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Apr 15th, 2013
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  1. -- insuppresibleFrost [IF] opened memo AND IT NEVER ENDS right now --
  2. IF : yo ya'll get on here
  3. IF : ah know ya'll are probably attendin' to some personal convos and all that fun stuff
  4. IF : bet the romancin' already started
  5. IF : that's totes cool and all but uh
  6. IF : stop flirtin' with one another and get on this here memo this instant
  7. IF : we gotta lot of plannin' and introductions and stuff to get down to
  8. IF : ah know none of ya'll are from my last session
  9. IF : cause they kinda all died
  10. IF : so lets get to the introducin'
  11. --unaffiliatedMerc responded to memo AND IT NEVER ENDS right now --
  12. UM : Uh, intros, um...I'm Miles Jackson and I'm a alcoholic.
  13. UM : It's been a hour since my last drink...
  14. UM : I think I'm doing pretty well.
  15. UM : Who are you?
  16. IF : quite the baggage you got there with ya
  17. IF : don't worry about it i've seen much worse
  18. IF : just don't let all that drinkin' hurt us in this here session
  19. IF : anyways ya'll can call me jana
  20. IF : just your ordinary girl who got pulled into a neverendin' game of life and death and all that fancy stuff
  21. IF : if any of ya'll need a helpin' hand just shoot me a message
  22. IF : i pride myself on bein' a handy girl
  23. --unaffiliatedMerc responded to memo AND IT NEVER ENDS right now --
  24. UM: Uh, question.
  25. UM: Where the hell is all my cool stuff?
  26. UM: All I have is my pipe, my gun, and my clothes.
  27. UM: And you would drink too when your best friend dies in front of you.
  28. UM: Although, I did kick the Black King's ass completely smashed.
  29. UM: So there's that.
  30. --tradingcardGamer [TG] responded to memo AND IT NEVER ENDS right now --
  31. TG: Nice, someone had the foresight to open a memo.
  32. TG: To everyone who I haven't introduced myself to, being IF, DD, and CT, my name is Ness Gardna, formerly of New Turtle City
  34. in the Land of Security and Metropolis, ever more formerly of Domino City of Earth, now of unknown abode, male, 14,
  36. professional Duelist and hobbyist video gamer, former Page of Mind, now of unknown title. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
  37. TG: Now, SF- in response to your question of why I'm not panicking- I only do that if something happens that I don't expect.
  38. TG: Which is most of the time in SBURB, to be honest.
  39. TG: UM- your alchemized equipment is gone, sadly. I'm still mourning the loss of my treasured Duel Disk, Dragonforcer. And
  41. quite right, permadeath is never a thing that comes lightly. Do try to stay on the wagon for the session though, please.
  42. TG: So, looking at the player list, we have an odd number, which points to a glitch. Odd.
  43. TG: And another one seems to be that at the very least me and SF are on our planets, rather than Earth. Mine seems to be
  45. water-based, given that my Dwelling Spire extends about 20 feet out of an ocean stretching to the horizon. SF's description
  47. of his is "There's a bunch of hills everywhere." Hopefully when he gets on here he'll be able to elaborate.
  48. TG: Also about prototypings.
  49. TG: To my knowledge, they are a Mefist the Infernal General duel monsters card, an original iPod, and I don't know about the
  51. other five.
  52. TG: Watch out with the first one.
  53. TG: The underlings will be equipped with very heavy armor and oversized weapons which damage your soul and/or mind. I have no
  55. idea what Jeremy was thinking.
  56. TG: We should get a list going here.
  57. --CURRENT cursedTinker [CCT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo--
  58. CCT: Well, shit. From what little I remember of that stuff, Yu-Gi-Oh monsters are OP as fuck. Then again, being a Magic
  60. player myself, I have no room to complain (hello there, Phyrexian Rebirth).
  61. CCT: Wait. Why does it say "Current" cursedTinker? Where else would I be?
  62. CCT: Eh, whatever. Whoever's computer this is probably has some bootleg copy of Pesterchum or something.
  63. CCT: Uh, right. Introduction. My name's Don Silas, and I enjoy coding, video games, long walks on the beach, not being dead.
  65. As for prototypes, I prototyped a floppy disk and my dead sister.
  66. CCT: You know, fun times.
  67. CCT: To clarify, that was sarcasm. In no way did I enjoy seeing my family die in front of me.
  68. CCT: But yeah, I don't really see how that's relevant to the current situation.
  69. TG: No, not what you prototyped last session, what the guy you're replacing prototyped this session. Wait, you're a newbie,
  71. aren't you.
