
Human Magic

Aug 29th, 2013
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  1. >You shave a small chunk from the icecream and offer it to the pony across the table.
  2. >Your friend accepts the offering, vacuuming the frosty treat off the spoon.
  3. >All of it is for her; you've already had your bowl of vanilla, and you don't like daffodil-flavour anyway.
  5. >"What are you doing? There's no-one there."
  6. "Of course there's someone there."
  7. >Twilight Sparkle shakes her head no. Her mane waggles back and forth, a purple pendulum of denial.
  8. >"There really isn't anyone there, Anon. You're the only one sitting at that table."
  9. "You mean I'm the only one you can see."
  10. >"Anon, I'm serious. I'm not going to play into your little delusion. There is no-one there."
  11. >You raise the spoon, and your friend eats another shaving of plant-flavoured icecream.
  13. "How do you see, Twilight Sparkle?"
  14. >"What kind of a question is that? I see with my eyes."
  15. A sharp retort, curt and immediate: [spoiler] [/spoiler] "Wrong!"
  16. >"So what do you think you're seeing with, your rump? It would certainly explain your behaviour."
  17. "We see with our brains, Twilight Sparkle. We see with our brains."
  18. >She stares at you now, long and hard. You do not meet her gaze.
  19. >The icecream is half gone.
  21. "Your eyes send a jumble of pulses through the nervous system to your brain. Your brain interprets the information, and only then do you see."
  22. >Another spoonful, down the hatch.
  23. "It is the same for touch, for taste, for sound, and for all the other senses. Your brain constructs reality inside your head."
  24. >"Where are you trying to go with this?"
  25. "If my reality is inside my head, why could it not be different from the reality inside yours?"
  26. >The metal of the spoon is cold in your hand, and the summer sun shines down from behind a cloud. Your friend's coat is a deep maroon.
  27. >" I don't know why Celestia even sent me here. This is ridiculous!"
  28. "Is it?"
  29. >"Yes!"
  30. "Tell me then, Twilight. You have been watching me with eyes that claim to see. Have I eaten any of this icecream?"
  31. >She snorts.
  32. >"As if you could talk while eating. Of course not."
  33. "The bowl is empty. Where did the icecream go?"
  34. >Her mouth opens to reply, and does not close.
  35. >She sees nothing in the bowl, no melted droplets on the table, no stains on the chair opposite you.
  36. "This is the human magic. This is what you are to learn."
  38. "Let's start with something simple. Pick a card."
  39. >You fan the deck out onto the table, faces down.
  40. >Twilight picks up a card as you close your eyes.
  41. >"You're teaching me stage tricks."
  42. "Seven of clubs. Another."
  43. >The next card floats into the air, face to her and wrapped in a purple glow.
  44. "Jack of hearts. Another."
  45. >Twilight narrows her eyes. She grasps three cards with her magic, and attempts to shield them from your sight.
  46. >Your eyes are closed anyway, so it makes no difference.
  47. "Two of spades. Five of diamonds. Eight of clubs."
  48. >"How did you…"
  49. "I'm going to teach you to see with your brain, Twilight Sparkle. Close your eyes."
  50. >She does so, as you draw a card. Red, with nine hearts.
  52. "Construct the world inside your head. Where are we?"
  53. >"… Inside your house."
  54. "Be more specific. What room are we in?"
  55. >"The dining room."
  56. "What colour are the walls? What does the table look like? What kind of chair am I sitting on?"
  57. >"Pale re–" [spoiler] [/spoiler] "Don't tell me. Build the room."
  58. >You let her think for a while, in silence.
  59. "Where are you standing?"
  60. >"I'm across the table from you and I'm getting a headache."
  61. "No you're not. You're behind me."
  62. >She cocks her head to one side. Even with her eyes closed, you can feel her inquisitive stare.
  63. "You're behind me, looking over my shoulder. What card am I holding."
  64. >"How am I supposed to know that?"
  65. "You're looking over my shoulder, Twilight. You can see the card."
  66. >"You're too tall for me to look over your shoulder."
  67. "So look past my back!"
  68. >Her brow furrows and her eyelids clench in concentration.
  69. >"Six… of spades." She lets out her breath, and relaxes for a moment.
  70. >"Did I get it?"
  71. >You show her the card, and she droops in disappointment.
  72. "You did very well for a beginner."
  73. >Her face flashes into anger.
  74. >"Don't patronize me. I didn't even get the colour right!"
  75. "Look at the walls, Twilight."
  76. >She looks past you, to the pale purple paint.
  77. >"I didn't get that colour right either."
  78. "The walls used to be light blue, Twilight. Red added to blue makes…"
  79. >"… purple."
  81. >"No no no no no. This can't happen. Walls don't just change colour!"
  82. "They didn't change colour. They've always been purple."
  83. >"They were blue when I came in!"
  84. "When you came in, they had always been blue. Now, they have always been purple."
  85. >"That's insane! You're insane!"
  86. "If I'm insane, we're both insane."
  87. >"What do you mean we're both insane, I'm not insane!"
  88. "You see purple walls, when the walls have always been blue. That's insane."
  89. >"But the walls are purple!"
  90. "No, they're blue."
  91. >"No they–" [spoiler] [/spoiler] "Look again."
  92. >The walls are blue. The walls have always been blue.
  93. >Twilight twitches, slightly.
  94. >"I'm leaving."
  95. "Suit yourself."
  97. >Your maroon friend brings you a cup of tea from the kitchen.
  98. >You thank her, and she asks where Twilight went.
  99. >She had to take a bit of a break, you say. Don't worry, she'll be back tomorrow at the latest
  100. >Twilight's too curious to leave you alone for too long.
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