
The "Unfortunate" Tales of a Good Looking Dragon Slayer pt1

Aug 2nd, 2015
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  1. [18:49] <Emilybroshoujo> [The "Unfortunate" Tales of a Good Looking Dragon Slayer - Episode 1: Hot & Heavy]
  2. [18:49] <Emilybroshoujo> How did it come to this?
  3. [18:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Actually that's a dumb question, you shouldn't be surprised in your line of work.
  4. [18:50] <Emilybroshoujo> Dragons are no joke but this... you weren't expecting to be so completely overwhelmed.
  5. [18:51] <Emilybroshoujo> This one is way bigger and more powerful than you thought it would be, all your preparations are for naught against this monster.
  6. [18:53] <Emilybroshoujo> You wasted most of your crossbow bolts already, when you heard the orcs had a dragon leading them you were expecting some young upstart dragon that intimidated a bunch of stupid orcs not a fucking organized fully armed raiding party.
  7. [18:53] <Emilybroshoujo> "Come out come out wherever you are.~" The dragon says is a rumbling vaguely feminine voice.
  8. [18:54] <Emilybroshoujo> "If you weren't prepared for death you shouldn't have murdered my pets. An eye for an eye little slayer." It says as it sniffs the air for your scent.
  9. [18:55] <Emilybroshoujo> "There you are...."
  10. [18:55] <Emilybroshoujo> You take a deep breathe, nowhere left to hide.
  11. [18:56] <Emilybroshoujo> You activate your left gauntlet to unfurl your spring loaded shield and run out of cover, one last shot.
  12. [18:56] <Emilybroshoujo> You leap at the dragon with your sword but.... everything goes white.
  13. [18:56] <Emilybroshoujo> The heat of it's flames is unreal... this is how it ends for you.
  14. [18:57] <Emilybroshoujo> It's dark... is this... death?
  15. [18:58] <Emilybroshoujo> You open your eyes... the deep red flame of a nearby sconce lights the otherwise dark chamber.
  16. [18:58] <Emilybroshoujo> It's hot... is this hell?
  17. [19:00] <Emilybroshoujo> "Clever toys..." You hear in a sultry feminine voice. You turn your head slowly, a dead man has nothing to fear.
  18. [19:00] <Emilybroshoujo> A beautiful woman sits on a smooth flat stone, her leg's crossed.
  19. [19:01] <Emilybroshoujo> She wears a red dress split up to the thigh with a bone-like crown on her head.
  20. [19:01] <Emilybroshoujo> You fixate on her impressive figure so much that it takes you a moment to notice the red scales on her arms and legs.
  21. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> She's holding your sword, the blade has been retracted to the shortest setting.
  22. [19:02] <Emilybroshoujo> "You humans always find clever ways to arm yourselves don't you?" She asks as she tilts her head.
  23. [19:03] <Emilybroshoujo> She's very pretty... it's unusual for chromatic dragons to take a human form.
  24. [19:03] <Emilybroshoujo> More importantly...
  25. [19:03] <Emilybroshoujo> "Why am I alive?" You ask.
  26. [19:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "Must you speak with such venom in your voice to your merciful superior?" The dragon says as she places your sword next to her.
  27. [19:04] <Emilybroshoujo> "You survived and I've yet to decide how I intend to kill you." She says as she looks down at you.
  28. [19:04] <Emilybroshoujo> The eyes of a red.
  29. [19:05] <Emilybroshoujo> Indefatigably confident in her superiority to you... to everything.
  30. [19:05] <Emilybroshoujo> All your weapons have been removed.
  31. [19:06] <Emilybroshoujo> You have nothing to defend yourself, you have no choice but to submit to her mercy.
  32. [19:06] <Emilybroshoujo> The mercy of a red dragon... you're a dead man.
  33. [19:07] <Emilybroshoujo> "Who taught you to make these weapons?" She asks looking down at you.
  34. [19:07] <Emilybroshoujo> You refuse to look her in the eyes, it angers her but what do you care?
  35. [19:07] <Emilybroshoujo> She frowns.
  36. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> "Answer my question human."
  37. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Answer her.
  38. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Ignore her.
  39. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Lie to her.
  40. [19:08] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  41. [19:10] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Ignore Her
  42. [19:14] <Sanzaru> [x] answer
  43. [19:17] <Ausbro> [X] Ignore her.
  44. [19:17] <Emilybroshoujo> You lock eyes with the dragon but deliberately ignore her.
  45. [19:18] <Emilybroshoujo> She stands and walks towards you placing her foot claw on your chest.
  46. [19:19] <Emilybroshoujo> "I swear, you creatures are fascinatingly varied. Most cower in fear at the thought of death, or even injury. Yet you look me in the eyes with defiance even when I spared you once."
  47. [19:19] <Emilybroshoujo> The weight of her foot betrays her strength.
  48. [19:20] <Emilybroshoujo> You grit your teeth, she wants you to beg and scream. You won't give her the pleasure, even as your ribs creak.
  49. [19:21] <Emilybroshoujo> "We have no scales... so we learn to forge them... we have no claws... so we make them from steel." You say as you grit your teeth.
  50. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "We have no teeth, so we turn theirs against them. We have no wings, so we bind theirs in chains." She finishes as she looks down at you.
  51. [19:22] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm familiar with the creed. Do you think you're the first dragon slayer I've defeated?"
  52. [19:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "No, and I won't be the last." You say with a smirk.
