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Aug 3rd, 2022
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  1. [03.08.2022 14:30:16] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Auxo vessel, this is the New Resistance, we have you on our scanner.
  2. [03.08.2022 14:30:24] A/)-Revenant: Oh, uh... Salut?
  3. [03.08.2022 14:30:55] A/)-Revenant: New Resistance? I've never heard of you.
  4. [03.08.2022 14:31:15] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I believe there was a meeting between you and us.
  5. [03.08.2022 14:31:21] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I have only read a report.
  6. [03.08.2022 14:31:43] A/)-Revenant: [They sounded confused, lost even] ... me and you...?
  7. [03.08.2022 14:31:46] A/)-Revenant: I don't... recall?
  8. [03.08.2022 14:31:56] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Your group and our group, I mean.
  9. [03.08.2022 14:32:17] A/)-Revenant: [nervously] O-oh, right - yeah - uh - yeah... of course... I ... completely knew about that...
  10. [03.08.2022 14:32:18] A/)-Revenant: [...]
  11. [03.08.2022 14:32:25] A/)-Revenant:
  12. [03.08.2022 14:32:46] A/)-Revenant: How can I, uh... help?
  13. [03.08.2022 14:33:22] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Not in a way I can think of. There have been reports of Corsairs in Munich, maybe you should be careful.
  14. [03.08.2022 14:33:35] A/)-Revenant: Ah, that's unfortunate, I intended to go there to check a few things out.
  15. [03.08.2022 14:33:46] A/)-Revenant: [They seemed nervous, as if hiding something]
  16. [03.08.2022 14:33:56] A/)-Revenant: won't take a problem to that, right...?
  17. [03.08.2022 14:34:20] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I don't think I have a reason for that. But you might want to have an escort for there.
  18. [03.08.2022 14:35:46] A/)-Revenant: I suppose that's a wise idea.
  19. [03.08.2022 14:36:00] A/)-Revenant: I might be fine. Only there to peer at a few things.
  20. [03.08.2022 14:36:14] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Well then. Let us proceed.
  21. [03.08.2022 14:36:44] A/)-Revenant: Ah-hmm, since er...
  22. [03.08.2022 14:36:58] A/)-Revenant: Since it has been some time -
  23. [03.08.2022 14:37:19] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: JGDco.US-K1
  24. [03.08.2022 14:37:25] A/)-Revenant: I tend to find myself becoming very forgetful.
  25. [03.08.2022 14:37:30] A/)-Revenant: ...what were the talks about again?
  26. [03.08.2022 14:37:47] NWB|Euler.B.IV: General cooperation, if I remember correctly.
  27. [03.08.2022 14:37:58] A/)-Revenant: Ah, that's good.
  28. [03.08.2022 14:37:59] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Something about the storm in Munich too.
  29. [03.08.2022 14:38:02] A/)-Revenant: Oh?
  30. [03.08.2022 14:38:22] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I... assumed that is why you were headed there. [He raises his eyebrows]
  31. [03.08.2022 14:38:30] A/)-Revenant: ...well, of course - of course.
  32. [03.08.2022 14:38:51] A/)-Revenant: ...huh, guess they caught up.
  33. [03.08.2022 14:38:57] A/)-Revenant: [clears their throat]
  34. [03.08.2022 14:39:04] NWB|Euler.B.IV: How big is your organization? I assumed you would be aware of this?
  35. [03.08.2022 14:39:11] A/)-Revenant: Well..
  36. [03.08.2022 14:39:22] A/)-Revenant: Let's just say my situation has been... complicated.
  37. [03.08.2022 14:39:30] A/)-Revenant: Working on a personal project, per say.
  38. [03.08.2022 14:39:37] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Uhm, okay.
  39. [03.08.2022 14:40:27] A/)-Revenant: I've been away from home for a while, I've had some personal matters come up.
  40. [03.08.2022 14:40:40] A/)-Revenant: When I say a while... er... possibly half of the year.
  41. [03.08.2022 14:40:54] A/)-Revenant: Watch it.
  42. [03.08.2022 14:41:01] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I see, I see, well, you do you.
  43. [03.08.2022 14:41:22] NWB|Euler.B.IV: So what exactly do you need to do here?
  44. [03.08.2022 14:41:33] A/)-Revenant: Well - I'm interested in finding certain anomalies.
  45. [03.08.2022 14:41:41] A/)-Revenant: Some of which that are tied to Dark Matt-
  46. [03.08.2022 14:42:05] A $3.187.500 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
  47. [03.08.2022 14:43:05] NWB|Euler.B.IV: God damn Corsairs.
  48. [03.08.2022 14:43:58] A/)-Revenant: That I can agree to.