  72. TG: How can I explain this... The Ultimate Reward is glitched. You can't receive the Reward at all. Instead, you end up in a
  74. failed session, replacing the dead player, rewound to a while before entering the Medium.
  75. TG: Or, in our case, to just after.
  76. TG: You'll need to meet your sprite and find out what they were prototyped with. Forewarning- the necroprototype was replaced
  78. by the dead player. You can try to find out what happened to their session, but if they're of similar disposition to
  80. Jeremefistsprite, you won't get much out of them.
  81. TG: On an aside, I did previously collect MtG cards as well. That prototyping sounds horrific.
  82. TG: Now, DD, I understand that you're a veteran?
  83. TG: Do the Atomyk Ebonpyres start on their own, or do they wait for a server connection to be created? I... don't seem to
  85. remember. I hate not being Mind.
  86. TG: Jeremy says there's something really important I should see. I'll be back...
  87. TG: He says he doesn't know how long it'll take. This computer is decidedly not portable, so I'll get back on at some point.
  88. TG: I will speak with you all later.
  89. --tradingcardGamer [TG] ceased responding to the memo--
  90. UM: Watch out for the iPod one.
  91. UM: It gives the underlings their own soundtrack.
  92. UM: And sound attacks every so often.
  93. UM: Also, I'm still Knight of Rain.
  94. UM: So yeah.
  95. --schadenFreudian [SF] responded to memo AND IT NEVER ENDS right now--
  96. SF: Hello.
  97. SF: Sorry I'm late.
  98. SF: Had a run-in with a flying emo horse.
  99. SF: So if imps start neighing and flying around, now you know why.
  100. SF: Anyway, I panicked a bit there about SBURB restarting.
  101. SF: I think I'm okay now.
  102. SF: My name is Chase Bishop. Seer of Void in my...previous...session.
  103. SF: My land is just filled with hills. A lot of them are red, but I don't know if it's all of them.
  104. SF: That's about all I can tell.
  105. SF: So what are we supposed to do now?
  106. SF: I mean, of course there's the server/client thing.
  107. SF: Should we start on that quickly, before all of the imps start spawning?
  108. SF: I thought I was an expert on SBURB, but apparently not.
  109. --galvinStarlight [GS] responed to memo AND IT NEVER ENDS right now –
  110. GS: Well it seems that I’m the last one to the party.
  111. GS: Sorry for taking so long.
  112. GS: Who knows though
  113. GS: maybe I’m a time player this time.
  114. GS: Heh heh
  115. GS: Anyways I’d have to agree with schadenFreudian
  116. GS: The best thing to do now is find out who each other’s server/client players are
  117. GS: Once that’s established we can start trying to figure out just what we’re dealing with this session:
  118. GS: Titles aspects, lands, prototyping,
  119. GS: All that good stuff
  120. GS: Oh and for some clarification cursedTinker
  121. GS: This being a different session that your first, you’ll find your sprite to bit different.
  122. GS: If you can try and find him/her/it and see exactly what exactly the prototype is.
  123. UM: Anybody speak spanish?
  124. UM: My Spritepersonthingy speaks Spanish.
  125. UM: I need help.
  126. TG: UM- Spanish. It speaks Spanish.
  127. TG: I thought all game constructs spoke English, even a protyped thing incapable of doing so previously?
  128. TG: Argh, more glitches.
  129. TG: Anyways, the thing that Jeremy was showing me was the fact that evidently my Consort Villages aren't static.
  130. TG: Or villages.
  131. TG: A city full of panada people, a literal Domino-sized city, just floated past my house on a massive island-platform-thing.
  133. TG: Also, how did you find out you were Knight of Rain if your Sprite can't communicate with you?
  134. TG: One more thing, Jeremy tells me that my title is the Waste of Dreams.
  135. TG: That sounds like a really weak and silly title.
  136. CCT: Wait, what? So we have to worry about flying horse Duel Monster imps with iPods? Well that's just fucking great. At
  138. least my specibus is ranged.
  139. CCT: As for my former player's prototypings, I haven't seen him/her yet, but based on the fact that a BOTTLE OF DORITOS (yes,
  141. a bottle. Who even thinks of shit like this? Is it for while you're too busy GRINDING MAD STUNTS YO to be able to use your
  143. hands or something?) just decided to clobber me in the face, I think I can safely assume that it's going to be something
  145. sports-related.
