
Im thankful for cancer

Nov 23rd, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey and family were all around the table in the middle of eating. She was helping Connor get himself some more mashed potatoes, because he had inhaled the first ones put on his plate. He was pretty much babbling away about what he and Haven had been up to over the last day and a half. She smiled at him, vaguely listening but her mind was kind of elsewhere. // Sarah cleared her throat and looked over at Kelsey, "So how are you and Bradley doing?" She asked trying to be vague about her question glancing between the two of them. // Harrison had really been engaged with the family, playing with Connor and Haven, being affectionate towards his wife, and was even pretty cordial to both Brad and Kelsey. The longer dinner went, and the closer it came to dessert, the more nervous he was starting to get.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was digging away at his full plate of food, dunking a piece of turkey from his fork into the mount of mashed potatoes and gravy to bring it up to his mouth, mixing flavors like a boss. He'd mostly been keeping to himself because he felt like he was in such a weird position right now with how everything was going between him and Kelsey and he didnt want to accidentally say thr wrong thing in front of everyone. Looking up when Sarah asked about them, he forced a smile. "Good. Everythings good."-
  3. Covet: Looking up she furrowed her brow for a second, taking longer to process what her mom had asked, "Oh, yeah. We're doing alright. Got a good amount of work done. Everything is in order for the Album release party on Tuesday night. Everyone's invited." She said, barely glancing at her Dad, because she was concerned her mom had said something to him with how nice he was being, and that was keeping her on edge a bit too. // "That's great to hear, and of course we'll be there, we wouldn't miss it." Sarah said with a smile, then looked over at her Husband // Speaking up after Sarah looked at him, he nodded, "Of course, all of us Sweetheart. Uh... What are you working on these days Brad?" He asked him with a weird friendly awkwardness.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was also really thrown off by how nice Harrison had been all night. He was used to his normal cold demeanor by this point so anything other than that seemed suspicious. Scraping the potatoes off his plate and onto his fork, he finished them off and set the fork down before looking to Harrison. "Just finishing up preproduction work for Annaliese Roth's new music video. After that, I have a music video shoot scheduled with Liz Reiger."-
  5. Covet: "I'm pretty sure Bradley is going for as many awards as possible, by association." Kelsey said with a soft laugh, then looked at her dad, "You're.. coming too?" She was a little shocked and taken back. "I mean.. that's great. I look forward to you being there." // Sarah smiled at the awkward attempt at niceities at the dinner table, then looked at Haven and Connor, "Couple more bites and we can do pie, alright boys, but you need to put your plates next to the sink if you're all done." // Connor and Haven agreed, both of them taking the smallest of bites befor running into the kitchen to put their plates up. // Harrison smiled, " Well, I'm proud that you're really starting to make a name and a career for yourself, Brad. Isn't Liz, one of Kelsey's old friends?" He asked and was stared at because he paid attention back then?
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Uh.... thank you, sir." He said awkwardly, unsure where this was going or when Harrison was going to flip moods. "Yes... she is." He turned his head to look at Kelsey skeptically before glancing at Sarah. "Let me help you clear the table." He said, jumping at the chance to flee Harrison and picking up his and Kelsey's plates. Run away.-
  7. Covet: Kelsey was about to protest, because she didn't say she was done yet, as Brad walked off into the kitchen to flee. She glared slightly because she didn't exactly like being in this position anymore than he did. "Uh, yeah. She is, we went to school together for a little while before she dropped out to fully dedicate herself to her music." Kelsey said fidgeting with her napkin. "I guess she's doing a song with Bryan's ex...Aubrey?" // Sarah nodded her head and grabbed the rest of the plates, "Oh I don't think anyone from our family is going to forget about her." // Haven and Connor ran back to the table and were oggling over the pies pointing at the ones they wanted like they were going to get multiple pieces and not be done half way through the first. // Harrison nodded, "I remember, It's good to hear that things seem to be working out for her afterall, I suppose. Unless she's just riding your friend's coat tails, then.. well that'd be unfortunate."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, it's a collaboration with Aubrey." He said with a shrug, not caring all that much about Aubrey because he never liked Bryan to begin with. He turned to grab a few more things from the table, bringing them over to the counter. "Aubrey has her own career so I really don't think she's trying to ride Liz's coat tails. They've been friends for a while, from what I understand."-