  49. [03.08.2022 14:44:13] A/)-Revenant: But, anomalies caused by Dark Matters storms - in short. Or other abnormalities.
  50. [03.08.2022 14:44:24] A/)-Revenant: Such as caused by a particular sect of Nomads.
  51. [03.08.2022 14:44:31] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Nomads, here?
  52. [03.08.2022 14:44:35] A/)-Revenant: Nomads, anywhere.
  53. [03.08.2022 14:44:55] A/)-Revenant: They have been appearing in Liberty previously - but it seems like they had different areas of interest
  54. [03.08.2022 14:45:00] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I hope not.
  55. [03.08.2022 14:45:08] A/)-Revenant: There's a ... particular threat I'm chasing.
  56. [03.08.2022 14:45:16] NWB|Euler.B.IV: What sort of threat?
  57. [03.08.2022 14:45:17] A/)-Revenant: A certain subspecies of Nomad - if you will.
  58. [03.08.2022 14:45:23] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Right.
  59. [03.08.2022 14:45:25] A/)-Revenant: It's hard to talk about, see.
  60. [03.08.2022 14:45:33] A/)-Revenant: The threat they pose is... not so conventional.
  61. [03.08.2022 14:45:38] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Why?
  62. [03.08.2022 14:45:40] A/)-Revenant: They are a memetic threat, meaning, any memory possession of them marks you.
  63. [03.08.2022 14:45:49] NWB|Euler.B.IV: In what way?
  64. [03.08.2022 14:46:06] A/)-Revenant: In the way that they will begin to hunt you down, and will attack you relentlessly.
  65. [03.08.2022 14:46:12] A/)-Revenant: I wish to find them before others do.
  66. [03.08.2022 14:46:15] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
  67. [03.08.2022 14:46:18] NWB|Euler.B.IV: And how do you recognize them?
  68. [03.08.2022 14:46:46] A/)-Revenant: Different energy signatures. They tend to utilize beams, leeching energy.
  69. [03.08.2022 14:47:12] A/)-Revenant: They will typically be extremely fast and are more... "free form" than your typical Nomad.
  70. [03.08.2022 14:47:35] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Hm.
  71. [03.08.2022 14:47:40] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Very creepy.
  72. [03.08.2022 14:47:47] A/)-Revenant: But it appears like you aren't getting these problems, not yet at least.
  73. [03.08.2022 14:48:01] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Not sure how to react to that. The Nomads we deal with nowadays are problem enough, even if rare.
  74. [03.08.2022 14:48:14] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Of course we can't ever allow them to get a foothold back in Rheinland.
  75. [03.08.2022 14:48:14] A/)-Revenant: Ah, well, fortunately for you, these don't seem adamant on infiltration.
  76. [03.08.2022 14:48:26] A/)-Revenant: These in particular are... hmmm...
  77. [03.08.2022 14:48:27] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Oh, at least that. But extermination then, I assume.
  78. [03.08.2022 14:48:29] A/)-Revenant: "Guard dogs. "
  79. [03.08.2022 14:48:38] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Isn't that what the usual Nomads are too?
  80. [03.08.2022 14:48:41] A/)-Revenant: Certain external influences triggered them, namely the Order's prodding.
  81. [03.08.2022 14:48:58] A/)-Revenant: The usual Nomads - they posess minds, thought, and some essence of culture.
  82. [03.08.2022 14:49:06] A/)-Revenant: These - however - are relentless machines.
  83. [03.08.2022 14:49:19] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I always thought of the Nomads as relentless machines.
  84. [03.08.2022 14:49:33] A/)-Revenant: Well, you wouldn't be so happy to wake up to find intruders in your own home taking your things, would you?
  85. [03.08.2022 14:49:38] A/)-Revenant: Cornered like an animal.
  86. [03.08.2022 14:49:42] A/)-Revenant: But there is no sympathy from me.
  87. [03.08.2022 14:50:00] A bounty pool worth $3.187.500 credits for 1 kill has been deposited in your account.
  88. [03.08.2022 14:50:08] A/)-Revenant: Their cognitive functions seem to be... impaired. Slow to wake up even. Narrow minded at times.
  89. [03.08.2022 14:50:31] NWB|Euler.B.IV: God, as if the whole revolution thing isn't stressful enough.
  90. [03.08.2022 14:50:50] A/)-Revenant: You need not worry about the Nomads, nor these 'machines'
  91. [03.08.2022 14:51:05] A/)-Revenant: If you do happen to come across them appearing, I suppose you can call the Order. Tell them you've found Sentinels.
  92. [03.08.2022 14:51:11] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I think we should definitely worry.
