "Kill" } }
  224. }
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