  53. [19:23] <Emilybroshoujo> "Indeed." She says as she removes her claw from your chest.
  54. [19:23] <Emilybroshoujo> She stands with her claws on either side of your chest looking down at you.
  55. [19:24] <Emilybroshoujo> Your view of her face is partially obscured by her breasts.
  56. [19:25] <Emilybroshoujo> "Truly you are as inevitable as cockroaches. Even when I enthrall orcs to do my raiding for me, still a dragon slayer comes after me."
  57. [19:25] <Emilybroshoujo> She folds her arms under her beasts and looks down with a distant pain in her eyes.
  58. [19:26] <Emilybroshoujo> "You fear dragons so much that even rumors of us force you to arms."
  59. [19:27] <Emilybroshoujo> "Yet despite that fear, despite the admission of your own weakness in the very creed you swear by, you still pursue us." She says as she lowers herself and sits on your chest.
  60. [19:27] <Emilybroshoujo> "You defy your own logic and seek combat with beings endlessly superior to yourselves."
  61. [19:28] <Emilybroshoujo> "Humans are fascinating to me... perhaps it's unhealthy. Perhaps I would do better to see you as nothing more than cattle to be harvested like my kin."
  62. [19:28] <Emilybroshoujo> "The tools you create to cover for your weakness intrigue me, yet I have no one to converse with about them."
  63. [19:30] <Emilybroshoujo> "Some part of myself may have hoped you would be a source of amusing conversation, but you've proven to be nothing but defiant and eager for death."
  64. [19:30] <Emilybroshoujo> Her deep blue eyes begin to glow like molten iron.
  65. [19:30] <Emilybroshoujo> ...
  66. [19:30] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Say nothing.
  67. [19:30] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] "You take on a human form because of a passing interest?"
  68. [19:31] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] "I created my weapons myself..."
  69. [19:31] <Emilybroshoujo> Choose.
  70. [19:32] <Ausbro> [X] Say nothing.
  71. [19:32] <Ausbro> Play it cool till the end
  72. [19:33] <Sanzaru> [x] "I created my weapons myself..."
  73. [19:33] <@Taco_Hell> [x] Say Nothing, ACTION SPEAK LOUDER
  74. [19:43] <Emilybroshoujo> You remain silent and look her in the eyes.
  75. [19:43] <Emilybroshoujo> As though your defiance calmed her anger she sighs and her eyes return to their former state.
  76. [19:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "Tell me human... how many dragons have you killed?" She asks.
  77. [19:44] <Emilybroshoujo> You say nothing.
  78. [19:44] <Emilybroshoujo> "I have no intention of taking revenge, I'm simply curious... of the dragons you've killed how many have you spoken to? How many spoke to you?"
  79. [19:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "... Will you truly say nothing but your meaningless creed until I take your life?"
  80. [19:45] <Emilybroshoujo> "It isn't meaningless." You say.
  81. [19:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "You seem to have an appreciation for words that other dragons lack... it's true I've never spoken to one at length before."
  82. [19:46] <Emilybroshoujo> "As such you should understand the power words can have."
  83. [19:47] <Emilybroshoujo> "When children are afraid, when men and women are at their lowest points, words can lift them up."
  84. [19:47] <Emilybroshoujo> She looks into your eyes as you speak.. her stare is truly more overpowering than her strength.
  85. [19:49] <Emilybroshoujo> "The creed tells humans that no matter how weak they were born, they can become strong. Strong enough to even face dragons."
  86. [19:50] <Emilybroshoujo> "You called it fear... it's true that humans fear you. They also live in awe of you. As you're fascinated by humans and their machinations so to are many humans fascinated by dragons."
  87. [19:51] <Emilybroshoujo> "If that satisfies your curiosity end me. The anticipation of death is worse than death itself."
  88. [19:52] <Emilybroshoujo> The dragon re-positions herself, sliding her backside down and laying fully on top of you.
  89. [19:52] <Emilybroshoujo> "No." She whispers softly into your ear.
  90. [19:52] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm going to keep you as long as I desire."
  91. [19:53] <Emilybroshoujo> "I'm capable of killing you if you give me enough time and freedom." You remind her.
  92. [19:53] <Emilybroshoujo> She smiles.
  93. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> Her long red hair, the product of a transformation spell may it be, shimmers in the light of the sconce fire as it falls messily around you. She lowers her face to yours.
  94. [19:55] <Emilybroshoujo> She stops her lips less than an inch from yours, you can feel the heat of her breath.
  95. [19:56] <Emilybroshoujo> "The anticipation is painful, is it?" She says softly with a quiet almost delicate giggle.
  96. [19:57] <Emilybroshoujo> "Does this form excite you?"
  97. [19:57] <Emilybroshoujo> "That's alright... remain silent, your body betrays you."
  98. [20:00] <Emilybroshoujo> You say nothing.
  99. [20:00] <Emilybroshoujo> She grinds against you, her large breasts pressed against you heave softly as she breathes.
  100. [20:03] <Write-chan> Her breath, her heartbeat, her entire being smothers you.
  101. [20:03] <Write-chan> "Sleep sweet slayer, we'll speak more once you've rested."
  102. [20:04] <Write-chan> The magical compulsion lacing her words overwhelms your already exhausted mind and you slip into sweet ephemeral slumber.
  103. [20:05] <Write-chan> As you lay sleeping you hear her words, gentle, almost loving as she whispers into your ear.
  104. [20:05] <Write-chan> [Episode 1 - End]
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