  93. [03.08.2022 14:51:18] A/)-Revenant: Not yet.
  94. [03.08.2022 14:51:28] A/)-Revenant: That will be for me to worry about.
  95. [03.08.2022 14:51:29] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I'll relay this info to the rest of the movement regardless.
  96. [03.08.2022 14:51:37] A/)-Revenant: Do so, but, as I said... memetic threat..
  97. [03.08.2022 14:51:41] NWB|Euler.B.IV: You want to rid them yourself?
  98. [03.08.2022 14:51:54] A/)-Revenant: I've been trying to research means of disabling or destroying them.
  99. [03.08.2022 14:52:10] A/)-Revenant: The Order - well... Section Eight, at least, 'attempted' to work with me.
  100. [03.08.2022 14:52:13] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Guess it doesn't hurt that we're on good terms now then.
  101. [03.08.2022 14:52:22] A/)-Revenant: ...but they used it as a means to assassinate me.
  102. [03.08.2022 14:52:33] A/)-Revenant: I wonder if the Overwatch will do the same.
  103. [03.08.2022 14:52:35] NWB|Euler.B.IV: You should try to work out the issues with the Order.
  104. [03.08.2022 14:52:38] A/)-Revenant: Very likely, no doubt.
  105. [03.08.2022 14:52:49] NWB|Euler.B.IV: If we want to eliminate the Nomads, we can't feud internally more than happens anyway.
  106. [03.08.2022 14:52:56] A/)-Revenant: Ah, it will never be resolved. Trauma, paranoia, is deeply engraved into their culture, as is the Technocrats.
  107. [03.08.2022 14:53:00] A/)-Revenant: Betrayal hurts everyone.
  108. [03.08.2022 14:53:12] A/)-Revenant: Order betrayed by the Core in the battle of Toledo, allowing the Nomads to come in...
  109. [03.08.2022 14:53:44] A/)-Revenant: I'm afraid it is just inevitable, it is how Human history has been. Opportunistic strikes for upperhanding.
  110. [03.08.2022 14:53:58] A/)-Revenant: It is why I decided to impose exile upon myself, to focus upon this threat.
  111. [03.08.2022 14:54:11] NWB|Euler.B.IV: We'll try to co-operate with as many people as we can if we have the same goal.
  112. [03.08.2022 14:54:24] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Not sure how you feel about that but we're deeply thankful for the service of the Order.
  113. [03.08.2022 14:54:32] A/)-Revenant: [huffs a sigh] Well - I believe the Corsairs have had their fair share of trouble with it.
  114. [03.08.2022 14:54:51] A/)-Revenant: I respect the old Order, but I cannot respect the Overwatch. I have had my fair share of trauma from them too.
  115. [03.08.2022 14:55:00] A/)-Revenant: I am capable of putting aside ... opinions for the greater good.
  116. [03.08.2022 14:55:09] A/)-Revenant: ...but I will never forget what they did to me, and tried to do to my family.
  117. [03.08.2022 14:55:19] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Guess I understand that.
  118. [03.08.2022 14:56:00] A/)-Revenant: concern is finding individuals interested enough to study such a threat, the cost - naturally - is high.
  119. [03.08.2022 14:56:22] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Maybe some of the research-savvy activists could help you with that.
  120. [03.08.2022 14:56:28] NWB|Euler.B.IV: I, unfortunately, have no experience in that field.
  121. [03.08.2022 14:56:48] A/)-Revenant: That could be useful.
  122. [03.08.2022 14:57:02] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Well, I should be heading back.
  123. [03.08.2022 14:57:07] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Came to destroy Corsair ships.
  124. [03.08.2022 14:57:12] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Learned about another alien threat.
  125. [03.08.2022 14:57:15] A/)-Revenant: Of course.
  126. [03.08.2022 14:57:16] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Great...
  127. [03.08.2022 14:57:25] A/)-Revenant: Ah, don't worry... as long as people /stay calm/ - it shouldn't be too much of a threat.
  128. [03.08.2022 14:57:32] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Right, take care then.
  129. [03.08.2022 14:57:35] A/)-Revenant: ... so don't go poking into anomalies that pop up out of the blue.
  130. [03.08.2022 14:57:38] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Contact us, if you need anything.
  131. [03.08.2022 14:57:46] A/)-Revenant: Mhm. Thank you for the assist.
  132. [03.08.2022 14:57:52] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Sure, no problem.
  133. [03.08.2022 14:57:53] A/)-Revenant: ...Corsairs are adamant little gnats, aren't they.
  134. [03.08.2022 14:57:57] NWB|Euler.B.IV: Definitely.
  135. [03.08.2022 14:58:28] A/)-Revenant: Farewell.
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