
Making a Timelapse Video from Multiple Screenshots

Apr 24th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Based on information from:
  4. First rename all the images so they are ordered consecutively. This can be done with from within the Chronolapse 1.0.8 GUI or you can use the free program called XnViewMP. (See instructions for XnViewMP below!)
  5. Then use ffmpeg (free from to turn the images into a video with a command using a format like the one below:
  7. ffmpeg -r [framerate] -i [images] -s [resolution] -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p [videofilename].mp4
  9. An example of what it might look like for you:
  11. ffmpeg -r 60 -i ss%06d.png -s 1920x1080 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p MyTimelapseVideo.mp4
  13. An explanation of each parameter:
  15. [framerate]: This is how many images will be shown per second. So 60fps is 60 images condensed into one second of video.
  16. [images]: The path to the images (if in a different directory than ffmpeg), as well as the pattern to match. The example shows ss%06d.png which means "ss" followed by 6 digits (with leading zeroes) followed by ".png" Change the 6 to however many # symbols you used while renaming files with XnViewMP (in step 5).
  17. [resolution]: The resolution of the images. This is probably the same as your monitor's resolution.
  18. [videofilename]: The filename you want the video to have when it's finished being created.
  21. ======================
  22. XnViewMP Instructions:
  23. ======================
  25. You can get XnViewMP for free from
  26. We'll use XnViewMP to rename the files sequentially starting from 1, going to 2, then 3, etc. This will make them easier to use with ffmpeg.
  27. The important thing to keep in mind is on step 5 you need to use at least as many # symbols as you have digits in the amount of images you have.
  29. So for example, if you captured 15000 files you need to use at least five # symbols. It's OK to use more than you need. I usually need 5 but I just use six to be safe.
  31. 1. Open XnViewMP and navigate to the folder where the screenshots are kept.
  32. 2. Check the status bar and wait for it to get to 100% reading all the file information or whatever it's doing. This can take a very long time!
  33. 3. Select all images.
  34. 4. Tools -> Batch Rename...
  35. 5. Use "ss######" (or similar, but without quotes) as the Name Template. Press OK. XnViewMP may become unresponsive and appear to have locked up, but don't worry, it is working. This can take a very long time if you have a lot of images.
  36. 6. Files will be renamed!
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