  9. Covet: "Strange that they are friends though. Because Liz is nice and bubbly and happy and Aubrey is well.. the complete opposite." Kelsey said shaking her head. // Sarah gave a shrug, "Well, maybe Liz has helped her turn that around. Let's just think of it as a good thing. She's moving on, and Bryan is too, so no need to hold any hard feelings right?" This is where Kelsey gets it from. // Harrison smiled and nodded his head, "You're absolutely right, honey. So... everyone ready for some pie?" He asked the question hesitantly, but looked at everyone expectantly. The younger boys both cheered out together, looking rather happy, and the briefest flash of guilt flickered on his face.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah I guess. He's getting married soon, isn't he?" Brad asked, moving to take his seat back down at the table. He awkwardly folded his hands in his lap, nodding his head. "I think everyone is ready for the very famous Morgan pies."-
  11. Covet: "Mhhm. I think they have their venue picked out now." Kelsey said, then rolled her eyes, "I don't know about famous, but definitely delicious." She laughed. // Sarah started to dish up slices to everyone based on what they wanted. Once she was done with that she sat down, and looked at Harrison, expectantly. // Harrison had a bite of pie in his mouth by that point and just slowly chewed it as his wife gave him the look. Swallowing he wiped his mouth. "Right... So...I..we need to have a little bit of a serious talk. Not to put a dampner on dessert, but...hopefully that takes a little bit of the edge off this conversation."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Brad excitedly accepted his slice of pie from Sarah, starting to dig in with a large mouthful when Harrison piped up about wanting to have a serious talk. Swallowing what was in his mouth hard, he felt like his gulp could be heard from across the table. "A serious talk about what?"-
  13. Covet: Kelsey was immediately in cold sweats, as her eyes darted over to her mother, then at Brad, while her heart raced in her chest. She couldn't even ask what with everyone else. // Sarah had to look at the younger boys to get them to quiet down because serious time. // Harrison took a deep breath, "First of all I need to apologize. To the both of you." He said to Kelsey and Brad. "You've been doing really well with Connor, and for the longest time I spitefully hoped you would fail. Not out of any sort of malicious desire, but because part of me wanted her to still need us. But sweetheart you've been independent for way longer than I've given you credit for, and you two are raising quite the respectable young man, that I'm proud to call my grandson." He said the faintest twinge of emotion in his voice.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Brad sat and listened, unsure where Harrison was going with his little speech. He slowly turned his head to look at Kelsey for any signs that she knew more than he did only to be met with the same nervous and baffled look he assumed he was wearing. "Thank you, Sir." He started, waiting for the other shoe to drop here.-
  15. CovetCovet : "Thanks Dad...but you really shouldn't be giving me so much praise. I was being independent out of defiance, not because of any sort of responsibility." She said looking down, because she really didn't deserve any praise right now. // Sarah looked at Kelsey and cleared her throat, shaking her head. // Harrison gave a soft somber smile, "I know. But you're making it work for you. And that's all any parent could ask." He cleared his throat again. " I didn't just want to apologize though. I needed to, in order for you to understand that I fully intend to be at any and every family thing possible. Because... because well, I recently found out, I have cancer."
  16. Alexithymiaa: (YOU ASSHOLE.)
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Brad just stared at Harrison in awkward disbelief before he remembered that Kelsey was probably going to be really upset about this and he should be less shocked and more sympathetic for her. He turned quickly to her, reaching for her hand and lacing his fingers with hers.-
  18. Covet: [XD What do you mean?! lmao.]
  19. Covet: Kelsey heard the words and just stared at her dad. "You... what? Dad...when?" She started asking questions then squeezed Brad's hand tightly, then looked over at Connor and her little brother, then at her mom. // Sarah seemed rather well composed over this, though glassy eyed as she rested her hand on her husbands on top of the table. She'd had time to process and talk this over with him. // Harrison looked at Kelsey with a softness that he hadn't done in years, "A couple of weeks. It's stage 2 prostate cancer. So the likelihood of going into remission is very high, if I act quickly."