  146. CCT: My money is on a skateboard.
  147. CCT: I'm going to go look around, see if I can't get my bearings a bit.
  148. CCT: burb.
  149. --CURRENT cursedTinker [CCT] ceased responding to memo--
  150. IF : lookin' like my sprite's two parts ancient and annoying
  151. IF : like this whole house looks like something out of one of those stupid novels they force you to study in english classes
  152. IF : with the garden chairs and the tea and all
  153. IF : anyways i'm hopin' we got ourselves time and space players or this session's already off to a bad start
  154. IF : my sprite was impossible to hold a normal convo with so i have no idea what i am
  155. IF : and tg i had myself a pretty awesome dream player in my first ever session
  156. IF : page if the old brain's rememberin' right
  157. IF : boy kept coming up with crazy stuff for his attacks
  158. IF : like i never saw the same thing twice out of that dude
  159. IF : that might be part of the job description for you
  160. IF : hope you're the artsy fartsy type
  161. IF : lemmie just check who i'm the server for real quick
  162. IF : she's loadin' up right now
  163. IF : if any of ya'll load up your screens and see a girl in a ten gallon and boots with spurs ya'll are lookin' at yours
  165. truly
  166. --CURRENT cursedTinker [CCT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo--
  167. CCT: Welp, looks like I was right, unfortunately.
  168. CCT: I have some sort of skater douchebag who looks like he jumped right out of Game Bro as my sprite.
  169. CCT: Also he has a helmet on. I guess that was his prototype, so be on the lookout for flying horse Duel Monster imps with
  171. iPods AND HELMETS.
  172. CCT: Holy shit, really racking up the challenge here.
  173. CCT: Not that you can really top bullshit Yu-Gi-Oh creatures. I mean, seriously, what dumbass puts god monsteras into
  175. kernels?
  176. In any case, it looks like my Land might have something to do with math, according to Helmsonsprite (Helmet+Jason; I refuse
  178. to call him "Jason X").
  179. CCT: Maybe geometry? The ground looks all grid-like, and what little "plant life" I can see looks like some art designer's
  181. abortion character.
  182. CCT: I'll probably find out more about the weird lights (oh yeah, there are these weird lights floating around. Forgot to
  184. mention that. The sky's pretty dark, but the lights make it not so much. One flew by me and I guess "saw" me, because it
  186. turned red, squeaked, and vanished) when I go exploring.
  187. IF : lookin' like my sprite's two parts ancient and annoying
  188. IF : like this whole house looks like something out of one of those stupid novels they force you to study in english classes
  189. IF : with the garden chairs and the tea and all
  190. IF : anyways i'm hopin' we got ourselves time and space players or this session's already off to a bad start
  191. IF : my sprite was impossible to hold a normal convo with so i have no idea what i am
  192. IF : and tg i had myself a pretty awesome dream player in my first ever session
  193. IF : page if the old brain's rememberin' right
  194. IF : boy kept coming up with crazy stuff for his attacks
  195. IF : like i never saw the same thing twice out of that dude
  196. IF : that might be part of the job description for you
  197. IF : hope you're the artsy fartsy type
  198. IF : lemmie just check who i'm the server for real quick
  199. IF : she's loadin' up right now
  200. IF : if any of ya'll load up your screens and see a girl in a ten gallon and boots with spurs ya'll are lookin' at yours
  202. truly
  203. SF: Yeah okay. I'll boot up the server disk and take a look-see.
  204. SF: Alright, I am currently ogling a room plastered with swim-suit model posters and miscellaneous sports equipment on my
  206. screen.
  207. SF: There's also a boy wearing a chestnut sweatshirt at a computer.
  208. SF: I'm moderately sure that's not you, IF. Though I applaud your declared sense of style.
  209. SF: Ah, and to whomever happens to be my server player, I'm currently situated in a black room, wearing blue jeans, white
  211. shirt, and a striped black-and-white jacket.
  212. SF: The overwhelming negrocity factor of the room and overwhelming confusion factor of my face should be the dead giveaways.
  213. UM: It's good at miming.
  214. UM: Also you can just tell when you're a [Blank] of Rain.
  215. GS: All right guys, just found some stuff out.
  216. GS: One, you’re reading the text of your space player
  217. GS: Yay me
  218. GS: Two, my sprite apparently only prototyped a mustache
  219. GS: Not exactly sure how he did that but there you have it.
  220. GS: Three, I’m the guy sitting in a silver painted room with an ungodly amount of light coming through the window with a frog
  222. on his desk.
  223. --dementedDamsel responded to memo AND IT NEVER ENDS right now --
  224. DD: First I wish to apology for being late to respond to this memo, which by the way I commend, insuppresibleFrost, for
  226. starting in the first place.
  227. DD: Scrolling through it a little bit, it looks like everyone is sharing whatever information they have managed to acquire as
  229. of yet.
