
Dry Bowser's Grumble Volcano Plight

Dec 7th, 2016
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  1. Dry Bowser took a good look at himself in the mirror, squinting as he placed his bony hands on his skeletal hips. The reptilian skeletal monstrosity of wonder was within his molten home at the base of the Grumble Volcano itself, being at the crater as he overlooked the volcanic racetrack, wondering if there should be anything more to add to spice up the variety.
  3. "Hmm... maybe a hotel wouldn't be so bad..." Dry Bowser mumbled, slapping his skull as he caused his own bonehead to spin around. "No, what am I thinking? We have enough of those all over. No, what we need is a way to make this place pop up more, but without causing distractions like that..."
  5. Dry Bowser then began drawing down some ideas, using the magma hardened ground as the draw board as he scratched his vision into reality. An idea popped in his mind, making him stand up as he slammed his hands together.
  7. Dry Bowser: Wait, that's it! It'll make things less bland, but won't detract too much from the race track!
  9. And so, without waiting any longer, Dry Bowser was quick to place up new signs around the Grumble Volcano, making it so that anyone could advertise whatever they wanted. It was both a nice thing to prop up the visual appeal of the volcano, without taking away what made it great. Satisfied with this, Dry Bowser went on to do a time trial, really getting a new sense of appreciation of the volcano's scope from the newly installed signs.
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