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Keeping hold on Kelsey's hand, he turned to look at Harrison again as he shared more details. "If there's anything you need us to do... please don't hesitate to ask. We're not far and no plans or schedules are more important."-
  21. Covet: Kelsey felt the tears falling down her cheeks, nodding her head as she listened to her dad. "I'm... I'm so sorry Dad." She gave one of those shuddered breaths as she inhaled and swallowed hard, "You're going to do whatever it takes then right?" There was a touch of panic in her voice. // Sarah looked at Kelsey, "We've discussed the options, and there is a drug trial they want to put you father on, low chemo, for six weeks, if there's no change, then they are going to be removing... well they are going to be extracting the offending masses to prevent it spreading." // Harrison just kept his head down as his wife explained. " I didn't want to do anything until I talked it over with everyone first. The outlook is hopeful, and I intend to keep it that way."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. That makes sense." He said with a nod, trying to process the abundance of information being thrown at them. "When do you start treatment?"-
  23. Covet: "Good. You have to do everything possible." Kelsey said wiping her cheeks off. She looked at Connor who was lost in all of this, but just knew that eveyrone was sad right now, so he didnt' say anything. // Haven understood enough though and Sarah had an arm around him as that information sunk in. // "I have an appointment on Monday, in Portland, to let them know if I'm starting on the medication, or seeking an alternative route. I'm hoping that if I tell them yes on the medication that they will get me in that week." Harrison said, looking at his family intently, because he'd kind of checked out in the last few years by being a grumpy jerk and was feeling guilty for that.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Well if you're going to be in Portland on Monday, we'd be happy to go with you? Or if you want to meet us afterwards?" He asked, trying to offer and be nice. He glanced to Kelsey for agreement, but he knew she wouldnt object to that.-
  25. Covet: "I'll be there, for sure." Kelsey said not even hesitating. "And any future appointments, we can get together and do coffee, or lunch. I can get Connor out for an hour or so." She offered. // Sarah smiled, "I appreciate that, cause I won't always be able to go with him." // Harrison nodded his head, "Thank you Sweetheart, and Brad, I'd like that a lot. It will make it a little easier with your support."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "We're right there, we can always go with you." He said again, shifting awkwardly in his seat.-
  27. Covet: "Yeah." Kelsey said. // Sarah smiled. "Thank you. I know you've been dealing with a lot yourselves, don't let this make you think you can't come to us if you need it. We're always here too." // Harrison nodded then looked at Kelsey and she knew at that moment her mom had talked to him and there was all sorts of guilt sitting in her mouth. "I promise I'll be there for you, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere." // Kelsey swallowed the mouthful of guilt and looked down at her plate. "Thank you. I hate to leave on such a sad note, but we really should be getting back to Portland. We've got plans this weekend, but we should definitely do family dinner more often."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Definitely." Brad agreed, giving Kelsey's arm a rub. He started to stand up, picking up their plates to walk them over into the kitchen because no one leaves without at least cleaning up after themselves.-
  29. Covet: Sarah and Harrison nodded, and Harrison took the time to help Connor get his stuff together while Sarah helped Kelsey pack up the leftovers because she knew they'd get eaten faster with Brad then they would at home. // Kelsey just kind of went throught the tasks processing everything as she went. Once they had everything she went to give her dad a huge long hug. "Take care of yourself, Dad. I'll see you on Monday. I love you." She said then gave her mom a hug as well as they headed out towards the car to get Connor loaded in and buckled up.
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Brad made a point to shake Harrison's hand as they said their goodbyes, dipping his head a little as he did. "It was good to see you again." He put his hand on Kelsey's back, leading her out toward the car. "Are you okay?"-
  31. Covet: Kelsey shook her head and spoke softly because she didn't want Connor to hear. "Please don't ask me that right now. I'm barely keeping it together as is." She said as the tears still trickled down her cheeks.
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Okay." He said gently, walking them to the car and pulling open the door for Connor. "Get buckled in, Buddy." He said to him, lingering there to make sure he was properly buckled and then offered Kelsey a hand to help her into the car.-
  33. Covet: Connor climbed in, and got buclked up, and was definitely going to be passed out by the time they hit the interstate. Kelsey took his hand and climbed into the car, buckling herself in as she stayed quiet in the car, softly sobbing to herself as she took a deep breath. She held onto Brad's hand tightly the whole drive home as well.
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