  230. DD: This is wonderful, usually it takes much longer to get anywhere near as organized as we are now.
  231. DD: Especially when we have so many sboobs around. (I hope the use of term sboob does not offend anyone's sensibilities.)
  232. DD: Anyhow, to my own little discoveries. My Sprite has told the title of my Land.
  233. DD: It's called, The Land of Gore and Bears. Please don't be to alarmed by this Title, Skaia tends to make all it's Lands
  235. sound strange and ominous.
  236. DD: Also, my current Title is Sylph of Blood. It's the Champion Class, for those who don't know, and the Aspect represents
  238. the idea of friendship, blood ties and social cohesion.
  239. DD: The Sprite also informed me of it being prototyped by some kind of romance-fantasy novel.
  240. DD: So I would suggest you watch out for IMPS in obsidian armor.
  241. DD: Speaking of IMPS, she also mentioned something about there being a crisis on Derse. This may or may not explain why the
  243. Atomyk Ebonpyres are not functioning properly, TG.
  244. DD: Oh, how rude of me, I almost forget to mention my name. It's Elsa Graves, and this will be my ninth session. I started as
  246. a Grace of Breath if that is of any consequence to any of you.
  247. DD: If you have any questions or need any kind of emotional supportive, please, don't be to shy to ask for it.
  248. DD: Better yet, defer to this FAQ.
  249. DD: It's writer has very typical, Might Player brofist personality, but the information is quite credible and extensive.
  250. DD: Lastly, UM, if you have any desire to have a private discussion about your drinking habits then feel free to talk to me
  252. about it.
  253. UM: So, I now know what the hell my sprite is saying.
  254. UM: Turns out she was fucking with me.
  255. UM: No, I'm not gonna type what she's saying.
  256. UM: Fuck her.
  257. UM: Anyways, I'm in the Land of Ice and Rock.
  258. UM: FML.
  259. CCT: Okay, after another brain-draining talk with Helmsonsprite, I have found out that I am supposed to be the Sage of Time.
  260. CCT: Woo hoo. All aboard the weird time shit train.
  261. CCT: I guess that explains the "Current" prefix on my Pesterchum client.
  262. CCT: In any case, I appear to be on the Land of Tangents and Paranoia. To whomever is my server player, I am in a room
  264. that... well, just imagine all the connotations associated with the word "bro," and you've got it. I'm the one wearing cargo
  266. pants and a T-shirt, both tan.
  267. CCT: I guess all that remains is to see who my client player is.
  268. CCT: Please hold. Your call is very important to us.
  269. TG: First up, seems I'm in the Land of Liquid and Structure- the first word explains the ocean, and I guess the second
  271. explains the floating cities.
  272. TG: CT- well, not "god" monster as such- it's only a level 5, and a weak one at that, but still not fun.
  273. TG: DD- I'll get the server disk up presently. Also, why is it that nobody ever reads that guide until at least their second
  275. session? Also, seriously, so much armor. Is it too much to hope for that they'll be so slow from all of it that they'll be
  277. unable to move at any speed or be a threat? *sigh* It probably is.
  278. TG: For whoever ends up my Server player, I'm the one with the cool green hat and red shirt with white sleeves, in a plain-
  280. looking, although neon-green (my eyes are starting to hurt, I think it's that way because Jeremy plays a Naturia deck [god I
  282. hate Naturias]), room.
  283. TG: Right, getting the server program running...
  284. TG: Where is it.
  285. TG: It's not here.
  286. TG: Bad news, it seems that Jeremy managed to die before he even hit his first gate and never even got the server disk into
  288. his computer.
  289. TG: So it's in his mailbox, probably.
  290. TG: On the plus side, as I seem to be the only one with a sprite who can be intelligibly conversed with, I'm told that Don,
  292. aka cursedTinker, is my server player, and Jana, aka insupressableFrost, is my client player. Sorry Jana, it may be a bit
  294. before I can get you some alchemy equipment and such.
  295. TG: I'll get back to you guys soon.
  296. --tradingcardGamer [TG] ceased responding to the memo--
  297. CCT: Seriously? You have themed rooms based on what type of decks you use? That's just sad, man. I was initially thinking
  299. that no once could be more obsessed than you seem to be, but it looks like I was wrong.
  300. CCT: Also, Saying that the monsters are "Level 5" doesn't mean anything. They're still fucking huge abominations with shitty
  302. oversized anime swords, and now obsidian armor, apparently.
  303. CCT: How does that even work? Wouldn't stone armor be ridiculously hard to move in?
  304. CCT: Then again, the stuff apparently comes from a fantasy book, so anything goes in that regard, I guess.
  305. CCT: Sigh.
  306. CCT: This is not looking good at all.
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